
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Sci-fi
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17 Chs


Elsewhere within the city of Nox, this blue light caught a pair of eyes, and the blue flashed in eyes, and mental data took on a torrent, as if drawn like water to the earth that had dried up for millions of years.

A faint metallic sound appeared in their minds

"I swear in the name of World's Xon and his awareness on the rune of my mind that I will not betray the emperor, and if I break this oath, then let my worlds be demolished, and I will disappear from this world in eternal darkness, and Xon will continue forever, Long live the emperor, the ruler of infinite worlds."

The heavenly light quickly disappeared as it did not happen, and the two figures did not remember anything, as if the data had been sealed in their minds

One of two people sat on a bright white platform in the midst of the clouds, as if the fog was completely surrounding it, and tears ran down from his white eyes on his green skin, and his large bald head shone, and it was none other than King Chak Olka, the king of the emperor's protective family.

And his eyes shone like a bright white beam, conveying his message to the minds of the entire family with a strong and dominate voice that no one in the family could deny his authority. "Summon the three ancient generals, tighten security within the Olka royal family, and close the doors of the royal family. Outsiders are not allowed to enter, Whoever disobeys this order will be condemned to annihilation, in eternal darkness "

Everyone within the Olka royal family moved quickly, following King Chak Olka's orders, and wonder appeared in their eyes, as if the world had changed from yesterday.

The biggest question for them is: 'What is annihilation in eternal darkness?'

And at the white platform where King Shack sat, three similar figures appeared, with the same color as the body, a bald head, white eyes, and tall strong body bowed in submission.

"Greetings to Mac Chak, king of the royal family of Olka."

"Enough with greetings , The direction of the times has changed. I don't know what happened. And there will be no a big change is coming. I don't know what, but it may be from the three royal families whose betrayal we discover throughout the chaos that the old emperor allowed us to do before his death. General Val Ma' what is news fromThe three families now?

General Val replied without raising his head, "The three families are trying to reach the consciousness of the world. The Sakid family began to extract the world's power by mining it and harvesting the remaining pollen energy from it. The Sidkar family has not moved yet. The Xander family is still searching for ancient sciences and manuscripts."

King Shack's eyes rolled back, thinking, "If the disintegration begins, the facts will soon come out."

King Shack's eyes shone, addressing the three figures in front of him, "General Val, follow Prince Cale and don't leave his side even within the royal family's territory."

General Fall replied, "Yes, my Liege "

King command "Go now, and if someone approaches the prince, then any person or mental message from one of the other families inform me immediately."

After General Val had gone, King Shack looked to his followers, the two strongest brotherly generals within the Olka family who had followed him for more than a chaotic periods turn and spoke in a soft voice, "Brothers Yin and Yang Olka, look at me?"

Expressions of astonishment appeared on the two brothers, and they answered together, "Liege?"

The astonishment of the two brothers increased when they looked at the king. They wondered who this man was sitting in front of them.

Is this the prestige of the king, which only bows to the emperor, and this man crying in front of them? This king did not cry for millions of years except at the death of the ancient emperor.

"Brother Chuck, what happened?" Yin quickly asked.

King Chak replied in a weak voice, as if the pain of many years appeared within his words, and the tears continued to flow like rivers

"The moment of redemption is coming soon. I do not know how or why, but a new future will come to us. What happened before must not happen. We must follow the old oath, We do not rule, We are the protectors of the Grand Ruler, Emperor Xon. These are my words to you, brothers, The time must not repeat itself. Go now. It is a mission."Chak continued " General, now, do not let anything pass through your hands. The matters of other families and our internal family matters are your priority , do you understand?"

Tears appeared from the eyes of the two brothers, and they responded in broken submission, "Yes, O King, the King's words are the future. If we had not neglected our King's previous words, things would not have ended in this situation."

King Chak said and went to the white world of Olkas, "When the Emperor returns, we must be his sword and shield. He must not die in grief. It was not your fault. Something happened that confused the entire city of Nox, and no one has this power except the old Emperor himself. I do not know what he was planning." But let's see, Emperor Xon makes no mistake, go now, I want to be alone for now."

The two brothers, Yin and Yang, bowed respectfully, and their bodies disappeared

And after they left, King Chak closed his eyes, and tears began to flow profusely

"Why, Emperor, why did you not tell me? I know it was your will, but I swore to protect you when you left us in the darkest of times. Did you realize how much this world you wanted would not be at peace in your presence? Did you realize the greed in their eyes, so you left them without anything? Then why? Why did you leave me in this state when you did not erase our memories together, my friend? I failed to see the truth in front of my eye, but you saw it, and that is why you are punishing me now?, You went and left me alone in this world to protect it for you. Time is running out. The cycle of chaos will soon end and the world you created will be destroyed?"

Paleness and weakness appeared on the king's face, and he said in a weak voice, "If my end is with this world, I will protect it with my life, I could not protect you, but your world still exists. Greed and hatred will not desecrate it as you wanted. I swear by my name that you gave me that this world will remain as it is until the day comes when We vanish together. Wait for me, my old friend, inside the eternal darkness, so that we can drink and have fun as we did before"

hello again your friend illusory

our story trasted to twisting enemies friend petreyalsieeking for power word demand wars and grief

a world swimming deep in dark chaos just to still living

enough spoilers its a story for another time

help my world out by rating and giving me feed backs to make our world perfect


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