
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Romance
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17 Chs


Adam asked in amazement, "The ancient emperor created the city of NOx. You mean that this city is a world like the other worlds, How can one world contain millions of worlds?"

Ash was surprised, "You're not stupid then?"

Adam shouted in protest as if he had been wronged, "Why am I stupid? My IQ was 260. Do you know what this is? I was a genius in my previous world."

Ash laughed as he was mocking him, "Genius means nothing here, Everything is limited to imagination. If you don't have enough power to give your world a starting point, it won't exist in the first place."

Adam rejoiced again and smiled sarcastically, "So doesn't having 4 worlds mean that I'm strong?"

Ash suddenly laughed and spoke seriously, "Is that the problem?"

Adam smiled and continued to worry, "What do you mean by that?"

A metallic lash appeared internally in the mind .

Adam felt like an electric shock. His limbs froze and he did not choose to run you even with his fingers. "Listen to me now. If you want to live, yes, you are my people. If we want to compare you with the indigenous people of this city, you are famous only now, and this is what differs between you and the indigenous people." "

Ash sighed loudly and continued, "The city of the worlds, Nox, is it a whole world."

'What? Do you mean she has a world spirit?' Adam shouted in his mind's mind.

Adam was surprised by the disappearance of Ash's voice, and astonishment almost appeared on his face, if Ash had not frozen him. He opened his mouth and eyes, astonished not by Ash's answer, but by his miserable, painful voice, as if he was preparing for a painful experience, "Not anymore. For the first time. For the first time, you want to create a world spirit NOx City has some."

Ash's voice returned, "This is not your news now," and he continued the explanation as if nothing had happened

"You possess a Xon with a world spirit, Do you know what would happen if you realized for the first time this? The data of ancient times disappeared with the disappearance of the Emperor into eternal darkness, as did the memories of all the inhabitants of Nox  City. The million-year chaos cycle in your world disappeared with it, Do you now realize how powerful the Emperor is? Have you realized now?, How famous are you?".

The freezing effect on Adam and when he realized that he could stop turning around quickly, "Is the cycle of chaos a million years?"

Ash continued explaining to Adam, "Yes, the Chaos Cycle is the lifespan of the residents of Knox City. The average lifespan in this city is one Chaos Cycle. Do you know why?".

Adam was surprised by Ash's question and answered in surprise "How can I know when I don't know what you mean? The general chaos cycle in the previous world is equal to 365 days, which is when the Earth finishes completing its orbit around the sun. You wait. You don't mean the explosion?"

Ash was amazed at Adam's prediction and thought to himself, 'Can this person achieve what the previous emperor failed to do? Has he helped him as a future emperor? Is an action described as safe before?'

'Continue, what is Adam's question? Ash answered' "Yes, this city was divided into four sections. Throughout the previous chaos, no one has entered the central section of the old emperor yet?"

Adam shouted, "What? What do you mean so far? Are you saying that someone is entering the central area?"

Ash laughed, "What do you mean by the one who knows yet, which is us!"

Once, it appeared to Adam as if Ash had mentally shocked him again, and he froze in place while he was trapped by the four lights in the palace. The silence continued to protect him until Ash trapped him 

"I did not hit you without meaning to, Also, how long will you remain frozen in place?"

Adam swallowed his saliva and said with a shaky voice, "The central area? Yes, the old emperor's palace? Why?"

Ash sneered at him, "And you're bragging about yourself? My smart ass didn't realize that, After seeing the throne and telling you about four ruling families, did you not realize that these small thrones belong to the ruling families? It's clear that I had to tell you everything from the beginning, and simply if this continues, you won't finish." <Explanation: Before the end of cycle chaos, five days Knox are organized when Knox's heart beats twice It is morning entrance to Wanderer Worlds banks up and covers entire city distinctive unique At night descend>

Adam closed his mouth and sat respectfully, as if a child had discovered his great mistake, and respectfully, as if he was apologizing to his parents, "Sorry, I am stupid and did not realize your great status. Forgive this weak, ignorant person for not your great status, but now I realize that I will die?

Ash was astonished  "What do you mean, you think well, and a person in this city will not return to eternal magic except according to his world's tactics?"

Adam protests.

Ash said reassuringly, "Don't be afraid. No one inside this city can enter the central logic without knowledgeable awareness. Even you, if it weren't for my presence, wouldn't be able to enter here, so this palace is safe."

Adam sighed in relief and relaxed, "Why didn't you say this before? Well, let's continue, then, how are the other areas different?"

Ash continued the explanation in a calm metallic voice, like singing on the guitar strings, <The city of Knox is divided into four places according to the average age individual The outer area contains population fourth-class worlds. inner two areas for third- and second-class worlds, central royal families first-class but you will find Few did not belong there Emperor's does allow those without an ID enter exit can only be done by granting Emperor a knowledgeable awareness his trusted followers>

The shock appeared on Adam again, as if his face had gotten used to it. "Can the Emperor grant consciousness to a world?"

Ash sighed as he answered Adam, "Yes, but you are not an emperor yet, so do not dream of this. Giving awareness to a world is the most difficult thing facing an emperor. The emperor goes through difficult trials and must succeed in them."

Ash suddenly asked, "Trials, didn't you tell me that I should start my trials to control my worlds before I own them, and what would happen if the trial failed?"

Ash said after a period of silence, "No one knows what happens in trials except those who enter them, and no one has entered a trial since ancient time, and there is more than one result of the trial. When you succeed in the trial, the world recognizes you as its origin. That is, the trial is carried out by the world to ensure that you are its master. Because you were not born in this city, it was hidden worlds until you arrived here. This is the difference between and among the residents of NOx."

A sparkle appeared in Adam's eyes as if he had realized something and asked Ash , "So that's why you told me to complete the trials quickly?"

Ash replied, "Yes, but you don't have to finish them all. Only one is enough. You must have a world to live in this city. Your world determines your identity and your position, and how long will you stay in this world. The more fertile your imagination and awareness becomes, the more your world develops and becomes stronger, and when the conditions for development are implemented, it rises." The degree of your world, and when you rise to each level, you find a trial, and so on, until you reach the awareness of the world Xon.

Adam's eyes rolled around as if he was looking for something and asked, "What will happen if I fail the trial?"

Ash replied, "Very few people have their worlds disappear with them and go into eternal darkness, But this happens when you enter a world that is not yours, If you destroy the world you are in during your trial, you and your true worlds will disappear forever, So be careful not to let this happen."

Ash continued, explaining, "And if your trial is in your world, you can do it whenever you want, but a period of time must pass for the world's rune to regain its stability, but the trial is more difficult with every failure, so I do not advise you to do so. You may end up in a world that you cannot develop and get stuck." That's what most NOx residents go through."

Adam was astonished and asked in amazement, "Are you saying that they can't pass their trial so they are stuck in a fixed degree forever?"

again thank you for reading andenjoying our world hope you like it so far

i know there is too much information but I really try to draw the world as near as I imagined it

so if anyone have a question just ask glad to help

i do my best to at least writting 2 ch per day hope you enjoy the ride

if you enjoy our world help us to share it


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