
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

Mind Runes

Shapes appeared before Adam's eyes as if drawn in the air, and a hand appeared holding a stick as if explaining it to a student, and the drawings began to move until they formed four successive circles.

Inside each circle was written a number from one to four from top to bottom, and between each circle was words written in a strange language, as if They are drawings that Adam saw for the first time, but he felt as if he could read them.

Adam looked up and saw a strange drawing, but when he closed his eyes, its meaning appeared inside his mind.

Ash explained, "Here are four degrees of worlds, sequential from the highest to the lowest, from the first to the fourth degree, but some worlds possess the consciousness of a world of their own, and this is what differs from the worlds with degrees and the special worlds, When the worlds of these degrees acquire the data of this world and its special sciences, and so on, You gain a special ability for this world, like your three worlds, When you finish your trial, you will know what the purpose of your special abilities is and their use, The more knowledge you gain, the stronger the rune resulting from your subconscious will be, When your world level reaches the second-level world, the world rune begins to form."

Adam wondered in amazement, "If the worlds from the fourth level to the first differ in information acquired from the worlds, as well as the special abilities, does this mean that when passing each trial, I acquires new abilities?"

Ash laughed sarcastically, "Do you think it's that easy? No, when you acquire a world, you acquire a complementary ability to this world that helps you manage it and harvest what you need from it, such as resources, data, special tools, currencies, and many things depend on the world and its trial. As for special abilities, they develop with the development of your world, And the rune that results from it, you do not know what you will gain or what you will develop into except during your trials"

Adam sighed bitterly, "So everything depends on a person's luck?"

Ash paused for a moment, then started laughing hard again, as if he had found something he enjoyed very much. Then he continued , but he could not contain his mockery of Adam and continued,

"Luck?, There is no such thing in this world. Did you forget what I told you? Everything depends on it, Your imagination and the mental power of a person in this world may be luck for some people, but the truth is that you are the one who creates everything from beginning to end, When a person's thoughts begin to follow and create his personal world, with the appropriate spark, the world is created and its development depends on the amount of knowledge you possess, And the ability to digest the acquired data, that is why I gave you the mental training manuscript and you brag about your genius in front of me, How stupid you are as a human being who relies on luck, Now look, this is how worlds are developed."

The shapes changed in the air and some strange letters began to form like drawings again, and Ash continued, saying, "When origins have ideas for the worlds, a spark is born in the subconscious of the person's mind, forming the light that you see, but the degree of the world depends on the details and data entered into this world, and therefore the creation of mind rune from the world stops, The world is based on the person's unconsciousness and the ability of his own imagination resulting from the subconscious, The shapes continued to change, forming a light like stars, like the four lights at the top of the palace"

The light moved to reveal within it a strange world full of mountains and birds that Adam had never seen before.

Adam looked around as if he saw imagination changing into reality and thought internally 'Doesn't this mean that everything a person imagines is transformed by the world's rune into reality in the reality '

Ash mocked Adam as if he enjoyed insulting him whenever the opportunity came

"Yes and no, as I told you before, the details of the subconscious don't give your world the ability to be recreate in reality, but this does not apply to the residents of NOx City, as each of them was born with his own world, but world evolution  depends on the same theory, and this is what the residents of the city of the worlds, NOx, eager to know"

Adam was amazed by what he saw, and the scenes around him began to change.

He began to feel that with every small detail, this world was changing radically, as if it were different with every small addition from the world before it.

Adam asked Ash surprisingly , "If you realize that they don't know all this, then how the city dwellers continued to develop their worlds so far?".

Ash continued to change the complex mind rune, then everything disappeared, and a yellow dust with black lines appeared.

He explained patiently , "This is the world's pollen, Like flowers, they are refined, The worlds are refined with world's pollen to increase their details by merging them with the worlds, but this is a very long and expensive process, as you need to destroy hundreds of worlds to develop one world, From the fourth degree to the third, thousands from the third degree to the second, and millions of world's pollen in order to develop to the first degree, but to reach the Xon you must finish developing world, finish the trials, and fulfill the conditions so that the world of the first degree can transform into the consciousness of the Xon world to gain it's spirit world"

Adam wondered as this world became more strange than his previous world and his brain began to ache as if it was splitting into many parts with this amount of information, "Is this why they wanted to destroy my world when they drag me here so they could get the world's pollen to improve their worlds?"

Ash sighed and explained, "They're a bunch of idiots, They don't know that after reaching the first level, you won't be able to develop the world's spirit using world's pollen, fine, now that you know how this city works,

Ash voice change and asked seriously " let's go back to your worlds, Do you know what worlds you have?"

staring from the next chapter it will be hard for some and even for me as I explain some of adams powers so pair with me as I try my best to give you worlds as Imagined it

knowing mind runes is the main power in our world so knowing it help so much in the future

and mind runes depend in the level of the world as I expained there is 5 ranks from the forth till Xon world and each level needs own trials and terms to full fill evolution

I know it is a short chapter but I cant describe world and leave another.

help out by sharing and support me to give me courage to imagine so much more wo repaint this world

thank you and have a nice day

yours illusory

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