
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Romance
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17 Chs


Silk spoke in a weak, frightened voice and thought to himself,

'All I saw before was the king of Sidkar, just the king of my ass, The power coming from this being is a hundred times stronger than the power of kings, if not a thousand times, With just words, he made my powers disappear and my world shook with fear '

"This - this follower accepts"

The creature cloaked in mist laughed loudly, making the entire palace shake with fear.

He spoke lightly, casting his gaze at King Shak, "And the race of Olkas, King Shak Olka"

King Shak  sighed inwardly and forcibly suppressed his curiosity after realizing that he was faced with his old friend, the Emperor of Xon once again, from the ripples coming from the blurry being in front of him,

"This subordinate cannot refuse, but the Olkas race has sworn to follow the old Emperor and be his shield, and I cannot disobey him"

The blurry shape of Adam and the metallic sound of laughter took over, making the entire palace seem like a mental battlefield in which strong minds collide, not caring about the two ants standing in the middle of the palace.

metallic Ash's voice came out as if he had realized Adam's intention and echoed inside the palace,

<The last will and testament of the Ancient Emperor Xon is being presented>

King Shak was surprised by the announcement coming from the world's Spirit, and his white eyes shook after hearing the word of the last will, and tears fell from his eyes in a weak, shaking voice that the other three barely heard.

"So this is what happened, my friend. I realized that something happened with your disappearance, but I didn't realize that you would go into eternal darkness before me"

The metallic voice changed and the last words of the Old Emperor of Zun began to echo inside the palace,

<This is the last message of Old Emperor. Start your first trial soon. Do not announce yourself now to any three royal families. Trust Olka>

King Shak and Silk's expressions changed after the Old Emperor's words, as if they couldn't understand this message.

Silk asked in a voice that was his thoughts. Words came out unintentionally,

"Trials, what is trials?"

While Silk was trembling after hearing the Emperor's last words left to his Crown Prince, he was immersed in his thoughts.

King Shak closed his eyes and fell to his knees and began to laugh happily.

Tears fell heavily from his eyes as if he had waited to hear these words for a long time.

His laughter began to echo in the palace.

He suddenly stopped and stood in his place.

He bowed slowly and with great respect to the blurry being in front of him and it shone. His white eyes with strength and determination,

"This subordinate was ashamed of the Crown Prince seeing this weakness  IN front of him."

Adam smiled lightly and in a deep voice, not caring about what happened in front of him now, "Old fox, he wanted this from the beginning, so he rejected my offer. This time, I will grant you your wish for free. Do not disobey your old emperor's orders now."

King Shak extended his right hand, and the white rune began to form in his eyes, creating an illusionary shape in his hands of a bright white fox with two tails. It was none other than the Olkas scholar, and he bowed, offering his right hand forward and his left hand behind his back. "King Shak Olka, king of the Olkas royal family, declares his oath to Emperor of NOx "

Adam laughed gently and looked with wide-eyed eyes at the white rune of the fox and spoke in his deep voice,

"By offering your respect to this emperor by offering the world of your race, I will grant your request and accept you, Follow me, You are now the king of Shak Olka."

Blue runes began to rain down from the azure light above the palace as if bestowing their blessings on this white world.

Adam continued, "The Olka race belongs to this emperor, I will give you this as a gift from me for this pairing"

The looks of astonishment on King Shak's face began to change to shock, and the blue rune merged with the Olka fox rune, forming a third, indistinct tail that moved lightly as if it had finally come together with a missing part of it, and abundant data began to pour into King Shak's mind, many incomprehensible methods and techniques.

He said in a shaky voice, "With this gift from the Crown Prince, the Olka royal family will rise again, but the ancient language no one has been able to read during current chaos period "

The blurry figure spoke calmly as if he knew this would happen, "Don't rush to conclusions, King Shak"

King Shak bowed apologetically, "This subordinate cannot think of this. It is enough that the Olka rune has begun to recover after a million years, This subordinate offers his thanks to the Imperial Crown Prince"

Without paying attention to what King Shak said, he looked at Silk deeply and asked Ash,

'Ash, this Silk world is like my other three worlds, Is it possible for him to evolve into a Xon as well?"

Ash answered mentally:

'I told you this depends on the mentality of the creator of the world, but if he is developed correctly and given data to help him, and enough pollen, and fulfilling the conditions of the trials, he may reach the Xon World and he gain world spirit as well'

The blurry figure of Adam smiled as a white face looking at his prey and he looked at Silk as if this was a powerful being that decided to devour him and Silk shook under these looks and waited in silence.

The blurry figure spoke in a deep calm that seemed like a large, wide river over which the wind dare not to move,

"Silk, I know what your family has done to you. You are my vassal now, This is my first order to you, King Silk Sidkar."

Silk shook in his place and King Shak looked at the young man standing next to him as if he was trying to see what was special about him.

However, the characteristics of his body did not represent the shape of the Sidkars, the short stature of the descendants of the dwarves.

He did not find anything strange and thought, 'Why does the Crown Prince want to change the Sidkar kingship for this young man? Is there a hidden secret ? '

Silk bent down and put his right hand forward, forming a weak blue illusory rune with black lines.

He placed his left hand behind his back and continued the blurry figure in his deep voice,

"The royal rune will not be granted now, You are too weak to be king, I will pass on a mental training method to you, Use it to increase your strength"

The azure rune descended from the top of the palace onto the blue world of Silk and merged with it, and a voice rang out inside his mind

< Imperium Diagram - Gift of the Crown Prince - An ancient mental training method for mind mapping capable of increasing the activation of dark mind cells >

Silk felt happy as he listened to the explanation of the training method and bowed gently, "This subordinate thanks the Crown Prince"

The white rune of King Shak and the blue rune of Silk disappeared from their hands, and the two stood upright, awaiting orders from their new master, and waited in silence.

Adam spoke very calmly and his curiosity increased about this city that he had arrived in and hadn't been able to see yet since his arrival there.

"Is there something going on with the other families?"

King Shak was surprised by his master's question and looked intently at Silk next to him as if he was urging him to talk.

Silk bowed lightly, "Crown Prince, the four royal families are planning to enter the Sidkar World to gather experience, ancient data, and mining"

The blurry being moved forward and looked at Silk carefully.

Surprise appeared on Adam's face behind the fog, and Ash's metallic voice came to him inside his mind,

'It seems that the royal families are planning something, This campaign has rotten smell of something strange behind it'

Adam replied, 'You're thinking about this too'

King Shak interrupted the silence and spoke, "Crown Prince, it seems that Sakid and Sidkar have their own plans, If you allow me, I will explain to you what my eyes saw in Sidkar's world"

The creature behind the mist ordered


King Shak continued his words as he looked at Silk, "King Silk, you are weak now, The campaign has only a week to go from now, I don't advise you on going "

Silk looked at the King of Olka in shock and his thoughts began to move quickly,

'How did the King of Olka know? Is this the power of the Angel's Eye? It seems that my thoughts are correct and that this prince and princess do not intend well for me, What should I do?'

Adam looked at his newly appointed king, smiled lightly, and sent to Ash menially

'It seems that I am not the only one that the families want to kill in this city'

Ash scolded Adam in his metallic voice, 'Have you realized now that this city is more dangerous than you expected, but do not worry if he does not go to this campaign, he will be safe inside NOx City, but if he goes inside any world, the city's laws are not applied and everything is permitted inside'

Adam  reply, 'I think I should go, We can't let families get what they want when we don't know their goal'

King Shak lowered his head and bowed down to meet the throne and continued,

"My Liege , I think the Sidkar Family has found a way to obtain data from the Sidkar World, Perhaps the King Silva has found the whereabouts of the world's consciousness"

The blurry figure raised its head up and looked at the bright blue light in the sky and spoke seriously, "King Shak, are the first ones going too?"

Malak Shaak looked at the blurry figure secretly, trying to understand the hidden meanings of this question, and smiled lightly, answering,

"Crown Prince, Olkas have sworn not to interfere in the affairs of NOx City until the next emperor is chosen, so I have closed the doors of the Olka family to wait for this day"

Adam laughed lightly, "Well done, old fox. I see that your calculations have not been wrong yet, as if you knew that the appearance of Crown Prince NOx was imminent"

King Shak bowed his head slightly and extended his right hand forward, and the Olka's rune appeared in his right hand and his left hand behind his back,

"This subordinate has been waiting for Emperor Xon return for a long time, The period of chaos is almost over, and the Xon Emperor would not give this time without a meaning behind it"

Adam laughed, "It seems that my ancestor, Emperor Xon, trusted you a lot, King of Olkas"

From behind the fog, Adam looked at Silk and ordered him in his deep voice, "King Silk, follow the law of NOx City, You have not taken the ownership token yet, so I know you must go, This is a great opportunity for you, Don't worry, The more my followers trust in me, I will not let them down, If you face danger, speak on my behalf, Send your mental to me and I will get you out of your predicament just this once, do you understand?'

Silk bowed respectfully and urged calmly and confidently, "This subordinate thanks the Crown Prince"

Adam looked at King Shak, "King Shak, is there a way to send another person into Sidkar's world?"

Malak Shaak was surprised by his master's announcement of his desire to send someone else. "It seems that the Crown Prince looked at future results with greater clarity than the eyes of this old fox could see"

The fog rose lightly, showing a hidden mocking laugh, as if it was mocking the thoughts of the entire royal families.

An evil laugh that does not mean that this matter will end except in a disaster that the city of NOx has seen in ages.

"Do not worry, King Shak, my existence must remain a secret,  know that I will send another follower of mine called Shadow, I want to Facilitate a path for him to enter the world of Sidkar"

Ash changed the rune behind the throne that Adam was sitting on, and a black, blurry shape appeared, with nothing visible from its features. The shadow bowed lightly and disappeared again faster than it appeared, as if it did not exist.

King Shak and Silk's expressions changed and they looked behind the throne, and thoughts began to flood their minds regarding his rapid appearance and disappearance without warning, as if this shadow could reach any place within this city with just a thought.

After quickly hiding his joke, the King Shak replied, "If it is this strong follower, who will go? If my liege wants, the King  Xandar sent a message to me that they will go with the Sakid and Sidkar, and there is an empty place, It will seem that the Princess of Xandars wants to go, and he contact me to send a strong follower with her to protect"

The blurry figure laughed lightly and spoke deeply, "You have not disappointed me yet, King Shak. Your Ignis Eye, with its weakness now, still retains a portion of its ancient strength"

King Shack's white eyes showed astonishment, "This subordinate did not realize the Crown Prince's great knowledge."

He bowed strongly, "Sorry for this subordinate for questioning your strength, Even the ancient Emperor of Xon won't be able to see your greatness. Forgive this weak subordinate for losing sight of the Crown Prince's power"

Adam looked up from behind the fog speaking to Ash confidentially, 'Ash, this old fox is a good follower, but he is suspicious of everything around him, It seems that there is still a shadow for a long time"

The metallic voice answered lightly and without interest, "I think it is an opportunity for you to punish him and let Olkas be your eyes inside the city for now, We want to increase our presence inside the city"

Adam spoke from behind the fog in a deep, strong voice that concealed a strong threat, "King Shak for this crime is punished by monitoring other families and sending continuous reports about them"

King Shak sighed forcefully and closed his eyes, a feeling of relief permeating his body.

"This subordinate understands"

Adam sat upright behind the fog, "King Shak Silk, you are my first followers, Do not let me down. Do not worry. With every data or information you provide, equal exchange will be applied, The price of what you offer will be determined, and you will be given a choice between your needs, Go now. If I want to meet you again, I will send for you"

King Shak and Silk bowed lightly and the blue mist began to cover their bodies and disappeared in a few breaths.

The mist disappeared inside the palace and returned to its obedient form.

The large throne surrounded by four small thrones and the four lights of the worlds at the top of the palace.

The hidden mist of Adam disappeared and the place was silent.

For a short while before  interrupt this silence, Adam sighed anxiously and asked

"There is only a week left for this campaign, I do not know how to hide myself in front of the three kings, especially the king of Saked, I think that the only solution now is to start the trial of the dwarven world first, as the old emperor said, but what do you think? "

Ash's metallic voice came, speaking slowly,

"I'm not sure. I told you that you won't know until after the trial is filed, If you want to go, you can use mental transfer to end the trial by force, but know that you will need a long period of time to bring it back again, and this is what we do not have, You can consider the trial after a Sidkar world's campaign"

Adam breathed heavily as if the matter had been decided, "No, we will begin the trial of the Dwarven world, Now, I feel that there is something we desperately need in this first trial"

As if the matter had been decided, a light appeared from the red world filled with black lines, and Ash's voice came announcing

<Authorizing host>

<The setting of the First Dwarven world Trial connecting>

<Please be careful, if the host's mind is infected within world, world itself will affected>

The red light began to illuminate the entire palace, welcoming the start of the trial of a world, and a red rune began to descend from the top of the palace, enveloping Adam's entire body and pulling Adam into the world of the dwarves.

<The trial of the dwarven world has begun>

<may knowledge be to your advantage>

  The palace became quiet, and the red light began to pulse with red and black flashes, forming a dwarf rune carrying a hammer.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Hope journey didn't disappointed you so far

Another arc is beginning wars and plans will take place

A whole new level of madness

welcome to NOx


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