
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


In a place inside the Outcasts neighborhood in city of NOx, inside a small room that only contained a small table and a small bed a foot long, a blue sky light appeared, illuminating the entire room, and Silk formed his tall, strong form, opening his eyes wide in disbelief, fear, and anticipation, his body shaking in excitement, unable to believe what just happened.

Now, his thoughts began to run through his mind very quickly, and he searched for the training method first.

Seeing the mental chart drawn in front of him with the blue runes in front of him, he smiled happily, and tears began to fall from his eyes, and he sighed heavily,

"It was not a dream"

Silk calmed his rapid breathing and sat quietly at the table, looking at the mental chart and reviewing the method of mental training over and over again to confirm that he had not made a mistake in remembering it, despite not knowing that Adam had used the same method as Ash to imprint it within his consciousness and that no one would be able to see it.

He changed its use and finally heaved a sigh of relief after making sure he remembered everything,

"I have less than a week to practice this method. It seems that the revenge I wanted will not take long as I imagined"

The corner of his mouth rose, drawing a large smile on his face, "I have been chosen as a candidate for royalty  of NOx City, directly under the Emperor, The upcoming campaign I must prove myself to the Crown Prince, The first thing I must know is who the Crown Prince's subordinate is in order to help him, A strong person like this must have a high rank world , Is it second rank or even first, or is it possible that he has the awareness of knowing that he is a direct subordinate of the next Emperor of Xon? I must not let him down now"

Silk moved towards the bed and sat upright on it and continued thinking,

'Since the Crown Prince recognized a person with a third-rate world like me, there must be something I don't know about my world.'

Silk's thoughts moved inside his mind and he looked at his blue, random-looking world. There was no rune shape for it.

He revealed his mind blueprint and began his training,

'This is a training method from ancient times, No one has it inside the entire NOx City except me, This might be the lost legend of developing worlds'

  Silk suddenly remembered something strange that he had heard during the previous meeting,

'The trial of the Crown Prince, He said this word and did not say anything else about it, even when King Shak and I showed that we did not know what he meant, It seems that there is a trial that should take place, but who is establishing it and what is its purpose?'

Silk's thoughts ended.

From that much information that he lacked, he sat quietly

'I will focus on training now, and if I find something that I can do in equal exchange with the Crown Prince, I will ask him.'

The room returned to calm, and Silk lay on the bed, and the blue rune appeared in his eyes. He smiled softly, closed his eyes, and began to focus on the activity of his dark mind cells.

While Silk was focusing on his training with great strength and determination to see a better future, the blue light appeared inside the grove of Xander worlds on the white platform in the middle of it, and the lights of the sworn worlds inside the grove buzzed as if there was a great global force affecting it, and King Shak appeared and looked calmly at the grove of worlds and After the worlds stabilized with the disappearance of the azure light of the transport.

King Shak smiled hugely and his eyes lit up with a bright white light.

He sent a message to King Silva mentally agreeing to help him in the upcoming campaign, and that he would send a strong guard with Princess Liz.

After completing his transmission, he sent his orders to General Fan and General Zod,

'Quickly investigate the background of the Sakid and the Sedkar, and do not overlook anything, and send two of your subordinates to protect the outcast prince Silk in the outcast region, protecting him as protection of your king'

The King of Shak finished his mental transmission and received a message from the King of Zok thanking him and informing him a week from now inside the grove of the worlds of the Sidkar.

King Shak smiled lightly and returned to his seat on the platform.

He looked at the world of the big white fox and looked at the third tail.

The clear camel was shaking happily at the white fox's rune, his green eyes shining, and he sighed heavily, "The change has finally appeared, and the world's awareness has appeared, It seems that we still have 20 years"

He laughed hard, as he had not laughed in ages, and his entire body shook, and tears fell from his eyes from so much laughter as he caught his breath and calmed himself,

"My old friend, it seems that this is your job, I cannot see the result of my future calculations, Therefore, I chose the remaining runes from all four families."

King  Shak sighed deeply.

He looked at the darkness surrounding NOx City and the white rune in his eyes flashed,

"It seems that the seal is starting to disappear from the winds of up coming changes"

King Shak closed his eyes and sat quietly on the platform, and the lights of the worlds began to revolve around the white fox rune.