
North Of Lies

"North Of Lies" is the tale of the fall and betrayal of a once-mighty Deity who ruled the Celestial Heavens itself. Cast out and sealed under a mountain, this powerful being faced eternal imprisonment. However, before things could escalate, his soul was forcefully ejected from his divine body. He was then reborn as Jin, an ordinary boy stripped of all memories of his divine origins...

zowji · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Here we are again.

The bell rang, signalling the end of the session, and my stomach growled loudly, reminding me of my hunger. I rushed to the cafeteria, hoping to grab a quick bite to eat before the next class. However, as I reached the food counter, I realized I had no money to buy anything.

Just as my spirits were sinking, Alice appeared beside me with a warm smile. "Hey, Jin! The menu for today is looking nice!" Her eyes scanned the options, pondering what food she would get.

Standing right next to her, my stomach began to growl louder than ever, catching her attention. She looked towards me and asked, "You're hungry, aren't you?" She said mischievously "By the looks of it, you don't have money either." Adding insult to injury.

Alice was absolutely on the dot. Embarrassingly, I uttered under my breath, "Yes... I'm hungry and I have no money either..."

She looked at me in shock but smiled, "It's okay! Let me treat you to some food. But you owe me one!" She grinned and winked playfully.

Being as grateful as I could be I bowed down to her to show my appreciation, "If a servant is what you need that I shall be one for you." Offering her my service to repay my debt.

Strangely enough, she playfully laughed at me "You're so weird! There's no need for any of that, I already have too many servants back at the palace I think us being friends is more than enough." still chuckling at my idea of being her servant

Sitting down at a 2 person table I felt I had the eyes of all the male students on me. Yes quite literally I felt intentions of malice and anger that was lingering towards me but for what reason?

It's already bad enough that 2 guys in my year don't like me, It won't do me any good either if the whole school is my enemy as well.

Hoping to ignore all these male students' attention I dig in on the food that Alice had bought for me eating the Flamed grilled burger it's aroma and smell were already hypnotising to me, my mouth watering at just the sight, as my stomach begged me to devour the Burger.

"Alice you're such a goddess for buying this for me," Jin said gratefully, digging into the delicious meal. "So, how were your classes? anything caught your eye in those lessons because, at the end of the day, we are choosing our subjects."

Alice's eyes sparkled with excitement as she recounted the thrilling experience. "Oh, it was amazing! A few of us lucky students were invited to witness a special lesson where the Student Council President and the Vice President showcased their skills in a city scenario! It was like watching a real-life magical battle unfold right before our eyes!"

Ezekiel huh? I'm hoping to actually speak to him today cause I'm curious if he even remembers me.

I leaned in, intrigued. "Wow, that sounds incredible! What did they do?"

"They demonstrated their combat arts prowess," Alice explained animatedly. "The President, Ezekiel, used his impressive multi-elemental magic to create powerful flames and summoned gusts of wind that made us all feel like we were in the middle of a tornado!"

"And what about the Vice President, Rex?" I asked, my curiosity growing.

"Rex may not have transformation abilities like the others, but his dark magic is simply astonishing!" Alice gushed. "He summoned a wicked-looking sword from a dark world portal and fought with unmatched precision and speed. It was like witnessing a master of dark crafts in action!"

Dark magic? I've only ever experienced seeing dark magic once and it was that time when I was on my way back to the library at night. could he be that man with the mask?

But I don't have any evidence to back up this information. Lost in thought I could see Ramsworth and his friend next to him approaching us.

I felt exhausted as I noticed Ramsworth's angry expression at the sight of me next to Alice. His friend beside him seemed to realize the tension between him and me, but it was too late. Ramsworth's rage got the better of him, and he swung at me, initiating a challenge to fight me.


With the tension rising and the people in the cafeteria watching. His friend stepped forward, trying to defuse the situation.

"Come on, Ramsworth, let's just walk away. It's not worth it," he said, attempting to reason with his hot-headed friend.

But Ramsworth's anger didn't wane. He glared at me, his fists clenched. "Fuck off Theron. This guy must have been cheating from back then I'm here to prove it" He seethed.

"And there's no way that a commoner is sitting with Alice right now it's absurd!" His anger boiled even more.

I raised an eyebrow, keeping my cool despite his outburst. "I didn't cheat you just got out diffed by me," I retorted calmly. "Alice and I are just friends so I don't know the big fuss about me and her sitting together," I added.

Theron attempted to reason with Ramsworth once more, gesturing towards the other students who were now watching the altercation with interest. "Let it go, man. We have other things to focus on."

But Ramsworth wasn't willing to let his grudge go, and he lunged at me once more, yelling that he would show me who was the better fighter.

Dodging his attack with ease, he followed up with a left punch aimed at my stomach and followed with a right hook as I blocked his strike to my chin, causing him to stumble forward. "You're so predictable," I remarked with a smirk. "Even books can dodge better than you." I taunted him with my words

Theron stepped between us, trying to create some distance. "Enough, Ramsworth! Let's get out of here before we get in more trouble," he urged.

I focused on Theron and I could sense he was just slightly stronger than Ramsworth but not stronger than Tristan.

Ramsworth glared at me, his face red with frustration. "This isn't over, Jin Shit Cunt" he growled, before storming off with Theron following close behind, trying to calm him down.

Talk about a tantrum I'm just happy that the situation didn't get any worse.

Watching both of them leave the cafeteria, the crowd began to disperse, and Alice approached me with a mix of concern in her eyes. "You handled that really well," she said, impressed by my composure during the confrontation.

"But I have to ask. What did you do to make a guy like him mad?" Alice had such a curious look in her eyes.

Before I could give her an answer, I felt an unexpected sharp pain hit my back, and suddenly I was sent flying through the window. Crashing into the glass, a slight burning sensation spread across my back, and I could feel the glass shards sticking to my skin.

Gasping in pain, I quickly tried to gather my thoughts. The shocked and alarmed faces of the students around me mirrored my own disbelief at what had just happened.

I looked towards the person responsible for the attack, and there, with a menacing grin on his face, stood Ramsworth.

Struggling to my feet, I shook off all the rubble and dust off me, As I locked eyes with Ramsworth, I felt an urge to stand my ground as I was now mingled with burning anger at his cheap shot.

"Next time if you want to hit me make sure you send an invitation" I asked, mocking him.

Ramsworth sneered, his fists still clenched. "I'll send another one to you, But this one will have you cold on the ground" he spat, his jealousy and resentment fueling his rage.

I couldn't believe it but this was the first time I've ever been provoked into killing somebody.

As I stood up, I noticed blood dripping from my forehead, and the pain from the glass shards stung, but I refused to let it show on my face.

Regret washed over me briefly for not keeping my guard up, but I quickly pushed it aside, not wanting to give Ramsworth the satisfaction of knowing he had some edge on me.

Alice rushed to my side, concern evident in her eyes. "Jin, are you alright? You're bleeding," she said, gently touching my shoulder.

I offered her a reassuring smile, "I'll be fine, it's just a scratch," I said, hoping to ease her worry.

But Alice wasn't convinced. "Let me heal you. I have some basic healing magic. It should help with the cuts," she insisted.

I hesitated for a moment, touched by her kindness and concern, but I really want to embarrass this egotistical freak.

"Thank you, Alice, but I'm okay. It's not that bad," I replied, standing up straight.

Alice wasn't fully convinced, but she respected my decision. "Alright, but if it starts to hurt more, let me know," she said, her worry lingering.

"Serves you right, you commoner BUM! You made an example out of me, and I'll do the same for you," Ramsworth sneered down at me, his arrogance oozing from every pore.

My teeth were gritted, my anger building up, and the urge to lash out surged within me. I wanted to give him to eat the dirt I was laying on, but I had to hold back. I couldn't let myself cross that line.

Without wasting a word in response to his taunts, I channelled all my pent-up anger into my right fist. I clenched it tightly, a mix of emotions aimed at this insufferable guy. I certainly wouldn't kill him with this strike; I just wanted to make sure he goes to sleep early.

Despite the distance between us, I didn't hesitate.

My body moved with incredible speed, closing the gap before Ramsworth could react. With no need for any mana techniques, I threw an unstoppable right hook to his stomach, watching satisfaction spread across his face and turn into a look of surprise and shock as he crumpled to the ground.

As the sound of shattering glass faded away, a familiar presence approached. Ezekiel, with his usual playful demeanour, appeared at the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Well, well, look who decided to make a grand entrance," I remarked, sarcasm lacing my voice as I glanced at him.

Ezekiel crossed his arms, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "I see that the habit of causing trouble hasn't changed, huh," he replied, never one to miss a chance for banter.

I chuckled, though the pain started to settle in. "Hey, at least it wasn't my fault for once," I defended myself, giving Ezekiel a casual shrug.

"Whatever, for now, I'll get this situation cleaned up," Ezekiel took charge of the situation. "And Jin, you really need to head to the medical bay with the shards kinda just hanging there, ya know?" He waved his hand dismissively, reminding me of his carefree attitude.

"Come on, this isn't how you should be talking to a friend you haven't seen in a while, and this is just a scratch, Zeke," I retorted, trying to play it off nonchalantly.

"Don't call me that here, you Mutt," Ezekiel whispered, giving me a friendly scolding.

Before I could protest further, Alice stepped in, concern evident in her eyes. "Ezekiel's right, Jin. Let me heal your wounds," she said softly, her magical glow already enveloping her hands.

I refused her help the first time, and she was making it hard for me to ignore her caring nature.

"Fine, fine, you win," I relented with a wry grin. "But just a quick patch-up, alright?"

Alice smiled warmly and gently placed her hands on my wounds.

"In the heart's embrace, I weave this rhyme,

With ancient words, heal in due time.

From ailment's grasp, bring relief,

With magic's touch, mend all grief."

The soothing warmth of her magic enveloped me, providing comfort and relief. As she healed my injuries, I couldn't help but appreciate her skilled magic enchantment.

"There, all done," Alice said, removing her hands and giving me a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Thanks," I said, genuinely grateful. "You're a lifesaver."

Ezekiel chuckled, adding his playful input, "She sure is, but I'm not sure if she can save you from yourself, Jin."

I shot Ezekiel a playful glare. "You better watch that tone, Golden Boy, unless this academy wants to hear untold stories of our little adventures," I retorted, using the nickname I had given Ezekiel when we were kids.

Ezekiel laughed, enjoying my feisty spirit. "Alright, alright, I'll stop," he said, raising his hands in surrender.

Looking back at Alice she was literally clueless in the friendly banter between Ezekiel and me, another familiar face also walked inside the room and it was Cedric.

"My God Ezekiel what happened here?" Cedric is concerned by the situation and the broken hole in the wall.

"Well, it seems the Academy found its first troublemaker after 15 years with no holes made." Pointing towards me.

"Seriously Jin? Didn't you just beat this guy in our workshop lesson?" Cedric was relieved that it wasn't Ezekiel who picked a fight.

"My bad, haha." I let out an embarrassed chuckle, feeling the weight of my mistake.

"It's fine. I'll take this guy to the medical bay," Cedric said, his voice tinged with concern as he carefully lifted Ramsworth's cold body onto his back.

"And Ezekiel, you go get someone to repair this mess," Cedric added, a mix of frustration and determination in his tone.

"Don't worry, I've already got someone on it," Ezekiel replied with a reassuring and professional air, showing that he had everything under control.

After the situation was solved, Ezekiel had a suggestion "You know, since we're all here, how about I show you around the student council room? It's not much, but it's our little headquarters," he suggested.

Curious, Alice and I exchanged glances before nodding in agreement. We followed Ezekiel as he led us to the student council room, a place of importance within the academy.

As I stepped into the student council room, I couldn't help but be impressed by the sight that greeted me. The room was tastefully decorated, with plush couches lining the walls, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Floating drawing boards hovered in mid-air, displaying various plans and ideas, a testament to the creativity that flowed within these walls.

In the centre of the room stood a majestic spiral staircase, leading up to the main board where the table and chairs for the council meetings were placed.

"This place here is a symbol of the unity and cooperation that the council members share, always working together to make important decisions for the academy." Ezekiel points towards all the special dates and events for the academy

The desks were neatly arranged, and shelves filled with books and documents adorned the walls. The council members obviously took their roles seriously, and the room reflected their commitment to serving the student body and making the academy a better place.

As we settled in the council room, I introduced Alice to Ezekiel, but it seemed that they were already on familiar terms, judging by the way they were talking with each other.

Also, noting that Alice is also a princess of a Kingdom, it only made sense that Ezekiel knew her at some point during his time back at his Father's kingdom, I assume.

While we were talking for a while, a sudden sharp presence of darkness appeared in this very room. My senses were going off like crazy; it felt uncontrollable.

My heart skipped a beat as I noticed a figure lurking in the shadows. The atmosphere around us seemed to grow heavy, and an unsettling feeling washed over me. I could feel his chilling gaze on me, and it sent shivers down my spine.

Judging by the way Ezekiel reacted to this presence, he seemed to know the gist of the situation.

"Rex, are you sleeping on the couch again?" Ezekiel spoke as if he knew Rex was there.

"Ah, it seems I can never enter this room without being detected by you, Ezekiel." Rex yawned as he got up from the couch.

Looking towards him, there was a doubtful unfamiliarity of this guy; maybe it was his piercing red eyes, but I definitely met him somewhere. The aura around him was dark and intimidating, like a predator lurking in the shadows.

"Oh, you must be the person that Ezekiel mentioned," Rex exclaimed, rising from the couch to meet my eyes. His gaze flickered from Alice to me, and I could sense the scrutiny in his piercing eyes.

"At first glance, I thought there was no hope for this year's rookies, but it seems I was wrong; you're pretty strong, Jin. And Alice, you're not half bad either," he added with a hint of begrudging admiration.

"It's a shame that half your grade is filled with weak nobles who harbour connections to this academy,"

Rex observed us with a mere simple glance, but his words carried an underlying threat that sent a shiver down my spine. His unsettling aura made me feel uneasy as if he could see through our very souls.

"Ezekiel, make sure you submit the registration for this year's all-age tournament." As Rex got up,

"Yeah, Yeah, I got it, so don't worry," Ezekiel waved off Rex nonchalantly in front of him as the Vice president left the council room.

As the encounter with Rex ended, Alice excused herself, explaining that she had a prior commitment to attend to. She bid us farewell and left the room.

With Alice gone, the atmosphere between Ezekiel and me shifted slightly. I still treated my seniors with respect, but with Ezekiel, it was different. We had a unique bond that allowed us to speak more freely.

"So, how's life been treating you, Mr. Student Council President?" I teased, emphasizing the title with a playful grin.

Ezekiel chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "Oh, you know, the usual student council duties, dealing with requests and making sure everything runs smoothly."

"I can imagine," I replied, nodding in understanding. "But you seem to be doing a great job, keeping everyone in check."

Ezekiel smiled appreciatively. "Thanks, Jin. It's not always easy, but I do my best."

Just as the conversation was getting livelier, the door creaked open, and Celestina, Alonzo, and Matteo walked in. They appeared surprised to find Ezekiel and me inside the student council room.

"Ah, what a delightful surprise," Celestina said, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Word travels fast, doesn't it? We've just heard about your little altercation with Ramsworth, Jin."

Alonzo smirked, nudging Matteo. "Looks like our student council president here has a real scoundrel for a friend," he teased, glancing at Ezekiel.

Ezekiel rolled his eyes playfully. "You have no idea," he replied, shooting a knowing glance at me.

I crossed my arms, feigning offence. "Hey, who said I'm a scoundrel? I just dealt with a minor inconvenience," I retorted, trying to downplay the situation.

Matteo chuckled, "Well, from what we heard, it was quite the spectacle. Knocking out Ramsworth, of all people!"

Celestina chimed in, "Yes, quite impressive, Jin. Ramsworth may be a pain, but he's got some skills in combat arts."

I smirked, "Oh, I didn't mean to hurt him that bad. Just wanted to teach him a little lesson."

Ezekiel interjected, "I can already see him preparing his attack on you again."

Alonzo raised an eyebrow, "You know, Jin, you sure know how to stir things up on your first day at the academy."

I shrugged, "I don't look for trouble, but it seems to find me anyway."

Celestina laughed, "Well, let's hope that you can keep the trouble to a minimum from now on."

"I'll try my best" Scratching my head.

Just as the conversation was getting livelier, the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch break. With a sigh, I stood up, realizing it was time for us to head to our respective classes. "Well, it was nice getting a feel of what it is like to be in the student council, I'll see all of you some time," I said, a hint of reluctance in my voice.

Ezekiel nodded, understanding my sentiment. "Indeed. See you around, Jin," he said with a smile.

"See you later, Ezekiel, and everyone else," I replied, heading towards the next workshop class. I walked down the familiar hallways, my mind briefly wandering back to the next afternoon's class alchemy.

Alchemy was never my strong suit, and today's lecture didn't do much to change that. The professor had droned on and on about the intricacies of potion-making, but my mind kept drifting elsewhere.

I found myself yearning for the excitement of combat and magic, which felt more like second nature to me.

Finally, the class finished, and I joined the stream of students heading towards the subject selection hall. It was time to choose our subjects for this semester, and I couldn't help but think of which subjects matter the most.

As I entered the hall, a wide array of subjects was displayed on large boards. Each board represented a different field of study, from elemental magic to ancient history and enchanted artifacts.

I carefully scanned through the options, trying to decide which subjects would be most beneficial for my growth as a mage. I was determined to do my best so my mother wouldn't have to worry about me any more and that I can take care of her.

After much contemplation, I made my choices and submitted my selections. It was a relief to have that task behind me, but the anticipation of the upcoming classes still lingered in my mind.


Jin Kamuy's Subjects:

Subjects: 6

Unit Weight total: 12

Combat Arts [Advanced] (Units 2)

Combat Arts [Extension] (Units 3)

Enchantment Classes (2 Units)

Technology (2 Units)

Geology (1 Unit)

Restorative Classes (2 Units)


Hello, everyone! I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for all the support you've shown for this story. I truly appreciate all the feedback you've given, and I am committed to continuously improving my writing to create an engaging tale that captivates you and keeps you hooked until the very end. So, thank you once again for your encouragement, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy the journey with me! Happy reading!

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