
North Of Lies

"North Of Lies" is the tale of the fall and betrayal of a once-mighty Deity who ruled the Celestial Heavens itself. Cast out and sealed under a mountain, this powerful being faced eternal imprisonment. However, before things could escalate, his soul was forcefully ejected from his divine body. He was then reborn as Jin, an ordinary boy stripped of all memories of his divine origins...

zowji · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Preparing for the days to come

After the first troubling day of the academy was finished. I had planned on heading straight home to tell my mother the great things The academy had shown so far but I found myself stuck in between a rather sticky situation.

I decided to linger a bit longer around the presentation hall, hoping to stumble upon any other subjects that might catch my interest.

Unfortunately, none had managed to capture my attention. With a sigh, I began making my way towards the exit, realizing that I was among the last first-year students to leave the building.

As I walked down the corridor, the distant sound of two voices caught my attention. Curiosity piqued, I followed the faint conversation to the back of the hall, where a set of open windows allowed me a clear view of the scene outside.

There, beneath the fading sunlight and against a backdrop of picturesque scenery, stood Vanessa and another senior judging by his attire.

The romantic setting seemed almost too perfect, like a scene from a storybook. My curiosity got the better of me, and I discreetly positioned myself by the open window, hidden by the curtain, so I could observe without being noticed.

The senior, exuding an air of confidence, began his confession with expressive gestures and eloquent words.

"Vanessa," he began, his voice carrying a note of assurance, "from the moment I saw you, I knew that my life would never be the same. Your grace and beauty rival the very flowers that bloom outside these windows, and your presence lights up even the darkest of days."

He extended his hand towards the magnificent view as if presenting nature itself as a witness to his heartfelt declaration. "These windows, much like my feelings for you, offer a glimpse into a world of endless possibilities."

Vanessa's attentive gaze held a mix of her cold expression and curiosity. She was clearly unfazed by this grand gesture As if she had seen this many times over.

The senior's words flowed like poetry as he continued, his voice growing softer and more intimate.

"I've watched you from afar, your every step a dance, your every word a melodious tune. Life is too short to keep these feelings hidden, like secrets yearning to be unveiled."

My eyes remained fixed on Vanessa, her reaction ever so unchanging. It was hard to make out what she was thinking but by his words, I'm hoping she gives out a reasonable response.

The senior's voice grew even softer, the earnestness evident in his tone. "Vanessa, I can't promise you the world, but I can promise you my unwavering devotion, my unyielding support, and a love that would move mountains to see you smile."

Vanessa's reply was thoughtful, her voice carrying a warmth that matched the sun's fading glow. "I appreciate your words and your sincerity," she said. "It's not every day that someone speaks with such earnestness."

A confident smile graced the senior's lips,

"So, Vanessa, will you give me the chance of being yours? Will you allow me the honor of being by your side, through all the joys and challenges that life may bring?"

Vanessa's next words were delivered with kindness, but they carried a clear message.

"I appreciate your feelings, truly. But I believe it's best if we remain friends. I hope you understand."

The senior's smug expression faltered, replaced by a forced smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. He nodded, his disappointment veiled behind a façade of acceptance.

Despite the rejection, the senior managed to muster a nod, a bitter glint in his eyes that went unnoticed by Vanessa. "Yeah, friends sounds good."

Vanessa watched him walk away, her gaze contemplative, before she turned back towards the scenery outside. I remained hidden by the window, my mind buzzing with questions and intrigue.

Once the senior had departed, Vanessa stood alone by the garden, bathed in the soft and enchanting light. I considered approaching her, but something held me back.

Instead, I continued to observe from my vantage point, wondering about the complexities that lay beneath the surface of this seemingly perfect confession.

If I were being honest I couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved. I did admire the chances this senior took in bringing her out here, yet I felt kind of worried about something bad happening if it didn't end well.

I suppose if it were bordered on arrogance he had such a cocky tone for someone years below him.

Watching as Vanessa left in the direction of the Council room and the senior walking towards my direction, clearly frustrated and muttering to himself about being rejected, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

It seemed that even the most confident individuals had their vulnerabilities.

I waited for a moment, ensuring there was enough distance between us to avoid detection. As the senior walked by without noticing me, I couldn't help but overhear his muttered words.

"Oh, Vanessa, what shall I ever do to you? I'll show you what happens when you reject the next headmaster of my noble household. AHHHHH, I can't wait. If only I had you right now, Lord knows what I would be doing."

My eyebrows furrowed in concern. Was this guy completely unhinged? The implications of his words were alarming.

However, I reminded myself that it wasn't my place to get involved. I think it's best if I keep a watchful eye on Vanessa, hoping that Senior's unsettling remarks were nothing more than an empty threat.

The complexity of the situation was not lost on me. Every individual at this academy possessed exceptional magical prowess, and The senior, likely held a considerable advantage over most students.

Leaving the academy grounds, I discreetly trailed behind him. His frustration was evident in the way he muttered to himself, attempting to mask his wounded ego.

It was clear that the rejection had hit him hard, despite his efforts to save face.

As I continued to shadow him, his words grew increasingly bitter. His tone hinted at an underlying resentment, a hidden motive that raised a red flag.

There was more to his anger than a simple romantic rejection; it was as if he harboured a deeper grudge, one that he was struggling to conceal.

Continuing my discreet observation, I watched as he eventually met up with a small group of companions. Their hushed conversation carried a sense of secrecy and intrigue.

Although I strained to catch every word, the distance between us made it difficult to decipher their full discussion.

"What went wrong, Marcus? I thought you had this in the bag," one of his companions remarked with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Marcus's face twisted into a sneer. "She's just playing hard to get. But mark my words, I'll make her regret this."

Another member of the group chimed in, his voice dripping with malicious intent. "Yeah, we can't let her get away with humiliating you like this. It's time to teach her a lesson."

Their words sent a chill down my spine. It was clear that they had something more sinister in mind than simply getting even for a rejected confession.

Their conversation hinted at a twisted plan that was beyond a mere bruised ego.

As they continued to converse, I strained to catch more details, but their voices grew fainter as they moved away. It seemed that their scheme was unfolding just out of earshot.

Frustration welled up inside me. I needed to know more, to uncover their intentions and ensure Vanessa's safety.

But for now, all I could do was maintain distance and prepare for whatever might come next.

With a heavy sigh, I turned away from the scene and headed back towards home.

The day had been eventful, to say the least. From my encounter with Ramsworth to arguing with the top student in our grade Tristan and then witnessing Marcus's unsettling behaviour, I had a lot to process.

With the sun setting, casting a serene orange glow over the surroundings. My steps naturally led me homeward, my mind still buzzing.

However, something caught my eye as I walked past the City Square. There was a crowd that had gathered around the news board a diverse mix of individuals, all adorned with the attire and aura of seasoned adventurers.

The headline read: "Top-Ranked Adventurer and Ballad Mage Saint Piero Vetarone Slays a King of the Unknown Sea." Intrigued, I read on, "The knight in dark black armour has never shown his face to anyone and has respectively solidified himself as the Top-Ranked Adventurer whilst also being acknowledged as a Ballad mage."

absorbing the incredible feat of this man, it must have been hard for him to fight one of those sea creatures.

I've read about the unknown sea always being a realm of mystery, danger, and uncharted possibilities. To have one of its kings vanquished by a lone adventurer was a story that sent ripples of awe through the crowd.

"There was a rumour that he clashed with the King for days on end," one adventurer exclaimed, awe evident in his voice.

"Personally I believe he has what it takes to clash with Minzo Dame" another chimed in, a hint of reverence in her tone.

"It's impressive for a lone adventurer to do World Class Quest alone while you definitely need a team behind you but clearly Piero was on a whole other level," a third added, nodding in agreement.

The murmurs of admiration continued, each adventurer sharing their own experiences or stories they had heard about Saint Piero's achievements.

It was clear that his name was held in the highest regard within the adventurer community, a symbol of greatness and unwavering determination.

I turned away from the news board and made my way to the Adventurers Guild. Its doors welcomed me with an air of anticipation as if the very walls held echoes of countless stories waiting to be written.

I approached the reception desk, where a guild representative greeted me with a warm smile.

"Welcome to the Adventurers Guild! Are you here to join our ranks?" she inquired.

I nodded, my resolve firm. "Yes, I am. I want to become an adventurer."

She handed me a form and explained that before officially becoming a member, I would need to wait the following for my card to arrive.

As I filled out the form, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nerves.

Once the form was completed, I returned it to the representative, As they told me that the card will arrive in the following week...


* * *


Upon arriving at our modest home, the comforting aroma of a home-cooked meal greeted me. My mother, a kind and resilient woman, was busy in the kitchen, expertly preparing a delicious dinner. She looked up and smiled as she saw me enter.

"Jin, you're back!" she exclaimed, wiping her hands on her apron. "How was your first day at the academy?"

I returned her smile and walked over to give her a hug. "It was great, Mom. The academy is amazing, and I even joined the Adventurers Guild!"

Her eyes lit up with pride and curiosity. "The Adventurers Guild? That sounds like quite the step. What made you decide to join?"

I recounted the news about Saint Piero Vetarone, the legendary adventurer who had defeated a king of the unknown sea.

My mother listened intently, her expression a mix of awe and concern. "Jin, you've always had a sense of adventure," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of worry. "Just promise me you'll be careful out there."

I nodded, understanding her concern. "I will, Mom. I promise. Besides, I won't be going alone. Inzaghi will be with me."

At the mention of his name, a playful yip echoed through the house, and Inzaghi, my loyal companion, bounded into the room. He was in his fox form, his eyes filled with mischief as he darted around my mother's feet.

"Ah, there you are, Inzaghi," I chuckled, crouching down to ruffle his fur. "We're going to have more adventures, buddy."

Inzaghi let out an enthusiastic bark, seemingly excited by the prospect. I turned to my mother, who was watching our interaction with a fond smile.

"See, Mom? Inzaghi is just as eager as I am," I said with a grin. "I hope Inzaghi will live up to your expectations." Hinting that Inzaghi was more than just a fox.

As we settled around the dinner table, the topic of Saint Piero Vetarone came up again. "You know, Jin, I remember hearing about Saint Piero before," my mother said, her gaze distant as if lost in thought. "Back when I was part of 'The Forge,' our group had the honour of working with him on an adventure. We joined forces to slay The Serpent of Toxcity."

I was taken aback by her words. "Wait, 'The Forge'? You mean your old adventuring group?"

She nodded, a wistful smile on her face. "Yes, although it was a while back. Piero was a remarkable adventurer, strong and skilled beyond measure. It's no surprise he's still adventuring to this day."

Listening to my mother's reminiscence, The idea that my mother had once fought alongside him only added to the allure of the guild and its potential for greatness.

With the night growing darker, the soft glow of the moon filtered through my window, casting a gentle light across the room. After a nice meal and a heartwarming conversation with my mother, it was time to retire for the night.

Inzaghi curled up at the foot of my bed, his fluffy tail flicking contentedly as he settled in.

"Goodnight, Inzaghi," I whispered, patting his head. He responded with a sleepy yawn, his eyes drooping as sleep claimed him.

The morning arrived the next day the sun's piercing heat touched my face waking me up. with a yawn and a stretch, I got out of bed, preparing myself for today.

"Morning, Jin," she greeted me with a warm smile, the aroma of freshly cooked food filling the air.

"Morning, Mother," I replied, returning her smile. I couldn't help but feel grateful for her unwavering support and love.

As we enjoyed breakfast together, my mother prepared a simple yet hearty meal for me, and she even packed a lunch for me to take to the academy.

"Thank you, Mother. This looks delicious," I said, appreciatively.

"You're welcome, dear. I know you have a big day ahead," she replied, her eyes filled with motherly affection.

After breakfast, I gathered my belongings and glanced over at Inzaghi, who was now awake and watching us with his intelligent eyes.

"Alright, Inzaghi, I'm off to the academy. Look after Mother while I'm gone," I said, kneeling down to scratch behind his ears.

Inzaghi responded with a chirp as if assuring me that he would take good care of her.

With a final nod to my mother and a pat on Inzaghi's head, I headed out the door and went straight to the academy.

The chatter of students filled the air as I walked through the entrance, my footsteps echoing on the cobblestone path.

The academy grounds sprawled out before me, a vibrant tapestry of gardens, courtyards, and majestic buildings.

I still haven't completely familiarised myself with the locations of every building but I followed the signs that led me to the administration building, my anticipation growing with every step.

As I entered the administration building, the buzz of activity enveloped me. Students lined up, for their schedules.

The line gradually moved forward, and soon it was my turn to approach the front desk. The receptionist, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes, greeted me with a warm smile.

"Welcome to the academy," she said, her voice cheerful. "Name, please?"

"Jin Kamuy," I replied, trying to steady myself.

The receptionist quickly retrieved a parchment, scanning the paper with a practised eye. "Ah, here we are. Your schedule for the semester," she said, handing me the parchment.

I took the schedule, my fingers brushing against the parchment. It felt like holding a key to a world of knowledge and adventure. I scanned the classes listed, each one filled with potential and new experiences.

"Thank you," I said, offering the receptionist a grateful smile.

"You're welcome, Jin. Enjoy your time at the academy," she replied, her smile warm and encouraging.

With my schedule in hand, I stepped aside to make way for the next student.

As I walked past the group of classmates, I couldn't help but overhear snippets of their conversations about their chosen subjects. It was a brief glimpse into the diverse array of studies that filled the academy halls.

Continuing on my path, I soon found myself standing outside the entrance of the classroom for Advanced Combat Arts. The door was slightly ajar, and I could hear the faint sounds of instruction coming from within. With a deep breath, I pushed the door open and entered the room.

Inside, the walls were lined with racks of practice weapons—swords, staffs, and various other combat tools.

The instructor, a stern-looking man with battle scars etched into his skin, Stood there waiting as students came flooding into his class luckily for me I secured my spot settling down in the very corner of the room.

Seeing a few familiar students entering the room, my attention was drawn to a girl with red hair – unmistakably Alice. Alongside her, I noticed several other remarkable individuals who had captured my interest: Tristan, with whom I had recently clashed; Ramsworth, the one I had knocked out; Theron, a friend of Ramsworth's; and an unfamiliar face, but I could sense that he was around the level of Tristan.

With Tristan and Ramsworth at a distance from me, I felt a sense of relief, reassured that any potential trouble might be avoided. They settled on the opposite side of the room, making it easier for me to focus on the upcoming class.

Unexpectedly, a familiar voice broke through the growing anticipation.

"Morning Jin! Who would've thought we'd end up in the same class?" Alice's cheerful greeting resonated next to me, bringing a genuine smile to my face.

"Well, lucky for me, I won't be facing this class alone," I replied, thankful for Alice's company.

Before our conversation could continue, the instructor initiated the lesson.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm Gerad Han, and welcome to your first-semester class of Advanced Combat Arts. I'll be outlining the syllabus and objectives for this subject, and it's important to note that different grades are assigned to these classes. To put it succinctly, this class falls under Grade 7, which is the lowest tier."

A sense of concern seemed to settle over the room, as we contemplated the challenges of progressing through our academic years.

"Does that mean we spend the whole year at this grade level?" someone inquired, seeking clarification.

Gerad addressed the question with a composed demeanour. "No need to fret. For those ambitious enough to strive for the top, a test will be held in two weeks' time to determine each student's individual grade level. This assessment includes every student from across the campus. Additional information will be provided in the coming days. Rest assured, it's quite uncommon for first-year students to attain Grades 1 through 3 on their initial attempt – unless, of course, you possess an extraordinary talent that sets you apart."

During a brief pause in Gerad's explanation, I took the opportunity to lean closer to Alice and discreetly inquire about a certain individual who had captured my attention. "Alice, do you happen to know who the boy with brown hair and green eyes is? The one seated a few rows ahead?"

Alice's gaze followed my discreet gesture, and she nodded knowingly. "Ah, you're talking about Franz Forge. He's quite the notable figure around here. A skilled mage with an intriguing talent – he possesses three elemental affinities."

"Three elemental affinities?" I echoed, genuinely surprised by this revelation. It was a rare and remarkable feat to possess mastery over three distinct elements.

Alice elaborated with a hint of admiration, "Yes, exactly. He's one of the few mages capable of channelling fire, water, and earth elements. It's said that his control over them is remarkable, which explains his reputation."

Concluding his introduction, Gerad guided us to the training grounds to delve into the teachings of Elemental Channeling.

Hey, guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will be releasing very important information for the next one, so stay tuned!

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