
New Life; Fun Life

Author Heroes are not born... They are made. Liam tran... Liam Cut!... I'm no fucking hero, correct that now. Author *Ahem* it seems there is confusion somewhere, sorry for the inconvenience. Liam, a boy who dreamt of Eternal Peace, transmigrated into a fantasy world. Having no other option... He decides to pursue the other form of Eternal peace... Eternal Happiness. But with evil lurking at all corners of his new world... It would be a difficult dream to archive. Join us, on our journey to... Eternal Peace/Happiness. Liam. Cut!... Not us... only me. Author I thought we are in this together. Partners... Till the end. Liam It seems the author is suffering from... An unknown disease. Join me, on my journey to... Eternal Peace or Happiness. Either would be good for me. And for those looking down on us... I'm watching you. And for those thinking; it's interesting... You're my best pal. Thanks, Fam. Watch out for this epic tale... One that you only see in... Don't know the length. Just enjoy. {Disclaimer} The cover isn't mine, so if you know the artist or you are the artist. I'll be glad if you contact me, I'll do my best to appreciate your wonderful work. https://discord.gg/5jRzj65WbV Discord link. Do join if you're interested. Thanks.

Believer_X · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
75 Chs


Opening my eyes I could feel the intensity of the sunlight… it has happened again, I always end up in this situation.

Surveying my surroundings which looked strange; unlike the big bed I expected, I was in some sort of desert. As far as I could see was dry sand, with the sun, which seemed to have a personal problem with me glaring with full power.

"Fuck! Where am I?" I yelled, trying to get any help… more like the attention I could. It was a scary situation… being in a desert alone… since I'm not sure I'll call it a desert-like region.

"Help!" I yelled continuously, hoping to find a helping hand. I felt like it was something similar to Cuckoo's test, but I didn't have any lessons after that geography class.

Searching the area for any clue, I couldn't find any… only spotting small insects on the dry land.

Now I have two choices, firstly; I stay in one spot waiting for any help that might come, and if they don't see me they will surely look for… am I sure?

No this is a good idea; by staying here I can avoid any problems, and at least this place looks safe.

No, it's a bad idea; if I stay here… how will I get food! I can't see any food source here! No way in hell I'll stay without food!

Secondly; I can move forward, that way I can find food, and still look for help as I move forward. But, it will be easier to get into trouble!... Why does my life have to be complicated?

Calm down, calm down, I just have to think. Closing my eyes; I sat crossed-legged, thinking of all possible outcomes.

Opening my eyes in a flash, I felt somewhat rejuvenated. It's time to make a decision… I move on, that way I can train myself… I won't depend on anyone to live.

The desert wasn't bad at all; playing in the hot sand… not bad, and the sun paying me such attention… not bad. *Sob*... Very bad.

I could feel my skin burning, my eyes becoming heavy, and my muscles aching… it was like my end was close… but giving up is not an option.

*You don't have to do this* said a whispering voice. It felt like the owner of the voice was beside me. Shifting from my position, I surveyed the surroundings looking for any person.

*Hehehe, you can't see me… but I can see you* said the whispering voice cheerfully, dragging it.

"Who are you?" I yelled out, taking on the fighting stance I learned from Raymond. The voice sounds creepy.

*I'm you… you're me… we're one* said the whispering voice, this time sounding irritated.

*Sometimes I wonder how we can be of the same being… you're weak!* Yelled the whispering voice, with his every word shaking the land I stood on.

"You are fake! Just an illusion!" I yelled out, trying to keep my mind straight. 

*You're scared… of what can happen… more like what will happen… it's drawing near Liam… our time* said the whispering voice in a dejected tone.

*You know… I had better plans… something that would have made me better… but it was all foiled… I can't let fate foil my plans… not for the second time* said the whispering voice, fading little by little.

"Hahaha" breathing deeply, I fell to the ground. I could feel my whole head in turmoil, it felt like I came back from death's door.

Struggling I moved forward, groveling on the hot sand, which felt like nothing to me… I don't know how long I've been at this, but I could see something beautiful in the far-off distance.

Moving closer and closer, with my whole body aching. Maybe I would die soon… but I felt I needed to reach that location.

In Front of me was a huge pond of water, its sparkle seemed to rival that of the glaring sunlight, leaving me in deep awe.

Drawing close; I socked my head into the beautiful water, gulping down large quantities at a time… not minding my surroundings.

"Seems you passed," said a voice behind me. I would have loved to confirm the person's identity… but I was drunk on the beautiful pond.

"Hmmm, drinking the purifying water after a long battle seems to be addictive?" Said the stranger with a curiosity-filled voice.

Not bothering, I drank greedily from the pond, getting rejuvenated with every gulp I took.

"That's bad manners… ignoring your elders… it seems it can not be helped. Now it's okay boy… anymore would be negative for you," he said cheerfully, snapping his fingers.

Appearing in a strange place, I couldn't help but growl in annoyance. "Where is the pond!" I yelled, ready to pounce on the stranger.

"Seems you're brain dead?" He said curiously, looking at me as some specimen. It was annoying… not being taken seriously.

"Bastard!" I yelled, pouncing on him with everything I got. 

As if time stopped, I could feel my movements slowing down, jerking my head in his direction; I could sight a mocking… as if I was nothing.

*Growl* trying my best to break through whatever force is tying me down, I moved towards him; with every step, I took being difficult… It felt more difficult than the desert.

"You have the will… but understanding is also needed," he said, still showing me that mocking smile… or maybe I perceived it that way.

"My Master told me that 'solving a problem you don't understand is difficult… almost impossible," he said, still putting on the same smile. 

Walking towards my somewhat slow-motioned body. "To escape your cage… your need to understand its components… if not it becomes difficult… almost impossible," he said cheerfully, using his hands to demonstrate.

Right now my brain was in turmoil… but the more he spoke, the clearer my thinking became. "Who are you?" I asked, finally getting a grip on myself.

"Ooh, now you're back!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands joyfully. He seemed happy about my recovery… I don't think he's to be trusted.

"Don't worry kid… if I wanted to end you, then trust me… you would have been no more," he said, rubbing his thumb on his neck. That's the sign for kill where I came from… seems I meet another weirdo.

"Hmm… I'll be taking you on cultivation… I guess, not really sure it's called cultivation, maybe… how to train your energy (power)," he said, placing a finger on his chin.

"So… you're one of my teachers (instructor, trainer)?" I asked in a wimpy tone. This guy seemed nuts, and his way of starting the training… more like entering my life… is fucking bad! Which means; my whole training time with him would be bad.

"Don't feel down kid… I'm a good guy," he said, hitting his chest with pride. Now I know… I'm done for.

Breathing in, I decided to ask what had been bothering me. "That stuff back there… what is it?" I questioned, fearful of his answer. 

One; he might decide not to answer, and end up adding to my suffering… for asking too much.

Two; it might be something that would negatively affect my life, and hearing it now would break my hopes of living a peaceful life.

I just hope everything turns out well.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Believer_Xcreators' thoughts