
New Life; Fun Life

Author Heroes are not born... They are made. Liam tran... Liam Cut!... I'm no fucking hero, correct that now. Author *Ahem* it seems there is confusion somewhere, sorry for the inconvenience. Liam, a boy who dreamt of Eternal Peace, transmigrated into a fantasy world. Having no other option... He decides to pursue the other form of Eternal peace... Eternal Happiness. But with evil lurking at all corners of his new world... It would be a difficult dream to archive. Join us, on our journey to... Eternal Peace/Happiness. Liam. Cut!... Not us... only me. Author I thought we are in this together. Partners... Till the end. Liam It seems the author is suffering from... An unknown disease. Join me, on my journey to... Eternal Peace or Happiness. Either would be good for me. And for those looking down on us... I'm watching you. And for those thinking; it's interesting... You're my best pal. Thanks, Fam. Watch out for this epic tale... One that you only see in... Don't know the length. Just enjoy. {Disclaimer} The cover isn't mine, so if you know the artist or you are the artist. I'll be glad if you contact me, I'll do my best to appreciate your wonderful work. https://discord.gg/5jRzj65WbV Discord link. Do join if you're interested. Thanks.

Believer_X · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Southern continent.

Opening my eyes to a dimly lit room, with the only source of light being two flickering candles, seeming to be at their end door. My whole body ached like I fought a difficult battle.

Surveying my surroundings, I could see a lot of geographical instruments… If I'm not wrong, this should be a geography room.

"Seems you're up?" Hearing a feminine voice, I jerked toward the direction it came from. I could recognize the figure; it was that bitch who used some spell on me.

"Don't give me that look," she said, going through a book. "I don't like showing strangers my home… so be grateful," she said, turning to look at me.

I never wanted to see her home… ahem, not like I mind being in a beautiful lady's home.

"Don't know what perverted stuff you're thinking of… at least try not to express it," she said, rolling her eyes.

This world's emotions are getting out of hand, I'm not gonna take this anymore. "How do you mask your feelings?" I asked.

"I don't care about that," she said calmly. "I'm here to teach you geography," she continued, dropping her books.


"We know about your curiosity… so I decided to teach you," she continued, moving toward me. "Are you interested?"

"Yes!" I answered immediately. Why would I refuse such an offer? I can finally learn something.

"Now… first of all, I'll be talking about the position of the five known continents," she said calmly, walking toward a whiteboard. It looked similar to that of Earth.

"Back when we started keeping records of our history; we as the southern continent had no idea of other continents.

But as time went by, we started discovering other continents; starting from the East…"

Cutting her off. "Does that mean other continents apart from the unknown exist?" I asked in a questioning tone.

Walking to me; she put her forehead close to mine… too close for comfort. "Don't be a greedy boy… greed brings a lot of things… things you fear most… right now yours seems to be curiosity… but I can see it transforming."

Moving back; she walked towards a table, which I followed… puzzling over her every word.

I don't think I'm greedy… I was just curious… it seems I'll have to just listen to her every word.

"This is a brief map of our known world," she said, touching what seemed to be lands in the drawing.

"The brown-colored side indicates land, the blue colored side indicates water, and the red-colored side indicates the unknown," she said, taking a glance at me.

"Four continents took the cardinal points as their names, with each of them being placed in the cardinal point they represent.

The North is to the north, the East is to the east, the west is to the west, and the south is to the South," she said, pointing at four different locations on the map divided by the sea.

"Now we'll be talking about the southern continent… our home… " she said in a suspenseful manner. Trying to make me eager… I won't fall for it.

"The southern continent as a whole has three main powerhouses," she said, walking toward another section.

It was similar to the first, the only difference being the colors that were present, I must say… It looks beautiful.

"As you can see the three major colors are; Red representing the Heavens Pavilion Sect, Black representing the Demonic Cult, and Blue representing the Xadia Empire, our current location," she said, turning to look at me.

All the names she mentioned sounded familiar, many fantasy stories I've read had similar location names in them making it easy to digest.

"Some other powerhouse, though not at the level of these three are; the Xi family, Masha kingdom, and DreamLand cult."

Going further; she mentioned different groups and their power status in the southern continent… but something felt amiss.

I know I'm not supposed to ask this… but I can't keep it in. "What of the last continent?" I asked, she had mentioned five known continents back then.

Turning to look at me; she took in deep breaths of air. " It's known as the neutral continent… located in the middle of the four cardinal continents," she said calmly.

To be honest; I expected her to yell, but since she didn't do that… I can ask other questions. "How about the other continent's power distribution?" I asked in a curious tone, taking in deep breaths of air.

"Seems you are getting ahead of yourself again," she said, squinting her eyes. "Rather concentrate on the southern continent… or you'll end up nowhere," she said.

As if the space around me was sinking; I could feel my balance going off. Just like the time she brought me here, my head became somewhat foggy.

The last word I heard was; "Times are changing rapidly… if you want to survive, you must learn to stand on your own."

Unknown location.

On top of a mountain peak stood a huge woman… I think fat would be the perfect word… no, big is the right word… so…

On top of a mountain peak stood a big woman, her body size seeming to defy the law of possible growth… She had two huge clubs in her hands, each looking horrendous… dripping with blood and different organ-like materials hanging on it. Looking at the ground, one could see that it was littered with corpses. 

"Though I'd love to play with you… I got better things to do… so why not retreat, we can do these another day," said the big woman, with a wild grin on her face.

"Ohh Big Mom, here we are again… I need to get through this point… why not let me pass," said a serpentine creature.

It was about 20 feet long, with 2 forearms and 2 hindlegs. Its head resembles that of an ancient being, with glittering red scales that emitted a powerful radiance making everything around seem small, including the huge mountains.

And our Big Momma is currently facing such a mighty being, something that exists only in legends of Liam's former world… now a reality in his new world.

"I always liked your red scales… I guess it's time I peel them off… so you can become the lizard you are!" Yelled Big Mom, tightening the grip on her weapons. As if responding to her will, arcane drawings appeared at the surface of her weapon glowing brighter with every second.

"Roar," roaring to the sky, the serpentine dragon charged toward Big Mom, with a furious look on its face.

What will come out of this legendary battle… no one knows.

As legends… we shall watch till the end.

{Hello Ladies/Gentleman.

I hope my explanation was good enough… if not, you can contact me through any method you deem fit.

I'll do my best to explain.}

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