
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

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The Unforgiving Night

Javi extended a hand toward Joan, shaking it firmly.

Javi: Nice to meet you, too.

Joan returned the gesture with a cordial smile.

Joan: I trust you've been treated well? I hope you haven't been handled too roughly.

Andy interjected with a touch of sincerity

Andy: Yeah, if it has been... rough. We're terribly sorry.

Javi waved off the concern.

Javi: No need. I feel like I'm home at last.

Joan's gaze softened.

Joan: I hope Richmond can become your home. I know David would like that. And nothing pleases me more than seeing families reunited.

Andy's tone shifted, a hint of sorrow creeping in.

Andy: Sadly, my family died. I had a brother and a mother.

Javi empathized

Javi: Walkers?

Andy corrected

Andy: No. Some crazy lunatic killed them for no reason. Been hunting him down ever since.

Javi offered his condolences

Javi: I'm... terribly sorry.

Andy: It's fine. You weren't involved

Andy assured.

Joan redirected the conversation

Joan: We were just about to eat.

On the table lay two contrasting sets of food: a chocolate cake and a plate of healthy spinach.

Joan continued

Joan: Clint was trying to convince me of the essential superiority of his creamed spinach over my magnificent black forest gateau.

Clint chimed in

Clint: It's no contest. The spinach has real nutritional value.

Andy interjected with a wry smile

Andy: See what I have to deal with?

Joan invited Javi to weigh in

Joan: Javi, take a look at that table. You tell me what you'd rather put in your belly.

Approaching the table, Javi examined the spread. Joan pressed

Joan: Spinach from Clint's garden, heh? Or a baked delicacy by yours truly.

Javi grinned

Javi: I'd have to go with that cake. I haven't seen anything like that in years.

Clint shrugged

Clint: Ugh. Suit yourself.

Joan chuckled

Joan: Come on, Clint. At least he's being honest.

Clint took a seat, and Joan encouraged everyone, "Please, make yourself comfortable." Javi and David settled on church benches, while Joan and Andy sat near Clint on the opposite side.

Joan: We value straight talk here, so please forgive me if I seem direct. We're usually pretty strict about who we open our doors to. Your brother's word counts for a lot.

Javi inquired 

Javi: Is that so?

Joan: The four of us, and Doctor Lingard, make all the decisions here. So, yeah.

Clint: People who choose to stay with us have to deal with us bossing them around. Not saying you wouldn't, but it can be an adjustment.

Andy: Especially for the more... independent-minded. Mainly because there's no structure out there anymore. Everyone here gets used to doing what they please.

Clementine Pov:

A while after Javi left, Ava came down to get Eleanor. She was shocked to see us but said she had heard people saying someone was back but she never figured out what they were talking about. 

She promised she would help Omid and Christa get us out before she left, leaving Tripp, Kenny, Yhwach, Sarah, Lee, Conrad and I alone in the cell. Kenny argued that we should find a way to break out of here, but Lee disagreed. He said it would be harder to get revenge if we did that. 

He was right, but Sarah and I still looked around anyway, just to make Kenny feel better. We checked everything, tried everything, but there was no way out. 

Kenny: Fuck! I got a real bad feeling Lee. We know these people. They're ruthless. Careless, FUCKIN' HEARTLESS. 

Kenny snapped before looking at Lee. 

Kenny: They took AJ from us, when they could have just helped him when we asked, it took us trying to steal medicine and getting kicked out for them to help?

Clementine: All the more reason to stay and play by their rules. I want easy access. I want them to not expect it. And I want answers. Is AJ alive? 

Lee said causing him to sigh. 

Conrad: So wait? Y'all were kicked out?

Conrad questioned confused. 

Lee: For trying to steal medicine for a sick child. They didn't want to help and now we want to know what happened to him and deal with it accordingly.

Lee spoke up. 

Tripp: And if he died?

Tripp questioned staring at us curiously. 

Clementine: Then they die too.

I responded seriously.

Yhwach, who had been observing the interactions silently, spoke with a calm and measured tone, his gaze focused on the group.

Yhwach: Vengeance is a powerful drive, especially when fueled by the injustices inflicted upon loved ones. However, it is essential to tread carefully. Blind rage can cloud judgment and lead to unforeseen consequences.

He paused, allowing his words to settle in the air before continuing.

Yhwach: Our current situation demands strategic thinking. Revenge should not be a reckless pursuit; it must be a calculated response. There is strength in unity, and we must leverage that strength to navigate this delicate web of alliances and tensions.

Lee nodded in agreement, acknowledging the wisdom in Yhwach's words.

Lee: Yhwach is right. We need a plan, not just a knee-jerk reaction. The last thing we want is to make things worse for ourselves and end up back on the road or in a worse situation.

Conrad leaned against the cell bars, crossing his arms.

Conrad: So, what's the plan, then? We just sit here and wait for them to decide our fate?

Yhwach: No, Conrad. We gather information, identify our allies, and understand the dynamics at play. Patience is a virtue in times like these.

There was silence for a second before we heard someone approaching the door. The door unlocked and opened revealing Omid. 

Clementine: You're back! Can you get us out?

I asked after giving Omid a hug. He nodded with a smile. 

Omid: I actually talked to Joan a little before I saw David and Javi going into the conference building. She kinda said she wanted to speak with Clem and Lee. She said I could let the rest of you out, as long as you promise not to do anything crazy...

He said looking around at everyone. 

Lee: They won't cause any trouble. Clem and I wanted to speak to the leaders anyway.

Lee said nodding to me. 

Omid smiled and nodded. 

Omid: Right, well then come on.

He said leading us back up to the main ground. 

He lead us down a long street, we passed people chatting and lounging around, it was as if nothing had happened. 

Omid: Ever since we took over Richmond, life's been sweet. I never thought I'd say this but, it's starting to feel like old times.

Omid chuckled as he lead us to a building.

Omid: This is it. I can't go in with you. I'll show the others around. Go on in. 

He said motioning for us to go. 

I looked up at Lee and he placed his hand on my shoulder, guiding me inside. My heart was racing as the door opened revealing a large room. 

Omid said this was the conference room, so the chairs lined up, ready for any meetings, weren't unusual. Joan, Clint, David, Javi, and Unexpectedly Andy sat at the very front by the podium. They all turned to look at us as we stepped in. 

The room fell silent as Lee and I entered, our presence stirring a mixture of surprise, anger, and tension. Andy's eyes locked onto us, his expression twisted with a deep-seated rage. Without warning, he lunged forward, his intent clear—to unleash his fury on us.

Clint and David reacted swiftly, restraining Andy as he struggled against their hold. Joan stepped forward, attempting to reason with the enraged man.

Joan: Andy, calm down! We need to talk.

Andy, seething with anger, growled

Andy: Talk? They killed my family!

Joan, maintaining her composure, insisted

Joan: Attacking them won't solve anything. We need to understand what happened.

Despite Joan's efforts, Andy's rage continued to burn. Clint and David held him back, their strength barely containing his desire for revenge.

Joan: Andy, we'll get answers. But attacking them here won't help. Let's hear them out.

Andy, reluctantly, allowed himself to be restrained, though his eyes remained fixed on us with unbridled hatred.

Lee: We're here to find out what happened to AJ. We heard he's with Dr. Lingard.

Joan : Yes, he is. We left him in Dr. Lingard's care for his safety.

Clementine: Why didn't you tell us?

David : I left AJ with Lingard to ensure he had the best chance at survival.

Clementine: So he lied then. He told us that he tried everything. He said AJ was going to die. Anyway none of that matters. The fact is , David took AJ away from me and only decided to help him when we were gone. If any of you don't see the problem in that, then you're all apart of the problem. This is not giving me much hope in staying here.

I sighed sitting back.

Joan: Let's just put this all behind us. Start over fresh. We have grown as a community. Things will be different. 

Joan smiled at Lee. 

Lee shook his head.

Lee: There's no way you expect us to just forget about everything you're people did to us. We won't agree to anything until you all own up to what you did and Lingard tells us what he did with AJ 

He spoke. Suddenly the back doors opened and the guy from earlier at the front gate came in with two other New Frontier. 

David: Max!? What are you doing here?

David questioned standing up placing his hand on Javi's shoulder to keep him seated. 

Clint: I sent for him. 

Clint stood up taking responsibility.

David: Since when does he answer to you?

David asked sounding annoyed. 

Clint: From what I hear, he's well aquatinted with your brother. They exchanged a few more bullets outside our wall. 

Clint explained. 

Joan: Is that right? There's bad blood between you and Max?

Joan questioned

David: Nothing that can't be worked out.

David spoke. 

Javi: Yeah...there's no bad blood. He's good in my book.

Javi said causing Max and I's eyes to widen. 

Max: Yeah...no bad blood.

Max said taken aback by what Javi said. 

Clementine: Even after what they did? Mariana, and Kate didn't shoot themselves.

I frowned confused. David shot me a glare and I glared back even harder. 

Clint: Ah? Is this true?

Clint questioned glancing over at Max. 

Max: That was all Badger. Besides, we caught he and his family trying to syphon gas from one of our cars.

Max blurted out. 

Javi: I didn't know it belonged to anyone. We were in a junkyard for crying out loud. I syphoned a few vehicles out there before I found yours. Besides, we didn't even get to use it. I offered to give you everything I syphoned and you still took me and my family hostage.

Javi argued. 

Lee: Let's not forget how they attacked Prescott and killed a bunch of innocent people all for gas that didn't even technically get stolen, and a few pudding cups. That's what cost a bunch of people their lives.

Max: That was all Badger. I know I did all that shit at the junkyard when we found you, but I had nothing to do with anything else.

Max explained. 

Joan: This all sounds like a big misunderstanding. Can we agree to put it all behind us?

Joan asked as she sat back in her seat. 

Javi: It's no misunderstanding. He held me hostage, his people killed my niece, shot Kate, and then attacked Prescott. I don't want any trouble, but I definitely feel like I and the others deserves some sort of justice for that.

Javi replied causing David to sigh with frustration.

Clementine: You don't seem surprised, David... Why aren't you as angry as Javi?

I questioned wanting Javi to see just how evil this man was. 

David: I wanted to handle it myself... I didn't want to bring drama to our home.

David spoke lowly

Clementine: Sure. Or were you just gonna let him off with a warning and go on like nothing happened. 

I scoffed rolling my eyes. 

Clint: It will be handled, we will talk to Badger about all of this. As of now, water under the bridge?

Clint raised an eyebrow. 

Andy St. John's refusal was palpable, his eyes burning with an intensity that spoke of deep-seated hatred. The moment Lee and Clementine killed his family lingered in his mind, an indelible mark that he would never forgive. As Joan attempted to ease the tension, Andy's gaze remained fixed on Lee and Clementine, a silent promise of retribution.

Joan: Andy, we need to find a resolution. Violence won't bring your family back.

Andy's voice seethed with anger.

Andy: Resolution? They deserve to pay for what they did!

Joan continued her diplomatic approach.

Joan: Attacking them here won't solve anything. We need to hear their side of the story.

Clint and David maintained their hold on Andy, understanding the volatile situation. Andy, however, was unyielding.

Andy: I don't care about their side. They took everything from me!

Lee, recognizing the gravity of the situation, spoke earnestly.

Lee: Andy, we know what we did was terrible. We're not proud of it. But attacking us here won't bring your family back either. Let's find a way to move forward.

Andy's eyes bore into Lee's, a maelstrom of anger and grief.

Andy: Move forward? You think I can just forget? You're wrong.

Joan, sensing the impasse, spoke with a firm yet empathetic tone.

Joan: Andy, we'll address the grievances, but now is not the time. We have more significant issues to handle.

Andy's rage, seemingly contained, was a tempest waiting to be unleashed. As Joan attempted to steer the conversation towards resolution, Andy's resentment only intensified.

Joan: Andy, let's focus on finding common ground.

Andy, unable to contain his fury any longer, erupted.

Andy: Common ground? You have no idea what it's like to lose everything, and you sit there talking about common ground?

His voice thundered through the room, a storm of anger echoing in every word.

Joan, maintaining her composure, spoke empathetically.

Joan: Andy, I understand your pain. But violence won't bring back what we've lost.

Andy's eyes burned with a fiery intensity as he turned his wrath towards Joan.

Andy: You don't understand anything! If you were in my place, you'd be screaming for justice too! You'd want those responsible to pay for the hell they put you through!

Joan, unfazed, replied with a measured tone.

Joan: Andy, I won't pretend to know your pain, but revenge won't heal your wounds. We need to find a way to move forward together.

Andy, fueled by his anguish, scoffed at Joan's words.

Andy: Move forward? You people took everything from me, and you want me to move forward?

His words were a venomous mix of grief and resentment, directed at those he believed were responsible for his torment.

Joan: Andy, we'll address your grievances, but an eye for an eye won't bring peace.

Andy, seething with anger, couldn't contain the torrent of emotions within him.

Andy: Peace? There can be no peace until justice is served! You're all blind to the pain you've caused!

Joan: Unfortunately Andy, that's not how this all works. Either you agree to let it go, or you will be demoted, Lee and Clementine, this is your time to make a decision as well.

Clementine: I think we already have.

I said standing up. Lee and Javi stood up along with me causing Joan to look disappointed as she stared at Lee. Ever since the day she met Lee, she's been really infatuated by him. 

I've asked Lee about it but he always says "Joan's just really nice". Sarah and I both feel like she likes him. Like really likes him. 

Clint: In that case. Take Javi and his people to the gate. Give them a pack with the bare minimum to survive. And make sure they really leave.

Clint ordered. 

David: This is unnecessary, This was all just a big misunderstanding.

David said trying to change their minds. 

Clint: We've kicked people out for less.

Clint shrugged glancing over at Lee and I. He sighed glancing over at Javi as they prepared to lead us out. 

Andy's eyes narrowed, his anger finding a new target as he pointed accusingly at Lee.

Andy: But he stays. He's gonna pay for everything he did.

Joan shook her head, her expression firm.

Joan: Andy, this is not the time for personal vendettas. We need to maintain order and stability.

Andy, undeterred, stepped forward.

Andy: I don't care about your order and stability. He took everything from me, and he's gonna pay!

Joan's tone became stern.

Joan: Andy, I won't allow you to jeopardize the harmony we've built. Lee and Clementine will leave, and that will be the end of it.

Andy's fists clenched, his frustration boiling over.

Andy: No! I won't let him walk away like nothing happened!

Joan stood her ground.

Joan: You will, Andy. For the sake of Richmond and its people.

Andy glared at Joan, his resentment palpable.

Andy: You're just as heartless as them, Joan. You don't give a damn about justice.

Joan's composure wavered, a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Joan: I care about the greater good. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the community.

Andy, unable to contain his anger, turned to Lee with a venomous glare.

Andy: You better pray we never cross paths again.

Lee, maintaining his calm demeanor, nodded solemnly.

Lee: I understand.

David: Just...stay alive... Okay?

He said to Javi as we were lead away. 

Javi: Like you care.

Javi replied not looking back as they lead us out to the gates. The others were rounded up and brought out. 

Kate and Gabe stayed behind with David since they are his family.

Tripp: You're Lucky I don't gouge yours fucking eyes out with my thumbs . you hear me asshole??.

Tripp gritted out when one of the New Frontier pushed him out forward and out of the gate. 

They aimed their guns at us as they slowly retreated back to the gates. Sam growled seeing all the guns aimed at us as Sarah held him back by his collar. I had to remember to find him a leash, or something like it for situations like this. 

Ava came sprinting out of the gate passed the guards with a duffle bag in her arms. She dropped it at our feet and looked at us.

Ava: David packed this. He said it will help.

She said. 

Javi: He did?.. they said-

he started to speak but ava turned away telling us to start walking. 

Tripp: What about Eleanor?

Tripp asked following behind her. She spun around pushing him back demanding that he walk away. 

Tripp: Eat shit. Answer my fuckin' question. 

Tripp snapped causing Kenny and Javi to grab him holding him back. He struggled insisting they let him go.

Kenny: Tripp you're gonna get us killed. Let her stay in there. It's safer for her than out here. 

Kenny said as he held him back. Tripp tried to push passed them, but they kept a firm grip. 

Javi: You wanna put her in danger by being out here or possibly hurt all of for your temper. Calm down tripp.

Javi demanded. 

Tripp sighed snatching away from them and walking in the other direction.

Ava: Do not...fuck this up.

Ava said glancing at me. I frowned, I knew Ava. What she really meant was there's a plan. I kept that in mind as I watched Javi bend down picking up the bag. 

Ava walked back to the gate with the other New Frontier and turned around to face us as the gate closed.

Ava: There's a settlement a few miles west of here. Don't come back.

She said loud enough for the other New Frontier to hear her as the gate shut. 

Tripp: Did you piss in someone's oatmeal back there? I thought you were gonna play along.

Tripp growled as he crossed his arms staring at Lee and Javi.

Clementine: It didn't really go as planned. These people are bad news and they don't care about anyone but themselves. The only reason they kept Eleanor was because she's a Dr and Dr Lingard vouched for her. 

Clementine: And Kate and Gabe are Davids Wife and Kid. Let's just go, I don't like sitting here, those assholes are probably listening.

I said glancing up at the gate. No one was standing at the top, but I knew their tricks. 

Jesus: I agree with Clementine, Let's get out of here.

Jesus nodded in agreement.the sound of walkers approaching caught out attention causing Sarah to groan. 

Sarah: Oh no. We saw Omid and Christa. They told us about a herd of walkers heading this way. We need to go now.

She rushed looking around. 

We walked away getting far enough away from The New Frontier, and far enough that we couldn't hear the walkers anymore. 

Javi: Let's see what they gave us.

Javi suggested putting the bag down and opening it.

Tripp: Knowing them, it's probably a butter knife and a stick of gum.

Tripp joked. 

Jesus: They could've just shot us.

Jesus pointed out. 

Javi: I think this is for you

He said handing the paper to me. I frowned taking the paper and reading it as Sarah and Kenny stepped towards me waiting to hear what it said. 

Clementine: It's an address... McCarroll Ranch... It's from Dr Lingard.

I said looking up at them. 

Lee: Think that's where AJ is?

Lee questioned. 

Kenny: AJ? He's alive?

Kenny questioned wide eyed. 

I looked up at Lee and he shrugged.

Lee: It's your choice Clem.

He said. 

Clementine: We'll stay and help you get your family back. Because I'm sure that's what you want. But after that, we go find AJ.

I nodded after a few seconds of thinking about it. 

He pulled out a Baseball Bat with a map tied around it.

Tripp: What's that?

Tripp questioned. 

Javi: A map. I doubt they give one to everyone. Ava did say David packed the bag.

Javi stated looking down at the map. 

Clementine: Now he wants to help. How nice of him. 

I snarked rolling my eyes.

Tripp: Why the hell is it tied to a baseball bat?

Tripp asked confused. 

Conrad: Because Javi here was a real superstar before the apocalypse. A professional baseball player.

Conrad said crossing his arms. 

Javi: I guess my brothers sense of humor was always poorly timed. 

Javi sighed looking over the map. 

David had mapped out where he wanted us to go. Ava must be working with him. But why the hell would David want to help us?.... Because of Javi? 

Tripp walked over to the bag looking inside.

Kenny: What else they give us?

Kenny questioned. 

Javi: Not a whole lot. A flashlight, not enough weapons...No food.

He sighed as Jesus picked up a hatchet examining it. 

Clementine: I figured they would take our weapons, so I stashed some of mine around here somewhere. 

I said as I began to walk in the direction. I found the trashcan and lifted the lid finding my bag with all my weapons and stuff inside.

Sarah: Smart one Clem. 

Sarah smiled as I handed her a pick ax. I handed Lee and Kenny my pistols and pulled out my ice pick.

Clementine: Here Yhwach

I said to Yhwach trying to give him my pistol

He considered my offer of the pistol for a moment before shaking his head.

Yhwach: I appreciate the gesture, Clementine, but I have my own weapon.

I slipped my backpack on and nodded to the others as we headed wherever David had us going. 

The wind howled as we made our way through the woods.

Sarah: So...Gabe's back at New Richmond... We might not see him again.

Sarah pointed out causing me to sigh. 

Clementine: So? What's your point? 

I questioned glancing over at her to see her squinting her eyes at me.

Sarah: Don't pretend that you and Gabe don't like each other. I know he likes you... He told me.

She chuckled. 

I frowned looking up at her. 

Clementine: Gabe told you he likes me?

I questioned. I couldn't help the small smile that crept onto my face as she nodded her head. 

Then the thought crossed my head. How I would feel if I had to watch him die like so many of the others. Or he could turn out just like his dad.... My mind raced as a mix of emotions came over me. 

Clementine: There's no time for relationships. I can't handle losing anyone else I care about. Imagine being in a relationship with someone and having to watch them be eaten.

I shuttered at the thought. 

Sarah: That's all the more reason to live life to the fullest. Experience...EVERYTHING.

she motioned with her hands to everything around us. 

Sarah: That's all the more reason to live life to the fullest. Experience...EVERYTHING. 

she motioned with her hands to everything around us. 

Clementine: I've experienced enough. I don't want to know what it feels like to fall in love with someone.

I lied shaking my head. 

Sarah: Clem..

Clementine: Drop it Sarah.

I sighed looking away. I didn't know want her to make it harder for me than it already was . 

I thought for a second shaking my head not wanting this to cloud my mind. I had to be aware of everything at all times. 

Yhwach held his hand up as he looked around signalling for us to stop.

Tripp: Yhwach got his eye on something...

Tripp said as we watched Him walk over to a rock ledge and look around. 

Tripp: What you got for us man? 

Tripp questioned. 

Yhwach: Listen..

Yhwach said 

We stopped, listening to all the sounds around us. Suddenly the growling sound of walkers could be heard in the distance.

Javi: Tell me that isn't what I think it is. 

Javi sighed.

Jesus: About a quarter mile out, headin' the same way we are.

Jesus informed us. 

Tripp: We could hit walkers any second. We better scoot.

Tripp sighed pulling the knife,he got out of the bag, from his pocket. 

We continued through the woods listening to the sound of the walkers not far from us. We stepped into a clearing and froze as a few walkers stood scattered out. 

They all turned at our presence and growled reaching out for us as they staggered our way.

Javi: Okay, look alive people.

Javi said as he pulled his weapon out. We all did the same as we effortlessly fought off the walkers. 

Two walkers had Javi cornered and I watched as he dropped to the ground with one of the walkers on top of him. 

I looked over making eye contact with Sarah and she nodded before we ran over to where he was. Sarah Kicked the walker on top of him, in the head causing it to flip off of him. 

I kneeled down on the walkers neck as it lay on the ground while Sarah Killed the one closest to Javi. She looked over noticing me and made her way over stabbing the walke in the head. 

She held her hand out for me helping me up off the walker.

Sarah: You should try to be more careful. You don't want to be a liability.

Sarah stated nodding to Javi as she helped him up from the ground. 

I picked up his baseball bat and handed it to him.

Javi:Yeah, I know. Thanks.

Javi sighed as he dusted off his pants.

I looked at the walker on the ground and cut it open smearing it's blood and guts all over me. 

Javi: Clem?? What the hell?

Javi exclaimed. 

Conrad: What the fuck is she doing?

Conrad questioned as he stared at me in horror.

Kenny: The walker guts make the walkers think we're one of 'em. 

Kenny explained as he did the same thing to another walker.

Conrad: That's disgusting.

Conrad grimaced.

Lee: No, it's smart. The walkers can't tell us apart from them, this way.

Lee replied shaking his head. I helped Sarah get the back of her and she did the same to me. 

Tripp: This is... Crazy.. but it is smart. If you say it'll work.

Tripp spoke and before I knew it, Everyone, except Conrad and Yhwach, was covered in walkers guts. 

Conrad: I'm just gonna stick to my original way of doing things. If you don't mind.

Conrad shook his head as everyone stared at him. 

Yhwach, observing the scene with a calm demeanor, spoke up as the others prepared to blend in with the walker guts.

Yhwach: I appreciate the ingenuity, but I have no need for such measures. I can handle myself without relying on disguises.

He paused, looking at the group with a confident gaze.

Yhwach: Let's proceed. Time is of the essence.

Once we were all ready we continued walking.

Javi: So, once you help me, you're going to find... You're Son? 

Javi asked as he walked next to me. 

I nodded.

Clementine: Yeah... You can say that. I did raise AJ...so he is like my son. I know I'm just a kid, but I've done and seen a lot, AJ gave me something to fight for.

I explained. 

Javi nodded.

Javi: Well, if it means anything. I'm sure you were doing a great job at caring for him when you had him. I bet he'll be happy to be back with you and you're group.

He smiled. 

I let a small smile play on my lips as I chuckled lightly. 

Clementine: My little goofball... I'll definitely be happy to have him back.

I sighed feeling my chest tighten with anticipation. 

Javi: That's the place David circled on the map.

Javi spoke pointing forward. He looked up to see a factory in front of us. 

Walkers were roaming all around the front of it, blocking our way to the entrance.

Tripp: Yeah, and our smelly friends are back... 

Tripp pointed out. 

We all pulled out our weapons and started fighting our way through the walkers. I sliced off a few walkers legs dropping them to the ground to make it easier for the people behind me. 

Kenny grabbed the gate ready to close it as everyone ran inside. From behind me , I could hear Conrad shout for help, I looked back to see one of the walkers had it's hold on Conrads foot.

Another walker crawled forward grabbing onto the back of His shirt pulling him back and sinking it's teeth into him.

Tripp: Shit! Conrad!

Tripp screamed trying to run towards him but it was too late. Javi and Lee struggled to push Tripp into the gate as he yelled for us to save Conrad. 

Javi Helped Kenny shut the gate as Tripp snatched away from Lee and Javi. 

Tripp: We could have saved him!!

He yelled pushing Lee causing me to jump in front of him. 

Clementine: No we couldn't. Conrad was bitten before we even noticed he was down. Keep your fucking hands to yourself, before I burry this ice pick in your skull.

I threatened. 

Tripp: How about you watch your goddamn mouth! My friend is dead!

He snapped. 

Sarah: Your friend is dead out of his own stupidity so if you don't want to lose your life. I'd suggest you step back.

Sarah growled behind me. 

Yhwach calmly stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. He raised his hand, gesturing for everyone to calm down.

Yhwach: Violence and chaos won't help us in this situation. We need to remain focused and composed. Now is not the time for conflict among ourselves.

He looked directly at Tripp and spoke with a firm, yet soothing tone.

Yhwach: Tripp, I understand your frustration and grief. Losing someone is never easy. But allowing anger to guide your actions will only jeopardize the safety of the entire group. We need a clear mind and a steady hand to navigate through this.

Tripp clenched his fists, still visibly upset, but Yhwach continued to address the group as a whole.

Yhwach: We're here for a common purpose—to help each other and achieve our respective goals. Bickering and infighting will only distract us from that objective. Now, let us focus on the task at hand and honor Conrad's memory by ensuring we survive.

Javi, still visibly shaken, nodded in agreement. Yhwach's words seemed to resonate, at least momentarily, as the group shifted their attention back to the immediate challenges.

I looked back to see her holding the gun I gave to Lee. He must've dropped it when he was struggling with Tripp. 

Tripp looked at me and shook his head just as more walkers slammed against the fence.

Javi: If too many of them push against this, it might give. Gotta find a way in.

Javi said looking around.

Kenny: Leave that to Lee and the girls, they're good at getting into places. You come help Tripp, Jesus, Yhwach, and I hold this gate. 

Kenny said as they held the fence up. 

Lee ran over to the garage door and tried to raise it. It went up just enough for someone to crawl through.

Lee: I can raise this door a little. But I think it's jammed.

He groaned letting the door go. 

Yhwach approached the garage door, his keen eyes assessing the situation. He motioned for Lee to step back, then with a swift and effortless motion, he placed his hand beneath the door and lifted it with surprising ease.

Yhwach: Step back, everyone. Quickly.

As the door rose, creating a narrow opening, Yhwach held it steady with one hand, allowing the group to slip through. The others hurried inside, taking cover from the relentless onslaught of walkers pressing against the gate.

Clementine: Thanks, Yhwach!

I expressed my gratitude as I slipped through the opening. Lee and Javi followed suit, making their way into the garage.

Yhwach maintained his hold on the door, his eyes vigilant as he monitored the situation outside.

Yhwach: Move swiftly. We don't have much time.

He gestured for the remaining group members to enter, ensuring they made it inside before he lowered the garage door back down, blocking the relentless horde of walkers from pursuing them.

Once everyone was safely inside, Yhwach released the door and joined the group.

Yhwach: We're secure for now. Let's assess our surroundings and determine the next course of action.

Sam growled just as gunshots rang out, from outside. We all stopped and stared at the door, when we heard someone call out from the other side. 

David: Hey! I'm here!

David called from the other side of the door. I clinched my fist as Javi ran to let him in.

David: How exactly did you end up with them?

He questioned Javi as he looked from me to Lee and the others. 

Clementine: Fuck you. Don't act like we did anything wrong. 

Clementine: We were trying to help AJ! 

I snapped while Sarah held me back.

David: By stealing from us? We trusted you and your people. 

David scoffed shaking his head.

Lee: We wouldn't have had to steal if your people would have helped. 

Lee said repeating what we had continued to say this whole time.

Clementine: See, Javi. You heard us go through this conversation. He still refuses to take accountability for his actions. I'll never trust him.

I said shaking my head as I glared at David. 

Javi: They're with me now. I owe them my life. They're the ones who protected Me and your wife and child when your men shot your daughter. They were also the ones who helped us get to you. 

Javi said in our defense. 

David looked taken aback by Javi's words as he looked from him to me. 

David: Right. Well it's all in the past now. I gave you the address to where he is. There's not much else I can do.

David shrugged. 

Sarah scoffed looking at him like he was joking. 

Sarah: How about.. mhm I don't know, maybe apologize for what you did... And how you treated us when we only wanted your help. Or maybe apologize to Clem for taking AJ from her when you knew how much he meant to her. You can do plenty, You just don't want to. So don't sit here and make excuses.

She rolled her eyes. 

Everyone looked at David and he shook his head.

David: I won't apologize for trying to protect my group.

David refused. 

Clementine: Because you're not sorry. Forget it, Just keep your distance from me and my group while we help Javi, And you'll be good.

I sighed turning away. 

Tripp: She told us some pretty rancid stuff about you, man. But damn... I didn't think you were this bad.

Tripp shook his head and crossed his arms in disapproval. 

David: We had rules, They broke them. I would have done the same to anyone. They knew what would happen. So don't feel sorry for them.

David said with no ounce of remorse. 

Javi: To anyone ,huh? You broke the rules for Kate and Gabe.

Javi pointed out crossing his arms. 

David: And I'll accept the consequences. Unlike them.

David replied glaring over at me . 

Clementine: Even if they decided to Keep Kate there because she's hurt and kick you and gabe to the walkers? Would you still accept it then?!

I questioned. 

David: They wouldn't do that.

David frowned. 

Lee raised an eyebrow and glanced down at me with a smirk.

Clementine: No? Why not? You did that to us.

I tilted my head in confusion 

Lee: Kate's in no condition to walk, it'll be safer for her to be there than out here...right?

Lee taunted, Using Davids words about AJ against him causing me and Sarah to chuckle. 

I had never seen Lee taunt someone like that before. He usually told me it wasn't nice. 

David opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. 

Javi: We don't trust them. And we want to get Kate and Gabe out of there.

Javi stated causing David to look at him like he was crazy.

Kenny: And Christa and Omid too. We aren't leaving without them this time.

Kenny nodded.

David: None of us are going anywhere until the walkers clear. 

David excused causing me to roll my eyes turning to walk away. 

I could hear David telling Javi that he would take care of his family now and not to worry about them. They went back and forwards for a second before the door burst open and walkers made their way inside. 

Jesus: Board it up 

Jesus called as he ran and kicked the first walker back out the door, sending it crashing into the other walkers. 

Tripp was right behind him, and immediately closed the door back.

Tripp: We need something to buffer! Something heavy! 

He called out as he held the door shut. 

Sarah: Buffer?

Sarah questioned looking over at Lee. 

Lee: Just another way of saying we need something heavy to block the door. Come on.

He explained to her as he placed his hand on her shoulder leading her with him towards me. Javi and David ran over to get something for the door as they approached me. 

Lee: Clem, Listen. I know you want answers. And I know you're upset, But you have to keep a steady head when we go in here. You already know we will help you till the end, but you gotta cool your temper a little, okay?

Lee spoke softly when he talked to me. 

He was always so nice no matter how much of an asshole I was when I lost AJ. I knew he only wanted to keep me safe, so I nodded. 

Clementine: I know Lee. It's just...it was so hard when I lost AJ. I thought he was dead. I wanted to kill all of them for not helping. Now I know he's alive, it's helping a little. I still want answers... Why couldn't they just help us?

I said. 

Yhwach approached us, his stern expression softening as he overheard our conversation. He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

Yhwach: Clementine, I understand your pain and frustration. It's natural to seek answers and justice, especially when the ones you trusted let you down. However, in the face of danger, we must remain focused and united.

He turned his gaze towards the ongoing chaos with the walkers outside and the urgent situation inside.

Yhwach: Lee is right. We need a clear mind to navigate through this. Vent your emotions, but channel them into the determination to protect those you care about. We have a common goal – to rescue your friends and family. Let that drive us forward.

I took a deep breath, absorbing Yhwach's words. Lee nodded in agreement.

Lee: Yhwach's got a point, Clem. We'll get through this together. We've faced worse odds, and we're still here.

Lee started , raising an eyebrow to make sure I was listening. 

Yhwach: Your resilience is commendable, Clementine. Use that strength to fuel your actions. Remember, vengeance may provide temporary satisfaction, but true victory lies in ensuring the safety of those you cherish.

I nodded, feeling a mix of emotions – anger, determination, and a newfound sense of purpose. Yhwach's presence brought a strange calmness, a reminder that, despite the chaos, we had allies and a plan.

Yhwach: Now, let's focus on fortifying this place. We can discuss the rest later. Javi, David, find something heavy to block that door. Tripp, Jesus, secure the windows. The rest of you, be ready for any surprises.

As the group dispersed to carry out the tasks, Yhwach remained by my side.

Yhwach: Clementine, I know the burden you carry is heavy, but remember, you are not alone in this. We stand together, and we will face whatever challenges come our way.

I glanced at Yhwach, grateful for his words. For a moment, the weight on my shoulders seemed a bit lighter.

Kenny: You ain't got shit to worry about Clementine. I may be an old man, but I still got it.

Kenny chimed in as he joined us cocking his gun. 

I chuckled and shook my head.

Sarah: And you know I already told you I'm with you no matter what. 

Sarah shrugged with a smirk. 

Clementine: Thanks guys. That means a lot. 

I smiled.

Tripp: Hey, uh.. I might be goin' crazy, but I think this stuff came from Prescott.

Tripp called out. 

Lee started walking in their direction and we followed. One of the huge crates read 

Property of Prescott Airfield 

In bold black letters.

Clementine: Nope, You're definitely not going crazy. Looks like they did a little more than just attack. 

I scoffed causing David to glare over at me.

Sarah: So is this protecting your people? Attacking and raiding innocent people's camps? Stealing their things. 

Sarah questioned tilting her head.

David: I didn't even know about this stuff. I don't even know where it came from.

David said seeming just as confused as we were. 

Kenny: Prescott...And other camps out there... I saw some boxes from Wellington back there.

Kenny spoke up pointing behind him. 

Jesus: He's right... There's stuff here from towns I heard were raided a while back... Th-There's stuff here from the Kingdom.

Jesus's words were cut short by the sound of people talking in the distance. 

Yhwach continued to inspect the crates, his keen eyes discerning the origins of the looted supplies. His gaze fell upon a particularly large crate, and his expression tightened. The crate was labeled "Saviors", yet it was conspicuously empty, indicating that the New Frontier had not yet raided Negan's group.

Yhwach: (muttering to himself) Interesting.

He carefully examined the contents, or lack thereof, in the crate. The others, still processing the revelation about Prescott and other camps, looked on with a mix of confusion and concern.

Clementine: What's going on, Yhwach? Why would they leave this one empty?

Yhwach's expression remained focused as he pulled out a radio from his pocket. He tuned it to a specific frequency and sent out a signal. The crackling sound of the radio echoed in the tense atmosphere of the garage.

Yhwach: (speaking into the radio) This is Yhwach. Anyone from the Saviors, respond.

For a moment, there was nothing but static. Then, a voice broke through the noise, and the shock on Yhwach's face mirrored the astonishment that rippled through the group.

Luke: (over the radio) Yhwach? Is that really you?

my eyes widened, and he glanced at the others, realization dawning on him.

Yhwach: Luke, it's been a while. Is Negan there?

Luke: Yeah, he's right here. Hold on.

The seconds felt like an eternity as the group stared at Yhwach, their minds racing with questions. Finally, another voice came over the radio.

Negan: (laughing) Well, well, well. If it ain't the man himself. Yhwach, you sly son of a bitch, where the hell have you been?

Yhwach took a deep breath, his mind working quickly to convey the urgency of the situation.

Yhwach: Negan, listen carefully. The New Frontier is planning an attack on your group. I've gathered information that suggests they've targeted multiple communities. Prescott has already fallen.

The gravity of Yhwach's words sank in, and the group exchanged glances. Kenny's grip on his weapon tightened, and Sarah's eyes widened with worry.

Negan: (serious) The New Frontier, you say? I appreciate the heads up, Yhwach. We'll be ready for 'em.

Yhwach: They have information about your locations, tactics, and supplies. It seems they've been systematically raiding other communities. You need to be on high alert.

Negan: (gruffly) I don't take kindly to threats. But if you're givin' me a heads up, you must have your reasons. I'll make sure we're prepared. Anything else?

Yhwach: (pausing) Inform your people to be cautious, and let Luke and Nick know that some old friends are still alive.

Negan: (chuckling) Old friends, huh? Well, I'll be damned. Alright, Yhwach, we'll be ready.

Yhwach: Take care, Negan.

The radio went silent, and Yhwach pocketed it, turning to face the stunned group.

Yhwach: The Saviors are aware now. We've done what we can for them. Our focus needs to shift to dealing with the New Frontier before they cause more harm.

Clementine: Was that really Luke Yhwach?

Yhwach nodded

Yhwach: Yes, it was Luke. He's with Negan and the Saviors. I-

Yhwach's words were cut short by the sound of people talking in the distance. 

Man: Look how many there are already, Goddamn herd's nearly on us. Hurry the fuck up!

A guy's voice echoed throughout the room. 

Man #2: You hurry up!

Someone else snapped back. 

Man: Wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't gone all trigger happy on Davids family.

The other person spoke. 

Clementine: That must be Max and Badger...see told you this was your people David. Maybe you weren't like this before, but being with this group, has seriously turned you into an asshole. You're people are no good.

I whispered. 

David: Some of those people in there are your friends too.

He pointed out with a scowl.

Clementine: I'm talking about the leaders.. your people... Joan..Clint..Andy.. They have a wicked way of running shit around here.

I rephrased. 

Badger: Fuck 'em. I'd do that little bitch again, just to see her head pop.

Badger responded as we ducked for cover. Everyone looked at David as they passed. 

Max: You sure as hell are stupid aren't you?

Max grumbled 

Man #3: You only just realizin' that now?

Another voice asked.

David looked away likely realizing how serious this all was. 

Max: I told you, Joan is on the warpath. Last thing we need is people getting wind of all this stuff. 

Max spoke as he , Badger and the other man placed bags on top of a table.

Badger: Look at all this shit. We're frickin' rollin' in it. 

Badger boasted over the stolen goods. Javi and David took out their weapons and crept up behind the three men. 

We staggered behind with our weapons drawn to keep from being noticed. 

Max: I'll give you that.

Max nodded in agreement.

Man #3: Just glad we found some more smokes. That shit is the new gold.

The other guy chimed in as they continued to talk oblivious of our presence. 

Javi: Shame you can't take it with you. 

Javi taunted causing the three of them to turn around quickly. Davids eyes were red as he instantly went for Badger, decking him right in the face. 

Badger dropped to the ground, his gun slipping from his hand as David kicked it to the side. Before it could roll down into the drain on the floor, Sarah scooped it up. 

Kenny held his gun to Max and the other guy. 

Kenny: Put your weapons down.

He demanded. They complied and dropped their weapons causing Tripp and I to pick them up. 

Max: David??

Max exclaimed.

David: I thought better of you, Max. I really did. 

David shook his head in disappointment.

Max: David, Come on, man! We're a unit. There's no need for all of this. 

Max pleaded.

David: Shut the fuck up! I heard everything y'all were saying. 

David spat as he glared at Badger.

Badger: David, it's not like that.

Badger tried to explain , but David aimed his gun and shot him in the leg. 

He cried out in pain as he held his leg.

David: I said shut the fuck up! You said what you said. I heard you. I should watch your fucking head pop right now!

David snapped aiming the gun at him. 

David: Raiding, looting! You betrayed who we are! You betrayed Richmond! 

He exclaimed.

Max: Come on David... This is Richmond!

Max replied. 

David looked over at Max with confusion as a smirk spread across my face. I glanced over at Sarah who shook her head. 

David: What's that supposed to mean?

David questioned. 

Lee: You speak now..before it's too late.

Lee spoke up causing Max to sigh. 

Max: It wasn't like we were doing this by ourselves. Joan was in on it. We did all this on her orders.

Max explained. 

Lee: Joan? Why?

Lee questioned looking disappointed. 

Max: I...I don't know. She said we needed it to survive. I wanted to let you in on it, but she told me you'd never go for it. I'm sorry.

He apologized. 

David: It's too late for sorry, You backstabbing shitbag.

David spat pressing his gun to Max's head.

Max: Please, don't kill me. I was just going off Joan's orders. And I had nothing to do with all that shit Badger was sayin'.

He pleaded. 

Badger: Fuck you, Max. I ain't did shit.

Badger groaned through his pain. 

Javi: You killed my niece... She was just an innocent little girl, minding her own business.

Javi eyes burned with anger as he stared at Badger. 

Badger: Not anymore. Fuck her, Fuck you, and Fuck-

Javi cut Badgers sentence off by slamming his baseball bat into the side of Badgers head. 

Badger head snapped to the side before he looked up and smiled at Javi. This sent Javi into a rage as he repeatedly slammed the bat down on his head until it was nothing but mush.

Max: I'll help you, I... I'll tell everyone in Richmond about this. I'll help you get back inside! Expose Joan to the others.

Max offered in an attempt to keep his life. 

Lee: That's not a bad idea. Let's do it.

Lee nodded 

Javi: Maybe he could be useful.

Javi nodded causing David to glare at him before slamming the butt of his gun into Max's head knocking him out. 

David: I needed that. 

David sighed as his eyes softened. We decided we should come up with a plan before we just run in there. 

Joan had another thing coming her way, and I loved that she wasn't expecting it.

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