
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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Surviving Richmond: A Tangled Web of Family and Foes

Clementine Pov:

I had blocked out everything that anyone was saying as I kept my eyes on David. The rage in me burned to be released as I clinched my fists. I watched as he took Kate from Javi and walked back into the gate with Gabe following him.

I didn't even notice the New Frontier Soldiers approaching us until one had already grabbed my arm pulling me in front of them. 

Kenny: Watch your fuckin hands.

Kenny growled at the person as they pressed the gun to my back telling me to move. 

Rage clouded my mind, so I don't remember the walk to the cell they put us in, but I remember the sound the door made when they closed and locked it behind us.

Eleanor was inside the room sitting with her back to us. Tripp rushed over to her pulling her into a hug. I shook my head and walked off to the other side of the room. 

Luckily they didn't bother Sam and he followed me over to an empty bench and sat down. Sarah sat next to me giving me a worried glance. 

Sarah: Clem... What if...

She started to say but I cut her off raising my hand. 

Clementine: Sarah... In the off chance that AJ did survive... That's all the more reason for me to get my revenge. I've been with AJ since he was born, and they took him away from me. He was sick, and if they could help him when we left, they could have helped him when we asked them to. I will get my answers... No matter the cost.

I said turning my head. 

Sarah: Whatever you want to do, I'm with you, Clem. You taught me how to be strong... You taught me almost everything I know. I'm with you till the end... You're my only real best friend.

She said causing me to smile.

Sarah was so sweet, even if she wasn't that scared girl anymore, Her personality never left. 

Sarah: Can you believe, David is Javi's brother... And Kate....

She paused staring at me wide eyed.

Clementine: No... I can't..

I said looking over at the group, finally listening in on their conversation. 

Tripp: The people here in Richmond... they're New Frontier.

Tripp informed Eleanor. 

She looked shocked turning away, covering her face.

Eleanor: Oh my God.

She sighed placing her hand over her chest. 

Tripp: Oh, you ain't even heard the worst part yet! One of 'em is his brother. I didn't even know you had a brother, Javi.

He added glancing over at Javi. 

Everyone looked at Javi waiting for him to say something.

Lee: We did. He told us when we met... And he told Eleanor when she came to patch up his wound.

Lee spoke up before Javi could say anything. 

Javi: So he's my brother? So what? We haven't seen David in years... It's just been me, Kate, and the kids this whole time.

Javi explained. 

Eleanor: No one's implying anything, Javi.

Eleanor said in an attempt to settle the tension. 

Tripp: Speak for yourself.

Tripp grumbled. Eleanor stood up sighing. 

Eleanor: Whoever this guy is, he can't be all bad right? I mean, he helped Kate instead of hauling her down here.

She nodded looking around. 

Tripp: Ofcourse he brought her inside. She's his damn wife.

Tripp pointed out. Eleanor looked over at Javi with confusion. 

Eleanor: You're kidding... Kate...is married to your brother?

She questioned. 

Javi: Let's just say it's complicated, all right?

Javi sighed. 

Eleanor: Maybe it's my fault for jumping to conclusions... It's just...when I saw you two kissing at the junkyard... I just assumed...

She paused sighing, shaking her head. 

Tripp: Family drama aside... Hope you know, I'm not about to make nice with New Frontier. I know you didn't have much stake in Prescott, Javi. But they burned that place to the ground for no fuckin' reason.

Tripp snapped his face turning red with anger. 

Jesus: After everything you folks told me, I'm guessing I'm not going to find my people alive.

Jesus said after listening in on the conversation. 

Yhwach: The pursuit of answers often unveils harsh truths. Your journey, Jesus, mirrors the struggles many face in this world.

Jesus nodded solemnly, acknowledging the shared burden of searching for loved ones amid the chaos.

Tripp: Hell, Javi, they killed your niece! Shot Kate! For all we know your brother could've been behind it. Even if it wasn't his idea in the first place.

Tripp shrugged.

Javi: That's one hell of an accusation...saying he had his own family shot? You really believe he'd do something like that, after seeing how he was with Kate?

Javi questioned glaring at Tripp. 

Conrad: You said it yourself, you ain't seen him in years. You don't know what he's capable of now.

Conrad argued glancing over at Lee. 

Conrad: They were with them for some time, ask them.

He pointed out. Kenny and Lee looked over at me. Everyone turned looking at me with curious looks. 

Conrad: Oh... So this is your problem.

Conrad smirked looking over at me. 

Clementine: It's really none of your business.

I stated glaring at him. 

Conrad: So you don't believe that David is evil enough to have his family shot?

He questioned raising an eyebrow. 

Clementine: I hate David for my own personal reason. He seemed shocked to even see Javi... But what he did to me...what he took from me.

I said feeling my eyes watering at the thought of AJ. 

Javi: Took from you? What did David take?

Javi questioned.

I was silent for a second debating if I wanted to tell them or not. In the end they could probably help me get answers. So I told them the whole story.

Javi: Wow... Clem.. I'm so sorry. That's horrible.

Javi sighed once I was finished. 

Clementine: I will get my revenge... If it's the last thing I do on this earth.

I added.

Conrad: So do you want answers? Or Revenge? I mean wouldn't you want to know if the kid died or not?

Conrad questioned causing Lee to snatch him up by the back of his shirt, slamming him against the wall. 

Conrads face was pressed against one of the pipes on the wall, as Lee leaned forward speaking to him in a low, warning tone. 

Lee: How about you mind your own fucking business. You're asking too many questions and I don't like that.

Lee growled. 

Conrad: Get the fuck off me man!

Conrad yelled as he tried to push against the wall but was unsuccessful. 

The sudden escalation in the room drew Yhwach attention, and Yhwach swiftly moved towards the confrontation between Lee and Conrad. As he approached, I could feel the tension crackling in the air, a volatile mix of emotions threatening to unravel the fragile balance within the group.

Without hesitation, Yhwach reached out, his hand gripping Lee's shoulder firmly, a silent command for him to ease his grip on Conrad. Lee's gaze met his, a flicker of defiance in his eyes, but the imposing height difference between them.

Yhwach: Lee, let him go.

his voice, though calm, held an authoritative edge. Lee reluctantly released Conrad, who stumbled backward, adjusting his disheveled clothing.

Lee: Keep your friend in line. I don't like how he's been talking to my girl.

He stated pointing at Tripp as he moved back over to Kenny.

Omid: Lee? Clem?

We heard a familiar voice say from outside the door. I looked towards the door with everyone else and my eyes widened.

Clementine: Omid! Thank God! How did you know we were down here? Can you get us out?

I questioned as I made my way towards the door. 

Omid: David told Christa you guys had come back. I didn't believe it, I had to come see for myself. I'm gonna try to convince him to let you guys out, I promise. Just hang tight okay, I'm gonna get you guys out. 

As Omid and Yhwach locked eyes, a wave of recognition and familiarity washed over them. The lines on Omid's face softened as he took in the sight of Yhwach, a long-lost acquaintance.

Omid: Yhwach? Is that really you?

Yhwach: Indeed, Omid. It has been a while.

They shared a brief, understanding nod, acknowledging the events that had transpired since their last encounter.

He assured us before running off. 

Tripp: Thought you said you didn't stay long enough to join.

Tripp said as Lee and I turned around.

Lee: We knew Omid way before we even got this far. We met him and Christa when everything first happened. 

Lee explained.

Jesus glanced over at Javi for a second before speaking. 

Jesus: What was David like when you knew him? You guys get along? He seemed happy enough to see you up there. At least at first.

He questioned. 

Javi: If I'm being honest.. he was an asshole. He was always coming down hard on me for not being around as much. But I was a Professional Baseball Player, so I had to be out for my games. I always felt like he was jealous of me.. and he actually admitted it once. He was a dick, but he would never hurt his family.

Javi explained. 

Tripp: So he has a temper, huh? If your brother knew anything about what happened in Prescott, He's gotta answer for it. They all do! I owe that to Francine and all the others back at Prescott. I'm not just gonna let things slide.

Tripp shook his head. 

Javi: What his people did was wrong, and if he knew about it, he needs to answer to it along with his men. But we have to make them think we're playing by their rules for now. Then..when the time is right we demand justice, and answers. 

He replied looking back at me.

I nodded in agreement. Whatever it took. The door opened and David stepped in causing everyone to look at him. Sarah grabbed my arm pulling me back slightly, she knew I wouldn't be able to control my anger if she didn't.

David: Hey, I would've been here sooner, but I had to take care of... something.

He said as he glanced around the room. 

His eyes landed on me and then Lee before nonchalantly turning away heading back out the door. 

David: Come on, already! Kate's asking for you. Maybe you think it's okay to keep a lady waiting. 

David smirked as he glanced back at Javi. 

Javi: Is that an order ,David?

He questioned causing David to frown slightly before smiling again. 

David: Fuckin' with me already, huh? Let's go.

He said motioning for him to follow him. 

Javi: And what about my friends? 

Javi questioned looking back at the group. David turned around and looked at each of us.

David: They aren't invited.

He said simply before turning back around. 

Lee: Don't worry, Javi. You go see Kate Make sure she's good. We can handle it here.

Lee said nodding to him. David looked back locking the yes with me. I gave him a disgusted look as Sam growled next to me. Javi glanced back and nodded before following David out and closing the door, locking it behind them. 

Sam whimpered in frustration causing me to rub the top of his head.

Clementine: I know Sammy Boy. I wanna get out too.

I mumbled looking down at him. 


Javier and David leave the quarantine area and walk through the streets of Richmond.

Javi Pov

David: "Family must be good for something"? Nice, Javi.

David: We have a process. Our own way of doing things. Your guys better not have a problem with that. Things don't go well for troublemakers here. I hope that's clear.

Javier: David, you threw us in a cell! Don't expect us to smile about it.

David: We do that to protect our people. It's not personal.

Javier: You sure about that?

David: C'mon.

Javier: Where are we going?

David: Kate asked for you. I thought you'd want to check on her. Listen, Javi. Gabe... he told me some pretty messed up things. Things I need your help wrapping my head around.

Javier: He shouldn't have done that. I wanted to tell you myself.

David: Bad news is bad news. Who cares who delivers it?

David: He told me you lost Mariana. Just a few days ago.

Javier: Oh... I'm sorry, David. She's... she's gone.

David: It's strange grieving for the same person twice. Like losing something you didn't know you had. What was she like, Javi? She was so little when we got separated. Who did my little girl become?

Javier: I don't know what to tell you, David. She was too sweet for this fucked up world.

David: You gotta have grit to get this far.

David: How... how did she die? Tell me how it happened. Please...I need to know.

Javier: She was just standing there, minding her own business. She'd just found her lost headphones in the dirt. She was smiling. And then someone put a bullet in her head.

David: What kind of animal would just open fire on her like that?!

Javier: An animal with your mark.

David: My people aren't in the habit of killing little girls.

Javier: David, I was there! They shot Kate too. Ask your buddy at the gate if you don't believe me.

David: Max was a part of this? Fuck. I need details. What the hell went down out there? I need to know exactly what happened. Everything you remember.

Javier: Same assholes killed a hostage. At this town, Prescott.

David: Prescott? At the airstrip?

Javier: Their leader flooded it with walkers and tear gas.

David: Leader?

Javier: A crazy bald guy with a beard.

David: Badger... What the fuck have you done now? I'm gonna handle that stupid son of a bitch, okay? Do me a favor and keep this to yourself. The politics here, they can get messy.

Javier: I thought you were the boss?

David: There's five of us that run Richmond. You need to impress the other four... or you'll be back on the road by morning. Try not to stir things up. You and your friends could have a very short stay.

Javier: You wouldn't let that happen, would you? We only just got here!

David: It's not just up to me.

David: I run security here, but it's not like my word is law. This shit with Badger doesn't make things any easier.

David and Javi approach Ava.

Ava: Who's the fresh meat?

David: Ava, this is my brother, Javi.

Ava: The baseball brother? No shit. What are the chances of you turning up on the doorstep? Welcome to civilization. Or at least the closest thing to it these days.

Javier: Baseball's long gone. Just regular old "survivor brother" now.

Ava: From what I hear, there's nothing regular about you.

David: Ava's my right hand. If there's anyone you can trust in Richmond, it's her.

Ava salutes Javi and David as they walk away.

David: That woman is a fucking soldier. She was the first person I met up with after you and me got separated... I never would have made it without her. Gabe said you went back to the house. At the start. I'm sorry I never found you.

Javier: We waited for you for three months. Eventually, the house was overrun and we had to move. Why didn't you come back?

David: Mama and I got routed out of the city on the way to the hospital. It wasn't long before she...

Javier: Poor Mama.

David: I couldn't get back into Baltimore, so I hooked up with my old unit. We thought we could build a safe zone outside DC... After what happened to Mama, and everyone else... I thought you were all dead. But you were taking care of them, weren't you? Somehow you found a way. I'm not gonna lie, I never thought you had it in you.

Javier: The day Dad died, I promised I'd stick around. Be there for the family. Well, I kept my word.

David: It took the end of the world, but you finally grew up.

They arrive at the entrance to the hospital.

David: This is where they're treating Kate. Don't get comfortable. We're not staying long.

They enter Kate's room in the hospital.

Gabe: Hey!

David: Hey, kid. Got everything you need?

Gabe: Uh, yeah. This place is like a resort. Check it out, Javi! Noodles in a cup!

David: We need to get you some real food, stat. Turn you into a soldier.

David and Gabe play-fight.

Kate: Javi... I'm glad you're okay.

Gabe: (laughs) Get off me!

David: (laughs) Hey, put your hands up, huh?

Gabe: C'mon, Dad!

Javier: I was gonna say the same about you.

David: Damn, it's good to have you back. Look at this family. Look at my wife. (kisses Kate) Isn't she the most beautiful woman alive?

Kate: Come on. With the lights off, you could mistake me for a walker.

David: A damn fine walker.

Gabe: Gross.

Javier: I'd have to agree.

Gabe: The key word being "alive".

Javier: Gabe...

Kate pretends to groan and writhe in pain.

David: What? You okay?! Shit. I'll get the doc.

David and Gabe leave.

Kate: I'm fine... I just needed to talk to you. Alone. I'm scared, Javi. More than I was the whole time on the road. Even when I thought I was going to die. Everything inside me screams to get away from here. These people are killers. And David... David threw his own brother in a cell.

Javier: I know what you mean. This place gives me the creeps.

Kate: I'm glad to hear that. I was afraid you'd been won over by the security here.

Kate: It's always been you and me on the road, Javi. That's how we've made it this far. Please, promise me we'll go back to that, the first chance we get. This place... It's a cage. We can't let ourselves get locked in. It's going to get bad, if we stay.

Javier: I hear you, Kate. But we can't just turn our backs on this place. On my brother.

Kate: Javi...

Javier: We have to try to make it work.

Kate: I used to say that about my fucked up marriage. Guess it still applies. Whatever. Just, please... please don't leave me alone for too long.

David and the doctor enter.

David: Feeling better?

Lingard: How you doing, sweetheart? David reported some pain.

Kate: It's less now.

David: Strange how it just comes and goes. Doesn't seem normal.

Javier: I think she pulled her stitches when she sat up.

David: Her stitches?

Lingard: I doubt it. But...

Lingard: Pain often comes in waves with abdominal wounds.

David: Hm.

Lingard: I'll give you something to take the edge off. In case it comes back. Truly superlative work. I thought I'd have to operate, but all she needed was IV fluids and some antibiotics. How did you find someone with skills like these? Wound like this kills nine out of ten. Whoever did this really knows their stuff.

Javier: That would be Eleanor. One of my friends you threw in quarantine.

Lingard: Well, she's no use to anyone there.

Lingard: We should let her out. I'll vouch for her.

David: Agreed. I'll have Ava bring her here.

Lingard: I want to meet this Eleanor. I'm sure she'll be an asset to our community.

Javier: You can vouch for the rest of them too, right?

David: It doesn't work that way. But we'll make the case for them soon.

David: Javi and I have to meet some people now. See if we can't prove he's worth a damn. We're gonna take real good care of you, okay?

Lingard: Send my apologies, David. I won't be able to make it.

David: Feeling okay?

Lingard: Fine. I just want to keep an eye on my patient. The others know my vote is with you.

David: C'mon.

Javi and David leave Kate's room.

David: Remember what I said. When we meet these guys, keep what happened to Mariana to yourself. Badger is one of my guys, and I will handle him.

The brothers enter a church of some kind, there three people can be seen looking at two plates of food set up.

Man: It may look pretty, but it's all sugars. There's no substance. 

Woman: It tastes pretty, Clint. That's all that matters. 

Man #2: Go with your guts. 

The three then turn to see Javi and David.

Woman: Ah! The brother. 

David: Javi. Meet the guys. Two of them run food production Clint controls the farm. The crops you saw, that's him and his people.

David: Joan's our bridge to the outside world. She handles contact with other settlements.

Joan: Pleased to meet you, Javi. 

David: And finally, this funny guy here focuses on hunting, he helps Clint with food production from time to time. 

Andy: Name's Andy St. John... Nice to meet you, Javi. 

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