
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

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141 Chs

The Deal and Offer: Admiral Kizaru

As Yhwach stood poised to strike down Silvers Rayleigh, his blade gleaming in the sunlight, a sudden interruption shattered the tense atmosphere. Without warning, Luffy leaped into action, launching himself at Yhwach with a fierce battle cry.

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no...

Before Luffy could complete his attack, Yhwach sidestepped with lightning speed, evading the brunt of Luffy's assault. With a swift movement, Yhwach delivered a powerful kick, sending Luffy hurtling backward through the air.

Luffy crashed into the ground with a resounding thud, his body skidding across the pavement before coming to a stop. Despite the force of the blow, Luffy quickly regained his footing, his eyes burning with determination as he faced off against Yhwach once more.

Meanwhile, Law and Kid, witnessing Luffy's bold move, leaped into action, joining the fray to assist their fellow pirate. Law activated his Devil Fruit ability, manipulating the surrounding space to create a barrier between Yhwach and his intended target, Silvers Rayleigh.

Law: Room!

As Law activated his Devil Fruit ability, creating a barrier between Yhwach and Silvers Rayleigh, he focused his concentration on executing his next move. With a swift motion, he initiated his Room technique, manipulating the surrounding space to teleport Yhwach far away from Rayleigh's location.

Yhwach: Hmph, you think such tricks can restrain me?

Much to Law's astonishment, Yhwach proved resilient against the effects of his spatial manipulation. It became evident that Yhwach's Reiatsu, combined with The Schrift X - The Axis, had the ability to nullify Law's Room.

In an instant, Yhwach appeared behind Law, catching the pirate by surprise. Before Law could react, Yhwach delivered a powerful kick, sending Law hurtling through the air with tremendous force. Law crashed into the ground some distance away, his body skidding across the pavement before coming to a stop.

Meanwhile, Kid seized the opportunity to strike, his metallic arm forming a massive, makeshift weapon as he prepared to unleash his signature attack.

Kid: Punk Gibson!

With a roar of power, Kid slammed his makeshift arm into Yhwach, aiming to crush him with the force of the blow. Yhwach's eyes widened slightly in surprise at the unexpected attack, his mind racing to process the situation.

Ginjo: (In Yhwach's mind) Huh, now ain't that a Devil Fruit power? I recall us stumbling upon that one back in the library. Seems like Kid's got himself a few surprises tucked away.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Surprises indeed, but no amount of trickery can sway the inevitable outcome. Knowledge is but a tool and power lies in the hands of those who wield it with purpose.

With a swift and decisive motion, Yhwach reached out and grabbed hold of Kid's metallic arm, his grip firm as he clasped onto the makeshift weapon, a surge of energy pulsed through his body.

Activating The Schrift I - The Iron, Yhwach channeled his Reiatsu into the metallic arm, causing it to undergo a startling transformation. In an instant, the arm was coated in a layer of solid iron.

Kid's eyes widened in disbelief and confusion as he witnessed the sudden change in his own attack. Despite his best efforts to resist, he found himself unable to break free from Yhwach's grasp.

Yhwach: You've shown me an interesting trick, young pirate. But let me demonstrate the true extent of my power.

With a swift and decisive motion, Yhwach swung Kid's own metallic arm back towards him, aiming to deliver a devastating blow. The iron-coated arm hurtled towards Kid with incredible force, threatening to overwhelm him with its sheer power.

As Kid found himself caught in the grip of his own metallic arm, his expression shifted from surprise to a sly grin. He chuckled defiantly as he retorted to Yhwach's words.

Kid: Looks like you've gone senile, old man. Can't even handle a simple trick like this.

With a surge of willpower, Kid focused his magnetic abilities, gradually regaining control over his metallic arm despite Yhwach's iron grip. He channeled his strength into the arm, adding more metal to its structure, reinforcing it with an even greater mass.

The metallic arm expanded and morphed under Kid's command, its size and strength increasing exponentially. With a confident smirk, Kid launched himself into the air, aiming to bring down the full force of his augmented attack upon Yhwach. But before he could land the blow, Yhwach's voice cut through the battlefield.

Yhwach: And why do you think I let you do that?

Kid felt a chill run down his spine as he realized the weight of Yhwach's words. It dawned on him that every move was part of Yhwach's plan. But despite this realization, Kid didn't care.

Kid: It doesn't matter what you've planned! I'll crush you all the same!

As Kid said this he prepared to unleash his augmented attack on Yhwach, Luffy seized the opportunity to strike from behind, launching himself at the Quincy Emperor with all his might. But unbeknownst to both Luffy and Kid, Yhwach was already aware of Luffy's presence.

Yhwach who already sensed Luffy's incoming attack swiftly activated Hirenkyaku, moving out of harm's way in the blink of an eye. As a result, Luffy's blow missed its mark, leaving him vulnerable to the unfolding events.

In the split second that followed, Kid's augmented metallic arm crashed down with tremendous force, slamming into Luffy with the full weight of its power. 

Luffy: Gah!

Luffy grunted in pain as the impact sent him hurtling across the battlefield, his body skidding along the ground before coming to a stop.

Kid's eyes widened in shock as he realized the unintended consequence of his attack. He had inadvertently struck his fellow pirate, Luffy, leaving him reeling from the blow. frustration welled up within him as he watched Luffy struggle to regain his footing.

As Kid struggled to comprehend the consequences of his attack on Luffy, Yhwach's gaze bore down on him with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. With a voice as cold as steel, Yhwach spoke, his words carrying the weight of inevitability.

Yhwach: Your actions have consequences, Eustass Kid. Remember that.

With a swift motion, Yhwach seized Kid by the hair, his grip like a vice as he lifted the young pirate off the ground. Kid's eyes widened in shock and pain as Yhwach's iron grip tightened around his scalp, his voice a mere whisper as he addressed the Quincy king.

Kid: Who... Even... Are... You?

But before Kid could finish his question, Yhwach's expression darkened with a sense of recognition, his gaze piercing through Kid's defiant exterior to the core of his being. With a sudden surge of strength, Yhwach slammed Kid onto the ground with bone-crushing force, leaving him gasping for breath.

As Kid struggled to regain his composure, Yhwach leaned in close, his eyes burning with an intensity that sent a chill down Kid's spine. With a voice laced with dark amusement, Yhwach spoke, his words carrying a hint of nostalgia.

Yhwach: You remind me of a certain red-haired individual I once crossed paths with. He, too, possessed a similar arrogance and ferocity. But in the end, he fell just like the rest.

Just as Yhwach lifted Kid back up from the ground, he heard a voice from behind him alongside a sudden sensation washed over him, causing him to pause. His eyes narrowed as he slightly turned his head, sensing something akin to spiritual pressure emanating from behind him.

( Image ) 

Yhwach's gaze fell upon Silvers Rayleigh, who stood nearby with his Conqueror's Haki leaking out of him like a palpable aura. The Dark King regarded Yhwach with a steady gaze, his expression calm yet resolute.

With a flick of his wrist, Yhwach tossed Kid aside like a ragdoll, his focus shifting entirely to the approaching figure of Silvers Rayleigh. As Rayleigh drew closer, Yhwach's gaze fell upon the sword in the Dark King's hands, a sense of familiarity washing over him.

Yhwach: That sword... It feels strangely familiar. Did you acquire another one, or did you manage to repair the one I broke?

Yhwach's words hung in the air, his mind racing with memories of past encounters. The sensation of déjà vu lingered as he recalled a similar situation involving Royd Lloyd and Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, his tone urgent as he conveyed the significance of the situation.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Yhwach, that's Conqueror's Haki! Be careful, it's not something to be taken lightly.

With Ginjo's warning ringing in his ears, Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on Rayleigh, his expression guarded yet curious. Despite the gravity of the situation, Yhwach couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity surrounding the Dark King and his blade.

Ignoring Yhwach's question, Rayleigh spoke, his voice calm yet firm as he addressed the Quincy king's actions.

Rayleigh: All this damage for what, Dragon Slayer? I simply don't understand. What is it that you want?

Yhwach sighed, his gaze never leaving Rayleigh's as he spoke with a hint of resignation.

Yhwach: For money. I seek payment for my services. I need to coat my rowboat, and such tasks don't come cheap.

Rayleigh's response was a simple raise of his eyebrow, his Haki flaring with intensity as he regarded Yhwach with a mixture of confusion and disbelief. Around them, the bystanders paused, taken aback by Yhwach's unexpected declaration.

Luffy, still reeling from the aftermath of Kid's unintended attack, looked at Yhwach with a furrowed brow, his confusion evident.

Luffy: Money? Coating your rowboat? What's that got to do with anything?

Kid's anger flared at Yhwach's casual response, his voice filled with disdain as he addressed the Quincy king.

Kid: You expect us to believe that? After everything you've done, you're just in it for the money?

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind once more, his tone reflective as he considered the situation from a different perspective.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) To be fair, from a different point of view, your reason does seem... unusual. It's almost as if you're taking a page out of Zaegar's playbook.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed slightly at Ginjo's words, a sense of irritation bubbling beneath the surface. Despite his frustration, he couldn't deny the truth in Ginjo's observation.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Perhaps you're right, Ginjo. From their point of view, my actions may seem... unconventional. But in the end, I have my reasons, just as they have theirs. And if they stand in my way, then they will face the consequences.

Rayleigh's expression softened slightly as he regarded Yhwach with a thoughtful gaze.

Rayleigh: If it's money you seek, I could lend you some. And as for coating your rowboat, well, you're in luck. I happen to be quite the skilled coating mechanic myself.

Yhwach's eyebrows rose in surprise at Rayleigh's unexpected offer. The notion of receiving assistance from someone he had considered an adversary intrigued him, though he remained cautious.

Yhwach: You would offer your assistance to me, even after our recent encounter? I must admit, your generosity is unexpected.

Rayleigh nodded, his expression serious yet sincere.

Rayleigh: Indeed. I may not understand your motives entirely, but I can see that there's more to this than meets the eye. Besides, I have no desire to see unnecessary bloodshed.

Yhwach considered Rayleigh's words carefully, weighing his options. While accepting help from someone like Rayleigh went against his usual modus operandi, he couldn't deny the practicality of the offer.

Yhwach: Very well, old man. If you're willing to provide me with both the funds and the expertise I require, then I see no reason to refuse your offer.

Yhwach's gaze shifted to Kid, who still lay on the ground, recovering from the force of Yhwach's earlier blow. With a casual flick of his hand, Yhwach dismissed Kid's presence with a wave of indifference.

Yhwach: Consider yourself fortunate, Eustass Kid. I see no reason to pursue you further. Bounty hunting is a tedious affair, and I have more pressing matters to attend to.

Without waiting for Kid's response, Yhwach turned away, his attention now fully focused on Rayleigh.

Yhwach: Old man, meet me at the shipyard area. That's where my rowboat is located. We can discuss the details of your assistance there.

With those words, Yhwach strode away, his posture confident and unwavering. Behind him, Kid gritted his teeth in frustration, his pride wounded by Yhwach's dismissive attitude.

Kid: You think you can just walk away from this? You haven't seen the last of me, Dragon Slayer!

But his words fell on deaf ears as Yhwach continued on his way, paying no heed to Kid's threats.

As Yhwach made his way back to Grove 55, the designated shipyard area, he couldn't shake off the feeling of scrutiny from the locals. They eyed him with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, whispering among themselves as he passed by.

Ignoring the stares, Yhwach focused on his objective, his mind set on acquiring the necessary materials for coating his rowboat. As he approached the shipyard, he spotted a group of workers engaged in various tasks, their voices blending into a cacophony of activity.

One of the workers, a burly man with calloused hands and a weathered face, noticed Yhwach's approach and nudged his companions, drawing their attention to the Quincy king.

Worker: Hey, ain't that the fella we saw causin' a ruckus earlier? What's he doin' here?

The local who had previously spoken to Yhwach cautiously approached him once more, a nervous expression etched across his face. He hesitated for a moment before finally mustering the courage to speak.

Local: Um, excuse me, sir. I... I managed to gather the materials you requested for the coating.

Before the local could finish his sentence, Yhwach cut him off with a curt gesture, his tone brisk and to the point.

Yhwach: And the price?

The local flinched at Yhwach's abrupt question, his voice trembling slightly as he responded.

Local: Uh, yes, sir. The price for the coating is... 1500 berries.

As the local confirmed the price, Ginjo couldn't contain his laughter from within Yhwach's mind, his amusement echoing in their shared consciousness.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Hah! 1500 berries, huh? Well, I guess that's one way to learn the local currency, Yhwach! Looks like you've got quite the bargain, considering you almost paid with currency from another world!

Yhwach regarded the local with a steely gaze, his expression unreadable as he processed the information. After a moment of consideration, he spoke, his voice devoid of any hint of emotion.

Yhwach: I see. Well then, it seems that your services are no longer required. I have found someone else who is willing to assist me, free of charge.

The local's eyes widened in surprise at Yhwach's declaration, a mixture of relief and confusion crossing his features. He opened his mouth to speak, but Yhwach's stern gaze silenced him before any words could escape.

Yhwach: Go about your business. Consider this a lesson learned in the value of time and opportunity.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, he turned around and strode away, leaving the local and his companions to exchange bewildered glances in his wake.

As Yhwach made his way through the shipyard area, his thoughts turned inward, reflecting on the events that had transpired thus far. Despite his outward composure, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, his encounter with Rayleigh and the unexpected turn of events leaving him with more questions than answers.

Meanwhile, Ginjo's laughter continued to echo in Yhwach's mind, his amusement evident as he spoke with a hint of sarcasm.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, well, looks like you're quite the negotiator, Yhwach. Bargaining down the price and then dismissing the poor guy without a second thought. You've really got a knack for this.

Yhwach sighed deeply as he waited for Rayleigh to arrive at the shipyard. Despite the practicality of Rayleigh's offer, a part of him remained wary of the Dark King's intentions. Nevertheless, he couldn't deny the allure of Rayleigh's expertise in coating his rowboat.

As he stood there, lost in thought, a sudden disturbance in the spiritual energy caught his attention. His senses tingled with the familiar sensation of reikaku, indicating the presence of a battle nearby. With a sense of anticipation, Yhwach slowly made his way towards the source of the disturbance.

Upon reaching Grove 12, Yhwach's eyes raised slightly as he beheld the scene unfolding before him. A Tall man wearing a yellow suit was engaged currently in combat with none other than Roronoa Zoro, one of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Yhwach observed the battle with keen interest, his analytical mind already dissecting the combatants' abilities. As he studied Kizaru's movements, a realization dawned on him.

Yhwach: So, this man is a Devil Fruit user... But his abilities... they're unlike anything I've encountered before. Light itself is manipulated at will. Fascinating...

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, his tone reflective as he considered the situation at hand.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Light manipulation, huh? That's a curious skill. It bears some resemblance to your own abilities, doesn't it?

As Yhwach observed the intense battle unfolding before him, his attention was suddenly drawn to a figure approaching from behind. Turning around, he was intrigued to see none other than Bartholomew Kuma standing before him, holding a Bible with paw pads in his hands.

Yhwach regarded Kuma with a mixture of curiosity and caution, his sharp gaze assessing the mysterious figure before him. Despite his initial surprise, he remained composed, his mind already analyzing the situation at hand.

Kuma was the first to speak, his voice calm and measured as he addressed Yhwach.

Kuma: So, you are the one they call the Dragon Slayer.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of his moniker, a hint of wariness coloring his expression.

Yhwach: Depends on who's asking. What is it that you want?

Without hesitation, Kuma reached into his coat and pulled out a Den Den Mushi, holding it out towards Yhwach. The Quincy king regarded the creature with intrigue, his eyes narrowing as he observed it for the first time.

Kuma: Allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Bartholomew Kuma. One of the Warlords of the Sea and a member of the Revolutionary Army. And I come bearing a message from someone who shares your desire to change the world.

With those words, Kuma activated the Den Den Mushi, and a voice emanated from the device, echoing through the air with a sense of authority.

???: (Speaking through the Den Den Mushi) Dragon Slayer, word of your exploits at Mary Geoise has made its way to me. You've certainly caused quite a stir, haven't you?

Yhwach regarded the Den Den Mushi with a hint of curiosity, his gaze narrowing slightly as he listened to Dragon's words. Despite his usual indifference to the opinions of others, the mention of someone who shared his desire to change the world piqued his interest.

Yhwach: And what business do you have in observing my endeavors?

Indivival's response was immediate, his voice firm as he introduced himself.

Dragon: (Speaking through the Den Den Mushi) My name is Dragon. I am the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

Yhwach's eyes raised slightly at the mention of Dragon's name, a flicker of recognition crossing his features as he considered the implications of the Revolutionary leader's message.

Yhwach: Dragon... So, you're the one behind the Revolutionary Army.

In that moment, Yhwach couldn't help but draw parallels between Dragon and his own experiences with organizations like Night Raid and The Wandenreich. The notion of a leader fighting for a better world resonated with him on a fundamental level, stirring a sense of curiosity within his mind.

Yhwach: (Thoughts) Is it akin to Night Raid...?

Dragon's voice cut through Yhwach's thoughts, his invitation carrying a promise of opportunity.

Dragon: (Speaking through the Den Den Mushi) Dragon Slayer, if you ever find yourself desiring to change the world, to fight for a better future, then look for me. I'll be waiting.

Yhwach considered Dragon's offer carefully, weighing the potential benefits against the risks. Despite his usual reluctance to align himself with others, the prospect of joining forces with the Revolutionary Army intrigued him.

Finally, after a moment of contemplation, Yhwach spoke, his voice measured yet resolute.

Yhwach: And what if I choose not to accept your offer? What then?

Dragon's response was immediate, his voice unwavering as he addressed Yhwach's question.

Dragon: (Speaking through the Den Den Mushi) Well, The offer will remain open to you, Dragon Slayer. Anytime you feel the call to make a difference, you know where to find me.

Yhwach regarded the Den Den Mushi with a contemplative gaze, his mind buzzing with the possibilities presented before him. Despite his usual disdain for alliances and affiliations, he couldn't deny the allure of Dragon's offer.

With a sigh, Yhwach reached out and accepted the Den Den Mushi, his decision made.

Yhwach: Very well, Dragon. I appreciate your offer, and I will keep it in mind. For now, I have other matters to attend to. But should the time come when I seek to change the world, I will not hesitate to seek you out.

Dragon's response was a simple acknowledgment, his voice carrying a note of respect for Yhwach's decision.

Dragon: (Speaking through the Den Den Mushi) Until then, Dragon Slayer. May our paths cross again under more favorable circumstances.

With those words, Yhwach ended the transmission, his mind already racing with plans and possibilities.

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind once more, his tone reflective as he considered the implications of Dragon's invitation.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, well, it seems you've caught the attention of quite the influential figure, Yhwach. The Revolutionary Army, huh? Could be an interesting opportunity for you to expand your influence.

Yhwach's expression remained impassive as he mulled over his options. While Dragon's offer presented an intriguing proposition, he couldn't afford to make any hasty decisions. For now, he would bide his time and observe, waiting for the opportune moment to make his move.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Indeed, Ginjo. It seems I've attracted the attention of some rather... influential individuals. But for now, I'll continue to walk my own path. If the time comes when our goals align, then perhaps I'll consider joining forces with the Revolutionary Army.

As Yhwach landed on the ground with a resounding crash, the dust cloud billowed around him, drawing the attention of everyone nearby.

Sentomaru: That's Dragon Slayer!

Sentomaru shouts in surprise when he sees Yhwach. The Tall man in a yellow suit also seems interested while Rayleigh is raising an eyebrow because he doesn't know what Yhwach is planning now. 

Their attention then shifts toward Kuma who finally shows up. They thought he was just another Pacifista, but then they saw the bible and paw pads in his hands. So they realize that he is the real deal. And now they assume that Yhwach was fighting the real Kuma.

???: Sigh, this is a problem. I am under an order to capture the Straw Hats. But you also need to be captured and you should be prioritized because you are more dangerous. Sigh, what should I do?

The Man in a yellow suit is in trouble, or so it seems because he suddenly shoots a light bullet from his finger. The light bullet is insanely fast and it nearly hit Yhwach who barely moved to the side in time.

As Yhwach gracefully sidestepped the light bullet, his eyes narrowed in focus as he reached for his sword, drawing it from the confines of his cloak. With deliberate steps, he began to approach both Rayleigh and Kizaru, his gaze fixed on the two formidable figures before him.

Rayleigh regarded Yhwach with a mixture of surprise and wariness, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he took in the Quincy king's demeanor.

Rayleigh: You took your time getting here. I was beginning to think you'd forgotten our arrangement.

Yhwach's lips curled into a sly grin as he responded to Rayleigh's comment, his tone dripping with amusement.

Yhwach: On the contrary, I simply grew impatient waiting for you to arrive. So I took it upon myself to seek you out instead.

As Yhwach spoke, the man in the yellow suit, observed him with a hint of curiosity, his expression unreadable.

???: So, you're the infamous Dragon Slayer, huh? I've heard quite a bit about you. Killing Celestial Dragons, causing chaos in Mary Geoise... Quite the impressive resume you've got there.

Yhwach's gaze shifted to the man in the yellow suit, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of intrigue and calculation.

Yhwach: And you must be an Admiral. I've heard that Admirals are said to be the strongest fighters in the Marines, are they not? I'm curious to see if you live up to the hype.

Rayleigh interjected before the man in the yellow suit could respond, his voice calm yet authoritative as he addressed Yhwach.

Rayleigh: If you're looking for a challenge, Dragon Slayer, then look no further. I'll provide you with a better boat than the rowboat, but in return, I need you to take care of Kizaru for me.

Yhwach considered Rayleigh's offer carefully, weighing the potential benefits against the risks. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded in agreement.

Yhwach: Very well, old man. Consider it done. I was already planning on dealing with Admiral Kizaru for attacking me earlier. After all, I've heard that Admirals are strong, and I wouldn't want to disappoint.

As Yhwach spoke, Kizaru's expression remained inscrutable, his gaze fixed on the Quincy king with an intensity that belied his calm demeanor.

Kizaru: Strong, huh? Well, I suppose you'll just have to find out for yourself.

Kizaru's words hung in the air, his tone laced with a hint of amusement as he addressed Yhwach's previous statement. With a casual flicker of movement, he vanished from his spot, reappearing in front of Yhwach with blinding speed.

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Kizaru: Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?

Before Yhwach could react, Kizaru's leg blurred into motion, hurtling toward him with incredible velocity. Yhwach's eyes widened slightly in surprise as he braced himself for the impact, his instincts screaming at him to respond.

With a resounding crash, Yhwach was sent hurtling through the air, his body crashing into a nearby building with tremendous force. The structure groaned and buckled under the impact, debris raining down around him as he struggled to regain his footing.

As dust and debris filled the air, obscuring Yhwach's figure from view, Kizaru sighed in exasperation, his expression one of mild annoyance.

Kizaru: Another one sent flying... I suppose I should be used to it by now.

Kizaru watched the scene unfold with a sense of satisfaction, his expression calms yet smug as he observed Yhwach's predicament. However, his satisfaction was short-lived as he heard Yhwach's voice echoing from within the wreckage of the building.

Yhwach: Speed of light, you say? It seems you've underestimated me, Admiral Kizaru.

Kizaru's eyebrows raised in surprise at Yhwach's unexpected response, his curiosity piqued by the Quincy king's resilience.

Kizaru: Oh? And what makes you say that, Dragon Slayer?

Yhwach emerged from the rubble, his cloak billowing around him as he fixed Kizaru with a steely gaze.

Yhwach: What makes me say that? Allow me to demonstrate.

With those words, Yhwach surged forward, his sword flashing in the sunlight as he closed the distance between himself and the Admiral in an instant. With a swift motion, he aimed a powerful slash at Kizaru, intending to cut him down with the full force of his attack.

To Yhwach's surprise, Kizaru's body seemed to blur and distort, shifting into a formless mass of light as Yhwach's blade sliced through empty air. With a flicker of movement, Kizaru reformed himself a few feet away, his expression calm yet amused as he regarded Yhwach's stunned reaction.

Yhwach: What...?

Rayleigh, observing the exchange with a calm yet knowing expression, stepped forward to enlighten Yhwach about the nature of Kizaru's abilities.

Rayleigh: It seems you're not familiar with Logia-type Devil Fruits, Dragon Slayer. They grant their users the ability to transform into, manipulate, and generate a certain element or substance. In Kizaru's case, he possesses the Pika Pika no Mi, allowing him to become light itself.

Yhwach absorbed Rayleigh's explanation, his mind racing to process the new information. Logia-type Devil Fruits were unlike anything he had encountered before, their ability to manipulate natural elements granting their users formidable powers.

Yhwach: I see... So, that's how it is.

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind once more, his tone reflective as he considered the situation at hand.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Yhwach, you might want to try using spiritual-based attacks against Kizaru. His Logia-type Devil Fruit may have a weakness in such techniques.

Yhwach's eyes gleamed with determination as he considered Ginjo's suggestion, his mind already formulating a plan of action. With a confident smirk, he responded to Ginjo's advice.

Yhwach: (Mental link) I appreciate the suggestion, Ginjo. But I have a plan of my own.

Turning his attention back to Kizaru, Yhwach raised his sword, channeling his Reiatsu into the blade as he prepared to unleash a barrage of attacks. With a swift motion, he charged forward once more, his movements fluid and precise as he closed the distance between himself and the Admiral.

As Yhwach launched a series of strikes at Kizaru, the Admiral responded with blinding speed, his body shifting and contorting as he dodged each blow with ease. Despite Yhwach's relentless assault, Kizaru remained unfazed, his expression calm yet focused as he countered each attack with his light sword.

As Kizaru unleashed a blinding flash of light enveloped the battlefield, temporarily disorienting Yhwach and obscuring his vision. Despite the sudden assault, Yhwach remained steadfast, his senses heightened as he focused on the Admiral's movements.

Using his instincts to anticipate Kizaru's next move, Yhwach swiftly countered with his Burner Finger 1, directing a narrow beam of fiery energy at the Admiral. The intense heat cut through the air, aiming directly at Kizaru with precision.

As the two attacks clashed, a dazzling display of light and fire erupted, illuminating the battlefield with their intense energy. Laser beams and fiery projectiles crisscrossed the air as Kizaru and Yhwach engaged in a fierce exchange.

As the clash of their powerful attacks illuminated the battlefield, Kizaru's expression remained calm and collected, his eyes narrowing slightly as he observed Yhwach's abilities.

Kizaru: Dragon Slayer, I heard a rumor that you consumed the Rumble-Rumble Fruit. But it seems this information was incorrect. Perhaps I was mistaken, or maybe it was just hearsay.

Yhwach's lips curled into a sly grin at Kizaru's mention of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

Yhwach: Who knows? Rumors can be so unreliable, wouldn't you agree?

With those words, Yhwach unleashed a Galvano Blast, a powerful surge of electricity crackling through the air as it surged toward Kizaru with deadly intent.

Meanwhile, Kizaru countered with his Yasakani no Magatama, crossing his arms in front of him as he unleashed a torrent of deadly light particles. The air crackled with energy as the two attacks clashed, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield.

As the Galvano Blast and Yasakani no Magatama collided, a deafening explosion rocked the area, sending shockwaves rippling through the air with explosive force. The sheer power of the two attacks threatened to engulf everything in their path, their destructive potential unleashed with terrifying ferocity.

As the smoke clears, Yhwach lies in a large crater with both arms and part of his face badly burnt. Walking down to Yhwach, Kizaru commends him for his resilience and tenacity, impressed by the Quincy king's ability to withstand his attacks.

However, for some reason, Kizaru's observation Haki sends him danger signals, a sense of impending danger prickling at the edges of his consciousness. Though curious, Kizaru trusts his instincts and decides to remain cautious.

Approaching Yhwach with measured steps, Kizaru raises his light sword, intending to finish off the Quincy king. However, before he can strike, a sudden chuckle escapes from Yhwach's lips, catching Kizaru off guard.

Grabbing Kizaru's leg with surprising strength, Yhwach's voice carries a hint of amusement as he addresses the startled Admiral.

Yhwach: I must say, Admiral Kizaru, you truly are a fool. Didn't I tell you not to make me repeat myself?

With those words, Yhwach's eyes gleam with determination as he activates his Schrift E, "The Explode." Instantly, the surrounding Reishi begins to condense and swirl around him, forming into volatile orbs of energy.

Simultaneously, Yhwach's own body becomes charged with explosive energy, his very being transformed into a living bomb. As Kizaru watches in shock, Yhwach releases a wave of explosions that radiate outward in a massive globe, engulfing everything in their path with destructive force.

The force of the explosions sends shockwaves rippling through the air, tearing through buildings and shattering the ground beneath them. The sheer power of Yhwach's attack leaves a trail of devastation in its wake, reducing everything in its path to rubble and debris.

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