
Need You Now

Javier, head of the Mexican mafia has but only one child; Gabriella. He has protected and sheltered her since an accident back in their homeland. Worried for her future he married her off to Nikolai. A strong and respected member of the Russian mafia. Once married and their organizations uniting problems start to arise for everyone involved. Would these once strangers fall in love and manage to uncover their families secrets?

Ilecce_Venegas · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 8


I start wondering who's calling him.

"Your sister?" I hear him say. Whose sister is he talking about and why does he seem to be hiding her? I fix my eyes on him, furrowing my brow. He's covering up his phone as he leaves the room. Why is he acting suspicious? I creep closer to the door so I can eavesdrop. I'm trying to make out the words when I faintly hear, "...does she need me again?"

What is he talking about? Was there someone else before me? No, he said he preferred being alone. Should I even believe that? Most men lie anyways, that's what I've grown to learn. Maybe I should just go out. Why do I suddenly feel possessive? It's not like he is anything to me. Nicky is my husband, but that's not by choice. He was just so caring earlier, maybe all men do have that dark side.

They all just lie to keep the women around them happy. That's what my father always did to my mother and to me. I don't want my whole life to be that way. I step out of the room now I can hear him clearly.

"Dinner with you? No way." He has his back towards me. At this point, I don't think he has noticed I left the room to follow him.

"Find her some then?" Hanging up, he catches me. I'm not doing anything wrong. I am his wife; I'm allowed to know. I won't let him control me the way my mother let my father. I tell myself trying to get the courage to question him about this woman he was speaking of.

"Was it an emergency?" I chickened out. Ugh, I couldn't confront him about his suspicious behavior. I guess, I am all talk. I clasp my hands together, fidgeting with my fingers as I wait to see how he will manage to get out of this.

"No, it was some other capo I work with. He said something about his sister wanting to have dinner with us. I refused." He casually tells me. I might have been wrong. He might be different unless he knows I overheard him.

"Do you not want them to meet me?" I bluntly asked. Surprised by how I bluntly spoke my mind, I started to ramble. "He's someone you work with so I think I should meet him. I mean you're around him a lot. I feel I should get to know the people you're close to, right?"

"Right, if you want to." He pauses and looks at my shirt, "wait you don't have anything to wear."

"What do you mean? I should." I tilt my head, "Your driver has a bag of clothes for me. My father made sure of that so I wouldn't be naked waiting for the movers." I say proudly. Nicky can't escape this.

He raises an eyebrow at me, "Oh so you were lying earlier, you didn't need any pants."

Shocked, I jumped a little and ran off into the room.


I hold back a laugh, she's actually kind of cute, I think to myself. I go into the linen closet and collect the duffel bag that was given to me. This must be the bag she was talking about. I was a little confused when my driver handed this to me without an explanation. I didn't think to check inside since my only concern was Ella at that moment.

"This is a couple of clothes?" Teasing, I hold up the overly stuffed duffle bag. She shyly smiles at me. Chuckling, I leave it on the bed and walk out.

"Oh, I texted Alexei, they are expecting us in an hour."

"His name is Alexei? The guy you work with, right? What about his sister?"

"Yea, he is kind of rude so try not to give him any attention. I don't know much about his sister. I mean I did meet her once, but I don't really remember much about that interaction."

"Right." She responds

I don't give her response much thought when I close the door giving her some privacy to get ready. I hope an hour is enough time for her. I don't know much about women, but I remember my mother always took hours getting ready. Being around a woman really brings up some past memories of my mother.

I haven't thought of her in years. I've always tried to push her to the back of my mind. In the past, I would remember her, but it was never the good memories of her. My mind always put her in a negative light. I really forgot the good in my mother. How beautiful she was, the kindness she showed me. Her beauty was a different kind than Ellas.

She was a blonde, light skinned woman. She wore her signature red lipstick everywhere we went. Loved to dance especially in inappropriate moments. She was capable of forcing a laugh out of me even when I didn't feel like laughing. I ran to her whenever I was in trouble, she always had the best advice. Her dark curly hair would smell of coconut. I would play with it just to smell her.

She was always such a bright light in our dark world. No one ever noticed she was unhappy. I always knew she had big dreams, I just assumed I was always bigger than them. I thought I consumed her world the way she did mine.

After she left there were days where I really needed her. I contemplated finding her. Then I would remember she probably didn't want to be found; she knows where I am. If she ever wants us back, she should know where to go. 13 years have gone by and not even a word from her. Guess she still doesn't want me. I try to force her out of my mind. Thinking of her always hurts, I still can't even bring myself to say her name.