
Need You Now

Javier, head of the Mexican mafia has but only one child; Gabriella. He has protected and sheltered her since an accident back in their homeland. Worried for her future he married her off to Nikolai. A strong and respected member of the Russian mafia. Once married and their organizations uniting problems start to arise for everyone involved. Would these once strangers fall in love and manage to uncover their families secrets?

Ilecce_Venegas · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 7


I start to feel small when I notice him watching me, staring at me. I'm wondering if all men have a dark side because he looks as if he is going to devour me right now. I can't read him well; his stare looks cold yet lustful. He possibly can't feel that way towards a person he just met, it's too soon to tell. I feel intimidated by him right now. I shrink in my chair when he suddenly asks, "How do you pronounce your name again?"

"It's okay. You can just call me Ella. My family used to call me that. Well, except my father."I say, stirring my soup.

"Why? Does he not like it? Do you prefer it?" A lot of questions for a guy who doesn't answer mine. Feeling a little petty I contemplate on not responding. Back home my father wouldn't have allowed it; he did choose this man for a reason. Too afraid to ignore him I respond.

"I'm not quite sure why. My mother used to call me that. Well, mostly everyone from my mother's side of the family really." I sigh.

"Did she leave him? Or what happened to her?" He questions leaning in from across the table.

"You don't know already? Aren't you close with my father?" I ignore his questions. A little confused now as to why my father chose this man, he barely knows, to marry me. Clearing his throat, he starts explaining himself.

"Well, before this your father was just an associate. I didn't really pry into his personal life."

"So, you didn't know anything about me or my family before marrying me?" I asked confused, "Wait so... why did you accept? Why am I here?" I throw my hands up in the air motioning to his home. I'm a little upset, did he also use me for personal gain since my father is the head of his business? Am I just some pawn for these men to just get what they want? Does my life mean so little because I'm a woman?

Waving his finger in my direction, "It's not like I wanted this. My boss and your father both forced me into it." He declared. my feelings hurt a little; I stormed off to his room. I have no idea why it hurt me to hear him say that. I know this was an arranged marriage but hearing him say he didn't want me felt like a rejection.

Moments later I hear a knock on the door. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. You seem nice." he pauses then continues "I actually had no idea what you looked like or anything, I promise."

I'm sitting on his bed, looking at the floor. just listening to him, "Look, I just never saw myself getting married; I always figured it would be better to stay alone."

I start to feel a little guilty. My father also forced him into an unwanted marriage. I sort of feel responsible for this whole mess. I should have stood up to my father when I had the chance; saved the both of us. I had assumed he agreed, thinking he would gain more power since my father is in charge of the Reyes family... or at least what's left of it.

I slowly open the door. guilt consumes me "I guess we are stuck with each other."


"Yea... we are." I repeat after her. Ella`s face turns bright red as she slams the door in my face. Standing alone in the hallway I ask myself. Why did she just do that?

"Are you upset again?" I swallowed, a little afraid of her temper. There's no answer.

"What did I do wrong? Can you explain?" I plead, resting my head on the door.

"You said you were stuck with me." I hear her call out from the other side.

"I just repeated what you said to me." Silence again. blinking rapidly, I question myself. Why was it any different when I said it?

"Wait, what do you want from me? To want you?" At this point, I cock my head, feeling dumbstruck not knowing what else to say or do. I end up jiggling the doorknob. It's open; she didn't lock it. I walk into the room. She's staring at me with fire in her eyes. If I wasn't so overwhelmed by her emotions, I would have found her attractive right now.

"No, I don't want you to want me. I don't even know you!" Ellas retorts, stomping her foot.

I don't know what to do; I don't know what to say so I ask, "Then what do you want?" Her eyes widened as I continued, "What do you want from me?"

She shrinks in the corner of the room, and in a soft whisper she responds "When you say it. It's hurtful. I don't know why." Gripping her upper arms, her eyes grow moist.

I have no idea how to respond. I just stand there watching her. She's so small and fragile but at the same time she can be feisty. It's all very confusing. I reach out to her and hold her hands in mine.

"Look, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just confused. This is all new to me. I'll try not to hurt you." Ella rushes in and hugs me. I rest my head on hers. My lungs are filled with the fresh scent of lavender. Her hair feels soft as I twirl it around my fingers. I feel comfortable around her. This isn't what I had expected but I'm glad I have it.

My pants start to vibrate; someone must be calling. I pull my phone out of my pocket and check it. It's Alexi, how does he manage to always ruin everything for me. He must have some kind of six sense.

"Are you going to answer that?" She looks up at me.

"It's just some other capo, but yea I should make sure it's not an emergency."

Picking up the phone, "What do you want, Alexi?" I spat out.

"Hey brother, how's the married life? You left so fast after the wedding my sister has been asking about you. I bet you're no longer a virgin!" He laughs mocking me.

"Your sister?" Hoping Ella didn't hear any of that, I covered the phone and head of the room. I close the door behind me, so she won't accidentally hear anything else. Alexi is humiliating.

"Yea, you guys met once a year ago. We had coffee, she needed help with these guys giving her trouble."

It starts to come back to me, "Right, yea I remember now. Does she need me again?"

"No, she's fine. She just keeps bugging about hanging out with you guys. Do me a favor and come to dinner with us so she would leave me alone."

"Dinner with you? No way." Why would she want to have dinner with us? I've only met her once.

"I think she just wants some friends."

"Find her some then" I hang up and find Ella standing behind me.