
Need You Now

Javier, head of the Mexican mafia has but only one child; Gabriella. He has protected and sheltered her since an accident back in their homeland. Worried for her future he married her off to Nikolai. A strong and respected member of the Russian mafia. Once married and their organizations uniting problems start to arise for everyone involved. Would these once strangers fall in love and manage to uncover their families secrets?

Ilecce_Venegas · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 9


45 minutes have gone by just as Ella comes out of the room. I'm a little surprised by how quickly she got ready. Feeling guilty that I didn't change out of today's clothes let alone freshen up. I assumed dinner with Alexei was no big deal. Nothing to make a big fuss about, I didn't need to try to look good.

Immediately, regretting that decision when I viewed her dressed up for the night. Ella looks amazing. She collected all her hair to the side in a loose braid and is wearing a soft pink, flowy dress. Simple but elegant. I feel a little shabby next to her. Wearing the same suit and not even touching up my beard. I probably should have washed my face or sprayed some cologne on.

I'm frozen in awe for a little too long. I notice she started to feel self-conscious about her appearance when she questions me, "Do I look okay? Is this outfit okay?" She presses her dress, smoothing it out.

"Yes, of course. You look good." Downplaying how starstruck I am looking at her.

In a low voice she asks, "It's not too much?" tucking some loose hairs behind her ears.

"No, of course not. As long as you feel comfortable it's perfect." I try to reassure her. I hope she doesn't change though. She looks beautiful as is.

"Just remember though Alexei can be kind of rude." I warned her. Hoping Alexei doesn't manage to ruin tonight for me.

"Rude? Is he a bad guy? Her expression comes across as intimidated and a little worried.

I sigh, "No, he isn't really a bad guy. He just thinks it's funny to get under my skin." I grab our coats. Making sure to put her coat over her shoulders first when I say, "He might be a little rude to you to get a reaction out of me. Just ignore his comments and if it's too much we can leave whenever you would like." I affirm in an attempt to reassure her.

I start to head out towards the car with her following closely behind. Opening the passenger seat of the car. I motion for her to get in. "What happened to your driver?" She pondered as she headed in.

"I wanted to drive us. If that's okay." She slightly nods. I haven't felt the need to drive in a while. I don't know, something about doing things for her makes me feel good; trying to earn her smile. I just hope Alexei doesn't provoke me, I wouldn't put it past him. If he says one comment about her, I don't think I would be able to handle it. If I lose my cool Alexei would deserve it, always cause problems for me.


Entering the restaurant Nicky makes sure the waiter seats us at a table far from others. This is different from when I would come with my father. He usually assured me that the whole restaurant had been cleared out. I've never been around other people even if they were at some distance. being that he was always so paranoid about my safety since my mother was killed. I was always stuck alone with one or two people he trusted to watch over me.

It feels a lot less lonely this way. That's something I haven't really felt since being around Nicky. It's probably the only good thing that came out of this marriage so far.

I'm really nervous to be meeting two new people today. I hope everything goes smoothly or else I think I would be too afraid to ever meet anyone again. I'm kind of excited to be seeing a little into Nicky's world. Hopefully I can get more of a glimpse of the person he is.

A man and a woman enter the restaurant as we wait at the table. We have a clear view of the front and back door from our seats. I'm assuming this is what Nicky intended considering he keeps checking both exits.

bringing my glass of water to my lips I pause as I ask, "Is that them?" I whisper over to him. He responds with a nod. Nicky seems somewhat different in public. Quite reserved and on guard. I wonder why his demeanor changed so suddenly.

I watch them head over to our table. Focusing all my attention on her, Alexi's sister. She's stunning, now I see why he only spoke about her brother. Nicky probably didn't want to hurt my feelings. There is no way he didn't have a crush on her. She's tall and slender; body like a model. She smiles as she sits down next to me. Her lips plump, showing off a perfect set of teeth.

I might not be Nicky's type at all. She's the complete opposite of me. Her blonde short hair in perfect curls shape her face nicely. Piercing blue eyes like her brother.

"Hello, I'm Alexi. This is my sister Anya. It's very nice to finally meet you..." He motions at me as Anya stares at me with a bored expression.

"Gabriella" Nicky responds for me. His voice sounding unemotional. I'm still struggling with reading his expressions but now they are completely cold.

"Hello Nikolai, do you remember me?" Anya questions in a seductive voice. I notice she puffs up her chest a little in an attempt to show off her breasts. Glancing over to Nicky to check if he also notices. He doesn't really look at her when he says "Yea, I did Alexi a favor when some guys were bothering you. That reminds me, you still owe me for that." Nicky points over to him with a slightly aggressive tone. Alexi scoffs.

"I can repay that favor; I mean you did help me after all." Anya motions towards herself as she flutters her lashes at him. Bold; speaking to Nicky as if I'm not here. Her confidence is illuminating... and a little annoying. I hold back an eye roll in an attempt to hide my irritation towards her.

"I have already returned that favor, brother. Thanks to me you guys are together. Don't you remember?" Alexi cheerfully exclaims.

Anya rolls her eyes which causes me to smile.