
Naruto: the forsaken

upon opening his eyes the MC found himself in the land of the five great nations... As a child of the.. fourth hokage? isaac, with the power of a JJK Template system to aid him on his journey, is left to find his own place in a world of shinobi. [warning]: there will be cursing and sexual content in this story. readers below the age of 17 please be advised. =============================== A/N: all copyrighted content in this story belongs to their respective creators. The art work for this story is not mine. I'm merely using it for this story. this is a non-profit fanfiction.

BrandonCH_7847 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs

Chapter 9 - Followed...

~ Daimyo palace ~



{Houzu pov}


As soon as they both walked through the doorway they were met with his teammates. Itachi seemed to be admiring his new black kimono as shinko kept wiping away any wrinkle she found on her own as if to keep fabric as prestine as possible.

"Houzu! Where have you been? The gathering is just underway!" Shinko yelled as he raised an eyebrow at her tone.

"Someone grew a pair while I was gone." He remarked as she gave a huff in return.

"Um.. excuse me." Himari asked as the three looked her way. "If your done bickering I will guide you to the dining hall."

All three of them ceased their respective activities and followed along with the white haired servant as she led them towards the festivities.



{Kushina pov}


She couldn't eat. Not because she was full, in fact she was quite famished. The guilt inside her was the cause. The guilt of knowing her oldest son, the child she abandoned, was coming here.

Kushina had asked and was given a full detailed report of her child's living situation by the daimyo's spies and the elders. The news appalled her. Given a small apartment riddled with both rodent and insect infestations. Spoiled food, poor bedding and furniture and the billing was no better.

The village councilors who owned most of the businesses in konoha established a form of special tax only put in place for houzu. The amount he needed to spend was enough to pay off a month's rent! Prices for his shinobi equipment even more so.

The Uzumaki realized just how fortunate she was back when she too was the village's jinchuriki. Her status wasn't revealed to the lower ranks of the shinobi hierarchy or the villagers. In doing so she was treated equally just like everyone else.

What truly solidified her hatred for the villagers was their assassination attempts. They actually believed Minato sealed the beast inside him in order for it to be simpler for them to kill the 'demon'. What is wrong with them! They're talking about killing a child no older than 6 years old at the time.

And the memory altering campaign!

It appeared the civilian leadership and clan heads were the only people told of the operation.

All citizens who weren't of high shinobi rank were subjected to it during the night they left. The shinobi? All were told a fabricated story of houzu being the fox's container. Being the one responsible for both his parents and newborn siblings deaths.


She could only imagine what the news of their fake deaths did to his already fragile state of mind after already losing obito and rin. Has he also lashed out at her son? If he has she'll make him regret it.

Of course... those civilian council members don't care about anything other than their own interests. Most were related to or had connections to the nobles of the daimyo's court.

The clan heads? They didn't seem to be troubled by the breach in ethics of the mind wipe. Only forbidding the operation on their own clan members...

The clans weren't what worried her. It was the civilian council members. What if their allegiances changed? There would nothing to stop them from telling other village nobles of the conspiracy.

Her best conclusion was they were branded with curse marks to keep that information from being wrote or told. But that was just a theory...

Both of them thought by leaving him in the village he would be safe. Only to discover he was far more in danger within its walls.

What she truly disgusted her was the elder council reason for setting her child up as a pariah in the first place. To reduce disfunction among the shinobi ranks and community. To maintain public order, the had everyone redirect their emotional pain and malice onto a singular child.

A sacrifice for the good of the village. Would that have been her way of life if things were different?

Soon after months went by, the killing began. Most he killed were villagers who attacked him during the night. A very few of the victims were shinobi.

Later today in fact Jiraiya came to attend the party. Wanting to be there for his 'godson'. The instant he arrived she asked him if he had ever known of houzu's situation. The old pervert of course told her no. She knew he was lying, he had a spy network after all. It was literally impossible for him not to have known.

What surprised her was that Minato actually believed him. After 9 years of marriage, they had a hostile verbal argument for the first time.

The couple hadn't been near or talked to one another since then. She remained in their room, laying in bed as the party down stairs continued on as she watched her baby play with toys on the floor.



{Minato pov}


It was painful, having to side against his own wife. Of course he knew Jiraiya-sensei had lied about not knowing about houzu. But at the same time could understand why he would keep such a thing a secret.

If they heard about their eldest son's condition they would have left the capital and revealed themselves to the outside world. Especially to the masked man who attacked konoha two years prior.

Naruto wasn't anywhere close to being ready. He's only two years old. As much as it pained him, jiraiya made the right call.

"Ah! Minato, are you enjoying the festivities?" A man's big hand rested on his shoulder. Looking up he saw his mentor Jiraiya already a bit tipsy from the strong sake the servants were currently serving.

"Indeed sensei. I just wish kushina would join us." He said while taking a sip from his own small cup. Jiraiya frowned a bit as his celebratory mood vanished and sat beside his student.

"She wants to go back sensei. To bring back houzu." Looking into his mentors eyes he saw the man's worried eyes.

"Minato, you know what's at stake. If she exposes herself our enemies will know your alive as well. We can't risk her and Naruto's saftey." Jiraiya spoke as Minato sighed while he looked around the room at all the nobles conversing among each other.

"Besides... even if she were to go back. There isn't a lovable son to take care of. The documents you were given were only a taste of what that boy has done. Whoever that is in your son's place isn't houzu anymore."

Hearing Jiraiya's explanation made him flinch in surprise. Only a taste? What on earth had that boy done?

Before he could ask further, a messenger passed by and made his way towards the feudal lord. Whispering into the daimyo's ear the messenger left once more as the lord rose to his feet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems the shinobi from the leaf have arrived." The lord announced as Minato flinched. He wasn't expecting them so soon.

With no time to mentally prepare, the doors to the hall opened to reveal a young white haired servant and three children entering into the dinning room.

First to come into view was a unremarkable girl with twin pig tails branching out from the back of her head. Most likely from a citizen background.

The second was from the Uchiha clan. The notorious raven hair and eyes were a dead give away.

Then there was Houzu...

Although he had a kimono and his hair was proper. Minato could see the malice in the child's eyes. The way his gaze examined every person in the room with a look of distrust. Like they all were eventual enemies to dispose of if necessary.

"May I present Shinko Inari, Itachi Uchiha and Houzu Uzumaki." The little girl announced and bowed before the lord and his guests.

Completing her task the girl walked off towards a woman similar to herself standing dutifully off the side of the festivities. Soon all three children separated and ventured in different directions of the room. Shinko walked over to the food reception and engaged in various conversations with the many nobles children her own age.

Noticing someone sitting a few seats away from him he saw the Uchiha . Without wasting another moment the raven haired boy started to scarf down the many unique dishes he piled onto his plate.

The only one he failed to see was Houzu who seemed to have vanished from the scene.

"He's gone."

"Huh?" He asked the boy who was still snacking while looking their way.

"What do you mean kid. This is a grand occasion." Jiraiya said while resting his elbow on the table. Minato kept silent, wanting to hear the boys explanation.

"He doesn't attend such things. Rather, he's never attended such things. Too many people..." itachi responded nonchalantly.

"So... your freind is anti-social?" Minato asked, trying his best to keep his tone calm and even.

The boy shook his head and nibbled on another hors d'oeuvres. Both men waited patiently for itachi to finish as they noticed he had picked out mostly sweet entrees.

*gulp* "Most of the village treat him with so much contempt. It's resulted in him having deep trust issues. He believes most people are potential enemies." Both grown men's eyes widened at the implications.

"If he isnt attending the party, where is he then?" Minato said as he rose to his feet.



{Houzu pov}


They were here... those ingrates were in the fire capital the whole time. Just 24 hours away.

Houzu clenched his hands as he walked of towards... anywhere but here. Suddenly he sensed someone was following him. Who ever it was they were small, but their chakra was massive. Easily on par with his own.

Looking behind him he noticed a small child with blond hair and bright blue eyes, hiding behind many of the pillars lining the estate.

'Naruto.. of course he's here too.' He grumbled inside as the boy continued to stare.

He honestly didn't hate the kid. He was just as much of a victim as himself. Unaware of the immense burden inside of him.

However, it didn't mean he would instantly accept him or his parents...

Quickening his pace he heard Naruto do the same as he made his way towards the gate. Opening the gaint doors with ease he walked off, hearing the gaurds calling after him to remain within the grounds.

As if he would listen to a bunch of weaklings...

Unless... they weren't referring to him. Quickly he looked back again to see the squirt right behind him.

"Why are y-" only for the blonde to bear hug his leg.

"Big brother!"
