
Chapter 10 - Childish...


{Kushina pov}



"Naruto? Where are you!" Kushina called as she held Mito. Walking down the staircase towards the ground floor of the palace she asked the many passing servants his whereabouts.

The same answer she received was he was nearby the main entrance following a guest. What exactly could garner her child into following a stranger?

Quickening her pace she soon came to the entrance only to see her son near the opened gates latching onto... Houzu?

Upon seeing the sight she couldn't help but feel her heart beat quicken. She knew what he had done, but it didn't matter to her. All kushina wanted to do was hold him. To be a family again.

But such dreams can't be achieved so easily. Out of nowhere a foot met her eldest son's face, while he did so he grabbed Naruto and with a burst of speed was right by her side.

Seeing the mysterious man in question before her eyes...



Snapping her head towards houzu once more she saw he was knocked into a nearby building outside the compound.

"Houzu!!" Kushina screamed as she attempted to run to his aid. Only to be stopped by Jiraiya who shook his head. Instantly her anger skyrocketed.

"What are you doing! You just attacked my son!" She screamed as Jiraiya's gaze was focused ahead. Noticing his serious gaze she looked towards the debris only to see houzu emerge from the wreckage.

Both his kimono and pants were irreparably torn and the look in his eyes was one of a person who wished to cause great harm. The bruises and cuts that once adorned his skin were quickly disappearing due to his healing factor as steam emitted from his body.

'Self healing!' She thought as the cold night air soon turned humid.

"No one attacks me... and walks away scott free." she heard houzu grunt as he weaved a few hand signs and clapped his hands together. Breathing out, an unknown form of gas spewed from his mouth and spread out towards their direction.

*Cough* *Cough*

'Is this.. toxic gas!?' Kunshina thought as she covered both her and Mito's nose and mouth. Quickly both adults retreated outside the gas cloud in order to prevent harm to the children.

"Naruto! Take mito and go to our room! Stay there until I come back allright!?" She commanded.

"M-mommy, why is grandpa attacking big brother!?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

Her heart seemed to break from his question but put on a strained smile to try and assure him. "Don't worry sweetie. This is all just a misunderstanding! Right Jiraiya?" Kushina asked the old pervert with a hint of malice in her voice despite sounding friendly.

"U-uh right.." Jiraiya spoke hesitantly.

With a nod the boy ran off carrying his sister off to safety. "And I better hear a plausible explanation for your actions after this!" Before the sannin could respond, twin beams of heated plasma passed by their heads.

The heat from the attack was so great it set their hair ablaze and severely burned the skin on their face.

"Aaaah!" x2

Both of them covered the side of their own face in response to the pain.

"You shouldn't get distracted during a fight. Might just get you killed." Houzu spoke out in a cruel tone.



{Houzu pov}


He was pissed..

Scratch that, He was infuriated. How could he let himself be taken by surprise from that old fart. But despite that misstep that sannin could kick. Despite his healing factor the pain still remained. Was it psychological?

But the real question was... why did the old man attack?

'Did he think I was going to harm Naruto? Come on, I may be a killer but I'm not a straight up psycho!' Looking towards the old man he read his stats and was quite disappointed...


[Name: Jiraiya]

Age: 40

Race: Human


[Tier]: 6-C

Strength: Class M

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+



▪︎ Sage mode (adept)

▪︎ Rasengan (master)



While his speed was impressive, it was his Tier of over all power he was disappointed in. All those years of training and that's all he accumulated. The part about his proficiency in sage mode was laughable. Well... he did say he wasn't very talented at it.

Flames erupted from his feet as the man readied himself for his offensive. Rocketing towards Jiraiya he increases the heat in his hands to the point they glowed and threw the first punch to which was caught by the old man.

The second the sannin made contact, the flesh on his hand was scorched causing the man to let go and comically shake it and blow on the burns. Houzu could see the man was not taking this fight seriously. But regardless he continued to assault him.

Trying his best to find a opening or a flaw in Jiraiya's defense.

'You were the one weren't you...'

'The one who screwed up this kids life...'

'Screwed up my second chance..!'

Receiving a kick to the gut he was launched backwards but dug his fingers into the ground and jumped back into the fray.

Opening his mouth a blast of concentrated fire shot out towards the sannin who summoned an earth wall to block it with ease. While the flames were obscuring the old man's vision he put his hands together into a hand sign.

'Shadow clone jutsu!'

Five shadow clones came into existence from puffs of smoke. Quickly one of them breathed out more volcanic fumes as two others prepared to unleash plasma attacks at a moments notice.

The last clone ran along side the original as both of them appeared on either side of the earth wall, ready to continue the offensive.


'Ember insect swarm!' x2

In no time a horde of insects flew towards the old man as he gave a comical grossed out face. Which only seemed to make him angry.

"Ugh! What the heck kid! Are you an Aburame!?" Jiraiya cried out childishly as he dodged and weaved every insect his way. Causing the man to need to run off and take the fight to the palace roof. Every insect did its best to skewer the man only to recieve a kick or a punch.

The only silver lining to it all was that they detonated the moment he made contact. Sadly the recipient was merely a mud clone.

Using his sensing ability he closed his eyes and felt for a faint hint of his chakra. Snapping his eyes open houzu barely had time to dodge an uppercut as the sannin was revealed to have used the transformation jutsu to become one of the many broken roof tiles littering the ground. Seeing his grinning face pissed him off.

Dropping back onto the roof the man laughed. "Got to admit your not bad kid! But you'll have to do better to hurt the likes of me! Jiraiya the toad sa-" the man yelled as he struck a ridiculous pose but wasn't able to finish his enterance.

Without warning to the old man, three beams of plasma were shot straight through his left leg, arm and gut.

"Gaaaah!" Jiraiya screamed as he fell on his side while holding his gut in pain.

"Hm! Hiruzen always said you were always to flashy and theatrical in a fight. Made you reckless. Glad to see he was right." Houzu said as Jiraiya looked at him with wide eyes.

Before the sannin could ask him anything further, a figure appeared from above and attempted to crush houzu where he stood with a single punch. Jumping out of the way in time the figure made a gaint hole in the roof as Jiraiya was blown back from the force of the impact.

The figure revealed to be tsunade. Wasn't she suppose to be a wandering drunk at this point in time? Doesn't matter. He got his payback on the sage. There's no other reason to remain here.

Dismissing the remaining insects and clones he launched himself into the sky by erupting flames from his hands and feet. As he rocketed into the sky and back towards the forest outside of town he saw his teammates and other party members staring at him.

While itachi looked on in neutrality, the other people looked at him in fear. In some rare instances, hate. Although.. the daimyo didn't seem to be upset in the slightest by the confrontation or his actions. Something to figure out another time...

For now... It's was best he remained away from the capital until the return trip home..



{Tsunade pov}


Watching the brat launch into the sky and out sight she diverted her attention to her to old friends injured state.

Weaving hand signs, she used the mystical palms technique and started healing the wound through his gut first. Slowly the cauterized tissue began to dissolve and break away as new cells began to replace it.

As a few minutes passed by the wound was fully closed. But bruising and a few burns still remained.

"Um.. tsunade. I think you missed a spo- Oof!" Jiraiya struggled to say only to recieve a punch to his still healing gut by the cross woman.

"Shut it moron! Consider the rest of those injuries a punishment for your actions! I merely closed the wounds. The rest is your responsibility." She barked as the white haired man looked at her in shock.

"Huh...?" Jiraiya asked in confusion as she walked off back to kushina and the kids.


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