
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Chapter 20 Partner

Guys I woke up this morning to post this chapter but then it deleted everything off Gram marly RIP well at least I still remembered most of what I wanted to write so here it is

Also you may notice a slight difference in the writing style in this chapter. I tried writing with a different POV hope you guys like it


Akashi began to think about how he should approach his classmate Oyashiro. The two rarely spoke unless they had to despite sitting next to one another. This was mostly Akashi's fault, he rarely interacted with his classmates.

After thinking about it for a while he decided the best thing to do was gather information before meeting Oyashiro.

"Kuroko Sensei mind if I ask you about one of my classmates" Akashi decided it would be best to ask his Sensei who is an Anbu and has good information-gathering skills

hearing this Kuroko was slightly surprised "Hmm that's unexpected, interested in a fellow classmate, are we?" From what Kuroko knew Akashi didn't talk to any of his classmates and was considered anti-social in class

"Yes, Sensei I know in the future when I am a shinobi I will have to work with many different types of people so I decided that now is the best time to start interacting with others" This is all true when you think about it. The only reason Akashi hasn't interacted much with his classmates is because he sees them all as children.

"That's a good change in mindset Akashi. Even in the Anbu, it's not rare to team up with different people some you may not know. Well who is it you want to know about"

"Oyashiro Chinoike ranks 2 in my class" Every time I say or hear this name it sounds more and more familiar.

"Yes I think I've heard of him, he is the grandson of one of the Chinoike clan elders. From what I know he's pretty skilled for his age and has a pretty good mastery over his Dojutsu. The only bad thing I've heard is that he's well quite carefree I guess but why the sudden interest in him specifically?"

Carefree is it? Well, that doesn't mean lazy so it should still be fine. Being carefree also means he's not rigid which is good

"Well a couple of reasons actually, for one he's the highest-ranked student in my class after me. He's also good at Ninjutsu and Genjutsu which are two things I want to practice with. Lastly, he's a bit more mature least compared to the rest of my classmates"

"Genjutsu? Why would that interest you Akashi you should know that it's quite useless against full-blood Uzumaki and we don't exactly have the talent for it"

What Kuroko said was also all true. Thanks to the eye of Kagura, Uzumaki clan members would always be aware of the chakra around them and would immediately realize they've been put into a Genjutsu just by seeing the foreign chakra in their chakra pool.

Still, Akashi wasn't planning on fully investing in Genjutsu either. The basics were enough so that when his eye awakened he would be able to use it.

Now that Akashi was thinking about his future Dojutsu he couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement and restlessness. From what Kami had told him the eye would be adapted to the world of Naruto meaning the chakra system already placed here. There could also be some changes in how the eye works based on these changes as well.

"I just want to know the basics of Genjutsu it's like they say sensei. Jack of all trades, a master of none is still always better than a master of one" I always did like this line on earth

Kuroko's expression changed slightly then he began to think about what I had just said and then wrote it down "Where did you hear that one Akashi?

"Not sure sensei I think I saw it in a book somewhere" Can't exactly say that I learned this from my old world

- Next Day -

When the next day arrived Kuroko went to class as usual but decided to talk to Oyashiro outside once school was over. Akashi decided on this mainly because if his classmates heard him ask Oyashiro to become his practice buddy he was afraid it would become a classroom event with everyone wanting to join in.

Alright looks like he's away from everyone how's my chance.

"Excuse me Oyashiro"

Oyashiro looked around a bit confused that someone was calling him. In class, he did talk to the others but kept his conversations short. The only time he really talked to anyone was when he was around a certain Chinoike girl.

Looking back his confusion turned to surprise. The one calling him out was his classmate Akashi who talked even less than he did. 'What could he want he wondered'.

"Hey, Akashi can I help you with something?"

"Yea, actually I was wondering if you would like to start practicing Ninjutsu and Genjutsu with me? I know this may be sudden since we hardly talk in class."

Oyashiro was unsure what to do but then he remembered that his grandfather had told him to treat Akashi well whenever they interacted. He wasn't sure of the reason why but from what he knew some of his clan members saw his classmate quite favorably. Still, he was confused about why from what he knew Akashi had plenty of classmates that would love to pair up with him. Most were mainly girls from the Uzumaki clan.

"Why me Akashi from what I know many girls have asked to practice with you?"

Ah yes, Akashi knew all about his little fan club but he was a firm believer in Oneesans's rather then Lolis. So he did his best to not give them hope while still being nice so they didn't hate him since he was their future clan leader.

"I chose you because of your maturity and talent. Also, I wanted someone who could push me to do better."

Oyashiro began to think about this more seriously. He also noticed that he was stagnating a bit in his training maybe by working with Akashi he would improve.

"Alright Akashi you got yourself a deal but what should we do first?"

"Let's head to the library and get some Jutsu"