
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 19 Gains

- 1 Month later -

In a far corner hidden away in the village of Uzushiogakure, a red-headed boy can be seen practicing, or well multiple red-headed boys.

"HAHAHA, Finally I did it! It only took me a month to do, Take that Minato" The boy laughed excitedly about his progress.

Alright now that I mastered Rotation, Power, and compression it's time a put it all together.

Reaching out my right hand I began to focus on my chakra.

"Let's do this"


Looking down at my palm with satisfaction I couldn't help but be happy. I was one step closer to reaching my goal.

Huh, what's that feeling Kurokos Chakra? Haha, guess they noticed my clone and sent sensei to get me.

Popping all my clones I decided to wait for Kuroko to arrive

It didn't take him long to reach me, since my chakra is very easy to find especially because of me becoming a Jinchuriki. Sadly Chomei hasn't tried talking to me yet.

"Kuroko Sensei your here! Great timing I got something to show you"

"Kid, what are you doing? Do you know you're supposed to be in class right now?"

"Yea but the teacher started talking about the will of Whirlpools so I decided to invest my time in something useful"

Kuroko looked at Akashi with an annoyed yet understanding expression

"Alright what did you want to show me"

"My progress" With that I reached out my hand


Before Kurokos eyes a Blue orb appeared and with his mind's eye he could feel it was made of pure chakra… Not only that but it gave him goosebumps making him realize that whatever jutsu this is it's highly dangerous.

"Akashi what is that and who taught you this?"

"This is my new jutsu the Rasengan I created it myself. When you told me I needed more chakra control I tried to think of many possibilities but came up with nothing. That was until I remembered the tailed beast bomb Nanabi tried to create during the sealing and I thought how awesome would it be if I had a jutsu like that? Using that inspiration I began using my Chakra outside my body to mimic it and this was the result." Thanks to the Kagura eye I knew I couldn't completely lie or else Kuroko would catch it so I said some truths. Technically I did invent this since Minato hasn't yet and it did remind me of a tailed beast bomb back then.

Kuroko looked at me as if he was analyzing my words he could tell I didn't say the whole truth but decided if I didn't want to say everything then he wouldn't force me.

"Akashi you do realize you've created an extremely powerful jutsu. If I was to rank it just based on feeling then I'd at least place it at A-S rank Jutsu. The most surprising part is your chakra control. I can feel you constantly spinning and compressing it. You truly are a talented child." Even though his voice sounded tired when he said all that I could tell by his chakra he was extremely proud that I was his student.

"So Sensei does that mean my chakra control is enough for the complete Senju Combat style?"

"Kid, are you really asking me that right now? You only needed to perfect your control by a bit but instead, you blew my expectations away and raised your level of control to such an amazing degree"

"Hehe, I guess I am pretty impressive aye Sensei?"

Kurokos eyebrows twitched with that remark and decided to ignore my narcissism.

"Yea, it's enough so I'll teach you, it's actually kind of similar to what you were already doing with the Rasengan. Right before you hit someone you have to place chakra outside the point of impact. While doing this you have to compress it so the chakra doesn't scatter and instead smashes into your opponent's causing internal damage"

Hey, that is kind of similar. Should be easy enough let's give it a try. Walking over to a large tree I got into the Senju stance and quickly punched while focusing my chakra and compressing right before impact"



Taking a step back I looked at the tree and saw my fists imprint stuck inside it but what was really amazing was how the back of the tree was blown out.

"Wow, you hit people with this Sensei doesn't it get messy?"

"hm it does, but that is a life of a shinobi it is never clean"

"Sensei if you were to give me a ranking as a shinobi what would it be?"

"Based on everything I know about you it is hard to say. You have strong Taijutsu skills thanks to working on your body over the years and because of the use of Senju Taijutsu. While you don't have much Ninjutsu that is strong besides that Rasengan which seems to be a close-quarter move. Your greatest advantage is your Chakra thanks to our Uzumaki heritage and the 7 tails. All in all, I'd say your high Chunin but you have no experience."

That's not bad maybe I can find a classmate to practice Ninjutsu. I don't really want to bother Kuroko Sensei since he needs to get back to Anbu work and my Dad is busy teaching me Fuinjutsu.

A classmate huh they should also be someone good at Genjutsu. When my Emperor's eye awakens it will most likely enhance my Genjutsu.

Wait wasn't there that one guy ranked Second place in class after me? From what I remember he was pretty good he even has the Ketsuryugan.

Looks like I got a practice buddy to meet