
Naruto: Reincarnated as Sasuke and Dominate Elemental Nation

A guy died and given the option to chose his re-birth by god. He choose to become Sasuke in Naruto-verse. He got his memory of previous life at the night of Uchiha massacre. With his knowledge of naruto-world he embarks the journey of getting powerful and get revenge on everyone involve in his family's death. He become the most powerful person ever lived and unites the whole elemental nation, crushing everyone who stands in his way.

akhtar_007 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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58 Chs

Chapter-6 Meeting Guy

3 months pass and Sasuke did his training without missing a single day. He made a shadow clone and send him to academy. He did not go to academy even during the sparring day either. First time for the practice taijutsu sparring after the uchiha massacre was last week, his three month of harsh training shows its effect and he was still number-1 in the academy as no one was able to defeat his shadow clone either. Everything was going according to plan except for two things. First neither Kakashi came to him to teach him kenjutsu nor he got any information from Hokage office about this. Second, he never came across Guy during these 3 months.

His training was progressing at good pace. At the present he was wearing 5kg weight in his both legs and hands and 10kg on his body, so total he was wearing 30kg weight on his body. He was able to walk on trees and walls without any problems and now he was training his water walking. In taijutsu no academy student was match for his shadow clone but he was not satisfied with this. He wanted to meet Guy and spar with him so he can grade his taijutsu skills. His genjutsu training was showing a great progress as he was able to easily put a chunin in genjutsu. He was even able to erase memory of certain event of genin level guys. He finished studying books on medical ninjutsu but decided to postpone his visit to hospital after mastering both water walking and rasengan. He was planning to learn the rasengan after master water walking.

His fuinjutsu training was also going well. He was able to master the basics fuinjutsu available for academy students, he had put a lot of effort in his writting skills as one small mistake can make a seal useless or even make it explode injuring the caster. What he needed next was more knowledge and they were not available for academy students, so his focus was on things that he can train for now. As for his ninjutsu training, he already mastered the three jutsu taught in academy, clone jutsu, transformation jutsu and substitution jutsu to very high level. Even chunin cannot perform subsitution jutsus as fast as he does, his training in chakra control was paying off. Apart from these three he also learned shadow clone jutsu and shuriken jutsu. These two jutsu he learned from Itachi and now was in process of perfecting these jutsus. His mastery of great fireball jutsu and fire phoenix jutsu also improved as his chakra control improved.

He did not open his mangekyou sharingan once in these three months and only open his sharingan when he practices his genjutsu, uchiha clan taijutsu and shuriken jutsu. In these three months he become powerful enough to beat any genin without opening his sharingan or using genjutsu. If he uses genjutsu he can easily defeat a normal chunin.

After another three month of training he finally met Might Guy. It was during one of his everyday run, he was panting for breadth after his morning run when he hear a voice;

"Oh boy I see your YOUTH is also shining like mine. I've seen you for six months and you did not miss a single day in brightening the village with your youth."

Sasuke knew who he was but still he turn his head saw the man wearing green tracksuit and jonin vest and asked;

"Who are you? You are wearing a jonin vest, are you a jonin of konoha?"

"Yes boy, I am the most youthful jonin of konoha, known as Might Guy the noble blue beast of konoha whose YOUTH shine brighter than anyone else." Said Guy

Sasuke never heard anything about Guy as he never really talk to anyone and academy students only know about their Hokage and some famous war heroes. He wanted to ask Guy to train him in taijutsu but he didn't know how to ask him so he decided to go for a direct approach as Guy was a simple straight forward person;

"I have heard about you, you are the strongest taijutsu master of konoha Might Guy. I am Sasuke Uchiha, strongest taijutsu fighter of the academy, no one in the academy is able to beat my shadow clone in taijutsu. I want to challenge you in a taijutsu match. Please spar with me and tell me what level has my taijutsu reached."

Guy was silent for a moment, he saw this boy training everyday for last six months but what he did not know was that this boy was Sasuke Uchiha, the last survivor of Uchiha clan. He felt sympathy for the child so he decided to spar with him and guide him. He also thought if this boy does not lose his determination and train everyday with this intensity then he will further train him whenever he get the chance. After making a decision he spoke;

"I can see your youth shining brighter Sasuke, I will spar with you, now show me the power of your youth."

Writting the dialogue of Might Guy is toughest. If not careful it will sound like rubbish with youth in it. I hope I did not do too bad in this area.

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