
Naruto-Legendary Harem of The Hidden Leaf

Senju Midora, is a powerful Jonin that descends from a member of the Senju Clan, the First, Second, and Fifth Hokage's famous Clan. He possesses the incredibly rare Wood Style Kekkei Genkai, which explains his strong morning "Wood". He starts a Harem in Konoha that begins with his fellow Senju, Tsunade. Considering that they're in the same clan but not directly related, it's okay. [A/N: This is a Smut, written for fun, do not take every single detail seriously. Short chapters and slow updates]

Yuri_Lover23 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Hidan and Kakuzu vs Midora

(Third Person POV)

"Let's get this over with!!" Hidan lunged forwards as he swung his scythe

Midora tossed smoke bombs into the ground, exploding with a massive cloud of grey smoke. 

"Gahh!!" Hidan said as he was caught in the smoke

Kakuzu then saw as Midora lunged at him from the left, throwing a kick. The Akatsuki member easily blocked the attack. 

"Hmm..." He said, "Not bad...." 

Kakuzu was about to counter-attack, but Midora threw another smokebomb at his feet, enveloping him in smoke. 

Hidan emerged from the first smoke cloud, waving it away, "The hell?" He said, "Just gonna throw smoke bombs arou-" 

He was hit by several kunai straight in the chest, one of them had an explosive tag that began to glow brightly. 

"Oh shit." Hidan said before he was caught in an explosion

Midora then appeared behind Yugito, the Two Tails Jinchuriki, and placed his hand on her shoulder. 

"Do as I say." Midora said seriously, "I'm going to release you. As soon as I do, run. I'll keep them at bay. We'll rendezvous at this location." 

He snuck a piece of paper in her pocket. 

Yugito glared at him, "If you release me, I'll turn." She said, "And i'll deal with the three of you at once..." 

"Don't be stupid-" Midora scowled before he dodged an attack, "What the..." 

He noticed it was a fist that was connected by what looked like iron strings. The fist shot past him and hit the wall, causing a shockwave. 

"Tch." Kakuzu said as he pulled his fist back, "Hidan." 

Hidan emerged from the smoke, covered in burns. 

"Ahhh...." He said, "The fuck was that...." 

"Careful." Kakuzu said, "We're not dealing with a random shinobi. He's a Jonin; a member of the endangered Senju Clan. He's dangerous." 

Hidan looked at Midora, "Oh?" He said, "Well, this will be more fun than I thought!" 

Midora grabbed the last of his smoke bombs and threw it at Yugito's feet, enveloping them in a cloud of smoke. 

"Not this shit again!!!" Hidan yelled as he swung his scythe at them

Midora emerged from the smoke and kicked the scythe away and lunged straight at Hidan, signing hand seals as he did so. 

"Earth Style: Enclosing Dome" 

He reached HIdan and slammed his hands on the flood, causing two circular pieces of the ground to shoot straight at Hidan, attempting to crush him. 

Kakuzu lunged at Midora but was intercepted by Yugito, who swiped her claws at him. 

Midora frowned, "I told you to run!!" He exclaimed

"No!" Yugito yelled as she exchanged blows with Kakuzu

"I'm out of smoke bombs so this ain't gonna be easy." Midora said as Hidan broke free, "I can't go all out or the entire cave collapses on us!! You better not transform!!" 

"You're open!!" Hidan said as he pulled the steel rope attached to his scythe

Suddenly, the scythe cut through Midora's midsection, opening up a large gash. 

"Got him!!" Hidan said, "Oi, Kakuzu!!" 

"Right." Kakuzu said as he kicked Yugito away

The Jinchuriki hit the wall hard, causing a shockwave. 

Hidan then pulled his scythe towards him, "Let's start the...." He said before seeing no blood on the scythe, "What the fuck?" 

He looked at Midora who turned brown. 

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes, "A Clone?" He said, "A Wood Clone...." 

Hidan frowned, "Well, what do you know?" He said, "Where the hell is-" 

He then coughed up blood as a sword impaled him from behind. 

"Behind you." Midora said as he drove a katana deeper into him, "Asshole." 

Hidan scowled, "You crafty little shit..." He said, "I ought to....Aghgh!! That hurts!!!" 

Midora narrowed his eyes, "This is not affecting him?" He thought to himself, "I'm stabbing him in the heart...." 

Kakuzu jumped forward and landed where Midora's clone stood, "Oi, Hidan, keep him steady." He said

"Okay..." Hidan said as he reached for Midora's arm and clutched it tightly, "Best make it good, Kakuzu!!!" 

Kakuzu began to sign some seals when the clone behind him exploded in massive wooden vines and wrapped themselves around the Akatsuki members. 

"What the..." He said, "They can still do that?!" 

Hidan frowned, "You fucking idiot." He said, "You wasted a perfectly good opport-" 

"Shut up." Midora said kicking him in the back and pushing him off his blade, "I can tell, you require my blood for something....you were surprised there was none on your blade." 

"Yea, so?" Hidan said with a scowl

Midora began to sign some seals, "Well, I ought to finish this quickly." He said

"This guy...." Kakuzu said, "I heard he was some sort of genius, like Itachi...." 

Midora's eyes twitched, "Don't mention his name." He said with anger, "I'll kill you." 

Hidan chuckled, "You can try!!" He yelled, "You fucking ass-" 

The cavern they were in began to shake violently as they felt an immense chakra. 

Midora widened his eyes, "No!" He said, "I fucking told you not to transform, you idiot!!!!" 

They all turned to see a massive cat made out of blue fire roaring at them. 

"RAAEEEEERRRR!!!" Yugito roared in her transformation

"Hm...." Kakuzu said, "This might go well for us after all..." 

"Don't ya think, Hidan?"