
Naruto-Legendary Harem of The Hidden Leaf

Senju Midora, is a powerful Jonin that descends from a member of the Senju Clan, the First, Second, and Fifth Hokage's famous Clan. He possesses the incredibly rare Wood Style Kekkei Genkai, which explains his strong morning "Wood". He starts a Harem in Konoha that begins with his fellow Senju, Tsunade. Considering that they're in the same clan but not directly related, it's okay. [A/N: This is a Smut, written for fun, do not take every single detail seriously. Short chapters and slow updates]

Yuri_Lover23 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

The Hidden Cloud and The Eight Tails

(Midora's POV)

"I have no excuse." I said, "But if you want a true reason why she was captured, she was being a fucking moron." 

I was standing in front of the Raikage and his entourage. He was giving me a serious scowl. 

"You stupid son of a bitch." He growled, "You had one mission!! The only reason we employed your help was because of you Wood Style, it was supposed to suppress her and bring her back by force!!!" 

I was in Kumogakure, the entrance at least. I had to report to the Raikage that Yugito Nii, the Two Tails Jinchuriki, was captured by the Akatsuki. 

It wasn't really my fault; she transformed into her Biju form and caused the entire caverns to collapse on us. I was able to survive the collapse with no injuries via my wood style and I tried to help her but as soon as I re-emerged, I was intercepted by two more Akatsuki members. 

I frowned, "Look." I said, "After she caused the entire caves to collapse on us, she was attacked by the ones hunting her. I was pushed back by two more akatsuki members. You don't understand what happened. One of them had a Sharingan, it was weird." 

"You mean Itachi Uchiha?" The Raikage said, "Yea, what about him?" 

I shook his head, "No, not him. It was the Masked Member." I said, "It was a strange power he used....awfully familar...." 

"No excuses!!!" The Raikage exclaimed, "You know you'll receive no reward from this!!" 

"Yea I am aware." I crossed my arms, "But why blame me when neither of your men could hope to achieve the same." 

He glared at me, "We have our hands busy....." He said in a low but angry tone

"Ah, yes, your other Jinchuriki." I said, "Well, I mean, as long as you keep him in the village, there shouldn't be no worry." 

"Bah!!" He yelled, "This is terrible! At the rate this is going, the Akatsuki are going to capture all of the Tailed Beast! We need to keep Bee locked up and you!! Tell the Hokage to keep the Nine Tails under tight supervision." 

I nodded, "I see." I said, "From what i hear, the Akatsuki are quickly gathering the other Tailed Beasts. You're right to be worried." 

He then glared at me again, "And you are doing nothing to prevent it!!" He shouted

I rubbed my head, "I can only do as I am allowed to." I said, "This Two Tails thing....it wasn't on me.....But oh well, blame me all you want." 

"Extracting a Tailed Beast from a jinchuriki causes death." The Raikage's guy, Darui said, "What you did was seal Yugito's fate, your failure that is." 

"My failure?" I asked, "I tried to help her. It's not my fault she didn't trust me and went dumb all of the sudden." 

"Enough." The Raikage said, "You, go back to your village. Or stay in mine, I don't care!! Kumo isn't in any hostile relationship with Konoha, so do as you wish." 

I nodded, "Fine." I said, "I'll take my leave." 

"No, wait." The Raikage said, "Stay here for the night. Tomorrow morning, I want you to go and see Bee, got that? I want you to do everything in your power that he won't escape the village!" 

I frowned, "How do you expect me to do that?" 

"Use your Wood Style!!" He growled

"Like....Imprison him??" I asked

"Lookie here, finally got it through your head?" He said, "That is all!!!" 


[A/N: I suck at rhyming so don't mind Bee's terrible rapping]

"And that's what he said." I said as I ate a piece of bread, "Your thoughts?" 

I was sitting next to Killer Bee as the two of us were on a cliff, overseeing the village. I brought some bread to share with the guy. 

"Yo, why my brother acting a fool, yo~" Killer Bee said, "And you, why you let Yugito die, fool, ya fool!" 

I frowned, "You too, huh?" I said, "I already told your brother, it wasn't on me." 

"You're the legendary Senju, the Great Midora-kun, yo~!" He said, "Wood Style, Fire Style, Water, Style, Wind Style, Earth Style, and Lighting Style, yo!! All Nature Releases, you know!! Why hold yourself back when you have the strength to do anything, yo! Fool, ya fool!" 

"Shut up." I said, "So my Wood Style is widely known, huh?" 

"Yessir!" He said, "Your Wood Style and your skill at Nature Releases, yo!" 

"Huh." I said eating the bread, "Crazy." 

"Crazy it is, yo!" Killer Bee said, "Not as crazy as the Akatsuki hunting us down, yooo! If Midora and Bee team up, we'll be unstoppable, yo! How about it, let's get outta here, fool ya fool." 

"Oh, I know I didn't hear you say that, Bee-san." I heard a voice say

I turned around to see a familiar blondie walking up to us. 

I smiled, "Hey, Samui." I said, "Long time no see." 

Samui had a serious face as she placed her hand on her hips, "Midora." She said, "Nice to see you." 

"You look good."