
Naruto: FUBAR

A normal person died due to unknown reasons. A man reincarnates with nothing but himself in world of ninjas as a Hyuga in the most bloodiest time, The Warring states Era! Watch how his journey unfolds. Will he conquer everything? Will he die a miserable death? Read to find out. Disclaimer: I am not taking any responsibility for anything nor I owe the series I include in this piece of art except my own characters. Read at your own risk. Also here is my discord pls join. https://discord.gg/FCPJrGGrxd

xX_Overlord_N_Xx · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Chapter-10: Peddlers and Otafuku Gai!

The chakra I discovered was basically yin and yang chakra.

At least that is what I named them right now.

The effects it would have would differ a lot with the regular boring chakra.

The best aspect?

The jutsus would become way more powerful as I used these chakra separately in the same jutsu.

Say I want to release a fireball jutsu.

Normal method would suggest I weave seals and just spew some chakra into it and bam.

I have a normal sized fireball.

But the more efficient method would suggest that I should first start off with a thin layer Yin chakra, forming a stable balloon-like structure which will be filled up with Yang chakra to enhance the firepower and plugging the jutsu off with Yin chakra to keep a proper shape and ending it properly.

For the nearly same amount of chakra, if not less, I would get a way better fireball jutsu which would have way more firepower.

There would be many variances which I can use as well. Different patterns, shapes, type of chakra could give birth to even better jutsus, branching from just one technique.

My research on chakra is going undoubtedly well.

I've hidden this away from eyes of Hyuga clan members, however.

The power I have now may threaten and agitate them, leading to pointless loss in trust and favorability.

I am going to milk them completely before I decide to reveal this card and it will be during a very tough time.

Recently, I have also been working on non elemental ninjutsus.

To be exact, I want to recreate shadow clone jutsu.

Not to copy it but to make a better version of it myself.

In my eyes, the jutsu is too inefficient and was just a tool that would help Tobirama's other ninjutsu which may require self-harm or sacrifice of some kind.

At least that was the reason it was created according to me and my understanding of Tobirama.

Tobirama was made to oppose to Uchiha.

Hiraishin to turn sharingan useless.

Water affinity which would directly oppose fire affinity of Uchihas.

A combat style that would make enemy lower their guard by stroking their ego and when they drop the guard, he would attack. The ideal way of hunting an Uchiha.

Maybe it was something to oppose the Uchiha clan? I don't know and neither do I care.

I just want to become a very strong ninja.

My Byakugan almost always stays active, draining my chakra and improving my chakra control all the time except while sleeping. I still haven't managed to do that nor I hope the day comes where this sort of act is necessary.

Yang chakra, while is very volatile but if managed to be used, is a very good fuel source for dojutsu. For same amount of chakra, my dojutsu stays active nearly twice as long.

But it's not all good.

The general way of using chakra and the foundation I've built till now is somewhat feeble compared to this discovery, warranting a new foundation to be built and my Yin and Yang chakra....

It's very impure.

Yin chakra has a lot of parts of yang chakra. Almost like 25-30% and vice versa as well.

My current method is very inefficient when it comes to purifying the chakra.

After nearly six hours of careful filtration gave me just a bit of yin and yang chakra with around 90% purity and it was used up in 3 ninjutsus.

I would need to improve the method of filtration in some way or the other. It isn't ideal for battlefield.

As I was playing with chakra, San and Yon suddenly appeared before me.

They were new ninjas I recruited. They were informants and were for information network I planned to create.

Both had great charisma amongst the branch family and were very proficient in information gathering. They were also very big fans.

War fame for the win.

"A new mission was issued from clan leader that I've reserved for you, Junichiro-sama. It Includes wiping off a group of rogue ninjas that are interrupting our trade routes." 3 (San) said.

"Rewards are on rather low side for it's rank however...the peddlers are involved." 4 (Yon) said as I was surprised.


They were my loyal minions who would sell Blue fire powder to smaller clans in an effort to kick start wars and then proceed to steal their special jutsus and livelihood means, enhancing the work department of the Hyuga clan, in complete shadow.

The main leader was me and my aids in managing the group were 1 and 2.

No one knows each other's identity at all.

They are required to always have a mask on and not talk with each other at all.

Of course this didn't include any emergencies. In case they are discovered, they need to necessarily kill themselves using the very same blue fire powder, not leaving even a single trace of their existence. Loose ends did exist but 2 was able to tie them back up.

They worked under my banner.

It was the reason I was able to increase the clan's finances consistently, making use of civilians more efficiently.

My current goals for the clan included civilian encouragement the most.

Stronger civilians meant longer war sustainability and more efficient usage of resources with innovation and technology in the mix.

Peddlers cannot be interrupted in their matter at all.

The people I selected were specifically told to not get in trouble like this but if this goes on...

It will endanger my plans.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" I said as I changed into my ninja attire in a jiffy as I ran towards the administrative hall.


(3rd POV)

After taking the mission from clan leader, Junichiro and an elite squad left for Otafuku Gai, the historical hotspot for trading and business.

It was a neutral territory where all traders brought in their goods for trading.

Of course nearly all of them had protection from their respective clans.

Those who didn't? They disappeared in a blink of eye.

It was also infamous because of the prostitution.

All women here were dirt cheap whore who would gobble the glizzy for even of 3 basic meals.

All sorts of people frequented this place as there was no shortage of different types of women.

Busty, Petite, Obese, MILFs, shy, boisterous etc.

Everyone was on their own here, though.

Sexual crimes were a staple here.

R*pes were a little too common, especially from ninjas, who held a status of power and superiority.

It was a place where the raw emotions of people intertwined into the most beautiful yet sick art form.

It reflected the shinobi world properly.

It was also a haven for information.

One of my plans was to conquer the place but for the current me, this is too hard.

Just like my giant peni-

Okay let's just go.






(A/N: Another chapter is here!

Now, as the author, I did my duty.

Now do yours and gib powerstones.

I recently started going to gym and my ego is now on roids (Not my body though, I don't feel like enabling hax rn).

I feel like a god and powerstone are necessary now.

I snort them to numb my ego. Please.

Thanks for reading!)

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