

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 13: The Bigs Bear Parlour

But hot tears were streaming down her eyes, she held her daughter hand and place her head on her bed and told herself that she must compose herself because her people usually says that he that does not have peace of mind have to sort him or herself out to be peaceful for crying too much and not considering her health will only worsen matter for her. When the nurse saw the progress she was relieved and left the ward. Seconds turns into minutes, minutes into hours; mama Itoya does not know how long she slept. Mama Itoya was woken up by the way her hand was gripped by her daughter, she felt her daughter was saying something; she was shocked to hear her daughter muttering "Ifada please forgive me, and you must save Ose" Why is this foolish girl begging for forgiveness from that hopeless idiot, this child will not change, instead of being angry for what she had gone through? She said to herself sadly, she shook Itoya hand and said "Am not Ifada but your mum" On a second thought she looked at her helpless daughter that was still begging for forgiveness' both in her dream and reality and to crown it all she is still a patient. Mama Itoya was so angry that she wished that Ifada was still present in the ward so that she will give him more beating"Please don't worry yourself I will call the hospital staff now"She said firmly before calling the doctor. Itoya observed her environment calmly trying to figure out how she had gotten to the hospital and what led to her condition, what it is with her mother attitude. She thought to herself. She remembered that she saw her daughter convulsing and tried to relate it with the dream she just had. She dreamt that her family which comprised of she, her husband and Ose were playing in an open field, instead of paying attention to Itoya, Ifada had only his daughter in his eyes, and Itoya became so angry and carried Ose from her husband. Within seconds there was a deep gutter close by and out of rage she threw Ose into the gutter but in no time she saw herself inside the gutter. Ifada entered the gutter to save them but Ose was nowhere to be found, they both searched and searched to no avail, Ifada out of frustration was about to leave the gutter but Itoya held him begging for forgiveness but her husband was not ready to listen to her, she was in the begging process when she woke up.Itoya was so confident that her daughter must be in danger; she wants to know the state that her daughter is in but does not want to alert her mother on what is happening to her and her baby or what will before her. She was not ready to answer her mother question so as to put her mother mind in peace so she closed her eyes pretending to be sleeping, while closing her eyes her mind was running wild, with the understanding she had of her husband he will always stand by her, but why is he missing from her ward I hope my husband is alright or is he with Ose, she asked herself, even in her state all she would think about is her husband and daughter The doctor came around with a nurse; he checked Itoya eyes and turned to the nurse signaling her to check on Itoya while checking Itoya medical records, he smiled when he discovered that Itoya health has improve. He felt something was amiss and scanned the ward with his eyes, his smile froze "Where is Ifada" he asked starring at mama Itoya, hoping for her to give him a reasonable answer. He should be here taking care of his wife, he thought to himself because Ifada, all this while that his wife had been admitted had not left the hospital premise without alerting him or any of the hospital staff.Not knowing how to answer the question mama Ifada kept quiet and face the doorway. When the doctor was through with what he was doing he left the ward with the conversation between mama Itoya and the doctor, Itoya concluded that Ifada absence from her ward at this time have something to do with her mother but she refused to ask her mother because she was so much aware of the bad blood between her mother and her husband.When Ifada left the ward he was roaming around the hospital, not knowing what to do or where to go. Unknown to him someone was monitoring his every move. She came with Itoya mother but she stayed outside waiting for a drama to unfold. Not quiet long she saw Ifada coming out of the hospital building dejected, she watched Ifada calamity and smiled at her that her first plan to make Ifada leaving the hospital ward had worked, what she need to do presently is to precede with plan no two. After figuring that Ifada was not willing to neither go back to the ward nor go home she walked briskly to him."Ifada long time no see." she said to initiate a discussion but Ifada was so depressed, his lip had been sealed up in sorrow, his heart was carrying a load that was too much for it all he could do was to look at the talking lady. The lady was so glad that everything had happened as planned. The lady was no other person but Ason, Itoya child hood friend. She held Ifada and strolled out of the hospital environment to a nearby bear parlor.THE BIGS BEAR PARLOR was busy as ever. The DJ was playing high life music, some people were dancing to the rhythm, while some people were seen sitting in groups drinking and discussing.The lady gestured Ifada to sit down on a sit close to the door and sat down close to him so as to execute her next move.