

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 14: Drink and forget your sorrows

The lady called unto the waiter, because the place was so noisy the waiter went closer to her and she asked the waiter to serve them bear with pepper soup. Thinking that she had gone overboard by not asking Ifada what he wants, she called the waiter back as she was about to go and collect the orders.Talking into ifada ear she asked "what will you like to take"."No I don't need anything" Ifada said gently. This was the first time Ifada had spoken since he left the hospital ward, the lady was so happy that at last he had said something to her and he had spoken to her with respect at least she can easily tell him what to do and he would obey her willing. "Eat something so that you will not develop ulcer, you should know that by now that staying hungry will only hurt you" she said smiling at him. Meanwhile the waiter stood on his track waiting for the next order "Staying hungry will not kill your sorrow dear" she looked at the waiter and used her hand to gesture her to bring whatever they have to offer them.They both dug into the pepper soup and bear, although Ifada was eating reluctantly at first he later did justice to the food. When they were done eating Ifada sat starring at the people dancing absent mindedly while Ason kept calculating her next move. She signaled the waiter to bring more bear because Ifada was lost in thought, he was not aware of what was going on close to him.Ifada stood up, telling Ason that he wants to use the rest room. When the waiter was done arranging the bear on the table he left, that was when Ifada returned to and their table. He was not observant of the table; he sat down on his seat with a wandering mind. Ason gave him a bottle of bear and Ifada collected the bear and galloped it, without looking at Ason, when she saw that he was not paying attention to their table she collected the bottle from him."Ifada take more drink" Ason said giving another bottle of bear to Ifada Without look Ifada galloped the bear into his stomach again, while dropping the bottle back on the table he was shocked on what met his eyes"one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten eleven, twelve...….w what is the meaning of this why is this place flooded with bear are you expecting someone" he asked because he could not imagine taking all the drink alone with Ason because she is a woman and he does not want to be drunk. "These are meant for us" she said smiling"Count me out" Ifada said standing up from his chair but Ason walked over to him tiptoeing, putting her hand across his shoulderShe whispered into his ear saying "drink more to forget your sorrow, don't be old modern. We are in modern day where you don't die in your pain but live your life to the fullest, if you don't drink your mind will run mad of pains, think about your parents, and yourself even if you do not have yourself in mind what about Itoya that is laying lifeless in the hospital bed, you need to suppress pain now so that you can solve your problem tomorrow"Having said all those words Ason went back to her seat and said "well if you are not interested in washing your pains and sorrows away I can as well tell the waiter to take the drinks back, if you want to wash your pain away don't worry the bill is on me, it's my treat" she said nonchalantly Ifada was so confused because Itoya was still not awake and he was not ready to face his mother in law, after drinking all his pains will be gone for the moment but when he refuse to drink he would had to bear to pain of rejection from his mother in law and pain of seeing his unconscious wife, after standing for some time thinking about what to do. He sat down and started drinking from bottle to bottle until he became drunk. "Itoya why, Itoya why did you abort my child" he cried helplessly asking for more drink like a little child would cry for breast milkAson was so happy about this development, he had open his inner mind that he himself is afraid to go to, although he had promised himself that he was going to take care of Itoya no matter what happens but that does not erase the fact that Itoya had truly hurt him, his drunken state had made him to expose what he truly felt to Ason who was patiently waiting to act."You need to stop drinking now, I didn't know that drinking will turn your mind like this" she said pretending not to know what she had done"Thank you for keeping me company, you are supposed to be my woman not that self centered Itoya" he said pouting like a child. Ason was happy secretly in her heart, so his sub conscious mind recognizes her as worthy."Don't say nonsense Itoya is always the right woman for you" she said touching his face and flirting with him.In the next seconds Ifada stood up and pulled Ason up saying "let's go into the dance floor so that you can shake that thing that your mama gave you". Ason did not buy the idea because it might spoil her plan, she have to think of what to do with him as soon as possible So she held onto his hands to stop him saying "no don't go dancing, this is not the right time, why don't we just spend time discussing".Being out of his mind Ifada, Ifada was looking straight into Ason eyes, as he does that a strange feeling arose in his heart, all he could think about was Ason, he had completely forgot about his wife and does not care where he was.