

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 12: I will not cry

"Thank you; at least I have hoped that even if your daughter is not here you are in support of our children's union. Don't worry I will try my possibly best to make sure that your daughter gets into our family and she will be well taken care of" she said happily Omo was so confused because she had not agreed but only told her friend that her daughter consent should be acknowledged , so many things was running in her mind concerning Itoya that she could not confidently ask and Itoya was still in the hospital while her mother in law was busy arranging another marriage for her son . Omo could not help because she is also a mother too, what happened to Itoya can be a vice visa, but looking at her desperate friends she was so helpless "Are you sure she will agree to be second wife" "Try to persuade her, more over it is not a crime to be a second wife and your daughter will be the only one producing children for my son"Omo looked at her helpless friend with pity, not knowing what to tell her but was angry in her heart because mama Ifada told her that her daughters' duty is to produce children. On the other way round her daughter was madly in love with Ifada even if he (Ifada) was married, she was once ready to give herself to Ifada when he married Itoya but that was then, at that time she was still naive and had not seen the four walls of a tertiary institution. To Omo her daughter was like an open book to her, the situation on ground is not what she could take decision on her behalf. "Ok let me see what I can do, but I cannot promise you but I will try and help" she said calmlyIn Ubiaja, Ifada had stayed with his unconscious wife for more than a week praying and hoping that his wife will regain consciousness. Today he sat down beside his unconscious wife with so much thought in her mind; he didn't know what to do now that everything is upside down. After sometime of keeping guard on his sick wife for some time he fell asleep. A shabby looking woman with dishevels hair, without slippers ran into the ward crying, she is a good example of a troublesome woman, she is no other person than mama Itoya "What did they say happened? What did they say happened!! What did they say happened!!!?" She kept shouting and crying like a typical bush woman disturbing the hospital buildingImmediately she saw Ifada she dragged him out of the ward slapping him on his chest, he felt helpless in a situation as this he could not help but to allow her put all her anger on him "How dare you Ifada, you fail me, you want to kill my child!!! I will never forgive you, if anything happen to my daughter I will hunt you, even if I cannot hurt you before I die in my grave I will still hunt you, you failure" she said in a row sorrowfully and broke down crying helplessly. I don't know why men cannot keep to their words, Ifada promised to be patient with my daughter and to take care of her preventing any arm coming to her, if not that I lost my husband years ago and looking for support why will I allow my daughter to got married when she was still in secondary school. As far as I know before I travelled Ifada had been so nice to Itoya, I felt she was in good hands. Why is she pregnant and admitted all of a sudden? She thought in her mind amidst tears. Signs of pregnancy in early stage are weakness and vomiting, but why is her daughter in this state.Ifada had no choice but to watch his mother in law crying sadly, his mind was in mess. He promised in his mind that he would take good care of his wife and mother in law no matter what happens. He walked closer to mama Itoya with the aim of comforting her but she pushed him with all her strength making Ifada to stumble and fall straight to the ground without warning. Ifada did not see it coming, but the pain in his heart was more than the pain he felt from the fall. "Don't ever you come close to me or my daughter again" she warned Ifada pointing to his fore head "your parents had always being against this marriage, now am giving you the freedom to be with whoever your parents wants you to be with, go my daughter has suffered enough" she continued and said all in one breath. Ifada could not bring himself to accept the fact that his wife is in coma while mama Itoya wants to break their union, he had always known that his parents were against their union that was the reason he left his parents house to stay alone with his wife, he did all in his power to protect Itoya interest. His parent accepting Itoya as a daughter in law was not an easy task, when he thought that he could live in peace with his wife the unimaginable is knocking at his door. He struggled to stand up and left the ward sorrowfully. While mama Itoya continued sobbing quietly in the ward. She shifted her chair close to the hospital bed, grabbed Itoya hand into her two palms starring at her unconscious daughter's face taking her hand upward to rub her face. When she could not hold it any more she burst into a louder cry, a nurse ran into the ward to comfort her to stop crying because she was disturbing other people around and because crying in grief at her age was not good for her health. Before the nurse left the ward she said to her "I will not cry! I will not cry!! I will not cry!!!"