
Young master

It was a daring act, to say the least from Peter. The students thought that what he had done was reckless, and at the same time, they were touched. For Peter had risked his life getting in the middle of a crazy student to save all of theirs.

A round of applause had started as the students thanked him for saving their lives. However, there was one little slip up that had occurred.

"That was the one that defeated the head General, right? Well, I kind of believe those rumours now. He could have killed everyone. Was he really going to pull Zhen's limbs off?"

"Thankfully, General Peter was here. The Cursed faction really has some strong people."

"Speaking of, did you hear what Sil said at the end? He was saying sorry to Quinn?"

"Quinn…Quinn Dilfus? Wait, you don't think he was saying sorry to the Cursed faction leader, Quinn Talen, did you, and he was looking at…."