
Too high to handle

A stab with her rapier, Fay jumped back to avoid the black blood that would spurt out from the beast, then a quick change of her weapons that couldn't be followed by regular human eyes, she had changed to a sword.

She swirled around, and struck the snake like beast from the tail up, slicing its body in half.

"Was that all of them!" Fay said in an annoyed voice as she looked at the shy female teacher.

"Yes!" the teacher replied as she bowed down her head in shame.

After the distress call received from one of the groups, Fay came at full speed towards the area. It seemed like the students had encountered a group of intermediate tier beast.

The snake like creature hung from above the trees and when the students had entered the area which they were meant to explore, they had dropped down. The female teacher was frightened, and before even confirming what level of beasts they were, she had asked for help.