
Quinn vs Immortui (Part 1)

At the moment, all Quinn was doing was staring at Immortui. The strange blood area still existed, as Quinn's hardened blood that had pierced the Durum demons was still standing upright from the ground. Although most of their bodies had been blown away or disintegrated when Immortui had landed. 

No one in the area was moving, only the sound of faint breathing could be heard. It sounded incredibly silent for a planet. Not even the wind was moving. It all came with the sudden appearance of Immortui, so they could only imagine it was his doing.

Lifting his head up, Immortui opened his mouth wide letting out a loud belly of laughter. 

"HAHAHA!" The sound transmitted through the air. It wasn't amplified or sounded ear bursting like some forms of power. Instead it almost sounded like Immortui was laughing right next to both Quinn and Calva, while he was many metres away.