
Horde wave and the Settlement (Part 3)

Tobi was unable to use vampire aura in the best of conditions, with no one around him or any distractions. Sure sometimes, based on what emotional outlet the vampire was best at, they would be able to perform something in this type of tense situation, but that wasn't the case for most and it was the same way for Tobi.

Minny knew this, as she sprinted forward after seeing the startled students, and threw a punch, hitting it right in the jaw and sending it crashing into the wall of the hallway.

"Minny… you saved me." Tobi said, as his heart started to beat harder again, it was a similar feeling to what he felt from before.

"It's not dead, so get out of here!" Minny shouted as the vines were coming toward her, and they started to wrap around her arms and legs. It was pulling her in, towards itself.

'I… I have to keep my promise but I also… don't want anyone to die.' Minny thought.

"Please get out of here, and Tobi!" Minny shouted. "You owe Abby a favour, so look after her."