
All to the planet of the Giants!

With the Divine Brigade appearing everywhere, the entire universe felt like it was at war. The demon races were fighting back, clashing all over the place, and it had even interrupted the fight between the demon king Luce and Hikel and his group.

Stretching out his hands, several waves of blood aura were shot out one after the other, causing an explosion as they hit all of the Divine beings in the area.

"Russ now!" Hikel turned his head and shouted through the smoke.

Russ stretched out his hand, absorbing one of the golden shots of energy with his god slayer bracelet. Soon after, he teleported next to Peter, grabbed him, and teleported next to Hikel.

Before they left the area, they took one last look at Luce, who was fighting against the rest of the Divine beings. That was until he did something unexpected.

The demon king Luce placed both of his hands on the ground, and his white power began to spread out.