
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

A quick turnaround in emotions

The trip back from the Ogre Village passed quickly as the hunters reveled in their victory. Roger and Maria sat together, exhausted but thrilled to have survived the harrowing clashes in this trial by fire.

"That chieftain almost pounded me into the ground," laughed Roger, rubbing his shoulder gingerly. "I thought my arms would fall off blocking that crazy club!"

Maria smiled, equally weary. "I can't believe we faced a rank C boss in Grommash the Stonecrusher on our first hunt! You were amazing tanking hits so we could cast spells."

"Yeah, we make a kickass team!" grinned Roger. "But those other guys really saved our skins. That sword chick, Aella I think. And Varrus was built like a brick wall! I was really impressed by their courage as well"

"They seemed really skilled and experienced," noted Maria. "We should exchange contacts in case we do more hunts together."

Roger nodded before his expression grew a bit somber. "Makes me kinda wish Klauss had joined us, you know? The three of us, fighting side by side as we always dreamt."

Maria glanced down, mixed emotions crossing her face. "I really thought he would. But I guess he's busy with his mercenary stuff now for THA." She absently braided part of her hair. "Do...do you think he'll still join our guild someday?"

Roger shook his head and gave her shoulder a supportive squeeze. "I'm sure he will haha! Once this whole lone wolf phase passes. We just gotta keep getting stronger too you know. Can you imagine his reaction when he hears we took down an Ogre Chieftain?"

That elicited a giggle from Maria. The camaraderie and fond memories tempered the wistfulness.

By the time their transport arrived at Hunter Association HQ, she felt fully elated over what they had accomplished together.

Roger enthusiastically proposed, "You know how we were tossing around the idea of creating our own guild? Maybe we should bring it up with the others and see if they're interested."

Maria, equally excited, clapped her hands and replied, "Oh, that's a fantastic idea! I just hope they aren't already committed to another guild or have their eyes set on someone else. We need to think and plan for the guild's foundation before diving in."

Roger, adopting a more serious tone, added, "Absolutely. There's the whole registration process, and I'm not entirely sure about the requirements yet. We'll need to do some research on that. But first, should we let them know about our idea or hold off for now?"

Deep in thought, Maria rested her hands on her chin, contemplating, "I think it's better to wait for now. We don't have much concrete information to share with them at this point, except for the fact that we want to create a guild, and, well, we've got a name – Wakers Guild."

Roger chuckled, "Haha, true. We've got the name at least, and a name giving to us by the one and only Klauss. Maria, it's time to buckle down and get started haha."

Maria giggled in agreement, "Yeah, Roger, let's pull our weight and focus on the essentials. Hihi.

After disembarking, the THA supervisor and commander of the expedition informed them that the facility's locker room and amenities were available if they wanted to refresh and clean up. Most of the other hunters readily took up the offer before heading home.

Roger clapped his hands eagerly. "A nice hot shower sounds awesome right about now! Let's go! What about you?"

Maria considered but shook her head, stifling a yawn. "Thanks but I'm just ready to get home and crash. You go enjoy it though - I think you earned some complimentary perks!"

"I sure did!" laughed Roger. They parted ways with a high-five and Roger made his way to the gleaming washrooms and changing area.

Discarding his dusty clothes in a provided bin, he stepped blissfully under the hot shower spray, feeling his sore muscles gradually unknot. The scent of sandalwood shampoo filled his nostrils, which was way better than Ogre gore!

After properly scrubbing himself clean, Roger headed into the locker area with a towel wrapped around his waist.

A few other male hunters were already there in various states of undress, toweling off or retrieving personal items. Purple guild emblems marked a couple as elites belonging to a guild.

Roger plopped down on a polished bench and proceeded to dry his short cropped brown hair vigorously, sending droplets everywhere.

As Roger put on a clean shirt, his sharp ears picked up two association staffers entering the locker room, also with just towels around their waists. Normally he would ignore such mundane chatter but his intuition told him to tune in, joping to learn more of THA.

Roger subtly observed the two men sit a few spots away. Both seemed fairly high ranking based on immaculately trimmed hair and expensive looking bracelets as they slowly got dressed.

"Another batch of wet-behind-the-ears rookies back from their first hunt," commented one staff member derisively. "As if clearing some rank D Ogre hovel is such an accomplishment."

His companion snorted in agreement. "Right? My niece could solo a bunch of those brainless beasts." He leaned back casually. "So, did you hear? Apparently some new hot-shot mercenary just pulled off a victory in the Tarantula Territory gate. Handled that rank B spider boss all alone on his first mission apparently. It still unbelievable if he actually did it alone"

The first man raised his eyebrows, visibly surprised. "No way. Which prestige guild does he run with?"

"That's the crazy part..." replied staffer number two, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "I heard he isn't part of any team. Absolute rookie who just got his hunter license like two weeks ago."

The incredulous outburst echoed Roger's own shock. A new licensee defeating rank B monsters solo? Unbelievable! He strained to pick up every detail despite his racing heartbeat. Who was this mystery super hunter rookie?

"Even crazier..." continued Mr. Gossip, clearly relishing his captive audience "...I heard the president himself has now taken special interest in this newly appointed mercenary. He approved some unprecedented contract with Commander Sylvetta as his overseer."

"That explains it!" exclaimed towel number one. "Sylvetta has crazy high standards although has a mysterious smile sometimes like she's gonna eat someone. If she has confidence in him, that rookie must have insane potential."

He leaned back thoughtfully, "Mark my words, you don't draw eyes of top brass that fast without being destined for big things..."

Roger had heard enough. Heart thumping, he gathered his things hastily and slipped out still processing the earth-shattering implications. A newly minted hunter defeating rank B enemies and getting VIP treatment by THA higher ups? T

his person could reshape the entire power dynamic between internal factions and guilds!

As Roger exited HQ to walk home, his mind spun wildly trying to recall hunter rookies who stood out recently. Only a handful came to memory but nobody screamed solo mastermind potential....except...!

Rogers' thoughts screeched to a halt, eyes bulging wide. No way ...it couldn't be...! Could this solo hotshot actually be.... Klauss?? But... but he was merely rank D like me and mostly kept to himself! How...? WHAT...??"

Staggered by revelation crashing into him like a tsunami, Roger stood frozen on the sidewalk. Everything made chilling sense - Klauss's rapid private contract with THA, aloofness from friends, crazy potential despite being a newbie.

That sneaky bastard had concealed being special elite status all along!

Roger felt anger and hurt simmering beneath shock. Their childhood friend had obviously hidden critical secrets and unbelievable strength. Why? Did Klauss not trust him or Maria with the truth? Roger understood needing private paths but this felt extreme given their years of bonds and friendship.

As the pieces fell into place, Roger clenched his fists and made an oath. There would be a reckoning - answers MUST be given! But Roger also resolved he would not again lose a friend to hidden burdens or misguided isolation.

Forging his resolve steely, he marched forward. The time had come for a fearless heart to heart... and the truth would finally emerge!

Although he was dead set on confronting Klauss about his recent endeavors, Roger had second thoughts as well. It was a joyous day in which he and Maria had triumphed over the challenges of their first gate experience—a moment they would have loved to share with their best mate.

Known for his cheerful demeanor, always in a playful mood and often laughing, Roger stood in the middle of the sidewalk, contemplating his next course of action.

Despite his usual lightheartedness, his expression couldn't hide the seriousness of the matter.

Opting for a drink, a solution that had always been his go-to, he discovered a cozy spot where he ordered a bottle of soju. Seated in a quiet corner, at a single chair and table, he awaited his drink impatiently.

As the bottle arrived, he took three quick shots—one for the challenges of the day, one for his first official experience in a gate, and one for his troubled mind.

As Roger sipped on the soju, the fiery liquid burned down his throat, momentarily numbing the swirling thoughts in his mind. The rhythmic clinking of glasses and distant chatter formed a backdrop to his contemplation.

His mind drifted back to the events of the day—the fierce battle, the victory, and the revelation about Klauss. There was an undeniable sense of accomplishment from conquering the gate, but the mystery surrounding his childhood friend gnawed at him.

Lost in his musings, Roger wondered whether confronting Klauss was the right move. After all, the trio had been through thick and thin together. Perhaps there was more to Klauss's story than met the eye. 

With the remnants of soju lingering on his lips, Roger made a crucial decision to postpone the confrontation with Klauss.

The complexities of the day weighed heavily on his mind, and in his slightly tipsy state, he figured it might be wiser to gather more information before unraveling the mystery.

He stepped out into the cool night, the neon lights of the city casting a hazy glow. The fatigue from the day settled in, both physically and mentally, and Roger began the journey back home.

Each step carried the weight of unspoken words, the unresolved tension hanging in the air. The comfort of his bed awaited him, a sanctuary where he could momentarily escape the intricacies of friendship and secrets.

The city sounds melded into a distant hum as Roger navigated the quiet streets, seeking solace in the embrace of sleep.