
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Intense battle against a formidable foe

As the squads regrouped in preparation to enter the village and face off against the boss. The expedition commander surveyed the area, a menacing roar echoed from the large stone hall.

The carved wooden doors flew open as a hulking 10-foot Ogre stomped out. Clad in spiked armor and wielding a nail-studded club, his frame towered over the tallest warrior. The pungent stench of brimstone and charred flesh preceded his approach.

"The chief of Ogee village came out earlier than expected!", screamed the commander ordering everyone into position". Indeed, it was the chieftain of the ogre village, a rank C boss named Grommash Stonecrusher. 

Grommash boasts a robust and muscular build, his frame adorned with crude but effective armor fashioned from bones and hardened leather. The unmistakable scent of charred earth and the acrid tang of smoke linger around him, remnants of his dark and foreboding magic.

He was draped in a tattered, fur-lined cloak that surges as he moves, Grommash's dark eyes gleaming with malevolence beneath a heavy, furrowed brow. His nose is adorned with a piercing, a symbol of his dominance and authority within the Ogre Village.

Gripped firmly in his massive hands is a colossal club, embedded with sharp spikes that make it a fearsome weapon. Each swing of the club leaves destruction in its wake, tearing through both armor and flesh with brutal efficiency.

Grommash Stonecrusher is not just a physical powerhouse; he commands a formidable mastery over dark magic. The air crackles with an ominous energy as he channels his magical abilities, enhancing his already formidable combat prowess.

In close quarters, Grommash delivers bone-crushing blows with his spiked club, while at mid-range, he employs his dark magic to hurl destructive projectiles at his adversaries.

As the chief of the Ogre Village, Grommash Stonecrusher is a relentless and cunning foe, utilizing a combination of sheer physical might and dark magic to strike fear into the hearts of those who dare to challenge him.

His presence on the battlefield is a formidable force that demands respect and strategic prowess to overcome.

"So these puny things dare to invade Grommash's home?" the chieftain bellowed. "You will all suffer for this insolence!"

Rearing back his massive club, Grommash slammed it down in anger. The resounding impact sent hunters flying back from the shockwave. Roger managed to block with his gauntlets crossed.

He glanced worriedly to check on Maria. Thankfully, her mana shield had manifested just in time, fruits of her labor paying off.

"Everyone stand firm!" ordered the commander to all squads.Sizing up their intimidating foe, the expedition leader issued commands.

"Hunters, battle formation Delta! Front liners brace and bait attacks. Support units' priority is evasion ranged attacks. Medic contribute in the assault but healing takes priority. Together we end this beast!"

Roger stepped forward, his mana-infused gauntlets enlarged to the size of shield plates called Sun Shield. He would serve as the vanguard, anchoring their united defense. To his flank stood two other tanks - Varrus, a grizzled looking veteran but not, almost as robustly built as Roger, hefting a battle-scarred axe and tower shield.

Opposite side was Aella, her elegant silver armor belying the brutality of which her twin swords could deal. All three were formidable physical fighters, capable of withstanding devastating blows. 

Surrounding the colossal giant, seven damage-dealers stood ready, armed with vicious polearms, spears and other vicious implements of war.

These hunters excelled at exploiting the smallest spaces between attacks to inflict grievous wounds with surgical precision. Beside each fighter, a healer or support mage provided protective wards and vigor enhancements.

At the rear, Maria stood alongside four other offensive mages and spellweavers. Together, they represented the artillery and heavy firepower of their united platoon. Distance attacks with elemental fury could batter down the hardiest of monster hide defenses.

Their placement allowed maximum room to cast intricate rituals if needed. The commander and squad leader did exceptionally well in placing and ordering these rookie hunters into formation, although slow and rigid, they stood ready and somewhat poised.

Grommash snorted, unimpressed by the coordinated hunter squadrons arrayed before him."Mere numbers will not save you! I am the Stormbringer and you face oblivion!"

Rearing back his gigantic club one-handed, the imposing Ogre Chieftain uttered a vile incantation.

Roger braced as noxious shadows fused around the giant, only to launch straight at him. He crossed his gauntlets and dug in his heels, but the staggering impact still sent him skidding backwards several feet.

To his credit, Roger held firm against that vicious magical attack.

"Is that the best you've got, ugly?" laughed Roger defiantly. Unleashing a war cry that shook the trees, the enraged Ogre Chieftain barreled towards Roger with his club raised high.

At the last moment, Roger deftly side-stepped, allowing Varrus to counter with his tower shield. Wood and metal collided with a deafening crack and Grommash staggered sideways, bellowing in frustration.

In the split-second opening, Aella darted in, her twin swords carving vicious furrows across their foe's torso. Dark, foul-smelling blood now oozed from the deep lacerations.

Shrieking with rage and pain, the Ogre Chieftain swept his enormous club in a wide lethal arc, forcing Aella to flip backwards to narrowly avoid being caved in. Varrus swung his axe in an overhand chop aimed at the extended limb over-balancing their towering enemy.

But Grommash's reflexes proved swifter, retracting his arm just as the vicious axe head whistled past to bury in the ground. 

With frightening speed belying his lumbering size, the Ogre Chieftain turned on Varrus, raining rapid blows against his shield. The resounding peals of metal thunder were punctuated only by the grunts of desperation from Varrus, clinging to survival by wit's end. 

Recognizing the crisis faced by his comrade-in-arms, Roger charged back like an angry bull. With his momentum, he unleashed a powerful strike which caught the giant off guard and sent him flying.

Grommash went crashing into a burning hut and with a loud scream, "Fire" said Roger. The ranged dealers and mages released a barrage of projectiles into the burning hut in hopes of severely injuring the creature. 

Suddenly, Grommash burst through the veil of smoke and flames, his armor smoldering but eyes ablaze with crimson rage. Roger readied himself, but to his surprise, the Ogre Chieftain barreled past him.

Peering over his shoulder, Roger spotted Maria and the artillery mages now fully exposed! Grommash's charge had carried him straight into their vulnerable back ranks!

"Maria! Look out!" was all Roger managed and Maria, facing the approaching Ogre, froze, unavailable to move. A single thought crossed her mind, "Klauss help me", then abruptly, the giant staggered and fell.

Suddenly, two swordsmen in synchronized fashion, dashed out with unparalleled speed and slid through the right achilles tendon of the ogre.

With a thunderous crash, Grommash Stonecrusher collapsed to the ground, his massive form creating a small shockwave upon impact. The giant ogre roared in pain as Maria, still startled, looked in astonishment at the two swordsmen who had intervened just in time.

Their movements were a seamless dance of agility and strength. Roger, realizing the advantage, seized the opportunity and rallied the rest of the squad.

"Focus your attacks! Now's our chance!" he bellowed, and the hunters unleashed a barrage of spells and arrows on the fallen ogre.

Grommash, now struggling to rise, was bombarded from all sides. 

With their remaining mana reserves, Maria and the other mages let loose torrents of elemental fury. Fire, ice and raw energy found their mark this time, Grommash's injuries impeding his mobility greatly.

The unrelenting magical barrage battered the howling chieftain down to one knee.

Pressing their advantage, the hunters wielding mele weapons closed in unison and assaulted the ogre viciously, sending dark blood spraying.

Grommash attempted to swat them aside, only to catch a landslide of boulders across this face and shoulder, shattering bone. The other magic users had managed one last volley of fire, adding to the onslaught.

Grasping the handful of arrows still embedded in his chest, Grommash Stonecrusher, Scourge of Ogre Village, collapsed forward in a tremendous heap. The ground trembled from his weight.

None dared approach for a full minute, each hunter wary he might still rise and continue his rampage. But no further movement came. The vile chieftain had been slain at last.

With the threat neutralized, the hunters took a moment to catch their breath. The air was thick with the acrid scent of burnt flesh and smoldering ruins.

Weary and nursing injuries, the expedition members regrouped around Grommash's corpse. Roger surveyed the area and found Maria, both totally exhausted, but overjoyed in their shared victory.

Together, their coordinated teamwork had overcome a terrifying foe, defeated by rookie hunters. 

This battle was merely the first step, but they had emerged bloodied yet unbowed. Many more challenges awaited them, but at least now they knew they had each other to rely on, no matter what.

As the hunters made their way slowly out of the gate, the atmosphere was a mix of exhaustion and relief.

The experienced hunters, including the commander and squad leaders, offered words of praise to the young rookies. Their bravery, skills, and quick thinking had not only ensured the success of the mission but had also prevented any casualties.

The commander, a seasoned veteran with a weathered face and scars, addressed the group, "You've shown great promise today. Facing an Ogre Village gate is no small feat, and you handled it with courage and skill. The association is proud to have hunters like you among its ranks."

Squad leaders echoed the sentiments, commending each team for their coordination and effective combat strategies.

As they exited the gate, the daylight greeted them, a stark contrast to the dim and treacherous environment within. They had spent about six hours in the gate. 

Roger, still catching his breath, gathered Maria and the rest of the squad aside.

"We did it, guys. We faced a real challenge and came out on top. Really enjoyed this battle with you guys, even though it was our first time meeting haha This is just the beginning of our journey as licensed hunters."

Maria, though weary, couldn't hide her sense of accomplishment. The gate expedition had been a baptism of fire, proving their mettle and solidifying the bonds within the squad.

After their hike back down, they made their way back to the association, the sun shining overhead felt like a beacon of triumph after a hard-fought battle. 

The young rookie hunters walked with a newfound confidence, ready for whatever challenges the hunter's life would throw at them next.