
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Truths and hidden emotions revealed

 Roger tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep as he processed the revelation about Klauss's concealed strength.

He contemplated as well, Maria's feelings especially after their biggest achievements so far as hunters. His head, laid on on the pillow weighed heavy.

The next morning, Roger was appalled from his thoughts when Maria messaged their group chat, inviting him and Klauss over to share about the gate expedition experience. Roger hesitated briefly before deciding to hold off on any accusations until he spoke privately with Klauss.

They agreed to gather at Maria's house that afternoon. Maria's family owned a comfortable single story home in a nice suburban neighborhood. Her parents were busy executives who ensured Maria wanted for nothing materially, though their frequent work travels left her alone often.

Roger and Klauss arrived approximately at the same time, to find Maria had set up the living room beautifully. Plush cream sofas, a handwoven rug, family photos in carved wooden frames lining the wall behind the flatscreen television made for a wonderful family living room..

An array of drinks and small sandwiches awaited on the central oak wood coffee table.

Maria beamed as the two entered one after the other. "Hey guys! Grab a seat and help yourselves."

Klauss nodded in acknowledgment before settling onto a sofa without a word. Roger managed a smile at Maria despite the storm brewing inside over last night's discovery.

As Maria poured tea and chatted brightly about her gate mission with Roger, Roger studied Klauss intently for any reaction. However, beyond obligatory murmurs and nods, Klauss's expression remained mostly inscrutable behind an aloof mask.

If their longtime friend felt any surprise or curiosity hearing about Maria's exploits, he hid it masterfully.

After Maria concluded her recap, an awkward silence hung for several moments before Roger cleared his throat.

"Sorry to interrupt you Maria but, hey, Klauss. Mind if we chat outside for a bit?" His tone was casual but firm.

Klauss eyed Roger briefly before shrugging noncommittally. "Sure."

The two exited to the backyard terrace. Cicadas droned loudly among fragrant lilacs bordering the lawn. Roger closed the terrace doors behind them and turned to face Klauss, his expression very grimly.

"Alright, enough games, Klauss," Roger began, a hard edge now evident in his voice. "I overheard something crazy at HQ yesterday. About some newbie hunter mercenary beating a rank B boss solo nonetheless, on his first mission." He stared sharply. "Care to explain that?"

For the first time, Klauss registered a flicker of surprise across his stony visage. But he smoothed his features quickly back to impassivity.

"No idea what you mean. I just became a mercenary for THA not fighting bosses." Klauss's tone held a note of warning. "My deal with the association is my business alone."

Fists clenched, Roger advanced closer until they were nearly nose to nose.

"Cut the crap!" Roger's voice shook with emotion. "A rookie defeating rank B monsters alone? That shouldn't be possible! Not unless..." Roger trailed off, eyeing his friend intently. " ...unless that rookie is you, who coincidentally just became a mercenary. I'm not a fool. Isn't it you, Klauss?"

They stood in loaded silence as the truth and suspense sank into open air between them. Klauss remained statue still, face now an unreadable mask.

Although in his mind, he was thinking the worst, hoping this would bring the ever needed distance he needed, away from them.

Finally, Roger exhaled heavily and stepped back. "It is you... I can see it. So tell me honestly, Klauss, how strong are you really? When were you planning to let us in?"

Klauss stayed silent a moment more before replying tonelessly.

"My skills aren't up for discussion right now. I train on my own time, and take my own jobs." His eyed Roger coolly. "What's it to you anyway?"

Stung by the callous brush-off, Roger answered hotly, "We've been friends fro the longest of times Klauss! How could you hide something this crazy from me and Maria?"

He paced the lawn agitatedly.

"Was it not enough that you abandoned our plans to make a guild together? Now you've been secretly excelling and making deals here and there while we bust our asses?"

Roger wheeled and stabbed an accusing finger at Klauss.

"You owe us an explanation! We deserve to know why you don't trust your own friends!"

Klauss rubbed his temples as though fatigued by the whole conversation and this situation.

"Look, everything I do is for myself and my own growth. I don't have time to explain anything to anyone. What does it matter if I keep quiet about the details?"

He leaned against the terrace railing casually. "What do you want from me 'friend'? You want me to share my most deepest of secrets and how I take a shit as well?"

That flippant response ignited Roger's fury even hotter. This wasn't just professional secrecy - it was willful deception no true friend would hide! An orchestrated deception made by an evil person without a care in the world and nobody.

"Bullshit! Friends don't lie about having freakish talents!" yelled Roger. "Was this your plan all along? To act mediocre while stabbing us in the back pursuing solo fame and glory?"

He jammed his finger viciously into Klauss's shoulder.

"I don't care what bullshit contract you have! We deserve to know why you play us for fools!"

Klauss's eyes flashed dangerously but before he could retort, the terrace door slid open loudly. Maria stood there, features clouded with distress and worry.

"What's going on?" she asked worriedly, glancing between them. "I heard shouting..."

Roger exhaled harshly, glaring accusingly at Klauss. "Go ahead, tell her too. No more secrets from now."

He turned and stormed past Maria into the house without another word. Maria looked helplessly to Klauss for an explanation but he stayed silent, gazing stonily at some far off point.

Unsure what else to do, she went inside to check on Roger. He was already putting his shoes on by the doorway, movements brusque.

"Wait, you're leaving so soon?" asked Maria, anxiety spiking higher. She put a hand tentatively on his shoulder. "What is all this about?"

Roger straightened, expression conflicted. Part of him wanted to shake her, to make her see the truth too. But this mess wasn't Maria's fault, she deserved to hear it gently.

Deep down, this wasn't how Roger wanted to confront the secrets and Klauss, but he lost control of himself in some way and of the situation. Klauss's response and demeanor didn't help Roger in controlling those fiery emotions.

"I'm sorry," Roger sighed, features softening a bit. "It's complicated. We just had... a disagreement. I'll message you later okay?"

He gave Maria's hand a comforting squeeze before slipping out without another glance back. His heart clenched leaving her so confused and distressed but he couldn't bear to be under the same roof as Klauss another minute.

Not with the fires of anger and betrayal still raging inside him.

As Roger disappeared from view, Maria stood at the door wrestling waves of anxiety. What could have sparked such an ugly dispute between two close friends? And why did it seem Klauss was at the heart of every strained relationship lately?

Weariness and sorrow sat heavy in her chest as she went back inside. She hoped whatever darkness had crept between them wasn't beyond salvaging. The thought of losing either was too devastating to contemplate.

As she sat down, a cool breeze drew her attention to the open terrace door. Maria hesitated, uncertainty and sorrow battling within her. She longed to understand what was harming their bond, but part of her feared unraveling threads that couldn't be rewoven.

With a split decision, she hurriedly chased after Roger, desperate to understand what had sparked such fury between her two closest friends.

She found him sitting alone on a bench beneath the blooming cherry blossom tree, its delicate petals falling like soft confetti.

She joined him on the bench and said, "What happened back there? I've never seen you guys fight like that before. Please, tell me what's going on..."

Roger hung his head, anger bleeding into weariness and regret. Seeing Maria so distressed turned his frustration inward. She didn't deserve getting entangled in this ugly mess. 

Maria waited anxiously as Roger gathered scattered thoughts. Where could he even begin?

"I found out something about Klauss yesterday," Roger finally spoke, absently snapping a twig between his palms. "Something unbelievable that he hid from both of us. I guess it just...shook me pretty bad."

He tossed the mangled fragments aside, exhaling heavily.

"I know he prefers his space sometimes, but this secret could change everything. And he acted like it was no big deal to keep us in the dark."

Roger's gaze reflected swirling hurt and frustration.

"We've been friends since childhood, you know? How could he not trust us with something so important about his life and future?"

Maria listened intently, thoughts churning as she parsed Roger's words. She laid a comforting hand on his forearm.

"I understand this really affected you. But maybe we should let Klauss explain himself first? There might be reasons we don't grasp yet."

Maria bit her lip contemplatively. "I don't want assumptions to ruin what we have together. We at least owe him a chance, don't you think?"

Gazing at her delicate features full of empathy and wisdom, Roger felt anger dissolving, leaving only weariness tinged with sadness. Maria's steady presence could always temper his rashness. Her patience and grace constantly reminded Roger of better angels within himself.

As they sat bathed in the dappled glow filtering through the graceful shower of flowers, the rapport felt different than usual, at once intimate yet fragile.

When Roger's hand briefly covered hers, Maria felt acutely aware of his warmth and proximity. An unfamiliar tension flickered, like a spark threatening to ignite gunpowder.

Yet as quickly as it manifested, the moment dissolved as they both shyly withdrew contact.

An awkwardness descended that hadn't existed for the decade of their platonic friendship. When their gazes accidentally met, Maria found unfamiliar heat rising to her cheeks.

Clearing his throat gruffly, Roger stood while studiously avoiding eye contact. "I, uh, should get going. And you must be cold out here barefoot."

Maria blinked, suddenly conscious of her slipper-less feet and the prickly grass under them. 

"Oh! Yes, I should head back..." She trailed off lamely, neither wanting to sever this moment's delicate connection. "Klauss must be waiting he-he".

Neither could decide on a farewell gesture. Roger settled for an aborted wave before speed-walking away. Maria watched his rapidly shrinking silhouette, heart racing as she processed what nearly occurred.

Upon entering the foyer, her steps faltered at finding the living room empty, shadows pooling thickly. The terrace door stood ajar, curtains fluttering gently.

"Klauss...?" Maria searched the house perplexedly. At some point during her absence, Klauss had chosen to depart without a word. 

Klauss had left shortly after Maria abruptly stepped out, so he had the chance to escape this unpleasant situation.

Having observed the pair, Klauss witnessed them sharing a sweet yet awkward moment together on the bench. Silently, he faded into the shadows, leaving behind a bittersweet scene.

Little did he know, this marked the beginning of an unexpected twist in Roger and Maria's relationship, a journey that would unfold with both moments of joy and heartache in the chapters yet to come.