
My Real Me

After the loss of her memory, her parent killer took her in and used her as a bait to get her parent's company. She lived most of her life thinking The Hion's family were her family, but later on she found out they weren't. As she went in search for her true identity, she found out that those she claims to be her family and friends were actually the ones behind the loss of her family and memory How will she regain her memory? How will she find out about the killer? What will she do after finding out? Find out the answers to your questions in this novel

Saucy_Odion · Sports, voyage et activités
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14 Chs

Elsa Is Not Safe


"What's up with Thonia? Why is she so bent on looking for Elsa?... Does she really care about her or is there something I don't know?" I kept muttering as I sip my coffee, just then my phone rang. Huh? Strange number?

"This is an unknown caller" I said as I picked the call

"Hello.... Who's this?" I said immediately I picked my call

"Is this Mr Kim Forte?" The caller asked

"Yes sir, who is on the line?" I replied

"Oh.. I'm calling from Kyler C company, you've been accepted into the M and R department and you are to resume on Monday... Congratulations sir" the caller said and then he hanged up

"Wait.... What?.... I've been offered the job?!.... Yessssss!!!!" I shouted as I jumped up from my seat but unfortunately, I mistakenly hit a lady that was coming behind me and her coffee fell from her hand

"Oh my bad... I'm sorry" I quickly said as I compose myself but it seems she was trying to avoid me cause she ignored me and even hide her face so I won't see her

"It's okay sir" she quickly said as she picked the cup from the ground and tried to leave but she stopped and bend her head backing me when she noticed a huge woman walking towards her

"Elsa I keep warning you to be careful when serving customers... Must you always being your family problems here!... Now take a look at what you've done... I think it's time all these rubbish ends... Get in there and remove the uniform immediately!" The huge woman said and I felt bad for the poor lady

"I'm so sorry ma... I wasn't focus on where I was going to ... I'm deeply sorry ma I'll be careful next time" she begged and the woman walked closer to me

"You should be apologising to him not me" she said and the lady bowed as she walked to where I was standing

"I'm so sorry sir... I'll be careful next time" she said and turned to leave but I was curious cause I felt she's purposely hiding her face from me

"Wait... Can't you look at me and apologize properly?" I said faking annoyance and I could tell she frowned from the look of her side face. She paused and turned to me still bowing, covering her face

"I'm so ashamed to look at you Sir" she said and I laughed softly, I guess she's trying to play hard. By this time, the whole customer in the cafe was already staring at us

"Are you crazy! Ohhhh I think you really want to take off that uniform from your body" The huge woman that seem to be the boss said and the girl hesitated before raising her head

"Huh?... Elsa! Is that you Elsa?!" I said surprisingly and she threw the cup at me and ran out of the cafe feeling embarrassed.


I quickly ran to the boutique that was beside our cafe shop. When I got inside, I exhaled before moving round the store as if I was looking for a dress to buy. Soon I heard boutique bell ringing as someone opened the door... It was this damn Forte guy

"Can't believe he followed me here after disgracing me... I just hope no one took video of what happened... Gosh, today is such a bad day" I said slamming my palm on my forehead. When I noticed Forte has left the boutique, I walked out of the boutique, trying to find another place to hide but just then i felt a hand on my right hand

"Elsa turn back now" a voice said from behind but I ignored as I tried to free myself, just then the hand turned me and covered my head with his chest. I got afraid as I struggled with the person

"Hey let me go!" I shouted but he quickly covered my mouth and walked me to a cab. My head was still covered with his chest and his left hand was covering my mouth.

"Elsa go in" the voice finally said as he removed his hand from my mouth and I looked up and saw Forte. I was still standing when he opened the cab door and pushed me in

"Ouch!" I cried as I entered the cab and sat down quietly. I know my dad can't send him here to bring me neither can Thonia do the same so I feel I should just obeyed since I can't even go back to my workplace

"Take us to SamJohn Hotel now!" Forte said as he closed the door and my eyes widened. "An hotel?... Wait SamJohn Hotel? It's very far from here and it the most expensive hotel here. Why SamJohn? What's he up to?" I poundered on these stuffs as I stare at him

"Hey Forte... What's going on?" I summon courage to ask and he sighed before looking at me

"Elsa.... You can't work at that cafe... It's not safe" he said slowly and I became curious

"What do you mean by that?... It's not safe?... Forte! What are you doing?... Why are you even doing this to me?" I suddenly shouted when he refuse to answer me

"Just coperate till we get there" he replied bluntly and i became scared. Is he trying to send me to my dad?... Can I even trust him?

"Don't worry I'll explain everything to you when we get there" he finally said calmly easing my mind. I nodded before resting my head on the car seat


I was with Goldie, Jerome sister, when my phone rang. I excuse myself and went out to pick the call.

"Hello? Who's this please" I said as soon as I picked the call outside

"Hello ma, this is the owner of the cafeteria. You told me to keep an eyes on that guy and give you information on him" the caller replied and I nodded in remembrance

"Oh yeah... I remember... So what's the update?" I asked

"There's one of my employee, her name is Elsa... I think they have something together" she said and I paused a minute trying to figure out something. "Wait... Forte and Elsa?"

"Did you just say Elsa?" I asked as I rushed to my car that was packed at the Garage. I entered the car and fix my seat belt and hang up before driving out of the house. Few minutes later I got to the cafeteria and barged in to meet the woman

"Where is she? I said as I looked at the counter and the other employees. She walked me to a table and we both sat down

"They Just left... The man carried his bag and took her with him few minutes ago" she replied and I tighten my fist trying to calm myself down.

"Do you have her address?" I asked the woman and she looked at another employee who was busy carrying tray to and fro

"She lives with that lady... Her name is Berry" the woman replied and I nodded

"Can I have a word with her?" I asked and she nodded and signalled Berry to come and she did

"Hey Berry... Do you know Elsa?" I asked as soon as she sat at the table with me while her boss excused us

"Yes I know her, she's my roommate... Any problem?" She replied and i nodded

"I've been in search for her for close to 4 years now. Her parents are also looking for her but we couldn't find her. Now that she's your roommate can you help me out?" I begged faking a sorrowful and pitiful face

"I can't help you cause I don't know you" she said plainly and I chuckled silently

"I'm her cousin... She's my most cherished cousin... Please you've got to help me" I replied sadly and she gave me a confused look

"Huh?... Elsa does not have a cousin... You don't know her... I think you are lying" she said plainly and i smiled. "Such a smart lady" I muttered as I sat properly

"I will give you any amount... I'll give you anything you need. I just need Elsa to come back home to her family" I pleaded as if I was about crying but she refused and hissed before walking away angrily

"Okay then... I'll be forced to use plan B on you lady" I muttered before walking out of the cafe angrily.