
My Real Me

After the loss of her memory, her parent killer took her in and used her as a bait to get her parent's company. She lived most of her life thinking The Hion's family were her family, but later on she found out they weren't. As she went in search for her true identity, she found out that those she claims to be her family and friends were actually the ones behind the loss of her family and memory How will she regain her memory? How will she find out about the killer? What will she do after finding out? Find out the answers to your questions in this novel

Saucy_Odion · Teen
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14 Chs



We got to SamJohn Hotel and the cab parked. Forte paid the cab man while I came out of the cab. Few seconds later, Forte came out of the cab and walked straight to the hotel without saying a word to me. I frowned before following him behind.

"Good day Ma.... Elsa I think your phone is ringing" Forte said facing the receptionist while I touched my pocket and found out that my phone was ringing. I brought it out and walked away while Forte continue talking to the receptionist

*Hey Berry what's up?

*Elsa... Just stay where you are and don't come home... I think that guy knows what's going on that was why he took you with him

*What are you talking about?... What's going on?

*A lady came to the cafe today.. the last time she came, she met that man that took you... If you can remember

*Yes... Wait that's Thonia

*Whatever her name is... She came today and she told me she's your cousin that she'll pay me any amount if I can bring you to her... Elsa you really need to be careful

*Thonia??? Okay thanks Berry

After hanging up I walked to where Forte was standing. I need to ask him some questions about all what Is going on. I got to where he was and he gave me a confused look

"Okay... Let's just go, I've booked a room for us" he quickly said and I was about speaking when he turned and walked away. I walked faster so I can meet up with him and luckily I did

"Wait Forte... What's going on?" I said but he ignored me as he looked for the number written on the card and soon we found our room. He entered and I followed him in

"Forte I need to know what's going on... Please tell me" I said again and he sighed as he sat down and switched off his phone

"I don't know why Thonia keeps looking for you, but I have a bad feeling about it... First she asked for what you said when you were unconcious in school but I refuse to tell her because her name was among the names you mentioned when you were unconcious...Few days ago when I came to your cafe I met her and she asked if I know where you live that she needs to find your urgently... She said you ran away from home few months after the graduation. She promised to give me lot of money and even a job if I can bring you to her" he narrated and I became a bit confused. "Wait what? I mentioned her name when I was unconscious?... Why did I do that?" I muttered as I stood still backing Forte

"Wait... Why is she after me?... She does not know any of my family member and she does not know where I live... Our friendship usually ends in school so why is she now after me?" I asked as I stare at the window while Forte stood up and walked to where I was standing. I had a thought in mind but I don't want to believe it... It's hard to believe

"But she said she's your cousin... The Question is why did she lie to find you and why is there even a price attached to finding you? I've been suspecting her since high school but I don't understand why she's doing this now?" He said as he walked to my front blocking the window before me

"What?... Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked feeling uncomfortable as he looked at me pitifully

"Sorry about that... Just remain here for the meantime until I get an apartment for you. Don't even think of going to that cafe or else you'll get caught" He said before picking his phone and walking to the door

"Hey... Why are you helping me?... I never asked for your help" I said bluntly and he paused, faced me and smiled

"I know you've always hated me and I've always not like you too but I'm doing this for my little sister. She made a promise to Sam, your step sister, that she'll keep her safe when she's gone and now I'm the one trying hard to fulfill the promise" He said bluntly too. I was about talking back at him when his phone rang. I thought he off his phone few minutes ago?

"Hey Rica what's wrong again? Why are you always crying anytime you call? You're a grown-up so you should act like one please" He said immediately he picked the call and I walked to the bed and sat down. He was about leaving but he paused and sighed before walking back to where I was sitting and handed me the phone. I hesitated before collecting it from him

*Hello... Who is this please

*Elsa?... Ohhhh Elsa is that you?

*Yes I'm the one

*Okay Sam is back and she called me and told me that she overheard her parent saying you were missing so she called me because I promise her that my brother will protect you... She wanted to be sure if you're safe with us... I'm happy my brother kept to the promise

*Sam is back?... Please tell her I'm fine and there's no need to worry about me

*Okay I will... Byeee

"Let me have it" Forte said pointing at his phone and I gave him a straight face before handing him his phone. He took it and walk out without saying a word


"Sir we have a big problem now and I don't know how to handle it but the only option we have is the Research and Marketing Department. New ideas is the only option we have left if not we will loose our shareholders. Our sales are really dropping sir" His secretary said as I walked into his office

"Ooops... Sorry for barging in like this... There was nobody outside so I just decided to walk in" I said immediately I noticed the look on his face. He signalled his secretary to excuse us and she bowed before leaving.

"Where are they? Why haven't I been receiving calls? Thonia! Are you trying to fool me?!" He shouted as he slammed his hand on the table and i bowed immediately

"I'm sorry sir... But as for Elsa, I've seen her but I found out that one of our old class mate is trying to protect her from us" I said still bowed and he stood up

"When did you see her?" He asked calmly and I sighed

"I saw her three days ago... She works at a cafe not too far from Brittain High School" I replied as I looked up

"Okay... I'll leave that to you. What about Goldie?... I'm yet to see her" He said as his face changed and i moved back a little

"I'm still on it sir" I replied as I quickly bowed my head. He walked closer to where I was and laughed, I looked up to check his facial expression but a slap landed on my face and I fell to the ground.

"What have you been doing since all these days? If you know you can't handle this job just quit and let me get someone better than you!" He shouted and I shiver as I quickly knelt down

"I'm sorry sir... Just give me another chance I promise there won't be any mistake and delay this time" i begged as I fought with the tears in my eyes while he walked back to his seat and sat down

"I give you till tomorrow evening... I want to receive your call before tomorrow evening... If you need the location send a message and I'll forward the location to you... I need a clean job" He said and I nodded as I stood up. He signalled me to leave and I quickly walked out of him office breathing heavily. I picked out my phone and dialled Jerome's number.

"Hello Jerome... Please send my apologies to your sister and tell her I'll be treating her to a meal tomorrow evening in order to cover up for what happened on Saturday" I said

"Okay I'll tell her but what happened on Saturday? Why the sudden rush? Jerome asked and I itch my head

"It's nothing... I just went to settle some urgent issues" I replied and he hummed before hanging up

"So next on the list is his sister after that I'll launch Elsa case but first I'll have to pay Forte a thrilling visit. But why does it feels like they are working together?" I muttered as I walked out of the hallway

Mr Green

"Where's Goldie and Jerome? Aren't they coming home today?" I asked my wife as she prepares the table for breakfast

"They'll be here in few minutes... Just be patient" my wife replied and i nodded and continue watching the news

"Lest I forget, Mr Hion said he want to have a meeting with us by 8pm today so he'll be coming over to our house" I said and my wife paused what she was doing and walked to where I was sitting

"What?! Why?... What is he up to again? He has the company and the girl, what else does he need again?" She said with anger burning all over her

"Honey calm down okay?... I don't know what's he's up to too but let's just watch and see until then but we must make sure the kids are at home by that time" I said and she sighed before nodding. She looked at me a bit before going back to the dinning table

"Dad! Mom!... Good morning" I heard my lovely daughter's voice as the sitting room door opened and she walked in

"Goooood morning my darling. How was your night and how is your new home?" I asked as she walked to the dinning to hug her mum before coming back to hug me

"My night was awesome... All thanks to you guys. The house is very huge and comforting" she replied as she sat down beside me smiling

"Before you Start your father to daughter talk... Please where is my sweetheart" My wife asked as she walked to where we were. Goldie gave a surprised look as she face her Mom

"What do you mean by "where is your sweetheart"?. Haven't you guys seen him this morning?" Goldie asked and I gave her a confused look while her Mom shook her head negatively

"What? I saw him outside just..." She was about completing her words when the door opened and Jerome walked in smiling

"Hello family, sorry for keeping you waiting" Jerome said as he walked in to meet his Mom

"Where were you since and what were you doing outside?" Goldie asked with a frown but he ignored her, kissed his Mom and walked to the dinning room

"If you are hungry you should have come earlier... Moreover didn't your girlfriend cooked for you?" Goldie asked as she stood up but Jerome didn't say a word as he dished out his food and started eating

"Let's join him in the dining" my wife said and i nodded and walked to the dinning room to meet Goldie and Jerome

After a while, Jerome had already finished eating, he stood up and took his plate to the kitchen

"Dad thanks for the house... It's huge and comforting. Mom thanks for the meal, you're the best and Goldie, my girlfriend said she want to treat you to a meal this evening by 4pm to cover up what happened on Saturday" Jerome said as he came out of the kitchen. He picked up his phone and car key from the table then turned to leave but Goldie held his clothes

"Why evening? Can't she do it now?" My wife suddenly asked and Jerome freed himself from Goldie's grip and walked to where his Mom was sitting

"Mom... Everyone is always busy during the day and all offices close by 6 but my sister closes by 4 since she's the CEO and my girlfriend is on leave today but she's going out and she will be back by 4 so that's why she picked evening okay?" Jerome explained as he held his Mom shoulder

"But y'all should be back before 5:30pm today" my wife said and they both faced her

"Back to where? This place? You said we won't be living here again that's why you gave us our own houses... So what's up?" Jerome asked as he stood at his mom's front

"I can't really say but prevention is better than cure I think. So please, just for today please" my wife pleaded and they both grumble as Jerome walked out of the house

"What's the name of his Girlfriend?" I suddenly asked and Goldie picked her phone to check

"Hmm... Thonia... Lipton but Jerome do call her Thonia Hardison... So we don't really know which one is her real surname for now" she replied me and I gave her a confused look trying to remember where I've heard that name from. I couldn't remember so I continue eating my meal.


Work today was very stressful even though it was my third day at work. I came down from the bus and walked to Subway Eatery to get some stuffs for me and Elsa. I'm very sure that Elsa has not eaten anything cause she's afraid of coming outside, not when everyone is planning to hurt her. I would have gone to Elsa's workplace but I have a feeling that there's a trap waiting for me there.

"Who the hell is this again?... Why do you keep following me? Do you seem to have a crush on me?" I heard a familiar voice and I knew who it was. I looked back and saw Jerome faking a smile and I laughed. He looksore matured now compare to when last I saw him

"Huh? Oh you work now? No wonder I don't see you at the cafe anymore. Anyways the suit looks cool on you" he said and I smiled as I looked at the attendant, I collected my order from her and then I faced Jerome

"So why are you here? I can see you've missed me that's why you had to track me down here... I guess you are the one crushing on me" I said comedically and he laughed while I joined him too

"I came to check how everything is going here. This place belongs to my mom so I have every right to be here" he said proudly and I gave him a surprised look. I knew they were wealthy but I never thought they'll own an Eatery except for the fact that Jerome love pastries and coffee. I walked to an empty table and he followed me behind. We both sat down facing each other

"So how's Elsa? I'm just asking because I'm curious" Jerome suddenly asked and I gave him a suspicious look

"Huh? Why are you asking me about Elsa? I don't know where she is and we've gone out seperate ways since" I replied trying to act cool so he won't suspect anything

"I overheard Thonia talking about Elsa on Saturday before she rushed out of my house" he said and i moved closer to him

"What did you hear from her?" I asked calmly but he laughed and shifted his seat

"Why are you off from work? It's just 4:32pm" he suddenly changed the topic and I hissed as I removed my phone from my pocket

"I took permission from my boss" I replied as I operate my phone

"You just started work and you're already taking permission? Why?" Jerome asked looking serious and i smiled

"Okay... I'll tell you if only you tell me what Thonia said about Elsa" I said with a smirk on my face and he frowned at me

"Don't tell me you still like her?... Okay I will tell you later but which company do you work for?" He asked and I dropped my phone on the table after sending a message to Elsa

"Huh?... Sorry I mean Kyler C company" I replied him and his eyes widened

"That was my late uncle's company but for one reason or another, the company left his hand" he said and I became surprised

"But the CEO is Mr Hion, so how is it your uncle's company" I asked

"Mr Hion? You mean Elsa's Dad?" He asked and my eyes widened. What? The CEO is Elsa's adopted father? Wait....