
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Films
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43 Chs

Chapter 7: Newborn army & decisions

Life has been peaceful. Rose and I still have that same spark as the day we met, going for walks, having romantic dinners, watching movies, dates around the world, or just playing her songs on the piano or guitar, which she loves by the way. Even if she won't admit her feelings out loud, I can hear her thought about me so I don't ask her what she's thinking. 'I should really not do that, it's called privacy for a reason. *sigh*'

The Cullen's are currently chasing Victoria through the forest nearly catching her a few times until she passes into Quileute land. The wolves then begin the chase as well only for Victoria to jump back to the vampire side and Emmett jumps after her into Quileute land again only to be hit by a wolf and knocked into the river.

The next day outside school, Bella goes with Jacob after Edward says he trusts her but not him, Jacob tells Bella about imprinting along with the love/pain triangle with Sam, Leah, and Emily and Bella tells him that she's only human until graduation. Jacob flips out, shocker, I know. Riley Biers sneaks into Bella's room to take a piece of clothing for her scent. Bella comes home and Edward show up making sure she's safe. Going to her room he says someone's been in there.

At the Cullen's house, they're trying to figure out who came to Bella's room thinking it's orchestrated. Bella thinks it's Victoria and Edward thinks it's the Volturi, I know it's Victoria's plan with Riley but I won't say anything, hehe. everyone agrees to watch over Bella during the coming nights in shifts.

'I forgot how annoying Jacob and Edward's bickering back and forth is. *sigh*' Spotting Jacob leaving I come up to him and say, "Yo Jacob, I heard there's a council meeting going on soon. Mind if I come along with Rose? I'll mask her scent to please everyone." Looking really confused as to how I know, considering for a moment he says, "I'll ask but I'm not sure if they'll let Rosalie in or not." Giving him a grin I say, "Tell them I'll provide protection in the coming fight with Victoria if they let her come, I'll even let your tribe in on a secret of mine that only few know. Just pray to me with their answer and I'll respond, don't ask how I can do it, just do it." With a nod Jacob leaves. (A/N: Just a ways for MC to introduce himself to the Quileute's and hear their tales.)

"Umm...not sure if this will work but here goes, the council has agreed but you'll be under constant watch. Tomorrow night." Grinning ear to ear I reply, "Thank you my friend, see you tomorrow." Turning to Rose I tell her about us going to the meeting which makes her uncomfortable but I bring her into a hug. "It will be find my love, I'm with you, always and forever." Kissing her forehead she smiles and nods. 'Time for my second fancy reveal, wouldn't want them to freeze up in the coming battle when I bring out my wings, hehe.'

As Bella and Jacob sit down for the meeting, a golden portal opens up and Rose and I step through. "Good evening, Quileute tribe. It's a pleasure to meet you all, this is Rosalie Cullen and I'm her mate." Some of the wolves start to growl but I release some of my aura making them struggle to even see clearly. "I'd recommend not being hostile if I were you. Please allow me to introduce myself properly..." Stepping away from the campfire a bit I say, "I am Lucifer Morningstar, Archangel and a God. Understand how I got your message now, Jacob?" Everyone besides Rose is shocked and Jacob only nods dumbly. Bella looks like she has deja vu, well I did use my wings and halo against James, although Bella was in pain from the vampire venom. "Now that introductions are done, please begin the tale, I'd love to hear it." Billy Black nods and starts telling the tale of the first Quileute's to turn into wolves to scare off their enemies and to protect their tribe. A great tale if I do say so. The Quileute's awaken the power to shift into a wolf when the 'cold ones' are near which is now with the newborn army coming.

The next day, at the Cullen's house, we're watching the news about the attacks. Carlisle suggests that if we don't put a stop to the coming army, the Volturi will. 'I agree, let them come.' Giving off a malicious grin that thankfully no one noticed.

Bella is walking with Jacob as I think, 'Here comes the punch to the face, haha.' Jacob confesses he loves Bella and she friend zones him again. Jacob tries to force a kiss on Bella and BAM, sprained wrist. An argument later, Carlisle is wrapping Bella's wrist and Emmett says, "Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again Bella?' Bella says. "I punched a werewolf in the face." Emmett says, "Badass." From the couch I say, "Should have aimed for his balls and neutered the mutt." Clearly over the whole love triangle thing. Everyone laughs, even Rose is giggling. 'So beautiful.' Is all I can think looking at Rose's smiling face. Elsewhere four Volturi are watching the newborns. Jane decides to allow the army to do that they were created for.

Graduation day, yay. Tonight is a party at the Cullen's house for graduation. Everyone is enjoying their time as Jacob comes in and apologizes to Bella and gives her a bracelet. Rose and I are on the deck relaxing cuddled up together just listening to the music. Alice gets her vision about the newborn's coming here in four days instead of us going to Seattle. Being led by Riley Biers as Edward recognizes him as a local that went missing a year ago. Jacob pipes up and says, "Alright, we're in." Bella immediately try's to stop him but he's stubborn and Edward agrees for more protection for Bella. So starts the training montage for the wolves and Cullen's.

A few days before the newborns attack, Edward officially proposes to Bella. The next day Bella is spreading her blood on trees to lure the newborns to the battlefield. That night is when Jacob finally snuggles with Bella to keep her warm. The next morning Jacob throws a tantrum about Bella marrying Edward and finally gets a returned kiss from her. Now, finally, the newborns are coming.

Both sides rush at each other, but what happens now, is awe inspiring. "Hello newborns, welcome to your deaths." With a savage grin my wings come out in a bloody mist. In a rage I yell. "YOU DARE TRY TO HURT MY FAMILY?" Walking forward with my hands in my pockets and an emotionless face, every vampire that comes near me vanishes into dust. Everyone has a look of fear as they turn to dust thinking, 'Reminder, don't piss him off.' Victoria see's it's hopeless and runs to Riley who is nearing Bella and Edward. Turning my head to the only vampire left I say, "Come here child, do not fear me." Bree slowly walks forward and I turn to Rose and say, "Keep her safe, I'll be back in a moment." Giving a flap to my wings, I take off towards Edward and Bella. Sensing Riley just had his hand bitten off I turn off my wings so Victoria won't flee from me and I drop to the ground in a superhero landing. "Hello Victoria, come to meet the same fate as James did? Haha." Victoria rushes me in a frenzy but stops midway. "Oh? What's the matter, can't move?" With a malicious smile I say, "Victoria, for orchestrating mass murder as well as forcefully turning people into newborns, I Lucifer Morningstar sentence your very existence to vanish. You will never see James in the afterlife, he is in hell and not even your soul will exist when I'm done." First, *SNAP* Riley disappears, "Goodbye." *SNAP* Victoria is no more as well. Alice now has a vision of the Volturi coming, so we head back to the battlefield.

As per cannon, I let one other live to come out and try to get Leah only to be bitten by Jacob. Jacob has his ribs crushed and then that vampire is torn to pieces by the other wolves. The wolves take Jacob away and Carlisle say's he'll be there as soon as he can to set the bones before his regeneration can heal them. Seeing the Volturi coming through the trees, all that can be seen are piles of dust, no bodies. Jane says they missed an entertaining fight and I say, "It was a slaughter, your welcome." Giving me a weird look, Jane says, "You missed one." Looking at Bree. I say, "She was forced to become this way and is innocent, therefor I will take responsibility for her." Jane considers it but decides to use her pain ability on Bree. "STOP!" Making the ground around everyone shake with my eyes glowing bright, Jane stops, albeit forcefully. "You've wasted enough time here, go home." Opening a portal as well as wiping their memories of this meeting, I force them into it. "No need to worry now, they won't remember this." Carlisle gives a nod knowing what I can do, to an extent. "Bree, would you like to be adopted my Rose and I? You won't have to worry about anything with us protecting you." Pondering for a moment, Bree comes up to me and gives me a hug whispering, "Yes, please." All I can think is, 'That was easy, guess she's under a lot of mental strain.' Opening a portal to my house, Rose, Bree, and I go through. The rest of the Cullen's go home while Carlisle helps Jacob and Bella goes to see him too.

Back at my house, Rose, Bree and I are sitting down on my couch. "Bree, would you like to stay a vampire or would you like to be something more?" Rose gives me a confused look but looks to Bree for her answer. "What would something more be?" Bree asks. Giving a soft smile I say, "I can reverse the vampire effects making you human again, after that I'd make you into an angel, not an archangel like me but still you'd be stronger than anyone in this world besides me." Rose gives me a glare wondering why I haven't told her about this yet. I send her a mental message saying, "Give me some more time, I want to do something special for you." Still a little angry she gives me a small nod, we turn back to Bree for her answer. Waiting for a few moments to think, Bree asks, "Will it hurt?" Shaking my head I say, "No, only a warm feeling. Although you'll have to get used to your power and wings of course." Smiling back at me Bree says, "I accept, I want to be an angel." Standing up, taking Bree's hands I say, "Granted. Bree Tanner, from this day forth you will be know as Bree Morningstar, our daughter." Looking to Rose and smiling at her, she only heard "our daughter" and her brain fried. 'Must be too much at once, taking away being a vampire then making Bree into an angel as well as calling her our daughter, POP goes Rose's brain, hehe. I know Rose see's me as her husband already, I just need to make the perfect ring and I'll ask her at Edward's wedding.' Bree now no longer has pale skin and red eyes but has a pair of angel wings and a halo, floating a foot off the ground. "With this done, you are reborn, welcome to the family." Giving her a hug which she returns, Rose comes in as well for a group hug. Noticing only now that Bree has white hair and golden eyes just a little dimmer than mine. 'Nice to know those are the effects other than wings and a halo.'

"Our little family."