
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Movies
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43 Chs

Chapter 6: Birthday party, cliff dive, and Italy

Months pass by in a flash. Rose and I have gone on many dates all around the world from the grand canyon, Eiffel Tower, north pole, the pyramids in Egypt, and many more wonders of this world. She stays at my place most days but still goes back to see her family as well.

Today is Bella's birthday and Alice has invited her over to the Cullen's place for a party to which she accepts. Edward is doing his usual brooding about what he would do if he lost Bella, which would be to go and reveal himself in front of the Volturi to be killed himself. Jacob still gives Bella the dreamcatcher before school thinking he has a chance with her. Poor dog doesn't realize his attempts will be for nothing. Right now Edward is telling Bella about the Volturi and their laws that they uphold. The house is all decorated and Alice goes to get Edward and Bella. Walking into the room and Carlisle apologizes for the flashy decorations that Alice probably overdid.

Normally Rose would have given Bella a necklace saying Alice picked it out, but this time Rose and I got her something else entirely. "Happy Birthday Bella!" Rose and I both say making Bella give an awkward smile. "Thanks guys." Giving a smile back I say, "Open it." Handing her the gift, Bella opens it to find a pure golden bracelet with a singular diamond in the center of it. "Rose make the design but I added a few enchantments that will come in handy later on. Bella puts it on and says, "I love it, thanks." With another awkward smile she, Alice pulls Edward to Bella for a picture from the camera she grabbed from Bella's bag. Alice gives Bella Emmet's gift that's an empty box saying he already installed it in her truck. Next is Carlisle and Esme's gift. As she goes to open it she gets a papercut.

Jasper starts to rush at Bella in a frenzy as Edward does the stupid idea of using too much force and flings her through the sir into a few vases on the table. Edward shoves Jasper back and Emmett and Carlisle restrain him while Alice calms him down. Bella's arm is cut from the vases and everyone smells it but Carlisle tell them to get Jasper away and says she needs stitches. 'Edward is such a dumbass, *sigh* He's taking too long with his decision to change her. At this rate she'll still jump going cliff diving and get closer to Jacob. Oh well.' Rose is clinging tight to my arm, for anyone else their arm would have shattered by now. I scoop Rose up in a princess carry and say, "Rose my love, lets go for a walk." Still staring at Bella she gives a small nod as we head outside and start walking.

Carlisle stitches up Bella and they have their talk about Carlisle wanting to save people and resisting human blood with years of practice. Carlisle also talks about himself being damned and Bella figures out why Edward won't change her. 'Ding ding, we have a winner. Finally she figures that one out.' Chuckling a little I focus my attention back to my walk with Rose. Now, Carlisle knows vampires have souls, only I told him to not say anything to keep Edward guessing only for the story to move on as per the plot. Falling asleep with Rose laying her head on my chest, I think about weather she'll go with her family or stay with me since the Cullen's need to more because Carlisle is supposed to look 10 years older than he does.

The next day everyone is packing up and Edward is going to say goodbye to Bella. Rose looks a bit sad so I come to her and give her a hug, "Rose, you can stay with me if you'd like." Giving her a loving smile she returns its to me, then turns to Carlisle and says, "I'm going to stay with Lucifer, I'd lose my mind without him now." Carlisle says, "That's your choice Rosalie, if you two would like to come visit us in Ithaca, our door is always open. You're our family after all." Smiling at Carlisle, Esme says the only thing I needed to hear at the moment, "And I'll be making dinner when you do stop by so be prepared for a feast, hehe." Giving Esme a hug and a "Thank you." I shake Carlisle's hand and we say goodbye for now to everyone else. *SNAP* Opening a portal to my house Rose and I step through.

Edward gives Bella a goodbye saying he doesn't want her to some and kisses her forehead. Bella calls for him but eventually passes out in the woods. Charlie and come of the Quileute's have a search party planned for Bella but Sam comes out of the woods with Bella in his arms passing her to Charlie. Months pass by and Bella is a shut-in still hoping Edward will come back. Rose and I are happy, going on dates, walks, and just enjoying each other's company. We've gone for dinner a few times since we both love Esme's cooking. 'Finally, everything will be moving again soon. Bella will go cliff diving and Alice will think she died and tell Edward. Jacob will pull her out and save her and they grow a bit closer. Laurent will try to kill Bela only to die from the Uley pack, things are going to get interesting after that.

It's January now and today is the day Bella is finally going to bring the two motorcycles over to Jacob to fix up. After a few weeks, the bikes are fixed and Bella starts to drive one seeing flashes of Edward only to crash. Bella gets invited to the movies and invited Jacob along as well. Jacob and the simp do their competition of who can get Bella to hold their hand first. Sad really. Jacob tries to hold Bella's hand and she pulls away, then tried to kiss her only for Bella to swerve that shit, 'HA got'em' I'm dying of laughter in my own head so Rose won't know I can see this happening. Jacob starts to get mad at the simp and starts to burn up, not knowing he's changing into a shifter, and rushes home. Some time later Jacob has been MIA and Bella goes to see him, yadda yadda yadda.

Bella is in the clearing where her and Edward used to come as Laurent comes out to her. Obviously here on an order from Victoria to kill Edwards mate for killing hers. 'Funny, I guess Victoria doesn't know I killed James, dumbass.' As Laurent is about to kill Bella Sam's pack shows up and kills him instead. Jacob shows up at Bella's house and says he can't tell her what's happening because its a secret and then leaves. Bella shows up on the reservation yelling at Sam and Jacob rushes out and fights ones of the others in his wolf form. Now Bella knows they are shifters that turn into wolves. Victoria has been spotted coming around and Bella tells Jacob that Victoria is after her.

Harry Clearwater and Charlie are tracking the wolves and Harry is covering their tracks. Victoria is about to kill Harry when the wolves confront her and chase her down. Harry dies of a heart attack as that happens. Victoria jumps into the water as Jacob looks down, only to hear Bella coming to the cliff with his wolf senses.

Bella jumps, see's Victoria coming at her, and bumps her head into a rock. Jacob pulls her out of the water and takes her home. Jacob gets friend zoned again and smells a vampire, obviously Alice that saw her jump. Some arguing with Alice and Jacob happens and Jacob almost gets to kill Bella, only getting her upper lip slightly. The phone rings and Jacob says, "He's not here right now, he's arranging a funeral." Edward thinking it's Bella decides to show himself to the Volturi. Jacob simp's again asking Bella to stay only to get shut down as Bella and Alice leave to go to the Volturi.

"Hey rose, would you like to go to Italy for a little while? Edward is going to reveal himself to the humans because Jacob caused some confusion saying Charlie is arranging a funeral. Meant for Harry Clearwater of course but Edward thinks it's Bella instead." With a shocked face she says, "LET'S GO!" Grabbing her hand I open a portal on top of the Volturi's main building out of sight of any humans. Floating down I create two chairs and say, "Wait until Bella get's here with Alice, trust me everything will be fine." Giving her a kiss she calms down and nods. We sit down and wait for Bella to come running. 'This will be fun, hehe.'

Edward is currently inside talking with Aro about killing himself. Aro says his gifts are too valuable and to join the Volturi is he's unhappy. Walking to the door Aro says, "Such a waste." Alice told Bella to run since the crowd is too thick to drive while Edward is currently about to start biting a human. Since he doesn't sparkle anymore thanks to me, this is all he can do to reveal himself. 'Why didn't he ask me to revive her? What and idiot, truly.' Reaching out to grab a random person, Bella is sprinting through the fountain to reach him first. Grabbing onto Edward saying she's alive any whatnot as they go inside. Edward saying that Bella believed his words about not wanting to see her anymore.

"Truly a dumbass, Edward." Bella and Edward both looking to me, confused as to why I'm here. "Hello Bella, glad to see you finally got out of the house again, hehe." Two goon's come to take us to Aro and Edward says he doesn't need their services anymore. Jane comes out telling us to come with her, with Aro wondering what's taking so long. Rose clinging to my arm almost frightened at what the Volturi might do. "Calm down Rose, no one can ever hurt you or anyone in our family." Giving her a kiss on her forehead to calm her down, we follow Jane. Edward puts on a robe, we go down some stairs, and get into an elevator. Walking into a cathedral, Aro comes walking up to us with a happy look, no doubt happy to see Edward still alive and Alice here as well.

Taking Edwards hand and saying that he's feeling thirsty just seeing Edwards thoughts about Bella's blood. Taking Bella's hand next to see if he can read her memories, he sees nothing. Asking Jane to hit Bella with some pain, Edward rushes her only to be hit by it himself. Squirming on the ground Bella yells for Jane to stop and she does, Now trying to give Bella some pain, nothing happens as Aro breaks out in a cackle. As Felix comes to Bella, Edward rushes him so he doesn't touch her and Alice says she's seen Bella change only for Aro to come take her hand and show him the future. After all of that has been done, Aro turns to me.

"And who might you be, human?" Unable to hold a straight face I start laughing madly, "HAHAHA, oh you poor little vampire, you don't deserve to even know my name." My eyes glowing golden, the Volturi flinch and take a few steps back. "See you soon, Aro." We all walk out of the building and I giggle again saying, "It's fun to mess with arrogant people sometimes, no?" Rose is shaking her head with a small smile.

Bella, finally taking a stand, walks into the Cullen's house and tells us to take a vote on her becoming a vampire. Normally Rose would have been the only one to vote no, but now she's content with her change and the change I did to them so she votes yes. My only response is, "Edward, you're an idiot. I voted yes, as we all think, you're as much a part of this family as I am." Finally giving a happy smile instead of being awkward. Edward is asking why she's doing this to him and still not convinced about her change. Bella decides to wait until after graduation to change to make it easier on Charlie. Jacob shows up in the road and they have their little dispute on who can have Bella, to which she picks Edward. Jacob runs off as a wolf and Edward has only one condition to change Bella himself. Edward asks Bella to marry him. 'Finally a smart move. Took you long enough dumbass.'

'Now, before the wedding, is the newborn pack with Victoria leading them. Hmm, Bree Tanner, she wasn't given a choice to be a vampire thanks to Victoria. Save her or not? I don't think that will change anything, right?'


A/N: So this chapter had a lot of movie info dump but I wanted to get to the newborn army in chapter 7. Will Lucifer save Bree or not? Find out next time on...