
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Films
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43 Chs

Chapter 24: My Sword & Honeymoon (R-18)

The day after the Wedding, everyone is waking up with hangovers besides us immortals and Gods. I make rifts back to each different world for everyone leaving and we says our goodbyes. Last to leave is Kate actually and she says, "I think I know who your father was." Raising and eyebrow from curiosity I say, "And who might he have been?" Giving me a smirk she says, "The one marrying you guys of course. No one else there fit the bill besides maybe Odin but I already know about him from the movies in our world, duh." Chuckling a bit I say, "Congratulations Kate, but as a part two, do you know his name or standing in the power scale of the multiverse?" Kate then starts pacing back and forth and I smile knowing she does this with some deep thoughts. After a few minutes she finally says, "I'm not 100% on it but the only logical person he could be is OAA right? I mean you are powerful enough to wipe out universes so who is stronger than that right?" I pull her into a hug which surprises her and I say, "Correct, hehe. I'm number two in power and only my father, OAA, is higher than me." Now she looks completely shocked knowing that I'm number two in power.

"So, I owe you a favor right?" She gives a nod and says, "I want to cash it in as well." Giving a sigh I say, "I have a feeling I know what that might be as well." She grins at me and says, "I want to be your sword against your enemies and travel with you to new worlds that I couldn't see before." Looking at her with some contemplation I say, "Granted, though I really thought you wanted to be my third wife for a minute there, hehe. I, Lucifer Morningstar, Accept Kate as my sword to slay my enemies or defend my allies when needed. I bestow the title of General upon you to lead my armies should they grow in number in the future. As of right now you are a three person group. You, Bree my daughter, and Kara my niece." As I finish this, I place my hand on her head and make her an Archangel like me but not as powerful as Rose and Nat for sure but still powerful enough to not have to worry about her. I don't change her hair or eyes actually, I like the red hair and green eyes. Although her green eyes do glow now and she has the halo and wings. "Rise my sword, and welcome to the family as well, hehe." Kate bursts into my chest at blinding speeds and gives me a hug which I return.

After sending Kate off with the task of watching over my old family for now until I move to the next world, I enter my house in the Marvel world to see Nat and Rose waiting for me. "Hello ladies, miss me already? Hehe." Jumping over the couch and sitting in between them, they each rest their heads on my shoulders. "So, any ideas for where we should have our honeymoon? I'm down for anything as long as I'm with you two. I see you asked Rose to join us, hehe, should a fun few weeks." They both giggle but then they turn serious and Nat says, "I want to be a mother, please. Lets start tonight, I've seen how you look at my body every day and I'm ready now." As she stands up and her dress hits the floor, I can't say a single word. Then Rose stands up and lets hers drop as well and I can see her belly starting to grow a bit. I stand up and say, "Let the games begin, hehe." I pick both of them up which causes them to giggle and playfully scream, and head to the bedroom while I send Bree and Kara a message not to disturb us as they both stutter and agree not to intrude. 'Hehe, they know what's happening for sure.'

Setting them both on the bed softly, Rose then says, "I'll take a back seat for a bit and let you have time with Nat." I give her a kiss and Rose goes to take a shower until Nat and I are done with a round or two. Looking back to Nat, I gently push her down as we share a passionate kiss and I start to feel her up earning me some moans. A pinch to the nipple or a good squeeze of her breasts are making her wet already, hehe. Slowly planting kisses from her mouth, to her breasts, to her belly, and finally to her sweet pussy. And man is it heaven as I'd like to go here for eternity if I die, haha. Before working my way back up to take Nat's lips, I feel Rose sucking on my cock below. "Oh, welcome back love. I though you'd be longer than that." Rose takes out my dick with a *Pop* and says, "I did too but hearing Nat, I couldn't wait any longer. Must be the pregnancy hormones, hehe." As she gets back to work, I start eating away at Nat again as she's nearing an orgasm. Speaking of which, so am I and since I know Rose will want her snack, I give her a grunt of approval and she doubles her efforts as I unload down her throat.

Rose pops back up with a smile and says, "Thanks for the meal." I chuckle and Say, "Yes thanks for the meal, hehe." Looking at Nat, I say, "Ready love? Remember it will hurt again as you have your purity restored." Nat gets a confident look in her eyes and says, "All in one go, don't hold back." Giving her a nod, I line up and even though she said all in one go, she didn't specify the speed. Reaching her hymen, I push through and feel it tear as Nat gets a pained expression but doesn't say anything so I keep going until I'm hilted inside. "Holy hell, you feel amazing Nat." Knowing she's in some pain, I lean in and kiss her and massage her breasts to ease that pain. after a minute or so Nat gives me a nod with a smile and says, "I'm good, you can start." Giving her a nod, I start off slowly as there is still a little pain but mostly pleasure for her now. Building up the pace, we go at it for a good 15 minutes and after 3 orgasms for her, mine is finally here. Nat knows it's coming so she locks her legs around me and forces me to stay inside so I lean down to her ear and reassure her. "Love, I'm not going anywhere. I'm with you and Rose for eternity now and we'll have a big family for sure." Smiling up at me she doesn't release her legs but I can feel a bit of tension let go. Finally the moment is here, "Ready to be a mother my love?" Giving me a nod, we both finish at the same time with a synchronized "AAH FUCK!" Filling her up completely, we lay there in bliss for a few moments before Rose slides up and whispers to me in a sultry voice, "My turn, hehe."

After a full eight hour session of taking on both of my girls, I'm still good to go but they are a bit sore so we get some sleep for the night. The next morning we all hop in the shower for another session and then clean up, hehe good times. Relaxing on the couch and watching a movie, I ask them, "So, any thoughts on where we should go?" Giving each other a nod, Nat says, "We want to stay here and just be together. It doesn't matter where we are, as long as we're with you." I smile and give them each a kiss and say, "True, I had a similar thought as well. Very well, Let the two weeks of fun begin, haha!" They both shake their heads but they have smiles knowing my antics.

Like this two weeks pass and today Nat is taking a pregnancy test because she is late. She comes out of the bathroom with a sad expression but I know something doesn't seem right. Out of nowhere, Nat jumps into my arms and says, "I'm pregnant! I love you." Giving her a kiss I say, "Dreams come true with me around. Anything you want is yours as long as you ask me. And I love you too, and you too Rose come here." Rose comes to us and we share a group hug and Rose says, "Just because you're pregnant now doesn't mean the fun stops, hehe. Long nights are the best after a hard day." Giving her a kiss I say, "Hard days are the worst but long and hard nights are better for sure, hehe." Giving my eyebrows a wiggle when I say "long and hard" they both roll their eyes but we all share a laugh.

Relaxing on the couch once again, Nat asks, "So what do you plan on doing now?" Thinking for a moment I say, "Well, first I have to help the Ancient One with a problem she is having. Then comes a promise to help Odin when he passes away and gives his throne to Thor. And after that I'll mop the floor with Thanos and this universe should be safe for a while." Rose then says, "Sounds like you have quite the schedule coming up. I should probably head back now and see if Emmett destroyed one of my cars again." Standing up, I take out Yamato and make a rift for Rose. "See you soon love. And don't hesitate to come relax with us for a bit if you know what I mean, hehe." Rolling her eyes at me, she gives me a hug and then moves to Nat and says, "Keep and eye on him please. Who knows if he'll meet someone to be our new sister, hehe." Nat gives me a weird look but I say, "No one comes to mind but I did see you talking with Kate about something which raised a flag in my mind." Giggling a bit Rose says, "Eh, girl talk is all that was. Not like we planned anything, hehe." Shaking my head I say, "Doesn't sound convincing but sure, lets go with that. Now, off you go and we hope to see you soon love." Giving me another kiss and Nat a hug and a goodbye, Rose heads back to the Cullen's place to tell them the news about Nat.

Sitting back on the couch and cuddling up with each other, I ask Nat, "So did Kate talk to you as well?" Giving me a nod Nat says, "She asked how you act now and described you in your past life. She was pretty shocked to hear that you laugh and joke with us now, although knowing how you were in your old life I guess anyone would be shocked really." Giving her a nod I say, "I dated her for a few years back in my old life actually. I made her into and Archangel too as well as my General. She wanted to become my sword in the coming battles so I accepted and transformed her. Kate will watch over my old family until I head to the next world on my list. But for now, I think the bedroom is calling isn't it?" Nat gives me a smirk and I teleport us to the bedroom as we strip and enjoy each other's bodies all night while Bree and Kara don't sleep at all, hehe.