
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Movies
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43 Chs

Chapter 23: Wedding #2

Finally the day of the wedding is here. Everything is set up and ready to go and all that is missing is my old family, The Ancient ne, and Odin's group. Stepping out of my inner world, I take Yamato and make a rift to my old family. Stepping through, they are all ready in their suits and dresses. "Thank you all for being ready, hehe. If everyone would please says the phrase "Edward is and idiot" you will be transported to the venue." They all says it and disappear from sight, all except Maya that is. "Hello Maya, it's good to see you well again." She smiles and dashes to me giving me a hug and says, "Thank you for healing me, my mom told me you healed me so I can bare children now. Thank you." At this point she is sobbing a bit so I say, "I'm sorry, I made a vow when I was alive in this world to protect you but I failed you even now. At least I can bring you some happiness with healing you but know this, I will never let anyone hurt my family ever again. I'll have someone keep watch over you all to be sure of it incase I'm indisposed, you have my word on that." She gives me another thank you and she heads to my inner world.

Making another rift to Kate's place, I step through to see her in a beautiful green dress. It matches her green eyes and contrasts nicely with her red hair. "You look beautiful as always Kate." Jumping a bit since she didn't hear me enter, she turn around and smiles. "You're looking handsome as well. Ready to go?" Giving a nod, I personally make a rift to my inner world instead of having her say the phrase. As we step through, I see Odin, Thor, and Frigga in some fancy attire talking with some people here. "Try to be nice alright?" Kate gives me a bit of a glare and a small nod and walks off to mingle.

Walking over to Odin, I greet him with the normal forearm hold handshake that they do. "Odin, Thor, and Lady Frigga. Thank you for coming." Odin speaks first and says, "It's an honor to be here and thank you for the invite. The place looks amazing as I expected." Giving him a nod, Thor speaks next. "My friend, today is a joyous occasion so I've brought the same drink we had at stark tower as a gift." Taking a cask of liquor I say, "Thank you my friend." *SNAP* The cask goes to the bar section with a label saying 'For non-mortals only!'. Lady Frigga speaks next, "It's a pleasure to meet you Lucifer." Taking her hand and kissing the back of it I say, "The pleasure is all mine, hehe. If you'd like to meet my wife and my fiancé, they're getting finished changing. I'm sure that they'd love to meet you." Giving me a nod, she goes to find the other women. Odin, Thor, and I head over to see how my groomsman are doing. Clint is giving Nat away since he's basically her brother in all but blood.

In a small group that's making some small talk, I see my groomsman. Vision is one of them as he has integrated well into society as well as living with Wanda. Clint will be my best man as I feel the closest to him and his family since being with Nat. Clint will walk over to my side after giving Nat away to me. Thor is next, although he wasn't happy about not being my best man, he understood that I've been closer to everyone else. For now at least, until Ragnarok, hehe. Tony and Bruce as well making up my four groomsman and my best man. After taking my place on the alter, I see Kate wondering which side is mine so I teleport to her side just to scare her. "Either side will work, hehe." Calming herself from the jump scare she says, "Can you not keep doing that? And thanks for letting me know." Giving her a smile I say, "You're most welcome Kate. Nat basically only has S.H.I.E.L.D and the Barton's as family and I have my two families. One from my home world and one from my old world. How about a bet?" Looking a bit cautious she asks, "What's the bet?" Giving a cunning smile I say, "If you can guess who my father is, and not my dad from my old life, I'll owe you a favor. And if you can't, well I may or may not tell you anyways, hehe. It will be surprising though for sure." Giving it a few seconds she agrees and takes a seat as I teleport to the alter again.

"Hello Father. I just make a bet with an old flame from my past life, hehe. If she can guess who you are, and not just OAA but you specifically out of everyone here, than I owe her a favor but if she doesn't guess right than nothing changes. It's a win win really, I could have upped the bet to make her do something dumb for the fun of it but I'm not a mean person unless you mess with me." OAA gives a chuckle and says, "I'll be sure to let you know if she talks to me and guesses correct. And I know you're a good person, and good job cleansing your old world. They are prospering as a better society now with less crime to scare them at night." He gives me a pat on the shoulder and a loving smile, which I return and then the music starts to play.

As Nat is walking down the isle, our eyes never lose contact. Nat smirks as she sees the goofy grin I have because that dress hugs her figure so well and she looks simply divine. Laura is Nat's maid of honor by the way and Wanda, Maria Hill, Pepper, and Lila are the bridesmaids. Clint gives Nat to me and everyone sits down, although the Asgardians are a bit confused as they never witnessed a Midgard wedding but they follow suit. I sense someone coming in late so I say, "Fashionably late huh? Thanks for coming Ancient one, please have a seat anywhere, hehe." She gives a nod and sits down and my father starts he ceremony. My Father then asks, "Have you prepared your vows?" We both nod and once again I say, "Ladies first, hehe."

Giggling a bit Nat starts. "My life was not an easy one that's for sure. But I've had two lights to guide me on the right path. The Barton's and S.H.I.E.L.D are my family and I'll never forget how they made me fit in. But, Now you've come along and changed everything for the better. With my job as a spy, I never thought I'd be getting married or have the chance to be a mother. But you cared for me and you've been patient with me, loved and laughed, and comforted me when I relived painful memories. You even healed me from being sterile so I can pursue my dream of being a mother. I know you already have Rose, but I also know you have more than enough love for both of us and you've shown that to us time and time again. I love you Lucifer Morningstar." Fighting the urge to kiss her now, all I can do is give a loving smile and from the corner of my eye I see Rose with one as well.

"I've lived two lives now, one as a mortal wishing to be free from my pain and emptiness and one as I am now with the power to help others and finally feel my emotions. Being with you has made my life even better than before. Loving one woman is great but loving two makes everything seem surreal. I've already made a vow on my soul to never intentionally hurt you or Rose and that should be more than enough for you to know how much I love you both. I've actually felt your pain from the past as I saw your memories when we first met in New York. Anger and hate were all I could feel as I decimated the Chitauri army. My life is not about me anymore, it's about all of you." I say as I looks to everyone else. "You all lift me up to be better than I was. Weather it's to make a right decision or help a friend, or tell a joke to lighten the mood or save a whole world or universe, it's all for you guys not me. I can do anything I want and right now..." Turning back to Nat I say, "All I want to do is make you the happiest woman in the multiverse, well besides Rose as well but she knows that, hehe." Everyone chuckles at that. "Long winded, I know, hehe. But finally the words I've been meaning to say from the moment you walked in. I love you Natasha Romanoff."

My father then asks, "Do you, Lucifer Morningstar, take Natasha Romanoff to be your lawfuly wedded wife?" Smile to Nat I say, "I do." He then asks Nat, "And do you, Natasha Romanoff, Take Lucifer Morningstar as your lawfully wedded husband?" Nat must have talked with Rose because she ponders for a moment like Rose did but then smiles and says, "I do." My father then asks, "Do you have the rings?" We both nod and Clint hands me the ring I made for Nat which has that purple glow trying to escape the small box. Nat has the once for me which is a simple gold ring like Rose got for me. Taking out the ring with the power stone in it, I hear some gasps as I slide it on Nat's ring ginger. Nat then slides hers on my ring finger and as it touches the one from Rose, it morphs into a double helix with the names Rose and Nat on each so I know who gave me which one. (A/N: I'll put a pic in the description if I can lol)

My father then says the magic words, "By the power vested in me, hehe, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride, congratulations again." Pulling Nat into my embrace, I lean her over and give her a passionate kiss like I did with Rose. The place erupts in cheers and clapping as everyone stands up. I then say, "Let's Party!" Everyone cheers with a "YEAH" and "WOO!" 'Thor is so loud, hehe. I know he just wants to drink till he passes out. Oh well, at least it's the right time to drink.' Taking Nat's hand, we walk back down the isle as the groomsman and bridesmaids follow and everyone floods out after us.

The reception is quite nice if I do says so. Everyone is dancing and drinking and chatting up a storm, mainly my old family asking so many questions about both the Marvel and Twilight worlds. Everyone comes up to Nat and I and says their congratulations and shakes my hand and gives Nat a hug. Rose comes up to us and tells Nat, "Welcome to the family sister, I hope you took some time off from work, hehe, you'll need it." Rose gives Nat a wink and I can see Nat's cheeks turning a bit red so I say, "Relax, we'll have fun on our honeymoon, hehe. Rose is right about one thing though, we will need quite a bit of time. I'll let Fury know you won't be available for a few weeks and I'll let Bree and Kara take over for you, sound good?" Nat gives me a nod and Rose walks away to sit down somewhere. Looking to the side I see Kate walking up to Rose and I think, 'This can't be good. Eh, what's the worst than can happen right? I just jinxed it didn't I? *sigh*'