
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Films
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43 Chs

Chapter 14: Time skip and the winter soldier

(A/N: Ok so, I messed up some of the timeline a bit so I'm skipping over Thor: The Dark World. Originally Loki was sentenced to life in prison by Odin for his crimes and then a year later is Vanaheim with Thor. I didn't realize until just a little while ago lol. Thor: The Dark World is the only movie that like 99% of people skip over anyways, the only thing relevant in it is the Aether, or the Reality Stone. To fix this, why don't we say that Lucifer helped Thor by giving is bits of information on the dark elves and the aether while kicking back and watching it unfold as it would have and now we're into the winter soldier part after a time skip, as well as hanging out with Natasha over that time as well and becoming closer. If people want me to write some of these past events, I can do a flashback chapter but it won't be as long as normal. Continuing on.)

Nat and I just picked up Steve after his run with Sam, or later know as Falcon, and heading to a briefing on a pirate ship to rescue some hostages. Nat knows I can do this all on my own but I want Steve to have some moments too. Steve jumps out of the plane with only his shield and one of the guys asks if he had a parachute and Rumlow confirms he doesn't need one. I turn to Nat and say, "Ready to go as well?" Giving me a nod, she takes hold of me and I start to float up outside saying, "See you soon lads, hehe." Nat is just shaking her head at my antics but Rumlow chuckles a bit and they continue to the ship. Steve does some impressive work taking out some pirates until one gets behind him with a gun but Rumlow takes him out.

Continuing on, Nat is still asking Steve about some women that he can ask out. It's starting to get to him now and he says, "Secure the engine room, then find me a date." Nat says she's multitasking and her and I go to the engine room. Watching her work is truly impressive, not a single person left and no shots missed. "You want to lend a hand or just keep watching?" she asks me and I chuckle and say, "Hehe, you know I love watching you work, and if anything does happen I can fix it with a snap of my fingers." Rolling her eyes but keeping her smile, we continue on. With everyone in place, Nat finishes securing the engine rom and the teams move in and secure the hostages as well. now all that's left is Steve with his one on one with the leader and as if on que he barges into the door and knocks the guy out. Personally I would have killed him but since he's still alive, Nat gets her S.H.I.E.L.D intel and Steve complains about jeopardizing the whole operation till the guy throws an explosive and knocks them out the window. Poor Nat says that one is on her and Steve whines and leaves. I come to Nat and say, "Not entirely on you, If Steve could learn to kill sometimes, that explosion wouldn't have happened. ready to go?" Giving me a sad smile and a nod, we all head out with the hostages.

Fury finished his little speech on how the world works with Steve after showing his Project Insight and now found out he's locked out of the files for it, so he asks Alexander Pierce to call the council for a delay on the project. Now on route to meet with Maria Hill, Fury is met with the assassins disguised as law enforcement. watching this escape is much better in person than on a screen. Thinking he's made it out of there, the winter soldier flips his car with an explosive. Using his high tech laser cutter he escapes below the city only to end up in Steve's apartment after his flirting session in the hallway. Fury is shot by an assassin and gives Steve the hard drive with project insight and Agent 13, Steve's neighbor, comes in to help him. Steve peruses the shooter and see's the winter soldier after throwing his shield only for it to be thrown back harder pushing him back. I land next to Steve and say, "Truly not your day huh?" Giving me a glare he walks off as I think. 'Hydra, you are so fucked soon.'

Nat looks horrified as we walk in to where Steve is watching Fury getting surgery. Doctor's calling for a defibrillator as the Hydra guys are behind us but no one else knows that. As they can't bring Fury back, Nat smashes into me trying not to cry and I rub her back to comfort her. Deciding to tell her something I whisper, "Nat, he'll be alright, trust me. Just play your part of being sad still. Even if he would die, say the word and I'll bring him back only with both eyes this time, hehe" Looking up at me very confused and surprised, she realizes that Fury fakes his death and says, "How did you know?" Chuckling at that saying, "Too many things left undone from him, plus S.H.I.E.L.D is compromised and Fury used a heart reducing serum, so I'll be close to you at all times." Keeping her tears coming but giving me a mod, she goes to where Fury's body is. After walking out, Steve hides the USB in the vending machine and heads to S.H.I.E.L.D. after feeling suspicious.

While Steve has his fight and escape from S.H.I.E.L.D, I see Nat grabbing the Gum and USB from the vending machine and I say, "Nice find, hehe. Steve will be here soon." Giving me a grin she says, "I know, he wouldn't just leave this here and not come back." Chuckling to that, we wait for Steve to come back for the USB. Steve comes in and looks at an empty vending machine and Nat pops a bubble behind him, classic. Moving into the room I'm in, they have their talk about the winter soldier and Nat goes to show her scar but I say, "No more scars, remember? I healed you to 100%. But that is the truth, I've seen it on her memories just now, sorry I won't do that again unless you tell me to." Giving me a nod they continue and eventually start walking to the store to decrypt the USB. As we're walking I tell Nat, "I'll keep over watch, be safe but if you guys get into trouble, I'll be there in an instant, ciao." Disappearing form sight Nat rolls her eyes and they enter the store.

After trying to leave, Nat and Steve are on the escalator and Nat is about to ask Steve to kiss her but I pop in and say, "Not necessary, We're invisible now. Your welcome, might have broken his teeth for that." Whispering the last part to Nat, she gives me a teasing grin and we walk out of the mall. Steve is currently stealing a car and I say, "You'll break the law to steal a car, but you won't kill a pirate holding hostages? Very confusing for a soldier." Nat giggles and Steve glares at me and I say, "Think of it this way, if that pirate was stealthy and killed Nat, I'd kill you. See the chain reaction you can do? One fuck up and your life ends, remember all of your options next time." Thinking on it, we hop in the truck and head to the training camp from WW2. Normally Nat would have asked Steve if that was his first kiss since WW2 but that's doesn't happen since I stopped it. Now I ask Nat, "Hey Nat, would you like to have dinner again soon? I'll cook again." Replying like a little girl getting a new toy she says, "YES...I mean sure, just let me know the day and you can portal me there." Laughing at her energetic response to my cooking, the rest of the ride is mostly silent, only me singing a bit but if I had to say, I have the voice of an angel, HA.

Looking around for where the signal came from, I walk over to the bunker door while Steve has his flashback to training. "How about in here?" Pointing to the door Steve agrees with me and I remember the bloopers from the movie when he couldn't break the lock, hehe. Now breaking the lock we head inside and surprisingly the lights still work. Steve finds the air flow into a secret door and Nat gets the code for the elevator and we head down. Inserting the USB into the computer and typing in YES, the system boots to find Arnim Zola as a program now. Confirming Steve and Nat's date of birth and names, he turns to me and looks confused that I don't have a record asking me, "Who might you be? There are no records anywhere about you." Giving a bow I introduce myself, "My name is Lucifer Morningstar, and I'm not form this world. Pleasure to meet you doctor." Confused he continues with his story about in 1972 he received a terminal diagnosis and put his brain into a database. Telling us the story about how Hydra has caused most of the world's problems in the last 70 years and soon to be under the purification of project insight, Zola locks down the bunker in order to kill us.

Getting an alert on her phone Nat says, "Guys, we've got a bogey. Short range ballistic, 30 seconds tops." Steve asking, "Who fired it?" To which Nat says, "S.H.I.E.L.D" Grabbing the USB while Zola says he's been stalling, Steve grabs the metal grate and throws it to hide in there when I say, "Really? You know I can just make a barrier that no weapon can ever break right?" Steve gives me a weird look and Nat says, "Do it, please." Giving a bow and saying, "Of course, as the lady says." *SNAP* Making a Barrier just big enough for the three of us, the missile explodes leveling the whole facility on us. "Exciting no? Air units will be close by, I suggest we leave as soon as possible. Allow me to clear the debris." With a wave of my hand, the debris lifts off of us and we head away from the area.

Arriving at Sam's place, Steve knocks and says we need a place to lay low and Nat says everyone we know is trying to kill us, not that they can while I'm here. Sam lets us in and they freshen up, when Steve asks Nat, "What's going on?" Nat talks about trading in the KGB for Hydra and she's not sure who's lies she's telling anymore. I speak up and say, "You haven't told me any lies yet, if you did I would have not healed you at our first dinner." Giving her a warm smile she gives me one back, Sam comes in and says he made breakfast. Right now I'm thinking about Rose and how she's doing as well as Bree who has been trying to get the Gates of Babylon closer to my level in my inner world for some time now. Showing a sad look and missing Rose, Nat spots my look and asks, "Something wrong? You haven't looked sad since I've met you." Trying to put on a happy face I say, "Just missing home at times, nothing to worry yourself about." Giving an unsure nod to me they discuss who might have sent the missile earlier.

Coming to the conclusion that Pierce and Jasper Sitwell are behind the attack on us, Sam hands Steve the folders with his last mission and the falcon wingsuit. Now, we're going to get that wingsuit for Sam through some tight security. Sam calls Sitwell and tells him to meet him around the corner as he has a laser on his chest. Leading Sitwell to the top of a building, Steve does his interrogation and Nat kicks Sitwell off the roof while still asking Steve to look for a woman of his own. Cute really but Steve brushes it off. Sam flies up with Sitwell and drops him next to us but I turn to Sam and say, "Nice wings, want to have a real pair?" Confused to no end Sam asks, "What do you mean?" Laughing at him since he hasn't seen mine yet I say, "These wings my friend, allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Lucifer Morningstar, it's a pleasure to meet you, Falcon." Shaking his hand and looking at his dumbfounded face staring at my wings and halo. "Food for thought, we have time to work out a deal." Nodding but still stunned, Sitwell tells us all about how Hydra, alongside Zola's algorithm, plan to use project insight to kill off any threats for Hydra millions at a time.

The winter soldier shows up and rips Sitwell out of the car only to splatter on the highway. Shooting a gun into the car, I block all of the bullets and Sam slams the brakes making him roll in front of us. A truck slams into us and the winter soldier is back on the roof but he rips the steering wheel from the car. Nat shoots up at him but he jumps to the truck behind us. Seeing this isn't going anywhere, Steve props up his shield against the door and takes Nat and Sam and I say, "Don't worry about me, I'll join you in a moment." Nodding, Steve drops the door off the car and they slide away. now, normally the winter soldier shoots Steve with a grenade launcher flinging him off the raised highway causing havoc, but I have other plans. as he shoots at Steve, I grab the grenade and it explodes in my hand. "Hello Hydra, welcome to your demise." Spreading my wings in full view of everyone, I raise off of the ground and say, "If any of you can even put a scratch on me, you live." Giving a malicious grin they all start firing at me.