
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Movies
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43 Chs

Chapter 15: Finishing up & dinner and a meeting

Everyone is just staring at me after being shot with a seemingly endless amount of bullets, so I use telekinesis and send Steve and Nat off of the bridge saying, "I'll hold them off you go." Nodding they start moving away but it seems that by fate the winter soldier goes after Nat and the others go for Steve. 'Eh, let them go, I'll catch up to Nat soon.' Attaching their hooks into some cars they give chase. Sam comes up to the last guy and cuts his restraints and kick him off the bridge. "Now if only Steve would do that, maybe less people would be hurt in the long run." Giving me a confused look, Sam covers Steve and shoots one guy while Steve is taking heavy fire from a minigun. Shaking my head, I let them do their thing while I go look for Nat.

The winter soldier hears Nat's playback phone and rolls a bomb to it blowing up the car as she engages in close quarter combat. Throwing her off, Nat throws an electrical charge device to his metal arm and runs. Shaking off the damage he gives chase. As the shot is fired to hit Nat, I step in and take the bullet saying, "Not today cyborg." Steve comes in and starts his battle with the winter soldier and I turn to Nat and say, "Told you, no one can hurt you while I'm alive." Grabbing her hand to stand her up, she hugs me and says, "I know, thank you."

Steve is getting his ass kicked until he delivers a German suplex and grabs his shield to damage the winter soldiers arm. Knocking off his facemask, Steve sees that the winter soldier is Bucky, his old friend from WW2. Sam comes in and kicks Bucky away but he recovers and shoots at Steve only to run from a grenade launcher from Nat. "Nice one Nat." Smiling she says, "All in a days work." Nodding, we hear the sirens coming. Rumlow and his gang of Hydra agents put us in cuffs to take us away, even though I can break all of them, I let them just to mess with everyone, hehe. Steve tells us about Bucky being experimented on back in 1943 saying that's how be survived. Then, one of the guards uses a shock baton and knocks out the other. Before she can take off her helmet I say, "Nice to see you again, Agent Hill." Smirking at her while she takes off the helmet she asks, "How did you know?" Chuckling to that I say, "I know everything, God stuff remember?" Sam looks even more stupefied but I know Fury told Maria about me from our meeting.

Instead of using the same laser that Fury used I say, "Allow me, please." Pointing to the floor with my index finger, A beam of pure white cuts a perfect circle into floor of the truck allowing us to escape Hydra. Maria takes us to a secure facility with the others not knowing Fury is alive besides Nat but she doesn't know he's here. Since Nat wasn't shot, we head straight to Fury making everyone besides me and Maria shocked and I say, "I told you he wasn't dead, Nat. He used that serum from Dr. Banner to drop his heart rate to fake his death. Well played Nick, you had everyone besides me fooled. I'd see your soul moving on if you died." After some time, they come up with the plan to activate three chips, one in each helicarrier, before they reach 3000ft. Steve is now calling the shots as everyone is in agreement to end both Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D at the same time.

Steve, Maria, and Sam head inside the Triskelion building and Steve takes over the sound system giving his speech about the price of freedom and Nick Fury being shot and stuff. In another room, Rumlow and miss Agent 13 have their fight but Rumlow still overrides the launch doing it early. Inside with Pierce, Nat is disguised as one of the council and takes control of the room. Keeping an eye on Nat in the room, she starts disabling security protocols and airing everything from Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D'S database. Pierce starts talking about how her files will be shown as well and that's when I pop in. "Doesn't matter anymore. No one, and I mean no one will be coming for her or any of our friends. If they do, it's their funeral." Giving off a grin to pierce and a nod to Nat, She continues.

Steve gets his chip in place and then Sam gets his, now Bucky shows up to cause havoc again destroying ships left and right. At the same time, pierce is confused as to why Nat is doing this since it takes two alpha level members to activate. Then a helicopter with fury lands and Fury comes inside. Fury has his other eye still in the system for his alpha level clearance which shocks Pierce while I'm holding in a laugh in the corner. At the same time, Steve jumps off his helicarrier and Sam catches him to get to the last one. Bucky is there and shoulder tackles him away and Sam doesn't stand a chance. Now on the ground with no wings, Maria tells Sam that Rumlow is on his way to the council room. Pierce activates his devices burning holes in the council member's chests and Nat aims at him. He says, "Unless you want a two inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down." To which I say, "If you don't want me to snap hydra out of existence, I'd put that phone down." Appearing right behind him, he's trembling but the people on the other side are still moving ahead with the attack.

Steve is climbing to put the last chip into the ship but Bucky shoots him a few times. Using sheer willpower, Steve gets the last chip in as the attack is about to start. Maria tells Steve to get out of there and aims each ship at one another to destroy them. Steve and Maria have their little talk about firing while he's on board but Maria follows through with the plan. Pierce tries to take Nat with him to get himself out of there but I step in front of his face and say, "Goodbye Alexander Pierce, may you rot in hell forever. For the attempted murder of innocent civilians and all of the past evil deeds you have done, I, Lucifer Morningstar, sentence you to eternal damnation. Have fun and say hi to the other guy for me." Grabbing his chest, I pull out his very soul and cast him into my own personal hell with James and then burn his body with black flames. "Well then, shall we go find Sam and Steve?" Nodding we go to the helicopter and fly down to catch Sam who jumped out of a window. Steve is with Bucky still having their moment trying to make Bucky see who he was. Steve falls into the water and Bucky pulls him out and walks away.

Nat and I are currently inside a congressional hearing for a discussion about who was responsible for S.H.I.E.L.D's downfall. Once the idiots say that Nat should be in a penitentiary, I lose it. The building starts shaking making people panic as my voice booms out, "Try to take her away and no one gets away from me without at least being crippled." Eyes glowing bright but no wings yet, only because Nat grabs ahold of my arm with a worried expression on her face. Calming down I turn to everyone and say, "Congratulations, you get to live. Try that again and you won't survive. There was no way of knowing Hydra was inside S.H.I.E.L.D, yet you still place blame and hold suspicion on the ones who tried to help the people. If any one person from S.H.I.E.L.D would have asked me, I could have killed all of the hydra agents with a snap of my fingers." Looking at me weirdly one of the people ask me, "Would you do it? If I said right now that no one will touch anyone you care about if you can snap away Hydra, would you?" Giving off a grin I do it just for them. *SNAP* "Done. If you don't hold up your end of the deal, you die as well. Let's go Nat." Taking her hand we walk away from all of the shocked people as they check the cells where some of the Hydra members were imprisoned only to find red paste on the walls.

Walking out of the building I stop Nat and ask, "Would you like to have dinner tonight?" Giving me a smile and saying, "Sure, 9pm your place?" Giving her a hug I say, "I'll send a portal at then, see you tonight." Walking away, Nat goes to Steve with a file for him saying she's going to find a new identity, not that she needs it, if she stays close to me no one will find her. About to leave but turning back telling him to be careful, Steve opens the file to see Bucky in cryostasis in a picture. Sam wants to go with Steve but Steve tells him he doesn't have to come to which Sam says he knows and asks when they start.

Almost 9pm and I've just finished cooking while in my white suit about to open a portal for Nat. *SNAP* opening a golden portal, Nat comes through looking absolutely beautiful in her tight red dress. "You look stunning as usually, Nat." Giving me a smile and a hug, we go and sit down for dinner. "What's on the menu tonight?" Smiling to her I bring in the food and say, "Tacos, one of my favorites. I know a woman who makes them almost as good as me, hehe." Wanting to know who that might be she asks, "And who might this woman be?" Grinning to her I reply, "You'll know soon enough. Now, let's eat, shall we?" Giving me a nod, she's once again stunned by my cooking making me chuckle a bit. Finishing dinner we go and sit down for some wine in the living room. "So, remember how I said you've never lied to me?" Giving me a nod I continue, "There's one question I've wanted to ask for a while now. Do you see me as a friend or something more? Remember, I'll know if you lie, Godly things, hehe" Pondering for a moment and not laughing at all she finally says, "I do feel something more actually. No one but Clint and his family have brought me much happiness in my life besides you and I'm starting to see how important to me you are. So yes, I do feel something more than just friendship." Not looking overly shocked by this turn of events, I think for a moment and say, "If you'd like to continue as something more, there's someone you need to meet and talk to. Have a conversation with her and air things out, and truthfully. She's a goddess and an archangel just like me so I might as well introduce you two." Giving me a nod but looking nervous I tell her, "Say, "Edward is an idiot" if you'd please." Saying it, she teleports to my inner world as I bring out Yamato and make a rift back to the world of Twilight.

Appearing through the rift, Rose rushes into my embrace and kisses me. "Hello Rose, I'd like you to meet someone." *SNAP* Nat appears from my inner world into my house where Rose was watching a movie. Rose, this is Natasha. Nat, this is Rose, My wife. I think you two need to talk while I go say hi to the in-law's." Seeing Nat go pale, she doesn't know what to do but I teleport to the Cullen's place while they talk it out.

Rose walks up to Nat and asks, "So, you love him too?" Nat can only look at the ground and nod her head. "You think you will mess up our marriage if you pursue him correct?" Once again only nodding her head, Rose starts to giggle, "Silly woman, Lucifer has a big heart for those he cares about. Sure I may not like it that someone else has come into his life but I cant say I didn't expect it when I chose to stay behind." Nat finally speaks up and asks, "So what does this mean for me and him?" Giving a big sigh Rose says, "Continue how you were, he will always protect you like he has with me not so long ago. I can see he already healed your body, that alone means he cares for you. I won't get jealous if that's what you're asking. As long as you don't hurt him we're good, but if you hurt him I'll come for you myself. Got it?" Giving a slow nod Nat comes up and unexpectedly hugs Rose. Rose doesn't know what to do at first but hugs her back and says, "I was a vampire that was unable to have children but he made me into an angel like him and now I'm pregnant. No doubt he healed you too knowing what your choice would be now." Giving each other a smile and another hug, I pop back in and say, "Well, now that we've got the green light, Nat I think you need to call Rose big sister, HAHAHA!"