
My Lust System In The Anime World

Training, Hard work, and struggles... why should I bother with such things when I could just conquer powerful wives? All I have to do is enjoy the beauties of the multiverse

itachi1010 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Demon Incubus Lord Magic

'Alright, system. What is the improvement to my magic.' Standing in the kitchen, Alex stood cooking breakfast. after a night of pleasure, he, Erza, and Cana all went to sleep. Alex was the first to awaken, only needing 30 minutes of sleep to recharge. it was a pain getting out of bed as the two were hugging him, but he managed to have them hug each other while he slipped away.

[Demon Incubus Lord Magic]- A powerful magic that is the evolved form of Demon Lord Magic. this magic is broken into 7 parts, which come together to create this new powerful magic.

[Pride Lord Magic]- Magic that gives one the power to be truly prideful under the heavens, this magic has many spells with an endless amount of usefulness. From the power to grow with the sun, moon, and age, to the power to shatter one limitation as nothing is worthy of blocking your path. So long as your pride is strong, nothing is out of the picture. Once mastered, this magic gives one the power to evolve 

[Wrath Lord Magic]- Magic that gives one the power to convert their rage into the most purest and strongest form of magic. So long as your wrath is strong enough, even the heavens shall fall to your might, death shall be defeated, and all in your path shall disappear. unlike pride Lord Magic, the boost of power that could come from this magic doesn't last, it comes and goes with your mental state.

[Greed Lord magic]- Magic that gives one the power to steal from even the gods. with this power, all powers, abilities, and even personalities, thoughts, dreams, and hopes can be stolen. it's magic that steals anything, the greater your greed for something, the higher the chances of you stealing said things. there are even some things that have a 100% steal rate as there is little way to protect against it. 

[Sloth Lord magic]- magic that gives one the power to be supreme while being lazy as hell. from giving one the power to turn imagination into reality, and the other way around, one even has a large field of mental-based magic that could be used such as [Telekinesis] and [Telepathy] and so on.

[Gluttony Lord Magic]- magic that gives one the power to devour the world, from elements to things that have nothing to do with the elements, you can devour it all. this makes you pretty much immune to all spells that you can see. even for those spells that can't be seen, your soul is also able to devour, leaving you completely immune to all forms of magic. Someone punches you? you shall devour the energy from that impact, leaving you stronger from that blow although you might be injured if your devouring capability isn't strong enough.

Note: Unlike the dragon slayer magic which gives one near complete immunity over an element, you don't have that. instead, this magic gives that up to follow a path of eating to become the strongest. pretty much, you can eat anything to become the strongest but in return, there is an eating speed plus a limit to what you can eat before you're full.

[Envy Lord magic]- Magic that gives the power to become the perfect copy of anyone, from memories, magic, strengths, and appearances, it can all be copied. this would make you pretty much the perfect reflection of just about anyone you can come across. the stronger the person you want to copy, the more of your magical energy you would burn through to copy their strengths as you have to use your magical power to show the same level of power as they do.

[Lust Lord Magic]- Magic that gives one the power to grow stronger through sex while at the same time helping their partner grow stronger through sex. it greatly boosts one Sex Appeal, and has the power to give one a passive charm would could turn both males and females into those who would go through hell just to please you. this magic also gives one the power to charm even things like a magical power, making one immune to most forms of spells, while making said spell their ally. 

[Demon Incubus lord magic] allows you to do all that plus more. for example, the host can give other harem members magical power that best suits them. note that if the magic given isn't those listed above, it's going to be on the same level as [Demon lord Magic], and [demon lord magic] is a step below the 7 listed magic above, while [Demon incubus magic] can be said to be the strongest magic, rivaling primal magic. 

'So, I can give Erza magic power?' I asked with a raised eyebrow. I felt things were different, and I wasn't wrong. this is because this new magic boosted my bloodline abilities. I was far more handsome, and I now took 6% of a target stats, instead of the 3%. that was huge as I only needed to have sex with someone 17 times to gain their full capability. 

{Yes Host, but Erza would not become any Lord of Sins. instead, she would most likely have bits of the magic from the Lord of Sins magic, to recreate the perfect spell that suits her... and also, you currently have 149,000 Lust Points.} the system said making me frown slightly while looking at the food I was cooking.

'How much is it to master the full Demon incubus Lord Magic?' I asked calmly, I guessed since this magic was a perfect fit for me, it would be cheaper to learn.

[100 billion Lust Points.] the system said making my eyebrow raise for a moment before I shook my head and simply had a screen appear in front of me. My goal here was simple, I had no interest in working, and I wanted a rich Suger Mama to help me out. On top of that, I also wanted to be strong to protect myself, although my harem could deal with everything for me so I didn't have to do a thing unless needed.

I went through everything I could learn and upgrade, all while cooking breakfast. it was simple pancakes. I had no parents in my past life and grew up having to learn to cook for myself, although I had other family members they just supported me while leaving me to myself.

'Master the [Sex Empowerment] spell,' I thought as that spell would allow me to grow stronger through sex. it was different from the one my bloodline ability gave me, but they had the same name and the same ability. this one cost 10k to master

'Next, level up Sex Empowerment to V4.' I thought to which the spell leveled up. now, [Sex Empowerment] shall allow me to get 4% of the target stats and abilities, adding the spell that was now mastered, that amount was increased to 10%. So, now just having sex with someone 10 times would make me a perfect copy of them. this cost is 22,500 Lust Points.

'Next, master [Charms World].' I thought calmly, this spell was broken. it allowed one to not only charm someone but to charm things like attacks. if someone shoots a ball of flame towards me, then the ball of flame shall be charmed by me and become my weapon.

this costed 75k. But it was worth it, as pretty much I would be immune to all forms of attacks but physical attacks. plus, I could even charm the person's arm to have it hit himself or something like that. Of course, although it was powerful, those with strong wills could break through my charm.

For example, if I appeared before Erza as an enemy, although all of her swords and weapons would not affect me, she would overpower my charm with her willpower, nullifying my [Charms World]

'lastly... master [Pride Lord magic: How Dare You]' I said calmly, this magic was simple. if someone was better than you at something, then at the cost of magical energy, one could greatly boost themselves to become better than the other party at said things. the greater the pride one held, the less the Magical energy it would cost.

For Example, Cana was more skilled than me in Card Magic. but once I used this magic, my magical energy would act as a sacrifice to greatly boost my understanding of the magic to allow me to be better than Cana. Of course, the greater the boost is needed, the more magical energy will be needed, as well as my pride.

this cost 40k lust points, leaving me with 1,500 Lust Points. honestly, with 100k Lust points, I could have increased any of my stats tier 7: Nuclear level... oh, this is my new stats. 

{Name: Alex Morningstar

Age: 2 days old/ 900 years old

Race: [Demon Warrior] [0.06% Dragon Bloodline]

Tier 8: Urban



body- 21 (Tier 8: Building Level

soul- 10 {Tier 9: Street level

spirits- 22 {Tier 8: Building Level

power- 18 (Tier 9: Small Building level

Potential- 49 {Tier 7: Multi-Continent level


Ability: [Enhanced Sex Appeal], [Sex Empowerment], [Natural Weaponry], [Strong WIll], [Enchanced Physical Condition], [Emotion Strength Boost]

Techniques: [Demon Incubus Lord Magic], [Card magic], [Requip: The Knight], [Sword Magic], [Telekinesis]

'Sigh, this is annoying. I need to boost my soul. System, what do I do to improve my soul?' I asked with a frown seeing how my soul was holding me back. if my body, soul, and spirit were all in the 20s, then it would give me a power stat of at least 20. this would greatly boost my capability.

But right now, my magical energy was holding me back. honestly, adding it with my physical capability was a waste. I had enough physical capability to withstand powerful attacks without the need for magical energy, my speed, attack power, charm, and so on were all balanced, meaning they were all pretty much at the building level.

This was Erza's stats

{Name: Erza Scarlet

Age: 14 years old/ 120 years old

Race: [Human Bloodline] [1% Dragon Bloodline]

Tier 7: Nuclear



body- 35 (Tier 7: Small City level

soul- 29 {Tier 8: Multi-City Block level

spirits- 39 {Tier 7: Large Mountain level

power- 34 (Tier 7: Small City level

Potential- 59 {Tier 7: Dwarf Star level


Ability: [Strong WIll], [Enchanced Physical Condition], [Emotion Strength Boost]

Techniques: [Requip: The Knight], [Sword Magic], [Telekinesis], [Card Magic], [Demon Lord magic]}

Erza was part dragon because of her mother, who gave birth to Erza as a human. although Erza was mostly human, she had a bit of dragon blood within her. normally in the anime, this is shown when she pushes through her body's limits, in the anime she can fight even with her magical energy empty and go against all odds on willpower alone.

{Host, the soul is a complex topic. but to make things easier for you, think of the body as the car. the spirit as the gas needed to drive the car, and the soul as the human within the car to drive it.} The system said,

{you are the human within the car, but you can only see straight ahead through the windshield, everything else you need to turn the car around to see.} The system said while I nodded in slight understanding 

'Pretty much, spiritual training? open my 3rd eye to have my sight no longer limited to seeing through that windshield, and allow my soul to turn, and see all around me.' I thought. the windshield here was the eyes, the system was pretty much hinting at opening the 3rd eye, giving me something like a spiritual sense from that cultivation novel

{thats right host, spiritual training like meditation would not only improve your soul, but even your spirit. you can train the soul to a point that you can leave the body, and start truly training your soul as if it were a real body through workouts and other such things.} the system said, leaving me confused about something.

'If the spirit is the gas that drives the car... then what is the power? at the same time, should the spirit in some form or shape have its strength reflect the soul?' I asked with a frown,

[host, as I said the soul is a complex topic. that car analogy I created was taking in just the soul, body, and spirit. and no, the spirit stats don't reflect the soul. you can have a powerful soul, but be cowardly and have no willpower. but you can also have powerful willpower, while still having the simple soul of a human. you can endure everything and push your body to great heights, up to a point where your soul can't handle your spirit and dies. but you can take the time to have your soul fuel your spirit and the other way around.] The system said making me sigh softly, before turning to look at Erza who was up.

"Good morning beautiful. Go and freshen up, breakfast will be out here for you." I said with a smile, to which Erza nodded with a slight blush and headed off towards the bathroom. Cana followed behind a slightly annoyed look in her eyes.

"Are you jealous?" I asked with a smile, making Cana pout slightly. how could she not be upset? lost in lust last night, she didn't realize she was sharing her man until when she woke up with Erza in her arms.

"Go freshen up, I want to speak to you both after everything," I said with a smile, to which Cana just nodded while walking off. I was addicted to Sex, it was to the point that I would die if I didn't have sex for some time. sadly, this flaw was passed on to Cana and Erza. they were hooked on my dick, and they couldn't get enough of it. although they would not die, and they could recover from it, it was not easy.

It was like trying to quit smoking, the side effects it would leave them would be huge. then again, I would dry up and turn into a mommy without sex. so they had it easy...

well, the two had a lot to think about within the bath, so they took some time to come out. but once they did, we all sat at the dinner table. after a moment of silence, where the two looked at the food I cooked, I spoke.

"did you two notice any changes to your bodies?" I asked leaving them confused. to show them what I meant, I took a knife and stabbed it on my arm to their horror, but the knife bent, unable to even scratch my flesh.

"I grew stronger... and I have gained Erza's magical power," I said softly, and with a flash, the knife disappeared, entering a pocket dimension, before it reappeared in my hands. Erza and Cana's eyes were wide open, unable to comprehend what they had just seen for a moment. bending the knife back in place, I put it on the table.

"I'm sure the 2 of you should have gotten something from me," I said to which Cana, took the knife.

"I noticed something was off with my skin yesterday..." Cana said while cutting the tip of her finger, but not even a stretch was left behind. only when she used a good amount of power, did she manage to leave behind a mark on her flesh.

Erza stunned also tried it, and indeed her flesh was also far stronger than before. they were all stunned, and looked towards me, wanting me to explain what was this.

"I have a unique form of magic, Demon Incubus Lord Magic... It gives me 7 magic, and what you all just saw is lust lord magic." I explained, stunning the two.

"through it, you get our ability through... sex, and we get yours?" Erza asked to which I nodded slightly.

"it also has its flaws, such as me dying without sex and having my desires for sex far greater than others. As of this moment, I want you two to join my harem. I apologize as I can't give myself fully to you. so I will understand if you reject." I said making the two frown deeply at my words, 

"... there would be more?" Cana asked with a lowered head, it was hard enough to swallow everything that happened last night. She was still wondering if she wanted to be a part of this or not, and now she was being told there would be more.

"Yes," I said truthfully, making Cana and Erza bold up their fist. Seeing this I sighed,

"Although there would be more, that doesn't mean I would never love the two of you. I love you all, and hopefully, this can be a sign of my promise to you and myself." I said while dark red energy covered my palm, which I held out towards them.

"what's this?" Erza asked feeling the magical power before her, which was like nothing she had ever felt before.

"my magic to gift you my power. If I give you this, this magic shall transform to best suit you. giving you a magic that is a near-perfect fit for you." I said while standing up, and looking at both of them.

"Let this be the symbol of my love for you, and a promise that I shall always love you, and support you no matter what. be it at your best or lowest, my love for you shall never change. That I promise upon my name, Alex Morningstar" I said seriously...

In an unknown world, a man wearing a suit could be seen walking through a huge hallway, his back was straight as a sword, and his eyes were calm and sharp, but held this air of evil to it. this man quickly arrived before huge doors, which were guarded by 2 guards.

He sized up the doors which were huge, capable of allowing giants to pass through. On the doors were many symbols, telling the story of a man who fought for true freedom against fate, a man who was cast out of his home and imprisoned in hell. his journey to defeat the many kings of hell, before sitting on the throne as the true lord of hell, and becoming known as the price of sins

Smiling slightly, the man had the doors open, before he stepped through. and there, km away were stairs which led to the throne so high up, one couldn't see it. he walked over to the stairs and got on one knee.

"My lord, I have come to sadly report. the newborn has fallen in love. His pride would not allow him to shamelessly use those who would join his harem, and see them as nothing more than tools. he can't be the Anti-Life." He said calmly,

"After spending 15 years within his mother's womb, I expected more..." A deep voice boomed from the top of the stairs, filled with disappointment. and to the shock of the man, he heard footsteps, as the one who stood above all was stepping down.

"Should bring him back?" the man asked while looking up, and was moved to see the most beautiful thing in all of creation standing before him. with looks that transcend male or female, this was the prince of sin, the prince of creation, the most loved creation, the king of hell, the rightful air to the throne of existence, Lucifer Morningstar.

"No, let him come back here on his own. He still has the chance to turn into the Anti-Life," Lucifer said calmly while looking far into the sky, his eyes seeing past all things and landing upon Alex, who was sharing his power with Erza and the others.

"... and you missed read him. although his pride wouldn't allow him to see his harem members as anything like tools. He put himself first, he isn't the type to take a loss." Lucifer said with a hint of a smile,

"Should I report to Lilith about her son?" the man asked, To which Lucifer shook his head

"Feed her lies, tell her whatever she wants to know." He said stunning the man who looked at Lucifer, unable to believe what he just heard... Lucifer never lies. As the former Sin of Pride, his arrogance had no limits. the guy had the balls to stand before an all-powerful, and all-mighty being and fight him. Seeing all creations as below him to lie to, he is always telling the truth... So, why was he lying now?

"Understood." Not daring to ask, the demon got up and went to go do as he was told, leaving Lucifer behind to look at his son, and hopefully the future Anti-life.