
My Lust System In The Anime World

Training, Hard work, and struggles... why should I bother with such things when I could just conquer powerful wives? All I have to do is enjoy the beauties of the multiverse

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


"This card magic is something," Cana said softly while looking at a card, the new magic Alex had gifted her best suited her. known as [Demon Lord Beelzebub Card Magic]. Card magic that was like nothing she ever thought card magic could do.

It gave her the same all-rounder capability as the same card magic, but its main effect is its power to devour the world. for example, launch your strongest attack at her, she shall use her card to devour that attack. from there, she can attack you with the stored attack or store that attack for future use or even devour that attack to strengthen herself, and even give her the power to use said magic after devouring it. that was not even limited to magical and normal things.

"Yeah, i'm also surprised," I said with a smile while looking at Cana and Erza, who were trying out their new magic. we were currently within a forest, there they were trying out the new spells which they found easiest to learn to try out their new magic.

"... I never knew I had a talent for enchantment magic," Erza said while looking at the sword she had enchanted, giving it plant magic. Enchantment magic is a magical ability that allows the user to bind their Magic or mold a magical essence onto someone or something. this allowed them to give things all types of effect.

Erza magic was called [Requip: Lucifer Enchantment magic]. this magic gave Erza the power to not only use [Requip] but also the chance to use enchantment magic. she had many enchantments, allowing her to breathe countless abilities to any item she could get her hands on. it wasn't limited to just items as she could even enchant herself. 

"Be honest... just who are you?" Erza asked as this magic wasn't normal and unheard of. She thought she knew her capability, she knew she had little talent for most magic, but she never knew of her talent for enchantment magic. if she knew, then would any item matter?

The process of Enchantment amounts to the user adding their own Magic onto living or inanimate objects, thereby increasing their natural attributes; i.e. enchanting wood to make it stronger than steel, or enchanting swords into human beings with immense power.

If she knew of her talent for such powerful magic long ago, then she wouldn't need to search for armor or a sword. instead, a basic sword could be enchanted into the most powerful sword with who knew ability she could think of.

"Well, I should tell you all the truth," I said softly, making Erza and Cana's eyebrows raise. Erza had only said that without much thought, but to think there was something deeper to this

"As my future wives, I will not hide anything from you two..." I said with a smile, making the two look at him.

"well, i'm not from a tribe. instead, I'm from another world. I died and was reborn, this is why my soul is 15 years old. but my body is only 3 days old." I said leaving the two stunned.

"I know I lied, but I had to make up the lie of me being cursed to avoid trouble," I said to which Erza shook her head slightly

"thats all? you worry for nothing. we would have still accepted you... what was this world like?" Cana said to which I laughed slightly while nodding, and went on to tell them of earth.

"A world without magical energy? I can't imagine such a world." Erza said to Cana nodded in agreement.

"Well, our world is much more peaceful than your world. we also had unique devices that allowed us to almost instantly be in touch with the whole world. plus, we reached the moon, we birthed flying aircraft that could travel at a speed faster than the sword, and we also had guns but ours didn't need magical energy." I said leaving the two stunned, but they looked at me with a look that said they didn't believe me. 

"One day I can take you over to look around," I said with a smile, to which they nodded slightly. they would be lying if they said they didn't want to go have a look.

"so, remember, you have to show me around," I said with a smile, to which two nodded. but first, we had to stop by the guild.

"so, who is the next person you have your eyes set on joining the guild?" Erza asked while they walked over. although she said that in a calm tone, deep down she was still bitter about this whole subject.

"Well... I was thinking of Mira." I said with a smile, making Cana and Erza's eyebrows raise for a moment... but after a moment they nodded, as Mira did seem to have a fan club of males who were into getting beaten bitten up, they didn't know Alex was into that kind of stuff.

"What are you thinking about? I have no interest in having anyone walk all over me." I said with a frown, not liking the way they were looking at me. Mira was a beauty, plus she was kind... in her own unique way, while still being a bully. but she would be tamed before this dick. just look at Erza and Cana, after getting it, although they were still unwilling to share, they had to accept it in the end.

"I don't mind her joining.... but how would you get someone like her to join," Erza asked with closed eyes as if she was making a huge sacrifice...

We soon arrived at the guild and found it was surrounded by a group of females. the same one from yesterday. all of them turned to look at me as soon as I arrived, and in joy, they came running over to my side.

"Alex, you will not believe this. I awakened my magical energy, this is a sign of the love we hold for each other. I can join you in your goal to save your tribe, then we can be together!" A girl said happily, just to be sent flying by another who wanted to say that. 

{As you can see host, this is why you couldn't have rejected all of these females heartlessly. through love, they had awakened magical energy. through hatred, they would have awakened magical energy. plus, you have to sleep with 100,000 women, even if you sleep with one every day, that would only be 365 females a year. they also have to be new people.} the system said while I sighed softly at all of this. what was he going to do now?

"Thats great... but you have to ask the guild master to join not me," I said with a smile, to which they all rushed inside the guild. this left Makarov helpless, as the females seemed as if they would kill him if he dared to block their path to Alex.

"... I don't know how to deal with this," I said softly while rubbing my forehead, simply sleeping with them wasn't the trouble. I would of course try and see if I could sleep with 100,000 females. I had more than 10 years to do so, if I slept with 100 people a day then I would be able to complete the challenge in less than 5 years.

"You don't want them to join your harem?" Cana asked with a raised eyebrow, to which I nodded slightly.

"I don't want anyone to join, just those I see myself truly loving," I said softly, I didn't want some random person who over time I would see myself not loving. that would be cruel to them, and a waste of my time. 

{Host, the challenges I gave you are all special. Challenge number 1, is to have you never have to fight. this is to push you towards building an army of powerful female... or male warriors.} the system said making my eyes narrow, why did the system pause?

{Challenge number 2 is to push you to explore and find females outside the plot, hidden talents are out there. all you need to do is to find them. don't stand still and wait for the plot to happen, instead make the plot happen." the system said to which I nodded slightly in understanding.

{Lastly, challenge number 3, having 100 children who would inherit your power and help you reach greater heights in the future. your harem would be great and all, but your children would be like the fusion of both mother and father, making them perfect.} The system said 

'Should I build an army of female warriors then?' I asked to which the system went quiet for some time.

{yes, I don't see why not. you can even call them the valkyries or something. a demon lord needs an army to rule over. this would be a good step for you host.} the system said while I pictured a scene of countless beautiful maidens who served me both in bed and on the battlefield.

the elites can be people like Erza and Cana who I would gift power to, while the truly powerful warriors would be those who are my 7 lords of sins. 

"... I will take them all in," I said softly, making Erza and Cana freeze while looking at me. One moment I was talking about how I didn't want them, and the next moment, I was talking about this, so of course they were stunned, confused, and displeased 

"I never told you what my true magic is," I said with a smile while looking at the two, I didn't wait for them to speak as I went on to speak.

"Do you know a magic known as archive?" I asked, to which Erza nodded slightly, although Cana didn't. so Erza went on to explain it to her. Archive is a Caster Magic that involves the use of Magic Databases.

This Magic allows the user to convert information into magical data, which can be stored, enabling the user to gain access to previously stored information, such as other types of Magic. It is mainly used by flat screens which are projected into the air. These screens are very durable and can be used as a shield. It also allows the user to transfer information from person to person more quickly than through verbal communication.

"My magic is called the system, it's pretty much that but better. through it, I know what my magic power is and many other things. It's also how I came to this world," I said calmly while looking inside the guild at the many females getting their stamps.

"They would not join the harem, but instead become known as... Valkyries. those who aren't worthy of joining my harem, but still wish to follow me. they can become valkyries." I said with a smile,

"pretty much concubines," Erza said to which I coughed while nodding slightly. thats what the valkyries would be, women who are my lovers but have lower status than my harem members.

"Of course, if you see any you dislike, I will not say no," I said calmly, making the two look at each other for some time, before saying nothing. it didn't take long for all of the females to come out of the building, and show off their guild mark.

"Thats great.. but we need to talk, so let's go somewhere personal to speak," I said calmly, to which the females were confused, but they would not say no and would of course follow me. so, we went to the park where I faced them all.

"I will cut to the point... I will have a harem in the future," I said calmly, causing the many females to freeze slightly. for a moment, they were too stunned for words, until someone yelled.

"I don't care, as long as I'm by you." A woman screamed while jumping towards me, at this, the other also spoke up. jumping at Alex. So what if Alex had a harem, it was only natural someone so capable would have a harem. how could just one person hold him down? well, these were the thoughts that ran through their mind to justify Alex's words

Erza and Cana who were hoping these females would angrily give up on Alex were annoyed, so they ignored Alex as he was overwhelmed by them, forcing Alex to hold them off with promises of hanging out with them at a later day. this satisfied them, 

"Wait, Alex." A woman said while slowly walking up to Alex, Alex looked at her only for her to jump at him, pressing her lips madly against his. everyone froze for a moment, before jumping forward to pull her off Alex. but she was unwilling to let go, completely hooked on this magical kiss which caused her eyes to roll back.

 but she was soon pulled off Alex, giving Alex the chance to back away before anyone else could jump on him. As he looked at the many females, he saw all of them looking at him, also wanting a kiss.

"Cough, today I'm spending time with Erza and Cana. your turn would come along later." I said softly,

"it's unfair, how come she got to kiss you and I haven't gotten to kiss you once? are you not showing too much favoritism towards her?" A woman said with a cute pout, leaving Alex speechless, wasn't she the same woman who jumped on him yesterday, and kissed him? Did she forget or something?

"Yes, you can't show favoritism like this. I will not go until I get a kiss as well. we haven't even gotten the chance to touch you." another said, leaving Alex speechless, wasn't she also the same woman who kissed him yesterday? Alex was sure when pulling the woman off him, she was mainly touching him more than anything else

"F-fine, then we will meet tomorrow to talk things through," I said with a defeated sigh, poor me. being taken advantage of like this, what I wouldn't do to live those good days of being a virgin. to those virgins out there, be grateful... I will take on such a sin all upon my shoulders.

"Line up. if not then I will not have you join my harem." I said seeing them about to jump on me, at my words, they all quickly lined up. although they pushed each other to try and be first, it didn't take them long to form a line before me.

So, the line stepped forward. the first woman hugged me tightly as she pressed her lips on mine, I also hugged her back while our tongues got to know each other. the kiss is magical, who knew a kiss could be so good? just a kiss made her pussy wet, causing her to wrap her hands around Alex to enjoy the kiss.

Even with Alex tried to break the kiss, she wouldn't allow it, forcing the others to quickly pull her off Alex. She was pulled away, only standing there with a look filled with lust and bliss... if this wasn't the park, she would have been playing with her pussy.

a total of 32 females, Alex kissed them all, something which took a little over 30 minutes before he could finally leave with Erza and Cana... who had downcast looks the whole time. seeing this, Alex pulled Cana into a hug and deeply kissed her, while playing with her ass

Cana at first wanted to show she was displeased and wanted to push me away, but this kiss washed away that displeasure, causing her to wrap her hands around Alex. Erza who wanted to walk away was pulled over, landing into Alex's arms where their lips met the next moment. her displeasure was washed away as well... how could she stay angry before this man?

"Be greedy, and be selfish. if you want something, don't bury it deep down." I said while hugging the two of them, leaving their faces bright red.

"... I don't want to share," they said weakly at the same time, and hearing this, I smiled slightly.

"Sure, I'm all yours if you can handle me. if not, then you can only get what you can handle." I said softly, causing the two eyes to glow slightly. My words were simple, Let's go home and have sex, if you can't handle me, then you can't complain about me having a harem

"Deal?" I asked to which they nodded with deturmed looks. they never felt so determined in their lives. at this moment, this goal trumped Erza's dream to save her friends, and Cana's goal was to tell her father the truth.

"Deal!" They cried, to which I nodded slightly, before letting them go.

"You can work together if you like, I will return home first. you can take all the time you want." I said with a smile, to which the two looked at each other for a moment. Cana hesitated for a moment, remembering how she seems to always faint. last night she could only take it once before she fainted, Erza was better as she went 2 rounds before she too fainted. 

"tonight," Erza said while hesitating slightly, before taking Cana with her. Alex watched them walk off, before looking towards a female... well, I should start increasing my body count. to sleep with 100,000 people within 10 years, Alex would need 27 people per day. they all had to be different people

'Will there be that many signal females? sigh, I would have to also target married women...' Alex said with a sigh. for someone prideful, isn't sleeping with someone who is already taken low? well, Alex seemed to not be prideful with matters related to lust.