
My Lust System In The Anime World

Training, Hard work, and struggles... why should I bother with such things when I could just conquer powerful wives? All I have to do is enjoy the beauties of the multiverse

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

2 Girls and 1 Demon.... No Cups

The sound of someone's dick being eaten filled the room, with Alex's moans being followed unable to held back. Cana being motivated by Alex's moans only moved faster, while her tongue moved to wrap around the rock-hard cock.

"Fuck!" Alex let out a cry, he shook slightly before he let out a load within Cana's mouth. Cana's eyes widened for a moment, but she quickly tried her best to swallow up the tasty liquid. She closed her eyes slightly, unable to believe this liquid was far more tasty than the last time she tried some, she even felt like it held bits of magical energy.

She looked at Alex's dick for a moment, and seeing some cum still on it, she went on to open her mouth. Alex's body shook madly at this, he was even more sensitive after having such a strong orgasm, yet she went on to continue to suck it?

"No..." Alex couldn't speak as he just let out a moan, his head faced the sky, and his toes clenched, his back bent forward like a bow. This was too intense, but Cana stopped sucking his dick and instead gave me a look. breathing heavily, I looked at Cana... this level of pleasure was something he was sure he would die from if he couldn't enjoy it on a daily... no, he needed it at least every 12 hours.

I called Cana over, and she went on to come to sit on my lap. Under Erza's wide eyes, she watched as my huge dick slowly slid into Cana's wet tight pussy. I let out a soft moan, just entering her was filled with great pleasure. at the same time, Cana hugged me tightly as her tongue fell out.

"Your dick! I almost came from you just coming inside. This feels much better than yesterday, at this rate, I will not be able to live without this." Cana said lewdly and a face filled with great pleasure.

"You can't? I already can't" I said while holding Cana's ass, at my words, Cana's eyes water slightly. her hug tightened, while she spoke softly.

"I love you." She said before slowly moving her hips, sending the two of us into loud moans. tightening my hold on Cana's ass, I held her lower hips, and bring them up. Erza who was watching all of this sat back and had her legs open, allowing her to better play with herself... but no matter what, she couldn't feel the same pleasure Cana seemed to be getting.

"Oh god! I'm coming! I'm coming!" Cana cried as she felt the strongest orgasm of her life coming forth. her nails dug into Alex's flesh, hugging him with everything she had while her legs spread out, twitching and twisting from how powerful the orgasm was. Alex let out a moan as he unleashed a load within Cana, causing her to face the sky as she let out a sound of pleasure.

With her body twitching from the pleasure, she fainted with her eyes rolled back, and tongue hanging out. Shakely, Alex picked Cana off his dick. he was extra sensitive after coming for the second time, and getting his dick out of her wasn't easy.

breathing heavily, Alex placed Cana on the ground before he noticed Erza was playing herself... well, she had been stunned and was simply looking at the river of cum spilling from Cana's pussy.

'System, how much Lust Points did I just get?' I asked while standing up to walk over to Erza, who was scared seeing me walk over to her... but her eyes were filled with expectation, 

'7,500 Lust Points. if you're looking to upgrade [Sex Empowerment] to level 3, that would be 7,500 Lust Points.' The system said, already guessing my thoughts. after having Sex with Cana, I have gotten stronger. but this caused the cooldown of [Sex Empowerment] to kick in. Erza is far stronger than Erza... well, it would be a waste to pass up taking her stats. and since upgrading the skill would cause it to reset, I instantly upgraded it while holding Erza's chin and giving her a gentle kiss.

Feeling their lips touch, Erza felt as if she was hit by lightning. it was something that made her already heated body grow even more heated. It wasn't Alex who took it to the next step and broke the other party walls with their tongue, no it was Erza who sent her tongue into Alex's mouth.

Although Alex was caught off guard, he of course wouldn't be rude and reject the new guest, instead, their two tongues wrapped around each other, fully enjoying the company of the other party. Erza's hands wrapped around Alex's head, and went on to press his head hard against his, making it look almost like she wanted to fuse the two heads... and Alex was scared she might crush his head with how much power she was putting into it.

Alex's hands moved and touched Erza's legs, causing Erza to come to a freeze. breaking the kiss, I looked into her expecting eyes.

"Are you ready?" I asked softly, to which Erza nodded her head weakly. at this, I spread her legs open and went on moving her underwear which was dripping wet, revealing a beautiful pink pussy. which looked almost too perfect to play with.

Erza's legs were shaking slightly, normally she wasn't shy about being naked around those she trusted, but this was completely different. She was shy and slightly scared. but her lust trumped it all,

After taking a moment to enjoy the sight before me, I opened my mouth a went on to get a taste. Erza's body shook when she felt my tongue lightly lick her pussy, it felt hundreds of times better when she was playing with herself.

"W-wait, you can't put your mouth there. it's dirty." With a bright red face, Erza spoke with a shaky voice. but I ignored her while I looked at the liquid coming from her pussy... it tasted amazing. I couldn't help but wonder if this was what Cana tasted when she drank my cum.

On top of that, I felt hints of magical energy within Erza liquid which empowered me although slightly. but with how strong Erza was, that was a lot for me. be it magical energy, physical strength, and so on. Erza trumped me.

I couldn't help but want to absorb more, so opening my mouth I began to eat. this quickly caused Erza's legs to shake, and unable to help it, she grabbed my head, not wanting me to pull my head away.

"Y-your mouth. It feels so good, don't stop! Yes! Yes!" Erza cried while moving her hips, her body shook from the pleasure which was like nothing she had ever felt, leaving her body restless. she didn't know what to do with her body, in the end, she wrapped her legs around my head, with her hand pulling my hair to go deeper.

"Something is happening. I'm coming, oh god! I'm Coming!" Erza cried as she had her first-ever orgasm, she let out a loud cry of pleasure before she fell back on the chair, while breathing heavily.

"That was your first orgasm?" I asked seeing as I was free, Erza didn't know how to control her strength... well, she normally did, but currently, she couldn't. lost in pleasure, her strength had pretty much locked me down there. 

At my words, Erza was too shy to answer. her face reddened as that was indeed her first-ever orgasm, and seeing this I smiled.

"Well, it's my pleasure to give you your first-ever orgasm... are you ready for round two?" I asked while getting on top of Erza, and Erza seeing this quickly understood what I meant. her face reddened even more, but she nodded slightly. 

"Remove the armor, I want to be close to you, and not have an armor block us," I said softly. Erza nodded weakly, and with a flash of light, her armor disappeared. leaving Erza in her bra and underwear. Shy, Erza covered her chest and underwear. At this moment, she felt strange. although she was uneasy without her armor, that feeling only bothered her slightly.

"You have such a beautiful figure," I said with a smile, making Erza blush. although she walked around playing the role of a knight, deep down she was more girly than even Cana. It just that her trauma kept her form from ever showing that part of her... so right now, she was just a shy girl

Lowering my head, we shared a deep kiss, while I slowly aimed my dick at her pussy. Erza, being scared hugged me, and as my dick entered her wet pussy, her face twisted slightly from the pain, but that pain quickly turned into pleasure.

'so tight...' I thought feeling how tight Erza's walls were. I couldn't help but notice how Cana's pussy and Erza's pussy were different. Cana's pussy had this wild and drunken air to it, while Erza had this guarded, yet kind, noble feeling to it. my dick was just that sensitive 

"You inside me," Erza cried as my dick went deeper and deeper inside her. her body shook from this new feeling of pleasure. Unable to control herself, she grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a kiss, causing me to rest on top of her. Erza went on to hug me with both her legs and arms, 

As we shared a deep kiss, my hips began to start moving, quickly causing Erza to break the kiss to let out her cries of pleasure. I couldn't care for the kiss as well, as I fully enjoyed Erza's pussy, my moans along with Erza couldn't help but grow with each thrust.

"It's too good! Oh, Yes, more. Give Me more!" Erza cried, quickly hooked on the pleasure. I of course wouldn't disappoint her, as I went on to give her just that. My moans and Erza's moans filled the air, quickly waking up Cana who had fainted.

Cana was blank, unable to comprehend the scene in front of her for a moment. but after a moment she quickly understood. her boyfriend was fucking another girl, and on top of that her friend... yet why didn't she feel mad?

She knew she should feel upset and angry, but she couldn't. instead, her lust reawakened her to this scene, causing her to crawl forward, her movement quickly caught Alex's attention he called her over. Although confused, she did as Alex asked, while Alex went on to break out of Erza's hold, having Cana replace him with her pussy facing him, while he continued to ram his dick deep into Erza's pussy.

"Cana! No, what are you doing?" Shocked, Erza's face turned red in embarrassment when she opened her eyes, just to see Cana on top of her. She thought it was Alex at first, but it was her friend... yet this turned her on, as Alex felt her walls tighten

Cana wanted to speak, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was a cry of pleasure as Alex sent a finger inside her pussy. adding the fact she was already weak, how could she remain up? Cana's head fell weakly on top of Erza, and subconsciously, she went on to start kissing Erza. Erza was stunned, but she didn't resist and kissed Cana. this only turned Alex on even more,

"I'm cumming!" Erza cried feeling she was about to come again, Cana didn't stop kissing her. leading to the scene of Erza talking while the kiss was trying to be maintained.

"Let's come together." Alex moaned, and after a moment the two came at the same time. Alex unleashed a load within Erza, leading Erza to break the kiss with her body shaking madly from the pleasure, as she felt the hot liquid filling her insides. 

this scene shocked Cana, who couldn't help but wonder if her orgasm came with this much of a reaction... but ar that thought, She remembered some cum might be dripping from Alex's rod, so she quickly turned around, facing her pussy at Erza, while she looked on in shock as Alex slowly pulled his dick out of Erza pussy. Alex had to do it slowly, due to how sensitive the thing was.

But Cana seeing so much cum going to waste couldn't watch on, and opening her mouth she went on to clean my dick as it came out of Erza, leaving me moaning in pleasure. I couldn't help but be turned on by how hot this scene was. Watching Cana's mouth move to clean not only my dick but even Erza's was something I might never forget

But Erza on the other hand was watching Cana's pussy which still had some of Alex's cum on it, and remembering how Cana seemed to enjoy these things. she couldn't help but wonder if it tasted that good, but when she felt something licking her pussy. she looked over just to see Cana licking both her Pussy and Alex Dick, and she quickly guessed why.

Unable to help herself, she used her finger to taste some... and as soon as she did, her eyes widened. She felt the benefit this cum had, and feel the small benefits it could have for her. and seeing more of Alex's cum was hidden within Cana's pussy, she spread open Cana's pussy and went on to use her tongue to dick.

Alex stepped side to match the two eating each other pussies... what a beautiful scene. After a moment, I brought my dick over to Erza, allowing and went on to move to put my leg over the sofa, while the other was on the ground. 

Standing over Erza and with my dick over Cana's pussy, I went on send my dick inside, causing Cana to let out a moan, while Erza's eyes widened, watching the close-up scene of my dick slowly entering Cana, before I began trusting, causing my cum mixed with Cana juices to drip out, into Erza who went on to lick it up, before bringing her mouth to Cana pussy, licking both it and my dick as it thrust in and out of Cana.

At this Cana could only rest her head in between Erza's head, and let out moans...