
Episode 38: (Sweetie Belle Arc) Day 4: Final Trial Day (Beginning)

Scene 38.0: Ponyville District Court – Defendant's Lobby No. 1, 8:00 AM, Day 64 of 365

Luster is reviewing the files she gathered from the investigation yesterday and the information gathered up by her friends that she and Blaze couldn't get in time. After seeing it all and some of it for the first time, she closes the files, takes a deep breath and addresses everycreature in the room.



This is it! I feel like we are ready. So this is what is like to go into a fight that will change the future. "The Calm Before The Storm"…it does feel like it.



(Mild Chuckle)

You get used to it. Thanks to Shadow, I know I have.












Meh! I had seen better.



Yak Loves Getting Goosebumps!



Aniki is doing better, but we need to win this so he can celebrate with us when all of this is over.




Yeah. My Lady? Will the foals be here?


Lady Shadow:

I told Rarity to convince Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich to bring them here. I convinced Cheerilee to do a last minute school trip in order to teach her class on court law, so Regalia Painite and Lucky Star will be here as well.



Appendix Tailbone, Doctor Hooves, Sweetie Belle and Spike will be testifying today. Once we hit a wall or achieve what we need to do, we will summon the foals to the witness stand.


Lady Shadow:

Since Doctor Hooves will be testifying, both Appendix Tailbone and the Good Doctor's residence will be included in the trial, so Captain Tempest will be testifying today again in order to give the court an update on their locations.



That makes sense.


??? (Female Voice):

The reason it does because it is protocol, Luster Dawn.


Everycreature is shocked to see Fraulein step into the defendant's lobby except for Lady Shadow as she know why Fraulein is there.



So it is true. You are taking over Meine Lieber Platin-Schatten, Zukünftige Dame (Future Lady).



Is that why you are here?



No. I also want to know about his condition as well.



He's out of danger, but won't be able to wake up anytime soon. Why are you really here, Fraulein? With your connections as Prosecutor, you already know this about Shadow's Condition.



(Condescending Smiling)

As expected of Princess Twilight Sparkle's Student. I am here to tell you of my pact with your teacher.



I already know of it.



You do?

(Notices Lady Shadow, Annoyed Glare)

So I was right. You are an Ancient.


Lady Shadow:

(Smug Smile)

Guilty As Charged, Darling. Pun Intended, Of Course.



Charming. So I do not need to tell you anything since "She" already told you. Very well, I will take my leave. One last advice.

(Demonic Glare At Luster)

Hold Back and Sweetie Belle will not be the only one found "Guilty" today.



(Furious Stare)

Is that a threat?



Take it that way if you must. I already told you my intentions. Do not disappoint all those around you…including myself, Luster Dawn.


Fraulein leaves the lobby with Luster annoyed at the Fallen Apple's words that she is now determined more than ever to acquit Sweetie Belle and stop Fraulein's evil in codifying Jonamac's Legacy into Equestrian Law. The Final Battle Is About To Begins…


Scene 38.1: Ponyville District Court – Courtroom No. 4, 9:00 AM


Phase 1:

Opening Statement


In the courtroom, Luster and Blaze are ready to face-off against Fraulein and Fenrir as Judge Neighsay begins the trial. There, Luster notices that the foals are in the courtroom with their respective guardians, which means she can call them to the witness stand when the time comes.


Judge Neighsay:

(Slams Gavel)

Court is now in session for the trial of Sweetie Belle. Are the Defense and Prosecution ready?



The Defense is ready your honor.



(Eyes Closed, Arms Crossed)


(Opens Eyes, Serious Stare)

The Prosecution is ready your honor.






Judge Neighsay:

Miss Fraulein!? Are you well!?



(Annoyed Stare)

We don't have time for this. I will be starting the opening statement.






Judge Neighsay:

Bailiff! Call Nurse Redheart!! Miss Fraulein must be in deeply ill if she wants to act like a Normal Prosecutor!!!



(Demonic Glare & Growl, Glowing Red Eyes)


I'm not terminally ill, fools! I just want to do my job accordingly.



(Whispering To Blaze)

Blaze…I'm scared for her. Is she really alright?



(Whispering To Luster)

She's fine. I can think of 2 reasons on why she's acting like this.



(Raises Eyebrow In Doubt)

And that is?



1 – Since today is the last day of the trial, Fraulein wants to be as professional as she can be.



And the second?



Since Shadow is out, she doesn't need to do any foreplay in the trial anymore, so she wants to completely destroy you so you never set a hoof in a courtroom ever again, especially since you are new to this. And there are creatures out there that love to destroy newbies.



Wait What!?

(Looks At Fraulein, Spooked)



(Sinister Yet Sadistic Smile At Luster)




Yep! That smile confirms that it is the second reason. My condolences, Luster.




I'm Not Dead Yet, Blaze!



In yesterday's events, the Real Defense Attorney, Platinum Shadow proved on his own that the accused doesn't have the will to destroy her own creations and that anycreature could have broken into the Ponyville Classical Arts Theater even with all of its flawed security developed by an old mare that heavily rely on gimmicks instead of safety. We were about to have the accused testify along with Princess Twilight Sparkle's Younger Foster Brother, but the champion of the defendant fell into a coma due to exhaustion. Now his wannabe stand-in is taking his honorable place and soon will become a disgraceful circus ring fitting for clowns.



(Out Loud, Furious)


Slander Is Illegal In This Court, Prosecutor Fraulein!


Judge Neighsay:

Objection Overruled.



(Furious, Shocked)




He means that he agrees with her, Luster.



(Furious, Whispering)




I would like to continue where we last left off, but unfortunately a new development occurred yesterday after we abruptly adjourned upon the emergency of Platinum Shadow's condition. The Prosecution would like to call once again the investigator in-charge of this case – Captain Tempest Shadow.



So is just like Lady Shadow said.



I wonder how it will go.


Phase 2:

Investigator's Report 4 & 5


At the witness stand, Captain Tempest Shadow is staring coldly at at the court.



Welcome back, Captain Tempest. Please, tell the court the new update that occurred yesterday after we adjourned.



Very well. First let us speak of Dr. Hooves Laboratory. Out of all of the vandalized locations, the doc's home was the very first location to be destroyed officially. The Doctor originally decided not to testify, but after Platinum Shadow fell into his current condition, he changed his tune and is now here to talk about all that happened in his home and lab. However the biggest mystery of the destruction on his home is that it is a closed door crime – no way inside other than the front door. Aside from the doctor's home and lab, there's also the victim living just behind Ponyville Classical Arts Theater who just like Doctor Hooves, was hesitant to testify until we forced his hooves to do so with an order of the princess and this court. Due to the request of the witnesses, I will not disclose more than I have at the moment.



Thank you, Captain.



So who will be the first witness, Prosecutor Fraulein?



Let us continue where we last left off before Meine Lieber Platin-Schatten fell into a coma. The Prosecution would like to call both Spike The Dragon and Sweetie Belle to the witness stand.




Here we go. I hope they haven't lost their cool with Shadow at the hospital.


Phase 3:

The Case Of Spike & Sweetie Belle


At the witness stand, Spike & Sweetie Belle are nervous and worried what everyone will think of them after revealing the truth of their relationship, especially both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who are the most surprise out of all of them at the moment.



Please state your names and occupation to the court.



I'm Spike The Dragon and I'm Equestria's Friendship Ambassador.


Sweetie Belle:

I'm Sweetie Belle and I'm a founding member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders that act as problem solvers for Ponyville.



Platinum Shadow wanted the both of you to testify on what you were doing on the night of the incident. Please, tell us what you were doing that day.



Alright. Sweetie Belle?


Sweetie Belle:

I didn't want it to be known like this, but…


Spike and Sweetie Belle tells the court almost the same story they told Shadow and Luster, but omitting some details out of it like Spike trusting Discord with everything since he feels Sweetie Belle will not like it. Everycreature is shocked but not as much as both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo as they weren't expecting this because of Sweetie Belle's interactions with Spike after he broke up with them. Sweetie Belle looks away from her friends in shame and sorrow as she can't face them for that.



Is that the complete story? You are not deceiving the court? You do realize there is a hefty penalty for Perjury, correct?



(Furious, Trying To Stay Calm)

We are not lying! We told you the whole truth!! We never said anything that can be considered a lie!!!



Where in their testimony is the lie, Prosecutor Fraulein?



I never mentioned that they lied. I was insinuating that they left out details in their story. Take this part of the testimony as an example…

– "We exchanged insults right then and there as one thing led to another and before we knew it, we were passionately embracing and kissing each other and the next morning…we woke up in Spike's bed." –



(Blushing, Annoyed)

That happened 3 Years Ago! Why is that relevant now!?



This is –

– Spike started dinner around 10 o'clock since he sneaked up to Sweetie Belle's room between 9:00 and 9:30 when her parents left for another one of their adventurous trips around that same time. Spike needed them to be gone before he start making his specialty dish. –

Answer me, witnesses! What happened after eating dinner? Did you both embraced just like you did for the last 3 years? Or did you both managed to keep your cardinal heat in check?



(Surprised, Thinking)

Shadow asked them the same thing! Wait!! Don't tell me…!!!



Answer The Question!!!


Spike, Sweetie Belle:




Judge Neighsay:

You do realize that by doing so, you are leaving certain details up for you to be found guilty?


Spike, Sweetie Belle:





(Annoyed, Thinking)

If Shadow was here, he would have gotten the answer, but I highly doubt it would have been PG-13 Like answer. I highly doubt I can do that. No matter, I need to call her bluff or their testimony will be their ticket to a Guilty Verdict.

(Out Loud)


Where is the evidence that proves they were somewhere else than in Sweetie Belle's Home?



The Prosecution would like to call the victim that lives behind Ponyville Classical Arts Theater. He will enlighten the court on what happened to him and will reveal how the timelines between the defendant's testimony and the victim's will reveal a glaring contradiction.


Judge Neighsay:

Very well. If you have no more questions to make the Defendant and Spike the Dragon, then we can move on to the next witness.



No we don't, your honor. We can move on to the next witness.



The Prosecution would like to call Appendix Tailbone to the witness stand.




I'm going to put that creep in his place.




Good Luck, Luster.


Phase 4:

The Case Of Appendix Tailbone


At the witness stand, Appendix Tailbone is looking himself in a mirror holding a replica of the Twilicane, making faces in front of a mirror like he's a big deal which annoys everycreature; but no more so than Krystal, Elric and Luster.



Please state your name and occupation to the court.


Appendix Tailbone:

(Goofy Dance & Pose)

Hark, Citizens Of Ponyville! For It Is I, The Future King of the Changelings and Currently the Victim, Appendix Tailbone! Thy Is Currently A Thespian Of The Fine Arts! OH! WOE IS THY!!! FOR THY THUS NOT DESERVE SUCH PLIGHT!!!



(Annoyed, Whispering)

No one is more deserving from getting the beating of a lifetime than you.



(Worried, Facepalm, Whispering)

Oh, Dear…



(Annoyed, Hiding Annoyance Behind Fake Smug Smile)

Hooo! You really are a lively one. Very well, my lord…please tell us your Royal Story on what happened to you the day you got attacked.


Appendix Tailbone:

Indeed, Lady Vampir! Thy will perform thy finest play!



(Annoyed Scoff)




(Whispering To Fraulein)

You literally walked into that one by wearing that outfit, Ana.



Shut Up! You are here to work!! Not To Pass Judgment On My High Class And Distinguished Attire!!!

(Tsundere Demeanor, Blushing, Whispering)

Just say I look good, Stupid Dog!



(Smiling, Whispering)

You do look good, Ana.



(Turn Her Nose Like Spoiled Brat, Overjoyed, Hiding Happiness Behind Tsundere Demeanor)





Actually…you not only look good, but you look very beautiful, Ana.


Witness Testimony & Cross-Examination


Appendix Tailbone:

Thy was in thy quarters, training in the Arts of Royalty For Thy Future As King!

Nevertheless I Was Taken Aback!

For A Ruckus Took Place Behind My Shack!

Thy exit to witness the cause behind the uprising!

Just Then! The white wench gave thy a Thunderous Clap!

A powerful one that left thy shaking!

Thy regained thy senses upon the Light of Dawn!

Restrained on the bed of the healing!

Wearing casts and a hospital shawl!

Ti's was her! The White Unicorn Who Wrought Thy Suffering!!!



And that all happened around midnight so you easily recognize her?


Appendix Tailbone:

(Goofy Excited Dance)

HARK!!! INDEED!!! Ti's was the wench that has given thee the thumping of a lifetime! Changelings have always been Nocturnal before joining the ranks of Equestria! Thy haven't lost such gift even after reaching our evolution!



(Furious Glare)




(Evil Smug Smile)

Want to say something, Luster Dawn?



(Trying To Stay Clam)

I would like to start my Cross-Examination, your honor.


Judge Neighsay:

Very well. You may begin, Luster Dawn.



Try not to snap at him, Luster. Badgering the witness comes with very nasty penalties…on and off the court, especially if you go too hard on said witness.



I'll do my best, but…

(Furious, Glowing Evil Eyes, Low Demonic Growl)

…I won't make any promises.



(Thinking, Surprised)

What the!? Did Luster…? Is Darkness influencing her? I need to tell Shadow about this when he wakes up.



(Deep Breath, Calms Down, Normal Eyes)

What else did you notice on the one who attacked you?


Appendix Tailbone:

She was oozing with green magic just like a demon straight out of Tartarus! The Queen of Fiends She Was!!! She was even making noises from her joints similar to creaky rocker.



Creaky Rocker? Your honor! What the witness said is extremely important! The Defense asks for him to add it to the his testimony! The only part we don't want added is him slandering the defendant.


Judge Neighsay:

Witness. Please amend your testimony to reflect your new comments. And please keep the slander to a minimum.


Appendix Tailbone:


By your command, my lord.

Thy was in thy quarters, training in the Arts of Royalty For Thy Future As King!

Nevertheless I Was Taken Aback!

For A Ruckus Took Place Behind My Shack!

Thy exit to witness the cause behind the uprising!

Just Then! The white wench gave thy a Thunderous Clap!

A powerful one that left thy shaking!

Thy regained thy senses upon the Light of Dawn!

Restrained on the bed of the healing!

Wearing casts and a hospital shawl!

Ti's was her! The White Unicorn Who Wrought Thy Suffering!!!

– She was oozing with green magic just like a demon straight out of Tartarus! She was even making noises from her joints similar to creaky rocker. –




There are so many things wrong with the entirety of your testimony, it's not only not as artistic as you want it to be or professional for that manner that it's not even funny.



Where is the contradiction, Luster Dawn?



The entire testimony is the contradiction! Even the amended testimony is a contradiction! First Quote – "Thy was in thy quarters, training in the Arts of Royalty For Thy Future As King!" Blaze and me found evidence that the witness lied on that as he wasn't home as he claims.



Then present it.



Not so fast. There's more.







I know this strategy. Shadow uses this on rare occasions. I think he called it…"Onion Pealing". It's the strategy of breaking down each part of the testimony per quote slowly and carefully.



Second Quote – "Nevertheless I Was Taken Aback!" There is a reason for that just not how you are making out to be. Third Quote – "For A Ruckus Took Place Behind My Shack!" There's more to that than you are letting on, witness. Fourth Quote – "Thy exit to witness the cause behind the uprising!" You left somewhere alright, but it wasn't your shack. Fifth Quote – "Just Then! The white wench gave thy a Thunderous Clap!" and then the Sixth Quote – "A powerful one that left thy shaking!" Yes you were, but not as you claim it happened. Seventh Quote – "Thy regained thy senses upon the Light of Dawn!" Nope, you were fully conscious when it happened. Eighth Quote – "Restrained on the bed of the healing!" Your bed, not the hospital's. Ninth Quote – "Wearing casts and a hospital shawl!" Never once I saw you with a cast or bandages for that matter; even now you don't have not even one bandage on you. Tenth Quote – "Ti's was her! The White Unicorn Who Wrought Thy Suffering!!!" I can prove otherwise. Final Quote – "She was oozing with green magic just like a demon straight out of Tartarus! She was even making noises from her joints similar to creaky rocker." This is the nail on your coffin of a testimony.




Enough! Will you present the evidence that the witness is lying or you will be held in Contempt of Court!?



I will present it soon enough, but I need the next witness on the stand along with the current witness.



What are you up to? Whatever. I will allow it…for now. The Prosecution would like to call Dr. Hooves to the witness stand.


Appendix Tailbone:

That is thy queue to for an exit, stage right!



No, it is not. You will remain where you are or I will make sure you are held in Contempt of Court.


Appendix Tailbone:

(Dramatic Yet Goofy Drama Queen Poses)

Oh, The Horror! Will Thy Ever Know Peace!?



If you have nothing to hide, I can make arrangements for you to have a good time after all is said and done. But if you have something to do with this then I will give you a more morbid peace.


Appendix Tailbone:

How morbid, Lady Vampir?



(Evil Sneer)

As Morbid as the Grave and if you keep calling me a "Vampir". I will make sure none see you ever again…not even 1 body part belonging to you. Is that the answer you wanted?


Appendix Tailbone:


U-Understandable…Lady Prosecutor.



(Amused Smile, Victorious Scoff)

I'm glad you understand.


Luster, Blaze:

(Thinking, Spooked)



Phase 5:

The Case Of Doctor Hooves


At the witness stand, Dr. Hooves is reviewing one of his inventions meanwhile Appendix Tailbone is looking at all this annoyingly which brings a large smile on the faces of everycreature that he has annoyed like Krystal and Elric.



Please state your name and occupation to the court.


Dr. Hooves:

(Puts Away Invention)

Dr. Hooves. Ponyville Timekeeper.



(Thinking, Pondering)

Among many other things such as Time Traveler. I wonder what other things Doc can do. I bet he's just like Jack, able to do a little of everything. I need to ask him after the trial.



Your home and laboratory was the first one being destroyed the night of the incident? And behind a Closed Room Mystery no less. Would you mind telling us how that might have happened?


Dr. Hooves:

Very well. It is an interesting mystery, isn't it? But no matter how complex the mystery is, it always has a solution. There is no such thing as a Trick Question in my experience. All Mysteries has a solution. However…not all mysteries in the world should be answered. Fortunately the majority of the questions in this trial can be answered.



Then by all means, enlighten us with your wisdom, Herr Doktor.


Witness Testimony & Cross-Examination


Dr. Hooves:

A few days ago, one of my assistants, Platinum Shadow came to me in order to help his older sister, Starry Night and Darkness Dawn attain bodies they can call their own.

I decided to help because of what I learned from the stories I have heard from the lad.

On the morning of the incident, Shadow and myself were completing the first Automaton Prototype…

Sweetie Belle arrived due to her feeling lonely.

Nevertheless, she left afterwards after accidentally getting an electrical shock.

However…the Automaton needed some parts before being completed, I left my home to look for them.

Upon my return, I found everything destroyed and both Shadow & Luster worried for my well-being.

Fortunately my security system was intact and managed to record every detail.

I can assure you without a shadow of a doubt…

Sweetie Belle is only partially innocent in this entire affair.



"Only Partially Innocent"? So you admit she has a hoof in all of this?


Dr. Hooves:

Indeed, just not directly, knowingly and willingly. All I am allowed to say right now at the moment is that Sweetie Belle is the catalyst that started this entire ordeal. What I request once this is all over is that Sweetie Belle takes full responsibility on what she inadvertently helped create.



(Shocked, Out Loud)



Dr. Hooves:

I'm under oath, Luster. So I'm only allowed to speak the truth here.



And since he is speaking the truth, then Sweetie Belle really is partially responsible.




Whose side are you on!?



I'm on Sweetie Belle's Side, but you know doc doesn't lie when it comes to a situation like this.


Besides, we know that doc already knows who is behind all of this, because he's a time traveler. He's saying this for a reason.




I know, I know! But it doesn't sound right the way he's saying all of this.



The only way to find out why he said it like this is to do the Cross-Examination.



Way head of you.

(Out Loud)

Doc? You told us yesterday why you didn't want to testify and yet, here you are doing the opposite.


Dr. Hooves:

I did say I want to help Sweetie Belle, but I never told you that she was not responsible for what happened.



(Slams Table, Furious)

Would you care to elaborate!?


Dr. Hooves:

I already gave you my testimony. It is up to you as the Defense Attorney to decipher the convoluted details of it.



Is that a challenge!? If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get! Fine!


Now…which part of the testimony should I press? His testimony is rock solid. He already submitted the evidence so…



(Out Loud)

DOC! What about the security system you talked about? Is it limited to only to your home and lab?


Dr. Hooves:

Elementary, my dear Luster! My Security System are all linked together like a hivemind! I can access all of them in real time.





(Out Loud)

How many of them have you set on your lab and at the Ponyville Classical Arts Theater?


Dr. Hooves:

I placed enough cameras within the buildings as well as outside.




I saw the video on what happened inside of his lab, but I never knew he had other surveillance systems outside from there. I bet Shadow knew about these.

(Out Loud)

Your Honor! The Defense requests—




(Points At Luster)

Not so fast, Luster Dawn! The Prosecution had no access to that footage!! Therefore it is illegal evidence!!!


??? (Female Voice):

Not necessarily, Prosecutor Fraulein.


Everycreature is surprised to see Tempest stands by the witness stand next to Dr. Hooves with an angry yet stoic look on her face as she stares down at Fraulein.



Let me guess – You are the one authorizing the evidence the Defense has been presenting these past few days.



Are you going to prosecute me?



No, because I already know that you and Princess Twilight Sparkle planned this on that very day when I first got here. Even if I prosecute you, you got royal immunity, thus nothing will happen. I will ignore these actions of yours because of this specific reason. But know this! If I become an Equestrian Prosecutor after this trial, I will not tolerate this kind of insubordination and I will make sure you pay a hefty penalty for said actions. Understood?






The Prosecution retracts its objection. You may present the video evidence.



Let us play the video footage in this order – behind Ponyville Classical Arts Theater which shows Appendix Tailbone's home, then inside the Ponyville Classical Arts Theater, inside Dr. Hooves Home & Lab and finally, outside Dr. Hooves Home & Lab. Do you agree to this, Prosecutor Fraulein?



(Notices Appendix Tailbone Sweating Bullets, Amused Scoff & Smile)

Just Do It.


As Luster gives Dr. Hooves the green light for him to play the footage, she notices the foals: Jersey Mac, Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite and Lucky Star are also sweating bullets upon learning of the security footage. The first one is of Appendix Tailbone's Home, nothing happened except him running back to it, already injured where the testimony he gave was fabricated claiming he was injured there. The next one is inside Ponyville Classical Arts Theater as they see Appendix Tailbone breaking & entering the theater and perform like he is in a live show moments earlier only to be attacked by somecreature that couldn't be seen.


Appendix Tailbone:






Unfortunately for you, Appendix Tailbone, we have pure evidence on you are the one breaking and entering the Ponyville Classical Arts Theater.



You did say that the Clown-Looking testimony is all false. Now it is your time to prove it. Present your evidence!





(Present Changeling Colored Exoskeleton Fragments)

First Piece – The video isn't the only evidence that proves Appendix Tailbone broke into the Ponyville Classical Arts Theater! These exoskeleton fragments are also a dead giveaway! Look at the details of the color! Not any Changeling has these colors! Second! Due to Changelings having an insect-like body, the technology doc used to make these cameras cannot analyze their magical auras without some expensive additions he couldn't afford. Look at the picture from yesterday closely! Don't you see something off out of it!? Some of the dots within it are in very weird places, but the ones you should focus on are the ones next to each other! Out of all these dots, these are the only ones close to each other and are on an even angle!


Judge Neighsay:

(Looks At The Picture, Surprised)

I see a few dots, but you are correct! These are the only ones on an even angle! Why is that?



Very simple, your honor! Even though the shell of a Changeling cannot be scanned so easily by doc's camera, a Changeling's Eyes are no different than anycreature's eyes! So the magical aura behind them can still be seen by the camera!


Judge Neighsay:




Third Evidence!


(Present Lockpick)

We found these in Appendix Tailbone's home.



(Glowing Red Demonic Glare)

Is that a Lockpick Set?



Indeed! And we all saw that the locks have been tampered with by the use of a Lockpick. There are also records within the Changeling Empire that Appendix Tailbone might behave oddly, but in reality he's a very calculating Changeling and should not be taken lightly. Also…even though it was late at night, we decided to pay a visit to Ponyville Hospital Records Room and see if Appendix Tailbone was actually admitted to the hospital the night of the incident. There was none and we even asked the Head Nurse of the Hospital, Nurse Redheart if Appendix Tailbone was even admitted that day. She confirm it with a resounding "No"! We even have a written affidavit from her.


(Present Nurse Redheart's Written Affidavit & Hospital Records [Day 0])

This is her testimony as well as the Hospital Records on the day of the incident.


Thank you, Krystal and Elric. We couldn't have done this part without you. Looks like Appendix Tailbone wasn't expecting this. He's sweating bullets like crazy since Fraulein is very miffed right now.



(Glowing Red Demonic Glare)



Appendix Tailbone:

(Scared, Shaking, Sweating Heavily)




(Out Loud)

Since he's a regular at the theater, of course he would figure out how to crack Vinyl Scratch's Numerical Locks. What do you have to say for yourself, Appendix Tailbone now that the jig is up?


Appendix Tailbone:

(Putting Up Strong Front [Annoyed Expression], Behaving Normally, Bends Twilicane In Anger)

You take me for fool!? I was really injured that night! Don't you see my bruises, you blind broad!? I was really attacked that night!!



(Thinking, Surprised)

Whoa! I never thought I'd see him lose it like this!

(Out Loud, Clears Throat, Confident Demeanor)

I will admit that I did call you out on that, but on your entire testimony, the fifth and sixth quotes are not completely false. You did get attacked by somepony, but it wasn't Sweetie Belle. Let's look at the footage once again as well as all the others and I want everycreature to look at it closely.


As everycreature looks at the footage, they notice odd details to it such as a weird looking pony that looks like Sweetie Belle, but she looks very peculiar as she has a glowing aura as green as the color of her eyes that covers her entire body that can't make out what she really looks like. But in the footage they notice Jersey Mac, Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite and Lucky Star in it, which everycreature can't believe it as they are in shock to see the foals involved in all of this.



It seems you all noticed something or better yet somecreatures that aren't supposed to be there that late in the night. I hate to say this but…the Defense requests that the foals on the footage give their testimony to the court. It is the only way to get to the bottom of all of this once and for all.




(Annoyed Sigh)

The Prosecution…agrees with the Defense. The Prosecution demands the foals take the witness stand. Failure to do so, we demand the trial ends and pass the verdict effective immediately.


Judge Neighsay:

(Worried Sigh, Saddened)

Due to this day being the final day of the trial, it is with a heavy heart that I must ask for the foals to give their testimony to the trial. If they refuse…I will be forced to find the defendant "Guilty" and if I were to do that…by decree of Princess Twilight Sparkle…I am forced to give the defendant, Sweetie Belle the Death Penalty. Her sentence is, as of right now your responsibility.


Upon hearing those words, Jersey Mac, Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite and Lucky Star are scared and worried on all of this while hidden nearby, a cloaked figure is watching the trial with ominous green eyes.


To Be Concluded…

IRL Situations Getting Complicated As Of Late, But I Will Do My Best To Make It In Time For Each Weekly Installments For Both My Little Pony: Platinum Shadow & Dragon Ball Oneiron. In Order To Keep The Flow Going, Starting Next Week, I Will Post A 1,000 Words Preview For The Stories Since I Write A Minimum Of 5,000 Words Per Entry. The Previews Will Be Deleted A Day Before The Full Release. Thank You Wonderful People For Your Patience. However...Since The Next Episode Is The Last Of The Sweetie Belle Arc, No Preview Will Be Posted This Time Around

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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