
My Little Pony: Platinum Shadow

Platinum Shadow is a MLP Fan Fiction starring OC's as main characters and returning FiM Characters, including Villains like Lord Tirek and Daybreaker. The story takes place years after the end of Season 9. The story follows a young stallion unicorn named Platinum Shadow due to the colors of his dark coat and silver mane that has traveled all over Equestria and beyond in search of his "Deadbeat Father" that abandoned him and his dying crippled mother. Throughout his journeys he's made countless friends From Alphas (Original Characters) to Yaks and known as the "Blank Unicorn" as he does not have a Cutie Mark (Or does he? =.= ). His journey ends in Ponyville that is now known and expanded as the "Home of Friendship", however unknown to him, his journey might be over, but this is where his story truly begins...

StarscreamSigma · Anime & Comics
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Episode 37 (Sweetie Belle Arc) Day 3: 2nd Investigation

Scene 37.0: Ponyville Hospital – ICU Area, 2:58 PM, Day 63 of 365


Almost 3 hours have passed since Shadow was rushed to the hospital in critical condition after collapsing at the courthouse as he started bleeding through all of his orifices and sent to the ER for emergency surgery. The operation ended in a success, but Shadow is unfortunately in a coma and is not going to wake up anytime soon due to how much energy he has exhausted by heavily relying on his evil eyes during the past 3 days which was too much for his body can handle. While being in his hospital room, everycreature wonders what to do next. Krystal is next to his bed crying her eyes out while the others are glad he's out of danger, but are worried that the shock his body suffered might affect his mind in a very negative way.



So how are we going to go on about this, Blaze?




Why ask me!?



Ever since Shadow came back into our lives, both of you hanged around each other the most. If this was a Boffyball Team, Shadow would be the Captain and you would be the Sub-Captain. With Shadow like this, it's up to you to follow up in his place.



You are right, but there's one problem with that.



That is?



I wasn't Shadow's Judicial Assistant on this trial. So unfortunately I can't take over Shadow's Place since I'm not authorized as his replacement if he becomes indisposed like this.







It all happened after Princess Twilight started her rule from Canterlot. Crime was on decline, but it was still a problem with many of them attacking the Judge, Jury & Lawyers and not in that order. Since the Jury can't be afforded protection, they have been abolished on certain corners of the world and has adopted an Eastern Law System where the Judge acts as the Jury and the Lawyers need to use Pure Facts and Evidence to win the Trial to make the Judge see the truth in order for him/her to deliver the correct verdict. The Judges are given psychology tests so they can be unbiased through the whole debate; they need to score an IQ as high as 180 in order to be viable. As for the Lawyers, in order to prevent the use of False Evidence and Constructed Testimonies, the Defense Attorney must have a Registered ID Number among the Judicial Records and be part of a company during their apprenticeship training or worked in one for 3 trials minimum. One day, the Prosecutor was attacked by those connected to the accused in order to give the Defense an easy win, but the Prosecutor had a Judicial Assistant that could follow up the trial if something were to happen. The Prosecution won because of the Judicial Assistant. So…who is Shadow's Assistant in this trial?






Nurse Redheart:


Ssh! Keep it down. This is a place of rest.



(Clears Throat, Calms Down)

Sorry. I'll try to be more careful. So since I am Shadow's Judicial Assistant in Sweetie Belle's Trial, I'm going to be the Defense Attorney now because he can't do it on account of his health?



Yeah, Pretty Much. This is the law that was approved by Princess Twilight, My Mother, Uncle Thorax and every leader of Equestria and beyond after hearing of what I just told you. Actually…it was around the same time Shadow did his first ever job as a Defense Attorney in the Dragon Lands. I think my mom told Princess Twilight about it.



I wouldn't be surprised. So how do I do this?



Well since the trial came to an abrupt end today, the final day of the trial will be tomorrow. That means we need to gather all of the evidence and prove Sweetie Belle innocent as soon as possible.



For years trials only lasts 3 days; Why is that?



In the eastern corner of the world where this Judicial System was originally implemented, crime was running rampant because the Jury, Defense and Prosecutors were being targeted by criminals after the kingdom decided to be more unforgiving and started enacting harsher punishments. As I said, the Jury was abolished and both the Defense and Prosecution are given a Judicial Assistant if things goes from bad to worse; however since trials took too long and both either the Defense or the Prosecution would be targeted by their enemies, it was decreed that trials would last only 3 days so they can be safe. Thanks to that, some trials end on the very first day, others on the second and on rare occasions on the third day.



Surely 3 days is more than enough time for either the Defense or Prosecution to be persuaded to not do their duty.



You mean Blackmail? Yeah, that has happened, but it has been countered by doing an "After-Trial Investigation". If either the Defense Attorney or Prosecution were compromised during the trial process, the verdict is reversed on the accused and placed on not only the Real Guilty Party, but on the attorney that rigged the trial as well as they are considered as an accessory of the crime.



So if the accused who is really innocent, when found guilty of a crime they didn't commit and given the death penalty, if the After-Trial Investigation takes place, the ones who conspired against the accused, including the opposing attorney will get the death penalty if they are found to have lied, cheated and stole the trial?






(Evil Smug Smile)

I love that.



(Disturbed Stares, Thinking)

Leave it to Slips to enjoy harsh penalties like that.



(Out Loud)

So all I have to do is continue the trial as Shadow would do. That means I need to Cross-Examine Spike and Sweetie Belle.


Lady Shadow:

It is not that simple, my dear.



What do you mean?


Lady Shadow:

Since the trial tomorrow will be the last day, Young Fraulein will be forced to bring in the victim that lives near the Ponyville Classical Arts Theater.



But will we be able to investigate?


Lady Shadow:

Yes, you will. I sense that you will be given the approval right about…now.


At that moment a member of the Royal Guard enters the room which surprises everycreature on how accurate Lady Shadow predicted this, but since they know she's an Ancient, the writer of Shadow Spade, Master of her Craft as a Detective and Shadow's teacher, they immediately brush it off.


Royal Guard (Male Pegasus):

Excuse me? Is Luster Dawn here?



I am.


Royal Guard (Male Pegasus):

Captain Tempest has granted you permission to investigate the victim near the theater.



Are you sure?


Royal Guard (Male Pegasus):

Yes, Ma'am. Prosecutor Fraulein sent a complaint to Princess Twilight and has ordered that the victim to be investigated as they believe he is hiding something.


Lady Shadow:

And there you have it. You can now ask him the questions you and my boy wanted to ask him. But before you go, you need to choose a Judicial Assistant among your friends.



Want to help me, Blaze? Out of everycreature here, you have the most experience at being a Judicial Assistant.



I noticed you are new to this and I do have a lot of experience being Shadow's Assistant, so I can give you some help in how to be just as assertive as Shadow.



Thank you. We need to meet up with the victim first. We don't have much time.



I will review the evidences and testimonies you & Shadow have collected through these past 3 days.



I'll help you with that.



I'll set up a "Get-Well" Party for Shadow and a "Victory" Party for Sweetie Belle!


Or a "Farewell" one if she's found "Guilty".



Yavish will help Florid!



(Blushing, Smiling, Out Loud)

Thanks, Yavish!



I will read on Court Law so you can have a better chance on what to do.



I'll stay with Aniki until visiting hours are over.



I'll help look after the big lug.


Lady Shadow:

Try not to get kicked out by arguing with each other, you two.


Elric, Krystal:

(Annoyed Glare At Each Other)

It will be her/him who will start it. Why you—!!!


Nurse Redheart:

(Smacks Both Elric & Krystal Over Their Heads, Furious, Remaining Calm)

Ssh! I warned you once! I warned you a second time! Next time I will kick you both out!


Lady Shadow:

I warned you myself as well. If you really care for Shadow, please show some restraints.


Elric, Krystal:

(Ashamed, Saddened)

Sorry, My Lady. We'll be careful.

(Subtle Glare At Each Other)


Lady Shadow:

As for you, Luster Dawn…if you ever need some guidance on how to solve this case, my doors are open to you.



Thank you, My Lady. Before we talk to the victim, what can you tell us on some of the evidence we got today from the trial? Shadow seemed to be focused on the picture from the theater as soon as we got it.


Lady Shadow:

He saw something that stood out to him. What do you see when you look at the picture?



I only see the weird looking pony.


Lady Shadow:

You looked at the picture, but you haven't seen what Shadow has. That picture is the key for you to win this trial.




It is!?


Lady Shadow:

You will understand when the time comes. You are the most adept mare I have ever met, so you will find it soon enough.


After listening to those words and seeing the support of her friends, Luster is inspired to do her best and heads out to meet the victim alongside with Blaze. However, Luster has a bad feeling about all of this as she believes that this witness might be a wild card as she remembers that this victim did not want to testify, but was willing to press charges and this doesn't add to her: If the victim doesn't want to testify, then why press charges against Sweetie Belle?


Scene 37.1: Victim's Residence (Behind Ponyville Classical Arts Theater), 3:16 PM


Upon arriving at the location, Luster and Blaze are surprised upon noticing that the victim's home looks pretty vandalized with the house being painted red, black & blue and covered with multicolored streamers as they believe on why the owner of this home was attack; that is until they actually meet the victim who happens to be none other than: Appendix Tailbone. As soon as they see him, they believe that this is nothing but a "Nothing-Burger" just like Matilda tried to do with Sweetie Belle as soon as this all started, so they decided to leave only to stop them with his usual yet annoying theatrical drama demeanor.


Appendix Tailbone:

Hark! Where Art Thou Going!? For It Is I, The Victim, Appendix Tailbone!

(Goofy Dance)

Art thou not going to question of my harrowing fait accompli?




I hate to say it Luster but…he is the witness for tomorrow's trial. Like it or not, he is the last witness for us to deal with in the trial tomorrow.



(Annoyed Sigh)

I hate to admit it, but you are right. What would Shadow do in this situation?



He would swallow his pride and do it since it's Sweetie Belle's life that is on the line here.



(Face-Hoof, Annoyed Raspy Whisper)

Here goes…

(Out Loud, Fake Smile)

Hey Appendix! So…would you mind telling us about what happened to you?


Appendix Tailbone:

(Sad Clown Dance)

It all started on a Tuesday and it all ended in a Tuesday. I was honing my craft in order to impress my Future Queen, For I Am Destined To Be Her Future King!



(Annoyed Whispering)

Krystal will rather see you in a dark hole of a dungeon than letting you anywhere near her.



(Worried Whispering To Luster)

Stay Calm, Luster. We need his testimony.


Appendix Tailbone:

Just then, like a Thunderbolt sent by Zeus, I was delivered a swift and powerful pulverization.



Not powerful enough in my most arrogant opinion.



Happy Thoughts, Luster. Happy Thoughts.


Appendix Tailbone:

(Dramatic Victim Poses)

Nevertheless, to my horror, There she is, The Evil Queen Mare of White oozing of Green Magic. Oh! The Horror!



Not as horrible as you being a drama queen by getting what you deserve.



(Loud Clear Of The Throat, Out Loud)

You don't mind if we investigate around the area? We want to look for evidence that will clear this all up tomorrow in court.


Appendix Tailbone:

Alas 'Tis something that cannot be done.



(Furious, Hiding Fury Behind Strained Fake Smile, Out Loud, Trying To Stay Calm)



Appendix Tailbone:

I deny thy request due to thine being the evidence thou seek.



Excuse me. I'll be right back.


Luster teleports as far away as possible, up in the mountains where she knows she can't be heard. Upon being up there, Luster looks around to make sure she's all alone and once she feels that she is, she screams as loud as she can, cursing in very colorful words that she associates Appendix Tailbone to. After calming down, she returns to both Blaze and begrudgingly Appendix Tailbone in order to continue her investigation.



Feeling better, Luster?



Don't ask!



(Smug Smile)

Too late, I just did.



(Glares At Blaze)




(Amused Scoff)

Déjà Vu…Shadow would always look at me like that when I joked around with him like this during these type of moments.







Alright, I'll shut up now.



(Annoyed Grunt)

So…Appendix…you are not letting us investigate?


Appendix Tailbone:

Nay, My Lady! For you are trespassing on foreign lands!



That's a little too out there if you mean to tell us to get out of your private property.


Appendix Tailbone:

(Goofy Dance)

Begone, Foul Wench! Your stench is the last thine wish to witness of thee this day!



(Furious, Trying To Stay Calm)

You Sonnuva…

(Clears Throat, Crooked "Twilighting" Smile)

No worries. We don't need to investigate since we got what we wanted. Right, Blaze!?



Luster is right. We'll investigate more somewhere else.


Appendix Tailbone:

Then Begone, Fiends! For thine have better Things To Do Than Deal With Riffraff as Thee.



(Annoyed Smile)



Sheesh! No wonder everycreature hates this guy! What a creep!


As both Blaze and Luster walks away, as soon as they are out of sight, they go back and sneak into Appendix Tailbone's home and start investigating. Just as they suspected, they found evidence that sets them on a similar track as what happened with Matilda: Appendix is half framing Sweetie Belle as they found her magical prints on certain locations in the house plastered in the same manner as Matilda did to her husband's wagon. However, they hear a noise as they think Appendix returned home, only to hear familiar voices entering the house. Luster uses an invisibility spell in order to hide Blaze and herself as they couldn't find anywhere to hide since both of them are a little too big to find a hiding place in such small nooks and crannies. They are in shock to see that the ones entering the house are none other than the foals: Jersey Mac, Little Cheese, Lucky Star, Apple Rose, Wendy and Regalia Painite as they overhear them, saying that they are helping "Sweetie" from being found out, which starts to worry both Luster and Blaze greatly as they don't want to believe that Sweetie Belle is really behind to what happened to Appendix Tailbone, so they decide to visit Lady Shadow to ask for her help and guidance on this matter.


Scene 37.2: Ponyville Inn – Lady Shadow's Room, 4:29 PM


Upon arriving to the Ponyville Inn owned by Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon (As a secret base of operations for SMILE which doubles as an Actual Inn), they quickly heads to Lady Shadow's room. Since they have manners, Luster & Blaze knocks on her door and are given permission to enter. Once they do enter, they fall into a void that resembles Discord's Chaosville that forces both of them to fly around this strange dimension.



Aw, Crud! Here we go again!




Sonnuva…!! Not this Again!!!


Lady Shadow:

(Sitting On Chair-Like Throne, True Anthropomorphic Alicorn Form, Drinking Tea, Smiling, Eyes Closed)

Never expected you to have a potty mouth, Luster Dawn.



You would have one too if you had to deal with Appendix!


Lady Shadow:

You should get into surgery immediately, darling. If that appendix explodes, you will die of internal poisoning in a matter of seconds.






(Worried, Spooked, Nervous)

We are talking about the Rogue Metamorphosed Changeling, Appendix Tailbone, My Lady.


Lady Shadow:

(Ecstatic Demeanor, Sexy Pose)

Huzzah! You did it! You have made Progress! Once the trial is over, I promise to remove that appendix from you. Last thing we want is for that useless organ to implode.

(Laughing Loudly)



I can see why Shadow doesn't like talking about the Chaotic Void.


Lady Shadow:

I'm not celebrating because of your future appointment to the surgeon general. I'm celebrating because you saw more creatures involved in this situation.



(Shocked, Furious)




She's an Ancient. Whenever Shadow actually talks about his First Teachers from the Chaotic Void, he would always tell us that they already know the outcome of everything.



If you know then tell us! Tell us who is behind this! Who wants to hurts Sweetie Belle this badly!?


Lady Shadow:

You misunderstand the situation, Luster Dawn. The one behind this does not want nor wish to bring harm to Sweetie Belle.



If that's true, then why commit vandalism like this!?


Lady Shadow:

(Serious Demeanor, Glowing Evil Left Eye)

I will tell you depending on what you just found out.


Annoyed by the Ancient's shifts in personality, Luster has no choice but to take a deep breath and with Blaze's help, tell her all they found out including the foals sneaking into Appendix Tailbone's home Lady Shadow closes her eyes, pop a Gourd Calabash Pipe, the same type Sherlock Holmes supposedly uses as it blows bubbles out of its chamber bowl while she looks up with a serious expression on her face which starts to worry both Luster and Blaze as the Ancient looks just like Shadow when he's going to say something true yet dark at the same time.


Lady Shadow:

Luster Dawn. I will ask a few questions to you. Answer them in all honesty.






Lady Shadow:

After visiting Appendix Tailbone's home…do you believe he framed her?



Not completely. The evidence we found points that this is an opportunity he was waiting for when he started living there. Sweetie Belle just happen to be in this dilemma, so he took advantage of it just like Matilda did. All Blaze and I need to do is expose him in court just like Shadow did with Matilda. Sadly Appendix Tailbone isn't the one behind Sweetie Belle's predicament.


Lady Shadow:

Since you encountered the other victims, what do you think of them? What motivated them to testify in this trial?



Cranky wanted justice for his wagon and Matilda wanted to help her husband because on how much she loves him. The Cakes, the Sandwiches, Octavia and Vinyl want to know the truth of what happened to their property. Tempest was there to do her duty as Captain of the Ponyville Royal Guard. But they all wanted to prove that Sweetie Belle isn't the one behind it.


Lady Shadow:

With Sweetie Belle and Spike testifying tomorrow because of Shadow, do you believe they are hiding something?



No. After talking to them, I can't see either of them pulling this off.


Lady Shadow:

But what those foals said, do you have no doubts on Sweetie Belle's Innocence?



(Determined Stare)

No, I don't. Shadow believes in Sweetie Belle's Innocence and if Shadow believes in her that much, so will I.


Lady Shadow:

What do you think of Shadow as a Defense Attorney, Fraulein as the Prosecutor and Fenrir as her Judicial Assistant?



Shadow is so determined, Fraulein is too relentless and Fen is too passive like he's waiting for something.


Lady Shadow:

That is how both sides need to behave, Luster Dawn. The Defense needs "Determination" to Pursue the Truth, The Prosecution needs to be "Relentless" in order to Force the Truth to Light and finally the Assistants need to pay close attention to the trial if something like what happened to Shadow or worse were to occur in order to continue the trial in their stead.



Luckily I was paying close attention to Shadow and the trial, but I don't think I'm ready or able to do a good of a job as Shadow has. Don't get me wrong, I won't cower and run away. I will defend Sweetie Belle the best I can.


Lady Shadow:

Be forewarned, Luster Dawn. Fraulein has noticed your emotions during the trial process. She will use that tomorrow in order to make you fumble, tumble and fall in order to get her Guilty Verdict.



Thanks for the warning. I'll try to be careful.


Lady Shadow:

No! Try Not! Do Or Do Not! There Is No Try!



Alright. So…what should I do? Tomorrow is the last day. If I can't get Sweetie Belle's Acquittal…


Lady Shadow:

…Fraulein will succeed in forcing Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria into implementing the Death Penalty into its Justice System.




NANI!? Explain!


Lady Shadow:

You better see this for yourself.


Lady Shadow snaps her fingers and shows Fraulein talking to Princess Twilight Sparkle on the day she is heading to Ponyville and it continues off where she snaps at Twilight for defending Shadow.




Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I think…he already knows. But I doubt you will care to listen to him.



You are right. I won't. But…we shall see how well he does in the trial. If he wins…I will listen to him and change my ways.

(Closes Case File Folder)

To prove that you are serious about all of this, I need to make a little friendly pact with you.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

What kind of Pact?



If I win the trial, you must write the Death Penalty into law and codify it in order for it be a permanent fixture of the Core of Equestrian Law. If Shadow wins, I'll make peace with the Apple Family and this pact we made will never be brought up ever again. Unless you really have no faith in him as you claim.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I believe in Shadow and I believe he will help you just like he did before. Very well. If you win, I will codify the Death Penalty in a way that none of the princesses or my successor will be able to remove it from Equestria's Constitution. However…I will hold you accountable for when you lose. I really want you to reconnect with the Apples, so I must have the utmost faith in Shadow winning the trial and getting Sweetie Belle acquitted.



Such pointless triviality.




Lady Shadow:

There you have it.




No…there's just…no way…


Lady Shadow:

What you saw just now is the pure and unfiltered truth.



Is this what you told Shadow on our first day? If he loses this trial lose, "it will breed tragedies all over the world like never before"?


Lady Shadow:

Yes. Fraulein will codify the Death Penalty into the Equestrian Constitution in a way that Jonamac's Legacy will be cemented for all eternity in a very horrific way.



I need to win that trial now more than ever.


Lady Shadow:

If you only plan on using just the testimonies of Spike, Sweetie Belle and Appendix Tailbone…you will lose the trial.



Then tell me how! How can I save Sweetie Belle and the future of Equestria!?


Lady Shadow:

The answer lies with 6 Ponies hiding the 7th.



You don't mean…I…I can't. I can't put those foals on the witness stand.


Lady Shadow:

Then Sweetie Belle will be found guilty.



But if I do, then the foals will be indicted.


Lady Shadow:

What would Platinum Shadow do?



I know Shadow would do it in a blunt and harshest way, but with a little finesse that the foals wouldn't hate him. But I'm not that subtle nor experienced enough to pull that off myself.


Lady Shadow:

It seems I asked the wrong question here. Allow me to ask it in a different manner – What would Princess Twilight Sparkle would do?


Luster's eyes opens wide open thanks to the Ancient's advice and rushes out of there as she heads to a different location with Blaze following close behind her. Blaze thinks she is heading to the homes of these foals, but instead she heads to where it all started…


Scene 37.3: Ponyville, Dr. Hooves' Laboratory, 6:16 PM


Upon arriving at Dr. Hooves Lab, Luster asks to see all that was destroyed in his lab and requests for both the doc and Blaze to help her look for things that stands out out of all of the wreckage. After investigating the entire lab, they all find things that stands out more than they thought as Luster looks at doc in disbelief that he wasn't lying that he completely knew what really was going on.



Why didn't you say something?


Dr. Hooves:

Have you forgotten that I am Time Traveler? I have seen all that have occurred and will occur. The reason I have chosen not to testify in the trial was because I saw all of the possibilities on how this trial will end. Out of all of the branching timelines, me choosing not to testify until now was the right choice.



Nani!? You mean…!?


Dr. Hooves:

Yes. Now is the time I start joining this trial. But in order for you to win, you need to have those foals at the witness stand as well.



After seeing all that we found just now, looks like I have no choice. I will have Jersey Mac, Little Cheese, Lucky Star, Rose, Wendy and Regalia to take the stand and have them tell everything tomorrow.


Dr. Hooves:

I will talk to my contact within the Royal Guard and tell her that I'm going to testify tomorrow.



Who is your contact, doc?


Dr. Hooves:

She should be next to Shadow right about now.


Scene 37.4: Ponyville Hospital – Shadow's Hospital Room, 9:49 PM


After visiting hours ended which forces both Elric & Krystal begrudgingly leaving as they glare and at each other after they leave the hospital; and security guarding the entrance of Shadow's hospital room as he is still in a coma, there is a mare next to his bed with tears running down her eyes and stroking his mane with motherly care as she thinks of the times they started bonding after he arrived on Ponyville and receiving a letter from Dragon Lord Ember who not only requested, but begged this mare to look after Shadow as he is her own son as she counts on how much Shadow means to Ember on the things he has done for her, Blaze, her husband and her dragons. The times he reminded Ember of her own youth and how much she doesn't want him to make the same mistakes she has made. With the guidance of those who are just like her, they can make sure Shadow becomes a better pony before meeting Jack. She fear that is he actually attacks or do something worse to his father that Shadow will walk down a path that he might end up just like Tirek who did his own father 1,000 Moons Ago. The mare remembers the time where Shadow was saddened after telling Wendy the story of their parents and returning to his room with a somber look on his face.




Scene 37.5: Ponyville – Twilight's Castle (Shadow's Room), 8:17 PM, 23 Days Ago


After making everycreature dinner, Shadow heads to his room still with the images of his parents he saw through the Diary Crystal he got that day, as this mare is worried on how down he looked when he left. In his room, Shadow is lost in thought on all he has gone through that week with Wendy, losing his beloved aunt, Aunt Sparkly better known as Cosmic Legacy, and learning things he wasn't ready to learn. Just then, he hears a knock on his door as he asks whoever it is to go away, but changes his mind when he hears a familiar voice and lets her in.


??? (Mare):

Shadow? Are you alright?



(Somber Expression)

No…I'm…I just…I'm confused on what to do after all that I am learning. In the Chaotic Void, you are only taught the essentials and nothing more aside than bonding with the Ancients who are like our second parents. After coming back to Equestria…I thought things would be easier. Just find my father, get even and move on. But it hasn't been like that.


??? (Mare):

Do you want to confide with me?



I really want to, but…


??? (Mare):

Shadow. Do you…want me to be your Mother-Figure while you are in Ponyville?






??? (Mare):

I got a letter from Ember because we are close friends since Twilight started living in Canterlot. I met her before while I was traveling, but rarely interacted with her until I visited Twilight when I wanted to change my daily routine. Ember managed to help me get here and work in the position I am now. When she found out you were here, she asked me to look after you in her stead…to be your Mother-Figure while she can't be here herself.



You…want to be…?


??? (Mare):


If you will let me.


Shadow abruptly hugs the mare as he low cries on her shoulder and she hugs him back just as emotionally.




Back to the present, the mare looks at the comatose Shadow and is torn to see him like this as she has never been this emotional in all of her existence until this young stallion arrived in her life. Ever since they secretly became mother and son, he would treat her in a way she was never treated by anycreature before: with care, kindness and love a child would treat a parent as she is overjoyed in a way she never thought possible. She would ask herself: "Is this what is like to have a foal of my own?" She would visit her friends who has experience being parents like the Cakes, Derpy, Rainbow Dash's Parents, Fluttershy's Parents and even Parent-Figures like Auntie Holiday & Auntie Lofty; and even advice from Ember on how to deal with Shadow. After taking everycreature's advice, she starts interacting with Shadow and ever since then, they both have led a happy Mother/Son Relationship. The mare is heartbroken more so than the pain she suffered in her youth. Just then, a knock is heard outside Shadow's hospital room as a Royal Guard enters…


Royal Guard (Male Pony):

Ma'am? We got word that Dr. Hooves wants to testify in court tomorrow. Prosecutor Fraulein wants you to be there to start the interview.


??? (Mare):

(Keeping Teary Face Hidden)

Very well. Tell her I'm on my way.


Royal Guard:

Will he be alright, Captain?



(Discreetly Cleans Her Face)

He'll be fine. He's always been a strong young stallion.


As Tempest Shadow takes her leave, she slightly looks back at Shadow and promises to help get Sweetie Belle acquitted as indirectly and discreetly as possible without letting anycreature know that she's the one helping them. Not far from there, Lysithea is sobbing her eyes out seeing Shadow like this, which brings back horrible memories for her seeing every Shadow from every alternate reality she has been with in this condition or worse, as she is shedding tears of blood which she can only shed when she is in deep and horrific sorrow, as she fears that Shadow will meet the same fate as his alternate reality counterparts. Is Shadow really destined for death or will the Fates have something else in-store for him? Will Luster save Sweetie Belle without Shadow's help? Or Will Equestria's Golden Age created by Princess Twilight Sparkle come to an abrupt end by Fraulein's pact?


To Be Continued…

A Couple Of Days Late, But I Made It. IRL Situations Getting Complicated As Of Late, But I Will Do My Best To Make It In Time For Each Weekly Installments For Both My Little Pony: Platinum Shadow & Dragon Ball Oneiron. Thank You Wonderful People For Your Patience.

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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