
My Little Pony: Platinum Shadow

Platinum Shadow is a MLP Fan Fiction starring OC's as main characters and returning FiM Characters, including Villains like Lord Tirek and Daybreaker. The story takes place years after the end of Season 9. The story follows a young stallion unicorn named Platinum Shadow due to the colors of his dark coat and silver mane that has traveled all over Equestria and beyond in search of his "Deadbeat Father" that abandoned him and his dying crippled mother. Throughout his journeys he's made countless friends From Alphas (Original Characters) to Yaks and known as the "Blank Unicorn" as he does not have a Cutie Mark (Or does he? =.= ). His journey ends in Ponyville that is now known and expanded as the "Home of Friendship", however unknown to him, his journey might be over, but this is where his story truly begins...

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Episode 39: (Sweetie Belle Arc Finale) Day 4: Final Trial Day (Ending)

Scene 39.0: Ponyville District Court – Courtroom No. 4, 1:29 PM, Day 64 of 365


Phase 1:

The Case Of The Foals


At the witness stand, Jersey Mac, Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite & Lucky Star are scared of everycreature on what everything that has been revealed and they notice that they can no longer face them all on what happened. Luster looks at them in disappointment and says:



Kids? It's high time you come clean on what has happened these last few days. We saw you in the security footage from the Ponyville Classical Arts Theater and by the timestamp, you were out way past your bedtime. What were you doing out so late in the night?


Jersey Mac, Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite, Lucky Star:

(Saddened, Scared)




(Slams Table Hard)



Jersey Mac, Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite, Lucky Star:





You were asked a challenging question. It is ethical for you to accept the challenge to dispel the seeds of doubt being planted on you in order to prove your innocence. If you decline it, then you are admitting that you are to blame of their accusations. What will you do?



Jersey Mac, Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite, Lucky Star…we just want you to tell us what happened. We promise to go easy on you since we can tell you already feel bad on what happened. But…if you don't speak up and rise to this challenge…we will never see Sweetie Belle ever again after today. So we beg of you…tell us your side of the story. Not for us, but Sweetie Belle and…Shadow too.


Jersey Mac, Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite, Lucky Star:




The reason Shadow is in the hospital is because he really wanted to prove that Sweetie Belle is innocent. If Sweetie Belle is found Guilty then…all of his efforts…him ending up like this…would all be in vain. Do you want that? How do you think he will feel when he finds that out? You think he will trust you and even speak with you if that were to happen? If it was me…I wouldn't and I'm a mare. I know how to hold a grudge and we know how long Shadow can hold a grudge and he's a stallion. Just look how long he has had a grudge on his own father. You think you won't be treated the same if you let Sweetie Belle go away forever?


Jersey Mac, Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite, Lucky Star:

(About To Cry)





That was very harsh of you, Luster. But you are doing the right thing pushing them like this. This type of tough love is the only way is needed to have them do the right thing. I hope they learn that this help them do the right thing.



Well? What will you do? The trial will end soon and this decision will be the deciding factor that will lead your life to either happiness or despair from now on.


Judge Neighsay:

Luster Dawn is right. Cozy Glow made a decision herself back when I Head of the Equestria Education Association and now she is locked inside her stone prison. I will give you a time limit to make your decision. That limit is 60 Seconds starting now.


Jersey Mac, Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite, Lucky Star:






Please…Do the right thing…


Blaze, Fenrir:




Time's up!



(Out Loud)

It hasn't been 15 Seconds!



I refuse to waste anymore time in this trial. It's time to either to Put Up Or Shut The Tartarus Up! No "Ifs Ands or Buts"! So Decide!!

(Slams Desk Furiously)



Court Gallery:






Jersey Mac, Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite, Lucky Star:

We will testify.



Then we request you tell us what each of you were doing after you had dinner with your respective families on the night of the incident.


Witness Testimony & Cross-Examination


Jersey Mac:

After dinner, Pa, Ma, Aunt Applejack, Aunt Apple Bloom and me started our usual family night games.



I didn't stick around because Wendy and me were invited to a sleepover by Regalia.

Even though I didn't want to go, Apple Bloom, Shadow and Wendy convinced me to.



I didn't want to go either, but Regalia never takes "No" for an answer, so I begged both our sisters to join us…

But they had a busy weekend, so they couldn't come with us.


Regalia Painite (Annoyed):

I had everything ready for them too. Shadow-Sama gave me some tips to help me that night.

It went well considering…


Lucky Star:



Little Cheese:

I was in my room all night sleeping. I never left there at all.



Interesting. Luster Dawn…your witness.



Very well…


She's just giving me my Cross-Examination without a fight? What is she planning? Sadly for these foals…their testimony is like Swiss Cheese. This will be easy, but why can't I shake the feeling that this will bring great change to the future of Equestria.

(Out Loud)

How long did your family night lasted, Jersey Mac?


Jersey Mac:

Until 8 o'clock which has always been.




Might as well not talk about the relation between Wendy and Regalia. Everycreature will judge Regalia for being an overbearing Ojou-Sama.

(Out Loud)

You kids are really close to Shadow.


Jersey Mac:


Shadow is the coolest! He's as awesome as Pa!



He's my brother! Of course I'm close to him!



Mine too! He's my big brother is always there for me when I need him!



Shadow-Sama is my inspiration to strive be like!


Rose, Wendy:

(Thinking, Annoyed Stare At Regalia)

Aniki is not a pervert, Royal Pain!


Lucky Star:

Старший брат всегда так добр ко мне!

[Big Brother Is Always So Kind To Me!]



(Thinking, Confused)

What did she say?


Little Cheese:

Shadow can really party out like Papa, but for some reason he's scared of Mama. I wonder why…


Lady Shadow:

(Thinking, Eyes Close)

Because he saw her alter ego, Pinkamena Diane Pie who is an Unhinged Psychopath in multiple alternate timelines that ended up doing unspeakable horrors, including but not limited to Cannibalism; and he saw all of them through my Chaos Mirror during me teaching him on how to be a detective. He's been traumatized ever since because trying to solve those horrible crimes where she's the culprit was too much for him. Sadly most of the hardest crimes to solve in Equestria are all centered around her. And the same can be said of "Yandere Rarity" after embracing her Nightmare Rarity Persona on certain Alternate Realities.



Did you girls talked about Shadow during your slumber party?


Lucky Star:





Since this was his idea, of course I would move to talk about him.


Rose, Wendy:





(Blushing, Proud Smile)

But of course! Shadow-Sama wants all of us to be close to one another, Wendy-Chan!

(Annoyed Stare & Tone)

Even Rose here…



(Condescending Smile, Sarcastic Attitude)

I will (Never)1 be friends with you. That a promise.


Luster, Blaze, Fenrir:

(Thinking, Ashamed, Worried, Facepalm)

Oi, Vey! These 2 will never get along!




So the Rich Earth Pony Filly has the hots for the Ghost-Colored Pegasus Filly, meanwhile the Rural Earth Pony Filly hates the rich pony. This reminds me of a story I learned traveling abroad…

(Surprised, Evil Smile)

OH! I See! Platin-Schatten, Du Kleiner Teufel! [Platinum Shadow, You Little Devil!] I see through your plan! If I remember the title correctly…it was…"The Princess And Her Beloved Enemy".


Little Cheese:

(Cheese Sense, Annoyed Stare At Fraulein)





What got into him?



(Out Loud, Clears Throat)

I bet you girls played "Truth Or Dare", right? That's traditional in a Slumber Party.



(Smiling, Glowing Blue Eye)

Yeah. It was fun!



(Annoyed Shrug)

Yeah, but Regalia was always forcing us to pick truth that it got real boring, real fast.



So it was you who made the dare?



Yeah and I don't regret it.



What was the dare?



Go outside without any light and stay there in pitch black for 30 minutes.



What was the time when it happened?


Lucky Star:

Одиннадцать часов на точке.



Let the court record write that as "Eleven O'clock On The Dot". I studied Lucky Star's Native Language when I lived in Canterlot.



(Out Loud)

I can vouch Luster Dawn for that translation since I also studied it myself during my travels.


Judge Neighsay:

Request Approved.

(Slams Gable)



(Annoyed Stare At Lucky Star)



Lucky Star:

(Emotionless, Raises Eyebrow In Confusion)





So 11 PM. That's a few minutes before the incident. But if the Sleepover took place on Sweet Apple Acres, Scootaloo's, Regalia's or Lucky Star's home, then all of our arguments won't hold water. Unless…

(Out Loud)

Where did you had your sleepover by the way?



At my home, of course.



Which one?



I beg your pardon!



We all know that when your family moved to Ponyville, you bought a few properties around here, but due to Anti-Trust Laws your family couldn't buy most of it and if I remember correctly…one of the properties is an inn located near Dr. Hooves lab & home. And remember that you are under oath. Lie here and your daddy will pay large amounts of bits for you being a bad daughter.



(Sad Sigh)

Yes…it was. I chose that place because I wanted the girls to see Shadow-Sama as soon as he got there for work the next day.




I'm close! What is killing my strategy now is Jersey Mac's distance to the girls, since Sweet Apple Acres to where the girls are is very significant.


WAIT!!! THAT'S IT!!! SHADOW!!! Shadow always tells Jersey Mac cool stuff like the automaton and futuristic stuff. Jersey Mac might be the son of a Farmer, but he is a Sci-Fi Nerd.

(Out Loud)

Jersey Mac? Little Cheese? Did you meet Shadow that day at all to tell you on what he is working on?


Jersey Mac:

(Excited Smile, Blushing)

Yeah! He told me everything! I really had to see her!




"Her"? Could it be…? The plot thickens…So Shadow was right. The one behind this is…

(Out Loud)

What about you, Little Cheese?


Little Cheese:

I like hanging around both Shadow and Jersey Mac, so he did tell us a lot of cool fun stuff! So we were planning on doing some exploring later.




You don't say…Time for my Counterattack!

(Out Loud)

Your honor! Everything they all said is very important. The Defense wants it all in the court record!


Judge Neighsay:


All Of It!? Are you sure about this, Luster Dawn?



(Confident Smile & Pose)

Definitely, Your Honor!


They are foals after all, so lying isn't their strong suit.



The Prosecution has no objections.



(Surprised, Out Loud)




Go ahead, Luster Dawn. Bring the truth to light once and for all.



(Whispering To Luster)

She does realize that she'll lose this trial if she does that, right?



(Whispering To Blaze)

Never look a gift horse in the mouth, Blaze. If she wants to throw the trial, then we are much oblige to take it.

(Out Loud)


Everything the witnesses told was very contradictory!



(Evil Smile)

You have to be very specific about this, Luster Dawn. Let's make this interesting and add the Ultimate Penalty! Present the wrong evidence and this trial ends here and now! Do you accept?



You won't scare me with this, Prosecutor Fraulein! I accept your terms.

(Thinking, Scared Beyond Belief)


(Stares At Fraulein Seriously)

…If I back down now…I will never grow to be on the same level as Shadow. I need to take the bull by the horns here and now!



(Evil Smile)

You finally grew a spine. Good! Now show me that you can actually do the job without any Hoof-Holding.



(Out Loud)

With pleasure! But I can win this trial with just the testimony alone using little to no evidence.



I won't be surprised if you do since our current witnesses are foals.



Not only them, but Appendix Tailbone as well!


Appendix Tailbone:


You dare label me a criminal, you spoiled brat!?



(Shakes Her Head, Confident Smile)

As Shadow would say: "I DARE BECAUSE I CAN!" You are a Criminal, Appendix. The good thing here for you is that the crime you committed is quite petty, you'll get off with just a slap on the hoof and a few weeks in jail. Now…Let me tell all of you what really happened on that day.




"Days before the incident, Regalia was looking to Shadow for his help to do the Sleepover. He gave some tips to her, but she was worried that both Wendy and Rose wouldn't go ([Whispering] Mostly Wendy), he told her he would convince them for her. During that time, Shadow would also spend time with Jersey Mac and Little Cheese by telling them stories of his exploits at the Futuristic City of Forze; especially that Jersey Mac really like hearing those stories. He even went as far as to tell them about the automaton being completed later that week. Fast Forward to the night of the incident, the girls went to meet with Regalia and Lucky Star; meanwhile in Sweet Apple Acres after family time, Jersey Mac faked going to sleep, but in reality he sneaked out of his room to go see the almost completed automaton, but not before getting Little Cheese to join him. As for the girls, they started the sleepover and everything went as normal as normal would be ([Thinking] Knowing Regalia that didn't happen to some extent). After getting Little Cheese, he and Jersey Mac went to Dr. Hooves' Lab to see the automaton and that was around 11 o'clock and at the same time, the dare during the sleepover began. 11 Minutes in, Dr. Hooves' lab was destroyed. Little Cheese and Jersey Mac arrives there to see something that stood out: small pools of fresh and concentrated magical essence as clear as day. They follow it to the nearby area: the girls' location which is active because of their emotions of being high up in fear of the dark. Both Jersey Mac and Little Cheese hears the screams of the girls and rushes to help them. There they see the one responsible for the destruction of Dr. Hooves' Lab: It was the Automaton!"







Luster Dawn! Need I remind you that the remains of the Automaton were found at the lab as well! How can the automaton destroy itself during all of that and still move around intact?



Didn't you notice that Jersey Mac is into Science? Between him and Little Cheese, Jersey Mac loves Shadow's stories of the Futuristic City of Forze. One day when we were working at Sweet Apple Acres, he would secretly showoff his new invention to Shadow. I was able to see it when I accidentally eavesdropped on them. I also found out that Shadow also shared blueprints of the Automaton to him. If anycreature can fake the destruction of the Automaton…

(Points Hoof At Jersey Mac)



Jersey Mac:

(About To Cry)




Tell us the truth. Where is the automaton? We promise nothing will happen to it or any of you.



Jersey Mac…




Talk, Boy! And do it now!


Jersey Mac:




Pathetic! No wonder my father walked away from you! The Apple Family are full of cowardly wimps! If you won't talk, then…Your Honor! The Prosecution will drop all charges on the Defendant, Sweetie Belle and pass it all of it on Jersey Mac. The other foals – Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite and Lucky Star will be charged with being accessories to the wave of vandalism of this trial. Since they are foals, the Death Penalty is out of the question. Instead I propose that their family dissolve all of their assets into the government with no way to reclaim it.






Judge Neighsay:

Unfortunately Applejack, Prosecutor Fraulein has a point. There is a law within the Equestrian Constitution that grants the Princess to take your property if the Prosecution finds any illegal activity; and as she stated, the Prosecution can move the motion to make sure you don't get your property back.







(Evil Sneer, Glowing Red Eyes)

Well. We can call this Karma, "Cuz".



(Shocked, Whispers To Luster)

Did you see that!?



(Furious, Whispers To Blaze)

I knew it! This was her plan all along! She never wanted to find Sweetie Belle "Guilty" or codifying the Death Penalty into Law! This was all to get back at the Apple Family for what happened to her father!



I don't think it's about her father…I think…she wants to take back her legacy by force instead of talking it over with them.



If that is true then she must have had some type of foresight. What are the chances this was going to happen on this exact time frame!?



We need to win this trial to find out. Are you ready to end this?



For Shadow, Sweetie Belle and the Foals' Sake…We Must!

(Out Loud)

Your honor…The Defense will defend Jersey Mac and the others.






However! We refuse to do so until the Automaton joins the witness stand. We need to know it's side of the story in order to get to the bottom of all this. If it refuses, then we, The Defense, refuse to defend the Foals. I get the feeling it is here watching the trial, so we will give her 'til the count of 10 to do the right thing or the Defense will Rest here and now.




??? (Cloaked Foal):





Judge Neighsay:

The court accepts your terms, Luster Dawn. Begin your count down.


??? (Cloaked Foal):

(Robotic Sweetie Belle Voice, Sad Tone)

There is no need, for I conceive…


The Tattered Cloaked Filly walk towards the witness stand slowly. Since she knows it's unethical to wear her hood, she removes it that everycreature is shocked to see her face as she is the exact mirror image of Sweetie Belle; even more so than to Rarity and Sweetie Belle themselves.


Phase 2:

Luster Turnabout



Please state your name and occupation to the court.



I am Sweetie Belle's Pony-Bot, you may call me "Sweetie-Bot".




Oi, Vey…Shadow would be miffed to no end after hearing that.




You are telling me.

(Clears Throat, Regains Composure)

Sweetie? Would you mind telling us what really happened on the night of the incident?



I can do better. I can show it.



(Furious Glare)

You what!?



I just remembered that we included a memory projector into the automaton's systems. She can show us a video projection of everything she has experienced. The Defense request we see the footage!


Judge Neighsay:

Request Granted.



(Furious Low Growl)

I won't forget this, Luster Dawn.



(Victorious Smile)

I won't either, Prosecutor Fraulein.


Sweetie-Bot projects the images she experienced since she went active, she found and inadvertently scared the girls, befriended them as well as Jersey Mac & Little Cheese; they went to Sugarcube Corner and causing all of the damages to it, then hiding at Little Cheese's Room after they woke up Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich, going to the Ponyville Classical Arts Theater and finding Appendix Tailbone acting like he owned the place that everycreature glares at him upon seeing this and is ashamed that he is caught red-handed. They pursued him to Cranky and Matilda's Cottage and found their way to Appendix Tailbone's home. There they dropped something, but had to leave because the Royal Guard were moving around after the reports of "Vandalism" took place. Before Fraulein counters all of this, Luster beats her to the punch and present all of the rest of the evidences that Luster had in her Court Record. Fraulein is beyond furious that her true goal, her taking back her position within the Apple Family by force has failed. All of the evidence that Shadow and Luster collected are in reality personal items belonging to the foals and Appendix Tailbone.


Judge Neighsay:

It seems we finally reached the light at the end of the tunnel of this ordeal.



Dr. Hooves is right that Sweetie Belle is partially responsible for this. It was her Magical Essence that granted Sweetie-Bot life. Since she is a minor, Sweetie Belle is her Legal Guardian, so Sweetie Belle needs to pay a small penalty for all of this.


Sweetie Belle:

I agree. If I had known of her being active, I would have been a Big Sister to her and stopped her from doing this.





Sweetie Belle:

(Warm Smile)

Yes, I am.


Judge Neighsay:

I will also apply the same penalty to your own guardians. Do you agree?


Sugar Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich:

Yes, your honor.


Big Mac:




I will tell Regalia's and Lucky Star's Parents after the trial, your honor.



Before you pass the verdict on Sweetie Belle, we would like to hear the foals on how they plea.


Jersey Mac, Wendy, Rose, Little Cheese, Regalia Painite, Lucky Star, Sweetie-Bot:





(Amused Yet Annoyed Scoff)

Brats…The Prosecution Rests.



The Defense Rests, Your Honor.


Judge Neighsay:

Very Well. Also…Luster Dawn?



Yes, your honor?


Judge Neighsay:

You did well taking over Platinum Shadow. Both he and Princess Twilight Sparkle will be proud of you for this.



(Blushing, Smiling)

Well…I couldn't have done it without the help of my friends.


Judge Neighsay:

(Chuckles, Sees Young Princess Twilight Sparkle's Ghost Next To Luster)

Like Teacher, Like Student. Very Well! The Court finds the Defendant, Sweetie Belle…




(Loud Cheers, Throw Confetti)


Judge Neighsay:

That is all! Court's Adjourned!


With the slam of the gavel, the trial comes to an end and Appendix Tailbone is arrested for trespassing on private property and the guardians of the respective foals are written a small penalty.


Scene 39.1: Ponyville District Court – Defendant Lobby 1, 3:32 PM


Everycreature is celebrating Sweetie Belle's Acquittal as Sweetie Belle is happy to see Sweetie-Bot as she brags to both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo that she now has a little sister of her own and will win the Sisterhooves Social, which they roll their eyes but are happy for their childhood friend that they can't stay mad at her comment as she just got out of a traumatic experience. But out of all of them, Applejack is still furious about Fraulein's true intentions of taking over Sweet Apple Acres as her friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle tries to calm her down. Suddenly Fraulein appears in their lobby with a serious look on her face and clapping her claws slowly and condescendingly.



Congratulations, Luster Dawn. You pass the Preschool Test. Next time, I will face you will all I have.



Just admit you lost, Prosecutor Fraulein.



(Evil Sneer)

Hooo! Is that so? I knew from the very get-go this trial wasn't going to end in my favor. There were so many variables working against me. Especially that the crimes here are so pathetically small, they can be solved by a nincompoop. If you are going to ask then yes. I knew from the very beginning that Sweetie-Bot was the one behind it all, so I pulled my punches because I do not condone the Death Penalty on Children. So instead I went for a bigger prize.



How dare you go after our farm!?



Like Meine Lieber Platin-Schatten would always say – I DARE BECAUSE I CAN!!! That is also my legacy. I have a right to it as well.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Even so, the way you went about it was the wrong way to do it. Now it is high time you honor our agreement…Ananas Reinette.



No, Princess. It is you who have to honor your end of the bargain. The terms were if I win against "Shadow", you would codify the Death Penalty into Equestrian Law. If "Shadow" wins against me, I will reconnect with my estrange family. Neither event happened, so no agreement can be done since the requirements for this were never met.




But this trial…



Shadow started it that's true, but he never finished it, did he? He didn't win this trial and neither did I. So we cannot reach a consensus. The only part of the deal that can be honored is…me becoming a Prosecutor here in Equestria.



Why you! That's a technicality!! You have no right—!!!


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

(Disappointed Stare)

Very well. I will honor that part of our agreement.







(Evil Sneer)

Thank you. Until we meet again…Luster Dawn.


Fraulein leaves the lobby with everycreature hating her and furious that even though she lost the trial and most of her goals, she still won something. None could believe Twilight submit to Fraulein's logic as they know there is something more going on here.


Scene 39.2: Ponyville Hospital, 4:54 PM


Shadow wakes up from his coma, weakly and annoyingly as he recognizes the white roof of a hospital that he tries to get up, but is surprised to see Diamond Tiara sleeping by his bed with dry tears on her face. Shadow pats her head gently as she wakes up and sees Shadow smiling weakly at her that in her very emotional state, forces herself into kissing him. Seeing how emotional she is, Shadow can't bring himself to push her away. After she calms down, Diamond Tiara tells Shadow how she feels, what he means to her and such, Shadow understands this but he thinks to himself he hasn't been around her long enough to create a bond like that with her, but is willing to do that as he tells her he will be more careful from now on. She threatens him in her usual rich girl attitude, but is so happy for his words that she is tearing up. This makes them into a couple unofficially. Later that night, Blaze and Lady Shadow gets a special permission to see Shadow and tell him all that has happened.




I see…So the automaton went active. I'm not surprised it was behind all of it.



Her name is Sweetie-Bot and judging by his behavior, Jersey Mac seems to have a crush on her.



Nothing wrong with that. All I need is to infuse the Vita Seed into her so she can be real pony, but I haven't synthesized it yet and it won't be ready until next year.


Lady Shadow:

Indeed. The Vita Seed cannot be synthesized in the Chaotic Void due to the amount of negative energy. The Seed can only be created in a world with abundant life and positive energy. This is where Equestria comes in.



Speaking of that…Today at the trial, Luster looked evil for a moment.



Evil How?



Evil to the point that I thought Darkness Dawn was going to take over her body at any moment.



That's not possible. I severed the link between them when I removed the Alicorn Amulet. Darkness shouldn't have a link to Luster anymore.


Lady Shadow:

Wrong, my darling child. Severing their bond is like separating their heart from their bodies. If you try that, both Luster Dawn and Darkness Dawn will perish. All you did is create a wall between them, but even a wall can be broken. The Only Wall That Can Never Be Destroyed Or Even Scratched Is The Wall Of Reality Created By The Gods. Any who claims they do, ends up imprisoned like my brother.



The Original Platinum Shadow. Never mind that. Should we be worried about Luster?


Lady Shadow:

No. So long as you keep your promise to Darkness Dawn, you don't have to worry about her retaking Luster's Body. The only times that might happen is if Luster's Life is in mortal danger.



You said that Fraulein was aware from the get-go how this trial would end. How? She's good, but not that good. Not even Jonamac could pull that off.



Luster thinks she got some outside help.



You know something about this, my lady?


Lady Shadow:

No. I do not. Whoever did this, they did so without us, the Ancients realizing it.



Who in Tartarus can do that? I'm pretty sure my father isn't capable of it.


Lady Shadow:

Whoever it was, I suggest you ready yourself my child. The War of the Elements will take place in Equestria in the near future. You better get ready and amass enough allies and power in order to fight it.



I will, my lady.


Lady Shadow:

This was fun, but I really wanted to see you shine in victory, but it wasn't meant to be. Until we meet again, my child.



Farewell, Lady Shadow.


As Lady Shadow returns to the Chaotic Void, Shadow and Blaze ponders on what they just learned: Luster and Darkness are still connected to one another even though she isn't wearing the Alicorn Amulet, Fraulein is working with someone and wants to take back her family legacy for herself. Worst of all: A War Will Breakout On Equestria In The Near Future. Shadow already has a plan to gain more allies as he looks at Canterlot Castle that can be seen from his hospital room and thinking his first new ally.


Scene 39.Final: Ponyville Prosecutor's Office – Fraulein's Office, 9:17 PM


Fraulein is in her brand new office, looking out the window which she has a perfect sight of Sweet Apple Acres as she glares at it. Suddenly Limbo appears behind her and starts making himself home which annoys her to no end.



Well done in making it for us.



Well done in ruining it for me. Our agreement is for me face-off against Shadow, not his stand-in.



None of us were expecting for him to go overboard like this.



Spare me the theatrics. I can tell by your body language that you did know this was going to happen. What else you are not telling me?



(Annoyed Sigh)

My parents didn't really know. I'm being honest, but as soon as I saw him overuse his Chaos Sight, I knew he'd collapse sooner or later. I wasn't expecting it to be sooner to be honest.



You should have gotten involved if you knew he was overdoing it.



I couldn't. Princess Twilight was keeping close tabs on the whole thing, so I couldn't jump in and stop him.



It doesn't matter. Even though I couldn't Codify the Death Penalty into Equestrian Law, I almost took back Sweet Apple Acres using the information you provided me. Too bad it wasn't enough. I was really hoping to use Jersey Mac's situation with Sweetie-Bot to my advantage. But it looks like I will use another strategy to claim what is rightfully mine.



Are you sure you aren't using your father's way of thinking willingly than you care to admit?



I'm Half-Lýkos. Me acting this way is not my father's influence, but my mother's. Lýkos are known to be territorial and my mother was very territorial.



Keep telling yourself that.



Are we done? I have things to do that don't involve you.



Since you didn't keep your end of the bargain, we cannot keep ours. So you are no longer a candidate for the Cadre.



I could care less. Everything I could ever want is here. My Birthright and Meine Lieber Platin-Schatten. I don't need anything else.



You take us for fools? If you were still in love with Shadow, you wouldn't have left the Jasper he gave you for your birthday so many years ago back in you village.



How did you—!?


Before Fraulein could finish that sentence, Elric sneaks up on her, knocks her out and finally places a black scarab on her forehead which suddenly turns golden. Elric sighs annoyingly and looks at his childhood friend upward which infuriates him even more.



I hate how tall you are.



(Mockingly, Smiling)

I love you too, honey.



(Annoyed Sigh)

You! You and your family are so annoying. Except for Shadow, he's so weird he reminds me of the Ancients.



Did you manage to remove all the memories implicating the Cadre?



Yeah, yeah. All of it is gone into the Memory Scarab. I'll keep it in a safe location.



Make sure no one finds it, for our sake. We don't our game to be spoiled this early.



I know, I know! You don't need to remind me.



Luster was Perfect throughout the trial. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.



Oh, yeah. You have a thing for her. When did that happen?



Let's just say it happened when I returned to Equestria as a few years ago. I was walking around Canterlot looking around for the Wonderbolt vs. Shadowbolt Rally. I stumbled on her when we weren't looking and I was taken aback by her beautiful aura. Imagine my surprise when I found out why her aura was that prominent.



She's the Princess' Student and I already know why. It's no secret to those who know, ya know. Luster is next in line to be Twilight's Successor. It's all because of that Prophecy – "Twilight Sparkle Will Not Outlive Her Friends." It took Celestia 1,000 Moons to find the right one and it took Twilight less than 6 to do just that.



Sunset Shimmer still became a Princess of Equestria albeit but a Secret One.



And all it took was for the Shadow of that world she married to die.



Speaking of which…

(Looks Behind Himself)

…Are the three of you not going to make a move?


??? (Bossy Female):

Mind your business, runt! We'll approach Shadow soon enough!


??? (Angry Female):

If you weren't his brother, I would have torn you apart long ago!


??? (Ditsy Female):

(Eating Tacos)

I wonder if this Shadow can make Tasty Tacos like our Shadow. They were so good!


??? (Angry Female):



??? (Ditsy Female):

Why should I!? Shadow always called me cute because I eat with mouth full!


??? (Bossy Female):


You both are full of something alright.



(Sighs, Thinking)

Why is it that Shadow always attract women that are high maintenance? However…

(Looks At Ponyville Hospital)

…What's your next move going to be, Shadow? You failed in acquiring the Diary Crystal this time around since it was Luster that saved the day. You'll never win against Blight Terror at this rate. You still have 300 days to go. Don't disappoint us and the Ancients, Bro.


Episode Bonus:

Sweetie Belle's Update Letter To Princess Twilight Sparkle


"Dear Princess Twilight: Now it's my turn to write a letter to you on what has happened to me. Unlike Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, I didn't get to spend time with Shadow and learn more about him; but I did get a little sister out of it. Although I wish I got to know more about him like the others in the same way. But I am getting to know him now as me, Sweetie-Bot and Spike are visiting him at the hospital. Speaking of which…I'm sorry we kept our relationship a secret from everycreature. I hope we can earn back your trust and hope you will give us your blessings to continue our relationship. I always loved Spike and I did suffer some jealousy upon seeing him with other girls, but I knew we would end up together. For the last few days, Sweetie-Bot and I have been having the time of our lives. She's not a perfect replica of me as she behaves a little more like Rarity and Shadow. I always wondered why, but then both Doc and Shadow explained that deep in my heart, I wished for a little sister that is just like Rarity, Me and Shadow – She looks like me, is talented like Rarity and has Shadow's attitude…actually Apple Bloom and Scootaloo told me that his mom, Stardust Memory was like this in her youth, but I'm still happy about it. Because of what happened, the Sisterhooves Social was moved for another week so Shadow could be there, but he can't participate in it because he's still recovering and can't go back to the Chaotic Void to speed up his recovery. We tried asking Lady Shadow to take him with her, but she was already gone as she left a very annoying letter. 'Please Look After My Darling Son!' SHE'S NOT EVEN HIS BIRTH MOTHER!!! HOW DARE SHE!!! Anyhoo! I'm going to be spending my time with Sweetie-Bot and Shadow until he gets better. I know how busy Spike is with his duties, but I will always wait for him like I always have. Being blamed for something I didn't do was horrible and I can tell Sweetie-Bot feels guilty for what happened and she is doing amends with everycreature to make things right. Even to Cranky and Matilda who we forgive for what happened. Also…How dare Appendix Tailbone destroy my outfits!?!?!? I literally slaved over those dresses to be used for the theater plays! Do you know how many years it took me for them to get my outfits there again!? I will enjoy seeing him wearing black and white stripes for the next few weeks! Still…I'm grateful to everycreature that stood by me and knew I was innocent. I forgave Matilda for what she did because I know how she feels when I think of Spike. I hope she gets a slap on the wrist. As for Appendix Tailbone…he gets what he deserves. Thank you for everything. Your Friend and Disciple, Sweetie Belle."


To Be Continued…

I Know There Isn't Much Sweetie-Bot In This Episode, But The Next One Will Be A Sweetie-Bot Episode, Especially That The Sisterhooves Social Is Next And She Will Have A Prominent Role Along With Rose & Wendy. Thank You For Your Time, You Awesome People! Stay Wild & Wily, Everyone!

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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