
my comfort

'would you like to stay here tonight!?'

I couldn't  process what he had just said ...what my celebrity had said TOO ME! my heart was palpitating a little too abnormaly and shly I replied under my breath 'yes' I didn't want to crawl back to that place anyway...he got out of the jacuzzi 'I'm gonna take a shower and then lend you a towel so that you could get out of the jacuzzi, stay here I'll be right back' I nodded in response and turned my back towards him and placed my arms and head on the edge.

this feeling I had when everything felt too surreal to be true I just let the wind hit my face and closed my eyes just letting myself free and to  just enjoy the moment  without any thoughts...

soon after I heard a door gently close and I heard footsteps approach towards me 'here' he said but with a tone higher than he usually speaks, it was soo cute that I could feel myself laughing  under my breath but when I looked at him my gosh this man was handsomely pretty that I was questioning my existence...I slowly got out and covered myself with the towel ' I have kept fresh clothes you can wear them' I thanked him for his kindness and went in to take a shower.

when I got out I was wearing his top which dropped down to my knees and the pants barely holding on.. he was nowhere to be found so I just sat in the couch which overlooked the beautiful look that the presidency suit had to offer and not gonna lie it was worth the penny..it looked more mesmerizing at night and I was lost....

'beautiful isn't it?!' he sat down next to me with some food now and we just talked for the rest of the night watching the view and eating .At some point I remember me placing my head on his shoulder....

I never felt soo comfortable with someone this fast..this man is exactly how I pictured him and maybe even better....I soon drifted to sleep still in his comfort

After a while I felt someone lifting me up but dared not to wake up as I was scared to look into his....yes....cause I would not be able to handle the consequences I might face when I loose my control looking into his gorgeous face.

he held me soo gently and placed me down on what felt like a cloud....so this is what it feels like to sleep rich.

I sunk it the bed soo soft and soon lost my consciousness 

I wonder where he will sleep?...