
we meet again...

Suddenly the droplets falling on me stopped just for me to look up to find him....he was holding an umbrella up on me ignoring his slowly drenching hair...he looked soo mesmerizing, how can someone look soo beautiful in such a situation, he probably thinks I look like a pitiful drenched kitten shivering and shaking hopelessly ..... he was looking at me in great concern while I stared at him with no expression...he slowly reached out his hand but I didn't move an inch as I was embarrassed...how does he always manage to find me in this situations...

seeing that I was not responding to him, he just grabbed my hand and dragged me back to his room 'stay here till it stops raining!' he said...before I could even let a word out he dragged me to the outside of his room which led to this huge balcony with a jacuzzi ,of course he had a presidency suit and from there he pointed towards the room next to it which was the room I stayed in which showed all the girls and guys gathered and having fun with music on....it was all a lie she was not spending time with her boyfriend alone she just didn't want me there...

I slowly lowered my head 'do you want to go in the jacuzzi with some music and some champagne in the rain? it sound like a pretty good idea to me!' he said trying to cheer me up as I nodded in response..it was like scene from a movie..me with a handsome man in the rain drenched with him dancing to the music, running around the jacuzzi. This was not the trip that I had in my mind but I would never complain.

He tapped on my shoulder when I was dancing and feeling every inch of the music....he pointed towards the neighbor's room, where all where having fun partying 'why do you even put up with this shit?....' he asked 'what am I supposed to do....fight?!' after a pause I continued 'I don't want to deal with them....I just have to suck it up for another year' he nodded in response and we continued playing and dancing 

Author's pov

stacey was having the best time with her friends and boyfriend in the room and looked out the window as she saw lights blinking outside in the darkness...just to be in shock and jealous. Her plan was all gone to waters, all present in the room watched stacey staring towards the window fuming  

 everyone gathered towards the window and saw these two youngsters just dancing like crazy with no care in the world...they held there phone flashlights in the hands running around the jacuzzi dancing while it was still raining with the speakers blasting .'that looks hella fun' 'look at them they look soo cute' 'should we ask we if we could join them?'..... stacey couldn't bear that she was not in the spotlight anymore soo she screamed everyone to come back to there seats and closed the curtains 

after there dancing session finally came to an end they got in the bubbling water and relaxed, stargazing with there hands occupied by champagne glasses..there was a moment of complete silence and they both could feel the temperature slowly rising following there heartbeat, water droplets slowing down and the wind suddenly deciding  to stop blowing 

'would you like to stay here tonight!?'